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Add Hardcore Warframe Mode


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build your new warframe and give the option to make it a hardcore warframe, Yes, like D3, you die, your warframe is lost, forever.


No thank you. The fact you also referenced D3 instead of D2 says a lot to me (not going to bother explain).


A Hardcore character would only work if they can be part of a Hardcore system alone (like Hardcore servers, well actually Hardcore instances with Hardcore players alone). In that case then yes. Its ok. But with some limitations. More like Path of Exile. Once a Hardcore character dies in Path of Exile they are moved on to normal servers along with all their items, and better drops make a point to having a Hardcore character in those games.


In WF they could make Hardcore players part of Hardcore instances alone (being randomly placed with noobs and dying off on their behalf is not a nice thing), though higher resource drop rates and better loot could make it worth it. When the frame dies, weapons on him and items do not get deleted (since they belong to all players) and all loot collected with that frame exists for all. That frame however dies out permanently. So they are sacrificing themselves for better loot.


Otherwise, putting it there simply for the sake of putting it there because it exists in completely different game types, makes no sense neither a reason for one to want to experience it.

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I still don't think it would be a good idea.

However, if HC was implemented:

- Diablo II "Hardcore characters do not have access to normal characters' stash, nor can they trade with normal characters." meaning that you should NOT have access to your normal gear. Otherwise, hardly Hardcore, is it?

that would be the way to go. Start from scratch, separate inventory, separate everything.

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I have updated the first post, as i stated there, i would just ask DE to put the HC as raw as giving the option, in a alpha state so we can try and eventually enjoy/hate it, and agree or forget about this


I will be thankful if you call my attention for the things i may have forgotten hehe

Edited by rockscl
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There is technically zero reasons to kill Frames, plus it's so cliche. I reckon we need something more Warframe'ish.


Just have special Hardcore missions pop on the solar map, and you can take any Frames.

You don't die, the Frames get captured, and we use the existing escape mission, and we just make it an order of magnitude harder. All you Stealth and Parkour freaks?, you can all get just captured on purpose just to play THIS part.


Allows the entire existing player base to jump right in without forcing people to use up precious slots for a HC frame, and they will have instant access to all their current gear. It's more forgiving in case of bugs, and stays more in the spirit of the game.


Seriously, "deleting save games" is so 1990. You make people actually lose Frames that they had to kill a boss 30 times just to get the right drops, you will only have a few doing it.


"Hardcore" mode works in other games because you just "start" a new character. If you could only play that way by getting ANOTHER character and go kill things for hours to get parts, you seriously thing people would bother in those other games?


At least the HC escape mission will give you something to try and pull off every so often.


I'm just spouting random ideas atm, but I'd rather go in a "themed" direction like this.

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No thank you. The fact you also referenced D3 instead of D2 says a lot to me (not going to bother explain).


A Hardcore character would only work if they can be part of a Hardcore system alone (like Hardcore servers, well actually Hardcore instances with Hardcore players alone). In that case then yes. Its ok. But with some limitations. More like Path of Exile. Once a Hardcore character dies in Path of Exile they are moved on to normal servers along with all their items, and better drops make a point to having a Hardcore character in those games.


In WF they could make Hardcore players part of Hardcore instances alone (being randomly placed with noobs and dying off on their behalf is not a nice thing), though higher resource drop rates and better loot could make it worth it. When the frame dies, weapons on him and items do not get deleted (since they belong to all players) and all loot collected with that frame exists for all. That frame however dies out permanently. So they are sacrificing themselves for better loot.


Otherwise, putting it there simply for the sake of putting it there because it exists in completely different game types, makes no sense neither a reason for one to want to experience it.

Once a normal HC character dies in PoE it gets moved to a normal server, but those in special leagues with improved drop rates are moved to the void league (unplayable).


Why does nearly everyone equate a frame with a character? You don't farm new characters in PoE, you simply make them. You farm their armor, weapons, skills, items etc..  The only difference is that you need a complete armor set to use it. Also, if your frame dies then one would conclude that those weapons the frame was carrying are also lost. Also, since his frame/armor is dead, why isn't he?


Just have special Hardcore missions pop on the solar map, and you can take any Frames.

