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Prime Accessories


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Do you play ESO or GW2? No need to even pay for expansions or updates...

Yes I do, and you haven't mentioned that the games that have currency you can purchase usually have a way to earn it in game, at a much slower rate but its still there, in WF someone has to buy the plat.


Eclusive is exclusive. You dont need to buy it but buying is a way to support the game development and earn some nice accessories/profile pictures which are not influenceing the gameplay (mastery or similar things).

And the irony in all of that is that a founder who has nowadays unavailable weapons which influences the high end mastery rank extremly is posting a topic in which he complains about items which arent influencing the mastery in any way about things he doesnt have!

Well... i think the previous sentence speaks for itself....

 Again not even the point, It was the outrageous cost of items, I paid a lot of money to be a FOUNDER, not for flimsy items that DE thinks it's cool to charge people out the rear for. So yes I'm a founder because I thought I was supporting game development, and you think DE is going great with these prices, yet again they had to sell the majority of their company, so how supporting do you think it is to charge that much that maybe 2% of the player pop will pay? I'm complaining because I don't want to see the game fail. As for influencing mastery rank? haha-hahahaha-haha, yea at the mastery im at one weapon or two doesn't really do anything at all, most players top out at 17 founder or no, and im not even that high because all the players I played with in the beginning ditched the game, as did I for a long while.

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Yes I do, and you haven't mentioned that the games that have currency you can purchase usually have a way to earn it in game, at a much slower rate but its still there, in WF someone has to buy the plat.


...yeah, their gem economy is much more expensive than the platinum economy in WF. And in ESO, it's just p2p.
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...yeah, their gem economy is much more expensive than the platinum economy in WF. And in ESO, it's just p2p.

True but almost any item you buy with gems you can obtain without. Save a few but again you can get gems without spending a dime.

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True but almost any item you buy with gems you can obtain without. Save a few but again you can get gems without spending a dime.

...yeah, you have to trade in a lot more time. And with all those time I make more money, to easily spare a mere $50, instead of spending so much of that times farming, a lot more than WF's, to have enough stuffs to trade for gems of that amount, to just to not spending a dime. That is a very expensive price to pay; well, spare for people who have nothing to do. And it's quite expensive a gem economy after crunching out the numbers.
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They can put the accessories on marked with increased price. People who buys that prime access packs gains access to some really nice amount of platinum and boosters. Not to mention instant *insert name here prime waframe.


Or just make Mini Bosses like Stalker etc and make them drop these said accessories like waframes. Or make them rewards for complating some challanges etc etc. Possibilities are kinda endless. Unless some "oh no i paid for these i dont want you to have it" kind of people cries about them. See Rare containers dropping skins etc.

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Yes I do, and you haven't mentioned that the games that have currency you can purchase usually have a way to earn it in game, at a much slower rate but its still there, in WF someone has to buy the plat.


 Again not even the point, It was the outrageous cost of items, I paid a lot of money to be a FOUNDER, not for flimsy items that DE thinks it's cool to charge people out the rear for. So yes I'm a founder because I thought I was supporting game development, and you think DE is going great with these prices, yet again they had to sell the majority of their company, so how supporting do you think it is to charge that much that maybe 2% of the player pop will pay? I'm complaining because I don't want to see the game fail. As for influencing mastery rank? haha-hahahaha-haha, yea at the mastery im at one weapon or two doesn't really do anything at all, most players top out at 17 founder or no, and im not even that high because all the players I played with in the beginning ditched the game, as did I for a long while.

The Founders program was to support the game earlier on for development. This doesn't, however, mean they are in a stable condition financially. According to websites, they made a little over $1 million from the founders program and not to mention it was a year ago. We do not know how much money it takes for them to run their development, so we can't assume that they are set. They already posted threads about selling part of their company in order to expand Warframe, I also don't see failing changes since then. Selling a percentage of a company isnt always a bad thing, in this case, it might as well help expand Warframe to wider communities in Asia.  




I don't see your point on prime packs. There are already cosmetics that can be purchased with plat in game, if you want the prime ones then BUY IT! If not, simply ignore it. Remember, cosmetics dont affect gameplay so it is only acceptable that they charge real money through that loop. Also, please don't act like you are obligated to buy prime packs. No one is forcing you, only YOU make it seem like you have to buy every single prime pack/accessory in order to look 'cool'. If you/someone can't afford to buy it, then don't. I'm sick of the people who complain about exclusives being too expensive and/or being made available in game. This just DEFEATS the purpose of the word EXCLUSIVE! Don't want the frame and weps that can be obtained through gameplay? Then buy the $50 prime accessory pack.  So what if they charge a lot for them? This is to prevent EVERYONE from having them, thus making it exclusive, just like your founders pack. 

