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Syndicate Is A Huge Disappointment.


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When i first heard about Syndicate reputation system, the first thing in my mind is fallout. Where every action you made may affect the reputation towards a faction. It makes you face trade-offs when making decisions.


But now the whole reputation concept is pointless, because your actions are irrelevant. You just need to wear the respecting sigil and they are happy about EVERYTHING you do. It doesn't make sense at all. The overall concept of syndicate is just here to cover the fact that the system is just a grind fest in disguise. You may as well change the  system into a simple token system and it works the same.


Also, I found that there is too much placeholder for syndicate. The unique specters are just regular enemies. Syndicate death squads are not special enemies but just a group of normal eximus enemies. Syndicate mission are just regular mission with a special dialogue in the start. There is no explanation of why this mission is important for this syndicate. Not even a simple sentence. The amount of reuse asset shows that syndicate is a rushed product and it is incomplete.


I'm not here to bash DE. I am more worried than angry because the whole concept are unsustainable, people can complete syndicate content in about 3 weeks. I can hardly see DE creating a long term player base with such a flawed system. DE have been struggling to keep older players  playing the game. Dark sector is a total failure that they given up already , and now syndicate is mediocre. I've seen a lot of good F2P games buried into the grave and I just hope warframe will not become one of them. There can only be so many new players to keep the game alive. Soon you will need to face the old players.

Edited by victor_victory
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When i first heard about Syndicate reputation system, the first thing in my mind is fallout. Where every action you made may affect the reputation towards a faction. It makes you face trade-offs when making decisions.


But now the whole reputation concept is pointless, because your actions are irrelevant. You just need to wear the respecting sigil and they are happy about EVERYTHING you do. It doesn't make sense at all. The overall concept of syndicate is just here to cover the fact that the system is just a grind fest in disguise. You may as well change the  system into a simple token system and it works the same.


Also, I found that there is too much placeholder for syndicate. The unique specters are just regular enemies. Syndicate death squads are not special enemies but just a group of normal eximus enemies. Syndicate mission are just regular mission with a special dialogue in the start. There is no explanation of why this mission is important for this syndicate. Not even a simple sentence. The amount of reuse asset shows that syndicate is a rushed product and it is incomplete.


I'm not here to bash DE. I am more worried than angry because the whole concept are unsustainable, people are completing syndicate content in about 3 weeks. I can hardly see DE creating a long term player base with such a flawed system. DE have been struggling to keep older players  playing the game. Dark sector is a total failure that they given up already , and now syndicate is mediocre. I've seen a lot of good F2P games buried into the grave and I just hope warframe will not become one of them. There can only be so many new players to keep the game alive. Soon you will need to face the old players.

As an old player, I do agree to some extent. 

The syndicates are FAR from being complete, but most definitely thy will receive tons of attention as this was something they promised for a very long time. So to abandon it like they did with the PvP would be baffling.


As for the last part, I don't think warframe will be going down any time soon. In fact it is growing very rapidly with new players from Xbox one, PS4 and PC joining in.

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Eventually all games will come to an end.


That being said:

Syndacates are a grind fest, you are right and i agree with you.

BUT it's just their 1st iteration... let's have a bit of faith, they will shape them and they can build lot of stuff upon them if done properly.


About contents lenght... it's subjective... i play around 6-8 hrs/week and i find it "ok" given the "methods to farm it" avaiable to us right now

(i dont feel it needs to be any lower or any faster given the rewards.)

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Yeah, I was expecting at least a custom handler on a syndicate missions. I mean, they are giving you tasks, then why Lotus still here, telling you (for example) about a hostage valuable for our cause. But that is minor rant, everything can be changed later, right?

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With the existence of Viver, it is debatable.

Well not everyone goes to Viver, last time I went there is the last due to how un-fun it was. I was literally standing still spamming abilities and I wasn't allowed to do anything else. 

How is that fun?

It isn't.

So I instead do it the actual way. By playing the damned game.

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As an old player, I do agree to some extent. 

The syndicates are FAR from being complete, but most definitely thy will receive tons of attention as this was something they promised for a very long time. So to abandon it like they did with the PvP would be baffling.


As for the last part, I don't think warframe will be going down any time soon. In fact it is growing very rapidly with new players from Xbox one, PS4 and PC joining in.