You don't die, the Frames get captured, and we use the existing escape mission, and we just make it an order of magnitude harder. All you Stealth and Parkour freaks?, you can all get just captured on purpose just to play THIS part.

I was contemplating something similar with Hardcore missions but more simplistic, you are limited to 1 attempt at a very difficult mission. The reward would be a changing sigil, or badge, much like the tactical alerts.

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Just as a note, I think this thread would be incredible if some folks would actually read.


My entire text wall above is based on OP's suggestions.



Don't be so close minded, guys. I took what OP said and made it in to a completely different game mode that does not depend on what you currently own as a player.

You are being disrespectful to other peoples opinion, just because you think that it is a great idea.

There seems to be no way that you relate and understand the many issues that come with the idea, since you simply say that people who have another opinion that is against the OPs are narrow minded.

You are being extremly narrow minded on your part.

All the "nay-sayers" know of the issues and have surely thought of ideas how this could be a nice mode, but passed it up as bad because they understand that this will rather split player-base and adding rewards to playing the mission is not optional anymore.

I can agree that if only cosmetics are openly utilized it would not affect players in such a great way that they pass up on the idea.

However with current bugs, glitches etc.. the game is unplayable in hard-core mode.

Whats more you cant simply "build" a warframe and go to wave 50+ on high end missions.

Your Warframe needs a reactor to work to that extent. Reactors cost pl.


Well your next question may be why dont we install reactors automatically? 

Yet again that is not a goal of DEs f2p concept and would contradict in many ways.

You could just run the missions with your Hardcore Warframes and play the game to full extent.

Hardcore mode is not a challenge in the slightest and is thus not fun.

You would play the mode for rewards

Its still the same enemies, with maybe higher dmg scaling, but again if you want higher dmg scaling enemies go to 1-2h in the void and have fun with that. No need to implement a whole new mode.


Risking something (eg your warframe) isnt challenge, its not even fun. You would just play the game for the rewards, like we did since 2013.





I think it sounds amazing.


This would truly add another level of play to the game. You'd have to treat it much like Diablo and Path of Exile do, though.


The hardcore group would need to be completely separate from the rest of Warframe. Like leagues in other games.



I would have two starts to a hardcore Frame:


1. After you log in, you choose between two modes. Normal and Hardcore. Normal brings you to the current Warframe.


2. You can choose to "ascend" (kinda like Hand of Kul") a frame from your Normal inventory at the beginning of a season.


Some Basics:


-Leaderboards would track stats such as Max Conclave, Waves in Defense, Survival Time, Items/Frame built, Amount of Mods Collected, and other such things.


-Seasons would set periods in time (around 2 weeks at a time) in which such stats would define top frames in the leaderboards. Seasons would also dictate entry. If you choose from a list of frames, you can only get 3 chances a season. This means you can choose a frame from that list, and if it dies, you can choose another. If that one dies, you can choose another, and if that one dies, you are out for the season. "Ascending" would be limited to once a season. At the end of the season, all hardcore inventories (frames, items, mods, parts) will be wiped (end of season procedures for ascended frames and items/mods will be explained below).


-Seasonal Themes. A season every-once-in-a-while will not follow typical rules. This will change things up a bit and make the play different. Things such as no build times, perpetual nightmare mode (for masochists), all enemies have larger limbs, any frames you build can be used, every enemy is of one type (grineer, infested, corpus, bosses), or even speed seasons (progress is sped up, x2 XP, no build times, higher damage on both sides, ect.). They can change season's lengths. If necessary, Ascension can be disabled for the season.


-Hardcore Frames. When you start up hardcore normally, you will be given a list of frames to use. You may pick one frame. This frame is the only frame you will be able to use for that particular playthrough. If you build other frames, you cannot use them. They only count towards leaderboard stats. As said in the leaderboard section, you can have three playthroughs in each season. Each with only one frame. Ascension does not count.


