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Suggestion: I Think It's Time For Handicaps


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One of the recurrent topics on these forums is that there aren't enough things to do once you reach a certain point, i.e. you max out at least one complete loadout with all the fancy mods that are out there. While i don't share that sentiment, it's true that it trivialises most content this game has to offer.


So what has this to do with this suggestion, handicaps?


Handicaps should be a way to artificially lower the stats on our Warframes and equipment, similar to how Dragon Keys work. However, we should be in control of how much this affects us instead of a flat value. Basically, give us a slider with which we can handicap ourselves from 0 to 99%.


Now why would we do this to ourselves? The answer is twofold:

  • First, we would be able to find a challenge on the lower planets instead of having to wait upwards of 40min in a Tower Survival before things get interesting. I mean, how many times have you been to Europa since the release of the new tileset? It's absolutely gorgeous!


  • Second, we should of course get some form of reward for doing this, and i think it should be tied to the Syndicates or the upcoming Focus system. You most likely have some better proposals, but right now I'm thinking of a simple one-to-one scaling. For each percent you lose in efficiency you gain a bonus percent in standing. For example, if you go to 50% (i.e. half efficiency), you gain 50% to your final mission reputation. For added fun, maybe increase the resource drop chance by that, too. The numbers are of course up for debate, but I hope you get the idea.



Now from a lore perspective, this wouldn't be too far off either. In the recent gate crash event, we all suffered from some special kind of Void magic radiation poisioning. This is what handicaps could be. The Syndicates could simply say:


"We see you're dedicated Tenno, but are you really dedicated? Now instead of just running around with our logo at all times, we want you to also carry around this corrupted void key with our logo on it! The weaker you are, the more pleased we will be! Mwahahaw."


Seeing as they're all more or less crazy, that'd be quite convincing in my opinion (yeah i know, it does make sense for some more than for others and would need a bit of fleshing out).



TL;DR: Let us handicap ourselves like in the Gate Crash event, but we decide ourselves by how much. In return, we get a bonus to e.g. reputation gained, or resources (or whatever good idea you come up with).



Criticism? Ideas? Please discuss.

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I think this is a great idea. It would finally give me a reason to fight Captian Vor again, for example. I rarely fight him for fun, though when I do I kill him crazy easy.


I'd love to see something like this get implemented, even without rewards for doing it.

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A slider would be awesome. I hate going through my builds and removing 90% of my mods so I am on par with lower levels. Have it scale damage based on your Conclave.


So if you have a Conclave of 1000, an ability that does 1000 damage, and a weapon that does 100 damage per bullet, you could scale your conclave down to 600 and have it bring your ability damage down to 600 and your weapons damage to 60. Due to reducing your conclaive and handicaping yourself by 40%, you would get 40% more exp during that mission. (hmm, or maybe it should be double the percentage, so 80% more exp)


And yes, this would be a great addition to Tactical Alerts. Very good idea OP.

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I can see where some of you (taiiat, Rakshal, Ritchel) are coming from in that you don't want to gimp yourself in order to enjoy the game. However, as this would be completely optional and on a sliding scale, think of it this way:


There's some content, namely the gathering of resources and certain keys, that as of now can't be done without visiting the lower places (myself, I don't have a problem with that because I'm visiting these places while releveling my stuff). But some people would rather keep using their high level gear, and I can't blame them. I think each one of us has their favourite gear in this game. Now what a handicap would give you in this case would simply be more options:

  • Rush through the map like you already do (at 0%). This is not going to go away.


  • Depending on where you go, rush through the map like you already do (at 50%), but with a better reward for your time investment. Some gear is so ridiculously powerful in lower content that you won't even notice the difference.


  • Help that new guy unlock Jupiter without falling asleep on your way to Nef Anyo (at 20%).


  • Invite your buddies and cleanse an Earth Exterminate mission of all the Grineer scum running around there (at 5%). Whoever doesn't die to a random Ballista shot wins the cake. Also, try the water slides, you can't find them on Pluto or in the Derelicts.

You should be able to do all this and more, all with your favourite equipment, and it should be worth your while. You shouldn't have to grind a single map over and over just because it's the best out there for gaining X. That's what I'd ultimately like to get out of a system like this.




P.S. I do have some more thoughts on this, but I didn't want to put everything in a huge first post without hearing some of your opinions. This reply was mainly for clarification, I will address the other posts at a later time.

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