PS4 community does seem to be waning a bit lately. I have a difficult time getting anyone to join me from my moon clan for Rail Defense on our Rails.


That's beside the point though, as I'm fairly certain many more Tenno will be on after Archwing releases on consoles.


To OP: this is the first iteration of Syndicates that we have seen, I highly doubt it will stay the same for long. Honestly, it met a lot of the demands that many players had. Such as giving them the ability to summon faction specific enemies, getting new exclusive mods for certain weapons/frames, etc. They'll work out the kinks in the near future and make it a fully fleshed out system, I have trust in that.


My biggest complaint is that the Syndicates give you new power through MORE MODS!!! (I.E. The last thing I want to deal with when I already have nigh perfect builds for all of my weapons) What they should offer is buffs, where you make whatever mod they were offering a native buff to your account meaning that there is no new competition for mod slots. This would also give the Syndicates more of an endgame feel if they made some really powerful buffs that were only obtainable at absurdly high favor points (meaning you can't jump to different Syndicates as often if you want to attain said buffs.) I feel like the Syndicates should be where you turn for permanent increases in power, not just "Eh, we like you enough now so here's a mod." This could very well help newer players gain some necessary power at earlier stages of the game, which many players consider too challenging for new players.


Just my thoughts.

Edited by Kestral9999
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I'm sure they'll add syndicate units in the future.

And missions that are geared towards each specific syndicate (like toxic injection sabotage for new loka, or espionage for suda or exterminate for red veil, or defend civilians for steel meridian, or greedy milk for perrin sequence, or silent meditation for hexis).

More stuff to buy for reputation.

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I think it is safe to assume they will be well developed and fleshed out in the future.  Don't fret.

I understand syndicate will be finish in the future. But I'm afraid some players will move on to another game by the time it is complete.

Gaming industry is competitive. You can't expect players to keep coming back if you keep giving out broken,incomplete and rushed update.

You may not agree with me, but thats just my concern.

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I really think that the entire system would have been improved if we weren't shown our progress in the syndicate and rewards weren't so easy to grind for. If we weren't shown the end of the syndicate, I feel like the actual ranks would mean something. I want to be proud of being a 'Lawful' member of the arbiters of hexis but the way the system is, no one cares what rank you are.The way most people think about it now, If you don't have the syndicate exclusive mods, what's the point of being in the syndicate at all?

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Didn't they already say they will add new stuff?


In designcouncil is stuff going on already so be patient, op.


On the other hand: For veterans it's "just" grindy, but for the newer players, it will happen while they play. And they have a lot of things on their list anyway.

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I'm annoyed at the cost for things you need reputation to get. Standing to get a higher level, and then spend standing on sigils? If this system is supposed to be hella-slow for non-hardcores, why on earth would I spend 2500 standing on anything but level it? You should get rewards for leveling your standing, not either or. Ridiculous.

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I agree syndicates fall pretty short in quite a few areas, and although I know they will be adding to and changing them going forwards that's exactly why now is the time for us to let DE know what kinda things we want from them.


Also for anyone willing to brave quite a few walls of text, this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/340692-refining-the-syndicate-system/ has some pretty good discussion on some syndicate ideas.

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I'm not here to bash DE. I am more worried than angry because the whole concept are unsustainable, people can complete syndicate content in about 3 weeks. I can hardly see DE creating a long term player base with such a flawed system. DE have been struggling to keep older players  playing the game. Dark sector is a total failure that they given up already , and now syndicate is mediocre. I've seen a lot of good F2P games buried into the grave and I just hope warframe will not become one of them. There can only be so many new players to keep the game alive. Soon you will need to face the old players.


You could have done well leaving this part off.


People have been predicting the death of the game since U7. It never sticks. It's just unnecessary hyperbole, and detracts from your argument. 

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You could have done well leaving this part off.


People have been predicting the death of the game since U7. It never sticks. It's just unnecessary hyperbole, and detracts from your argument. 


I not predicting the death of warframe. I know the game is growing rapidly, I know there still so many new content that are yet to be shown.

I always hope this game can be active at least 5 years, and I think DE also want a long-term player base like what WOW have.  I am concern because a game can't only live out of new players, a game also needs a proper endgame to keep it alive. Warframe now have no proper endgame, and DE is struggling to make one. Players won't stay forever if there is no reason to.

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