-Ascension. During a season, you can choose a frame to be ascended. This frame will need to meet some set requirements (formas used/level/conclave/time used).  Basically, this frame will be put in to hardcore with slightly heightened stats, and start at level 0, and with no formas. If said frame is used to a certain degree (played a certain amount or formad a certain amount of times), the frame will be returned to your Normal Inventory with higher base stats and the same amount of formas it had before being ascended in to hardcore, at the end of a season. Any frame not used to that degree will be returned to your Normal Inventory, set to level zero, and return to one less than the amount of formas used on it before hardcore (let's say your frame had 3 formas on it when you ascended it and you fail to use it to said degree, you will get it back at level zero and with only 2 formas on it). If said frame dies, it will be returned to normal mode, have all forma removed, and be unusable for the rest of that hardcore season.


-Items/Mods. During a season, you will get mods and items as you would normally, but all build times will be reduced so that it is possible to build as many items as possible. You will be able to get frame parts and build frames, but you will be unable to use them. Any weapons you make will be useable. Any frames/items/weapons that require the dojo will have their BPs put in the market so that dojos are not required.


-Elite(Maybe something other than elite?) Items/Mods. Certain drops and items will be classified as "Elite". These items will be special items that you can pick up or randomly get from building in the foundry. At the end of the season, you can choose to either carry them to future seasons or retire them to Normal Mode. In normal mode, they will have slightly heightened stats. They cannot be transferred back in to hardcore at any point, though. Things such as weapons and mods can be "elite". NO ELITE FRAMES


-Normal Inventory Vs. Hardcore Inventory. They will not be interchangeable, bar Ascended Frames and Elite Items/Mods.


-Matchmaking and Solo Play. Both should be available, but matchmaking should have a big warning label. "If your connection is unstable, play multiplayer at your own risk. Lag deaths could ensue due to connection issues on either your's or your host's part. 


-Platinum would not be usable in hardcore.



That's all I have for now. I feel as though hardcore could add a sort of endgame without adding content that is exclusive in any form other than personal knowledge. Hope y'all enjoy my suggestions.



Quick Edit: Everything would be separate. Even the market. So, the market in normal would be as it is now. In hardcore, though, it would include things only buyable with credits. No platinum can be used.


When I say everything, I mean everything. It will be like having a near exact copy of warframe that has zero interaction with warframe. Currency will not carry, the market of the Normal mode would not carry. It will be completely separated. The only sharing will be Elite Items and Ascended Frames.


So in the next part lets take a look at your "ideas"

HC mode needs to be completely seperate from normal mode, so kick mods and ascended warframes out the door(Obvious reasons are obvious).

Your seasonal themes have no use to begin with.

Why would we need enemies with larger limbs?

You do know that every normal mission only has one type of enemy r? so why would you feel the need to implement 1 type of enemy for a season, making things even more boring and repetitive?

People will continue to go to sechura with a vauban,nova,excal,trin/saryn group with their HC- WFs and kill enemies up to wave 60+ and then they will leave. wohoooo great that was fun.

Another big issue is that it will be filled with trolls that will not revive you, (ill do that too probably, just because its fun and I dont give a F*** about the mode, not because im actually mean) and you will be dead, wasting your frame.


No one here has yet given exact Parameters of how Hardcore mode works. Losing a cheap Frame is just "inconvenient" it is HARDLY Hardcore, and still:


* Bugs - Spawn in the middle of combat, dead. Spawn falling in space. Dead. Fall outside map. etc


* If "extra rewards" that go to entire account - People will Farm with cheap Rhino or Oberon (I can currently assemble 6 Oberons), and mess up DE balanced drop rate.


* Mixed Frame teams - The ones with Rhino/Oberon won't care about losing them, so high risk only for harder to get Frames/squishy Frames, ESPECIALLY if other team members are likely to just let you die, ie not revive you.


* Solo - if you want to do that you don't need "hardcore mode" in the first place, you can "optionally" delete your own damn Frame. "proper" Hardcore mode would delete the ACCOUNT, so basically you just want "watered down" Hardcore mode. Having your "spare" stuff deleted is hardly Hardcore when you can instantly assemble another Frame, and give it a high level gun. Proper Hardcore mode means NO Planets unlocked, NO weapons unlocked. etc.


* Stalker/Death squads of YOUR enemy Syndicates ending up killing OTHER Hardcore players, simply because you decide to run away.