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Technically, there is no "exclusive" content.  ToS says everything to do with Warframe is DE's property to do with as they wish.  This includes you-know-what but let's stick to the more recent prime access toys.  There is always the chance limited time armors will return.  The likelihood is slim as there's more bang for their buck in creating brand new limited time items because they won't be reintroducing toys to a crowd where a portion no longer has any interest in making a purchase as they already have said toys.  


Maybe during Christmas or an anniversary event or the release of the final planned prime warframe will we see all of the prime goodies make a return for one last hurrah before being locked away forever, if not available for purchase indefinitely.  Then we can move on to Dragon access.  First up, Dragon Valkyr.  This time, the theme is silver.

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The Founders program was to support the game earlier on for development. This doesn't, however, mean they are in a stable condition financially. According to websites, they made a little over $1 million from the founders program and not to mention it was a year ago. We do not know how much money it takes for them to run their development, so we can't assume that they are set. They already posted threads about selling part of their company in order to expand Warframe, I also don't see failing changes since then. Selling a percentage of a company isnt always a bad thing, in this case, it might as well help expand Warframe to wider communities in Asia.  







Exactly but you think selling a product to a tiny portion of the warframe community is going to improve their standings? See aforementioned argument about how if they knocked the price down more players would purchase. I don't want content that is only for people who can spend stupid amounts of money on a single video game, it ruins the community, its not exclusive, its not available for anyone who wants to support warframe, its only available for people who have a lot of spare cash to burn, and see other aforementioned argument about more successful companies using smaller transaction amounts, but in greater quantity because it makes it more widely available, you're argument that its to support them doesn't hold up, having a small fraction spend a large amount of money is a fail in comparison to having a large portion of the community spend a smaller amount, I'd rather have 100000x20 than 100x50, in example.

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Exactly but you think selling a product to a tiny portion of the warframe community is going to improve their standings? See aforementioned argument about how if they knocked the price down more players would purchase. I don't want content that is only for people who can spend stupid amounts of money on a single video game, it ruins the community, its not exclusive, its not available for anyone who wants to support warframe, its only available for people who have a lot of spare cash to burn, and see other aforementioned argument about more successful companies using smaller transaction amounts, but in greater quantity because it makes it more widely available, you're argument that its to support them doesn't hold up, having a small fraction spend a large amount of money is a fail in comparison to having a large portion of the community spend a smaller amount, I'd rather have 100000x20 than 100x50, in example.


This is a groundless argument and reflect your ignorance at best. And I think you have missed my joke in one of the posts too; otherwise, you wouldn't have continue on this ridiculous argument. You could have mind as well saying it's better for DE to sell $1 to 10,000,000 players, instead on $50 to just 100 players.


Technically, there is no "exclusive" content.  ToS says everything to do with Warframe is DE's property to do with as they wish.  This includes you-know-what but let's stick to the more recent prime access toys.  There is always the chance limited time armors will return.  The likelihood is slim as there's more bang for their buck in creating brand new limited time items because they won't be reintroducing toys to a crowd where a portion no longer has any interest in making a purchase as they already have said toys.  


Maybe during Christmas or an anniversary event or the release of the final planned prime warframe will we see all of the prime goodies make a return for one last hurrah before being locked away forever, if not available for purchase indefinitely.  Then we can move on to Dragon access.  First up, Dragon Valkyr.  This time, the theme is silver.

Yes. And DE also has to keep their promise. Can you imagine what it's like for everybody when a company made a promise and then turned around and said "Sorry, the promise is not in ToS"?! Yeah, me neither, at least, not to my knowledge that any company like that is still around.


...while I do share your enthusiasm what will be in-store for WF and what DE has for us.

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$50 3-4 times a year.  ($50 x 4) > $1000!  Math doesn't lie!


How unfortunate that the average player can't/won't buy something that has no actual value or affect in-game.


Can't tell if bad at math.... or just making a facetious statement >.>


People seem to constantly forget that there are boosters included in the accessories pack.  Sure, they might not be what your main goal was, but those boosters alone cost $138.  Maybe people would complain less if the deal was "Get a pair of 90-day boosters at over 60% off, and a free pair of accessories!".


Also, I know of mutliple games that charge $30+ for cosmetics.  Not including the Prime Access things, most cosmetics in Warframe are between $1-$6 each.  They're cheap in comparison, and that's not including the fact that you can get discounts, or just trade in-game things for plat and get them for free in the end.


