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Loki Build



10 answers to this question

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Well, since there are no more ability mods you can fit more mods in your frame, so building is easier now, and you can even get some "luxury" mods in there, rush, fast deflection, you know, the ones that were usually left behind because you wanted to put something more important there. 

My advise is that you try it yourself, you will see that building is more fun and easier now.


I'm using natural talent in my Loki Prime for extra fast invisi-casting and i still have room for all the important mods like, duration, range and/or efficiency ones.

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Here is what I use, I use arcane essense helmet as well.23hlnjm.jpg


I replace Vitality with Constitution and Narrowminded with Flow, I like the extra time to cloak and help revive if needed but dont like the reduced range from Narrowminded.


I also have an arcane swindle helm for maximum range


Anyone know if there is a range cap for Radial disarm?

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you don't need defensive mods in loki....his abilities protect him and the whole point of playing him is not to get hit 

this is mine: continuity, constitution, stretch, overextended, streamline, equilibrium, rapid resilience, natural talent 

i agree using redirection on loki is imo a wasted mod slot, if his shields get depleted, you go invis and let them recharge. but i think that image there is a radial disarm build not invis, so having high shields would make sense there, i guess.

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you don't need defensive mods in loki....his abilities protect him and the whole point of playing him is not to get hit 

this is mine: continuity, constitution, stretch, overextended, streamline, equilibrium, rapid resilience, natural talent 

Totally agree; defensive mods on Loki are a waste. You don't wanna get hit at all anyway and even with Redirection etc. you would get onehitted pretty often.

My Radial Disarm build: 2QGXFbj.jpg

Stretch and Overextended for maximum RD range. Doesn't help if you disarm enemies close to you but get oneshotted by that Grineer Ballista 40 metres away. Disarm the whole room!

Streamline and Fleeting Expertise for maximum spamming. Enough RDs to disarm every single enemy, Decoy graveyard at extraction, continuous Invisibility, Switch Teleporting with your teammates til they puke from disorientation.

Continuity to counter Fleeting Expertise, so Invisibility will last around 8 seconds which is enough to revive a teammate etc.

Natural Talent, otherwise the casting animation of RD is painfully long.

Enemy Sense. I seriously don't get why apparently almost no one uses Enemy Sense/Radar. It's just so @(*()$ helpful, I use it on every frame. Higher killspeed, better timing of abilities etc.

Last slot is Rush, just a personal preference, gotta go fast. You could swap that out for pretty much anything you like.

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The ichor looks good, about primary, i dont rly like explosive guns, bows.. are fine, but im more like a sniper fan.

I stil got my snipetron, from old days, but i dont know if its still strong enough or not.

As secondary, i got my old akbolto only.

I havent played since frost prime came out, so many things changed since that... But still loki is my main fav, so i want to rebuild him first :p I still need to farm the new mods for him.. will take time.

Thanks for the advices.

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