* Your "optional" mode as posted so far means DE would have to:

- Respond to people saying "your bugs killed my Frame"

- Totally code and debug your "optional" mode, including code for the reward system and your little "graveyard", and all the code to deal with permanent deletion, and matchmaking code and god knows what else.

- Deal with the fallout in the forums when/if Limbo or Loki players decide to murder your "hardcore" Frame on purpose during a "hardcore" match.

- Diablo II "Hardcore characters do not have access to normal characters' stash, nor can they trade with normal characters." meaning that you should NOT have access to your normal gear. Otherwise, hardly Hardcore, is it?


* This mode favors players that already have a ton of dual/event/nightmare mods, or mods that are maxed, which in my view is again, hardly hardcore. That's like saying I want to co camping "hardcore" then bring a gas stove, a mini fridge, and a portable generator.


and this is just off the top of my head ...

I agree with all said in the comment of Dspite

If you want leaderboards, ask for leaderboards. Maybe they can come with different skins to your Warframes that show your ranking. See. Finished. Next topic.

HC mode simply has no USE.

Why dont people concentrate on the important things that are already in the game and try to fix those, instead of inventing new ones, that do not have any use, even seen from different perspectives.



All the people saying that it will be pushing and you will be pumped with adrenaline.

I can guarantee you.

It wont be like that after you played hardcore mode 3 weeks

Because then you realize...

You can build an inifinite amount of warframes or you get 3 warframes every 2 weeks(if we go after corrh`s idea) 



*Disclaimer for the DE section*

Before you read this section please keep in mind that I do not in any way or form believe that anything I write is 100% correct. The thread is only based upon my personal experience as of now U15.2.2 without knowledge of DEs plans for future updates.

I do not mean to offend anyone but rather give an honest opinion on the way the game is at the moment, for me and how I see things from my point of view, yet again without knowledge of other peoples opinions on the specific aspects I will address. Every commentor is entitled to their own opinion, therefore I will not reply on insults/ unreasonable comments that I deem unreasonable by personal standards based upon my understanding, of life experience and game mechanics.

I will try to keep the rest of my comment as friendly and socially compatible to general opinion as possible and will not resort to swearing/insulting/blaming/trolling as a form of misdirecting general conceptions or misconceptions that may or may not occur during reading. I will furthermore try to keep the comment as easy-to-understand as possible in order not to confuse or mislead future readers



Im sorry but DE is partly to blame by focusing the audiences view on such a topic.

I would recommend ( NOTE: I only say RECOMMEND) that DE dedicates the next few patches to deepening already existing in-game mechanics, enemies and bosses and only releases a couple of new additions.(eg player hubs)

Warframe is already spread very thin. There would be no use to spread the layer even thinner(Note that this is my personal point of view and opinion). DE should try to build upwards (Yes it is only a suggestion as suggested by "SHOULD")

I do have noted though that my critic towards DE is not giving any ideas/solutions.

That is because I have released a thread with all the ideas that came to my mind regarding possible ideas and things needing fixes already in one of my threads.

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Just have special Hardcore missions pop on the solar map, and you can take any Frames.

You don't die, the Frames get captured, and we use the existing escape mission, and we just make it an order of magnitude harder. All you Stealth and Parkour freaks?, you can all get just captured on purpose just to play THIS part.


Allows the entire existing player base to jump right in without forcing people to use up precious slots for a HC frame, and they will have instant access to all their current gear. It's more forgiving in case of bugs, and stays more in the spirit of the game.


At least the HC escape mission will give you something to try and pull off every so often.


I'm just spouting random ideas atm, but I'd rather go in a "themed" direction like this.

Well thats not hard-core mode, it would just be a new mission type or harvester 2.0 or nightmare harvester mission...