Actually lots of people complain about the boosters, because for people that have already leveled and built everything they serve no purpose and just inflate the price for something of no practical value. If they offered an alternate package with a bit of bonus plat or the forum icons more people would probably be willing to buy it.

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so an other thread you know playing since founders and i would be glady to soppurt DE but i dont have the money and for ppl who wanna spent more why dont give those some shiny things just for them.


and show me ANY other game where you play f2p like in warframe just a single one.


i love how they done it and as i never will gain those prime cosmetics as hard as i want em i can live very good that they do it this way a s long i can farm the non cosmetic stuff

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Actually have bachelor's in the business, and no it's not baseless you wouldn't sell the MAJORITY of a company unless you were in deep trouble, you understand that? DE doesn't own the company anymore, they're minority partners now, you think they're doing so well with the business plan, that they sold all of it? I'm pretty sure the first class I took addressed how to sell to your consumer base, which at the moment DE isn't, they're selling to a minority of players, not their entire consumer stock which anyone will tell you is a mistake, when you have one product to push, you have to make it available to as many customers as you can to maximize your profits. Maybe you're the one that needs to go back to school?

Yeah, I know a lot of business students are very financial illiterate too when they speak. They think that having a degree in business would certify every trash coming out of their mouth and writings about finance. And now jumping all over the map and starting to talk about your general knowledge about stock and DE's doesn't lend you any credibility on your current groundless argument and assuming to know about DE's finance and your ignorance of pricing. It's a big failure for school and teacher, and the program, if those are the only things you know and reasoning as such. Show your colleague your posts and your arguments. I'll bet everything that they will ROFLAO.

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Actually, both those things are false.


Class B shares are specifically marked as non-voting shares. Sumpo did buy voting shares as well, but unfortunately (for them, I guess) they didn't quite buy enough. DE still has a controlling interest, they can't be bossed around.


The main reasoning behind the deal was to get DE into the lucrative Chinese market, with Sumpo getting a cut of those sweet, sweet profits.

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Actually, both those things are false.


Class B shares are specifically marked as non-voting shares. Sumpo did buy voting shares as well, but unfortunately (for them, I guess) they didn't quite buy enough. DE still has a controlling interest, they can't be bossed around.


The main reasoning behind the deal was to get DE into the lucrative Chinese market, with Sumpo getting a cut of those sweet, sweet profits.

Class B shares are as defined by company Charter, it's not a universal definition, in one company class B shares could be worth 5 voting rights in others they could be worth one, the can even be worth more than class A shares, but they always have some rights, otherwise what would be the point in buying them, unless you have DE's business charter we don't know what they sold.

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The whole point of this thread in any case was to draw attention to making things more accessible to the community as a whole, and to point out that more players would be interested in purchasing special packs if it was priced appropriately, as stated earlier very few players actually have a use for boosters anymore, and the expanded accessibility would draw in new players, which at the moment is a bit of a rough area for warframe.

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Class B shares are as defined by company Charter, it's not a universal definition, in one company class B shares could be worth 5 voting rights in others they could be worth one, the can even be worth more than class A shares, but they always have some rights, otherwise what would be the point in buying them, unless you have DE's business charter we don't know what they sold.


Class B shares in this deal are specifically noted as non-voting. Specifically. If you read Steve's OP, he links you to a disclosure from HXE that details the deal. And the disclosure also says exactly what they sold, which is still not enough for anyone other than DE to have a controlling interest. 


As I mentioned, there are lots of reasons to invest in a company other than to try and tell them what to do. You're a business student, you should know that. 

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Class B shares in this deal are specifically noted as non-voting. Specifically. If you read Steve's OP, he links you to a disclosure from HXE that details the deal. And the disclosure also says exactly what they sold, which is still not enough for anyone other than DE to have a controlling interest. 


As I mentioned, there are lots of reasons to invest in a company other than to try and tell them what to do. You're a business student, you should know that. 

Honestly I didn't read the agreement, but now that I have I can see I was mistaken, but the point still remains about making content more widely available to the community, I mean my whole point in making the thread was just to add prime accessories to a drop table or the platinum market, not even saying the ones that are exclusive, and to make these packs (or similar packs) more cost effective for a larger part of the community. Like the suggestion to drop the boosters in order to trim the price back. I just don't think the content is worth the price compared to other video games, which is competition, I don't mind spending money on games but its the amount they are asking for a tiny amount of content that I have an issue with.

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