But I like the idea, Its still not hard-core mode though


edit: edited a word

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About that guy`s suggestions, these are just ideas, you are free to argue against them as much as hes allowed to insist until someone from DE puts a no on it like they did with FPS

I am aware that I am free to argue against them, which is currently what I am doing :D

And he is allowed to prove me wrong or come up with better ideas (personal opinion)



Edit: (no clue why your text is white)

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you are making a flawed comparison there.


in those games (D3 and PoE) you can effectively get to 100000+ hp and +80% damage reduction on any character, which means even the worse boss in the game will not kill you in one hit.


in warframe a single crewman can kill you in seconds and the potential grow in HP and Defense makes little difference between a lvl0 and a lvl 30 frame, which means dead is way more likely here.


also there is inherent difficulty in making a frame compared to unlimited and free retries in those games.


not to mention that having glass breaking warframes, will make people stick to both the safest missions and levels and the most powerful and possibly broken frames and weapons, which completely defeats the purpose of hardcore game.


your whole post will end in:

"look at me i have a 8 forma lvl 30 hardcore Rhino Prime, and it only took 500 hours of farming Venus missions with an 8 forma Boltor Prime".




you could however add conclave locked mission which on failure adds you a time locked debuff like the Gustrag Bolt but general, that is assuming you want challenge and not just bragging for time spent like a 12 year old kid.

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I am aware that I am free to argue against them, which is currently what I am doing :D

And he is allowed to prove me wrong or come up with better ideas (personal opinion)



Edit: (no clue why your text is white)

coz it was encrypted to remain in the lottus comm system

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you are making a flawed comparison there.


in those games (D3 and PoE) you can effectively get to 100000+ hp and +80% damage reduction on any character, which means even the worse boss in the game will not kill you in one hit.


in warframe a single crewman can kill you in seconds and the potential grow in HP and Defense makes little difference between a lvl0 and a lvl 30 frame, which means dead is way more likely here.


also there is inherent difficulty in making a frame compared to unlimited and free retries in those games.


not to mention that having glass breaking warframes, will make people stick to both the safest missions and levels and the most powerful and possibly broken frames and weapons, which completely defeats the purpose of hardcore game.


your whole post will end in:

"look at me i have a 8 forma lvl 30 hardcore Rhino Prime, and it only took 500 hours of farming Venus missions with an 8 forma Boltor Prime".




you could however add conclave locked mission which on failure adds you a time locked debuff like the Gustrag Bolt but general, that is assuming you want challenge and not just bragging for time spent like a 12 year old kid.

Very good points you make and i must agree with you

I can only guess that you mean corrha though, since you did not specifically name any person.


no i just want bragging rights actually

Ask for leaderboards and ranking exclusive skins.

there you go :D

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I'm gonna say no to this




The game doesn'r require that much skill .


Once you get the mechanics nothing is difficult , you just need to farm for the good powerful stuff.


So a hardcore mode would just be an nightmare mode "prime". i don't see the point.




Maybe ; if parkour is better and stealth+ new enemies (infested are coming this week apparently) is improved I may consider ; but in th game's current state it's a solid no from me guys

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You are being disrespectful to other peoples opinion, just because you think that it is a great idea.

There seems to be no way that you relate and understand the many issues that come with the idea, since you simply say that people who have another opinion that is against the OPs are narrow minded.

You are being extremly narrow minded on your part.


I believe you are misunderstanding me.


Sorry for disrespecting others opinions(?). Not sure how I did so. All I was saying was that people need to read through something and think about it before immediately judging it.


I gave my text wall of suggestions and then suggested people not be closed minded and actually read what is going on. I did not say people were wrong or anything. I didn't address anyone in particular, either. That's all they were. Suggestions. You can argue them, but flat out saying an opinion is wrong is flawed logic. Opinions can neither be right or wrong. It's just an idea. I think Metal is the best genre of music. Now, is it? There's no way to tell. I can argue for it all I want, but I will never be right or wrong because it's an opinion. An opinion can have opinions about it, though.


Saying I'm being narrow minded is also an opinion. I don't think I was being narrow minded. When I made the opinion I formed it based on the fact that possibilities are almost endless. This in itself is being open minded. I looked around a problem and theorized solutions for many parts of what people were not liking about hardcore. I read most of the thread and took the opinions that stood out and used them to create my own opinion. And that opinion is: For the most part, people in this thread were going straight at the problems, stating them, and saying that the problems would make hardcore not playable. Being closed-minded is being unperceptive to new or unwelcome ideas. Being open-minded is being welcome to new ideas. Were the people in this thread saying this was a bad idea and saying it wasn't going to happen, or did they say it was a bad idea and then offer some solutions?


So, was I being closed-minded or open-minded? I believe, that, by the definitions, I was being open minded. I didn't say that it was the best idea ever or that anyone who said it was bad was wrong. I said it was a nice idea, offered solutions, and gave a possible system for it to work by. I then criticized a general group of folks who were not providing objective feedback. People who offered nothing but rejection. Ideas aren't improved by people rejecting them. They improve by people contributing.

All the "nay-sayers" know of the issues and have surely thought of ideas how this could be a nice mode, but passed it up as bad because they understand that this will rather split player-base and adding rewards to playing the mission is not optional anymore.

I can agree that if only cosmetics are openly utilized it would not affect players in such a great way that they pass up on the idea.

However with current bugs, glitches etc.. the game is unplayable in hard-core mode.

Whats more you cant simply "build" a warframe and go to wave 50+ on high end missions.

Your Warframe needs a reactor to work to that extent. Reactors cost pl.

And this is true. These certain issues can definitely hold it back. But is it really worth it to scrap an idea because of some setbacks? No, it isn't. You find work-arounds and solutions. That's why the entire Engineering profession exists.



Well your next question may be why dont we install reactors automatically? 

Yet again that is not a goal of DEs f2p concept and would contradict in many ways.

You could just run the missions with your Hardcore Warframes and play the game to full extent.

Hardcore mode is not a challenge in the slightest and is thus not fun.

You would play the mode for rewards

Its still the same enemies, with maybe higher dmg scaling, but again if you want higher dmg scaling enemies go to 1-2h in the void and have fun with that. No need to implement a whole new mode.


Risking something (eg your warframe) isnt challenge, its not even fun. You would just play the game for the rewards, like we did since 2013.

Sorry in advance, but this is closed-minded thinking in action.


You are making assumptions. Where is your proof that Hardcore isn't fun? Is there anywhere that says "If we ever make a Hardcore mode, it will be exactly like the rest of the game and will kill off everything you love and farmed for."? Seriously, the whole idea behind being open-minded is thinking about things from more than one angle. It is not guaranteed that it will function exactly the way you picture it will in your head. Everyone speculated Archwing would change the game drastically and would be meta game and everything. Everyone thought BF4 would release and be an instant hit and not take a year to function properly. Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition. Japan assumed America didn't have bombs that could kill hundreds of thousands of people in a mere 10 seconds.


Basing facts on assumption is one of the best ways to be wrong.




If I didn't explain Fact Vs Assumption well enough, there is a link to an educational website that further explains the two.




So in the next part lets take a look at your "ideas"

HC mode needs to be completely seperate from normal mode, so kick mods and ascended warframes out the door(Obvious reasons are obvious).

Your seasonal themes have no use to begin with.

Why would we need enemies with larger limbs?

You do know that every normal mission only has one type of enemy r? so why would you feel the need to implement 1 type of enemy for a season, making things even more boring and repetitive?

People will continue to go to sechura with a vauban,nova,excal,trin/saryn group with their HC- WFs and kill enemies up to wave 60+ and then they will leave. wohoooo great that was fun.

Another big issue is that it will be filled with trolls that will not revive you, (ill do that too probably, just because its fun and I dont give a F*** about the mode, not because im actually mean) and you will be dead, wasting your frame.

More closed-minded thinking. You assume it's wrong because you don't like it. This is just a giant clusterfuck of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "Lalalalala I can't hear you!". 


Are the obvious reasons really that obvious? They would add a form of reward for actually doing hardcore without majorly affecting how the game functions.


The Seasonal Themes are there for more flavor. Look at it this way: Would you rather just have one type of food you eat? With no condiments, no sides, just a blob of grey goop. Or would you like a variety? One second you talk about how having variety is useless and then you go and say that no variety is boring and repetitive.


Why would enemies need larger limbs? Entertainment. Fun. It's so simple. Fun. It appears you are too busy shooting the ideas down to care, though. (being closed-minded).


People will continue going to Sechura. That is definitely a safe assumption, as they always have. But the way you're talking, what's the point in doing anything in the game? If people are just gonna farm Sechura all do, so there's no point in making a Hardcore part to the game, then what is the point in adding anything new at all? You make it sound like there's no point in adding new things because all the old things are better. If that's not how you meant for it to sound, you need to change your wording.


"I'll probably (be a troll) just because its fun and I dont give a f*** about the mode"


You basically defined being closed minded in a sentence. You might as well have said "Because I don't care, I'm going to ruin other people's fun, for the lols.".


This post just declines every line. You contradict yourself more and more. You are also being a borderline hypocrite. I honestly don't even want to warrant your next response with an answer, because I'll I'm going to receive is more confusion. You've made a couple of decent points, but you've ruined the entire thing by saying you'd willingly troll people because you don't agree with them.


What I've already said covers the next couple of sentences in the post, up to the Edit.






All the people saying that it will be pushing and you will be pumped with adrenaline.

I can guarantee you.

It wont be like that after you played hardcore mode 3 weeks

Because then you realize...

You can build an inifinite amount of warframes or you get 3 warframes every 2 weeks(if we go after corrh`s idea) 

Sorry, but can you look in to the future? How can you guarantee something that hasn't happened yet?


I was going to argue the details of what my idea included, but that would be trivial. What should really be argued here is, once again, your closed-mindedness. 


Hardcore will be bad because of a small detail? Better not implement it at all. Wait....What? Hotfixes are a thing? By golly, we can fix minor issues now! 


Besides that, you've either misunderstood how the frames would work, or you're making something bad out of nothing. You get three chances a season. If one frame dies, IT'S GONE. That happens three times. And, even if one of them does live to the end, it is still wiped before the next season. So, what is the point you are trying to make? How would that ruin hardcore?




Ninja edit: I'm glad DSpite is actually giving suggestions and not just saying that any sort of hardcore shouldn't happen. He is being open-minded.

Edited by CoRRh
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man i had trouble reading all that, i'm slightly baffled with how much you throw around "close minded", yet you are not willing to discuss the positive or alternative feedback, i'm not sure i read all of your post but it seems to me you are spending more effort in battling detractors than convincing us why your idea is good, or why the alternatives are bad.


now back on topic


we most likely will settle for a middle ground at least at first, permanent destroyed frames is too harsh over all with primes, which is why i suggested timed locks or debuffs.


Ask for leaderboards and ranking exclusive skins.

there you go :D

as far as i know there are some leader boards already, but with so many ways to break the game appearing there has no meaning whatsoever, people will get there mostly with bugs and exploits which will discourage other players from even trying, we have seen this happen with a certain clan i will not name.

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man i had trouble reading all that, i'm slightly baffled with how much you throw around "close minded", yet you are not willing to discuss the positive or alternative feedback, i'm not sure i read all of your post but it seems to me you are spending more effort in battling detractors than convincing us why your idea is good, or why the alternatives are bad.


now back on topic


we most likely will settle for a middle ground at least at first, permanent destroyed frames is too harsh over all with primes, which is why i suggested timed locks or debuffs.

Well, as I said, I wasn't aiming my opinion at those who were actually giving good feedback. They are doing great, whether or not they agree with the OP. They are the ones giving this thread a decent backbone.


I didn't spend a lot of time defending my ideas because I honestly didn't see any quality attacks.


I think my idea is great, but it's not perfect. Decent feedback is appreciated. When it's mainly "No because I said so" I will answer to that and not the attacks themselves. Now, I can go back and actually defend the ideas themselves if need be. I just wanted to get that post out after working on it for 45 minutes ;P.


I was taught that if I'm going to argue with someone, I should always make sure to point out flaws in an opponent's argument first. The legitimacy of a point tends to not get across when executed poorly. As I had said, he made some decent points, but he turned around and killed it by saying he would troll people because they were playing a mode he didn't care for. You don't go and kick some kids sandcastle because you don't like sandboxes, especially right after your saying that it's wrong to do so.  

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Don't get me wrong, this feature is a nice idea, but I really don't want a "if you die, that's it, your warframe is gone forever" feature, if there's not a safety net to insure that players who spend plat, don't feel ripped off by it. It'd be nice if frames that are picked to be hard core, are crafted only, and are crafted with a built in potato, and ready to go.

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