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Hotfix 15.1.3


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What is with all the complaints? Do you seriously let 50 mods just litter the ground during a mission? I tend to pick my mods up.


The issue won't be that mods will suddenly be disappearing, it's that now we have to worry about how many mods there are at any given time. Suddenly, non-despawning drops just became despawning.

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As someone who plays solo a lot, I would really appreciate a nerf to enemy accuracy (or, failing that, enemy damage) as soon as you guys can manage it. Past a certain level, once they lock on to you and start shooting, you basically get instakilled and have to burn a revive. You can't dodge it, you can't outrun it, you can't outplay it. The defensive stats of frames count for very little now. My Ash with 1400 combined shields and health and a maxed Steel Fiber is dying in less than a second to just a few Corrupted Lancers starting around level 40.

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But you still have not solved the problem of the missions of the screen where the rewards appear "name name name .." and if you can pull out or continue ??????

then sometimes there is a bug that completing the mission for some reward that had assigned

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Edited by DarkDrakeS
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I'm not sure if this is intended, but I've noticed and issue with Argon crystals. I'll do a particularly long run on a T4 Defense, get about 6 or so, but I won't be able to use them all that day, due to not having the credits or perhaps some other material. I'll get on the next day, still have all 6 from that mission, work on getting other materials for my build, and then get off and go to bed. The point here, is that 24 hours have now gone completely by. What I notice when I come back the second day, is that all 6 are gone. I thought they worked more on a half-life radiation method, where you can get as many at once as you want, but then they decompose at a rate of 1 crystal every 24 hours, not all at once 24 hours after you get them.

Now, I might be simply mistaken, and this is not a bug. But it certainly makes Argon a frustrating resource to prepare.

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it seems theres been alot of jumping to conclusions in here.


the 50 mod cap might only be a visual cap rather than a pickup cap...well just have to wait and see as there was allready a visual cap in place.  its likely they just reduced that and you can still grab your 100s of mods like usual after a long haul.


and those of you brats whining about viver..this isnt the place to do it...asking for it to be nerfed it because you dont like other people farming it is beyond stupid, some of us use it as a place to farm mods or exp as we dont care about the syndicates anymore... but no... you self centered brats just cant be happy if somone else is having fun in a way you dont...if you dont like viver dont play it...simple... and dont blame DEs spawn mechanic as enemies spawning to take towers is basicly what the interception type missions are about, or would you rather it be kill 4 enemies and wait 10 odd mins for the transmition bar to fill.....

Edited by EdgeKasim
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50 mod hard cap, huh? what, suddenly, your engine can't handle 220+ mods anymore? it sure was able to do that for me up to just now.


well, all that this means is viver teams either just disregard the mods, have a spotter to go for the rares, go for more but quicker rounds, or take turns to have gathering runs mid-mission.


this changes nothing and just punishes everyone else.


well done, DE. *slow clap*

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So who came up with the 50 mods solution!? This is a joke... nerfing gameplay now DE!? Really!?


If the true reason was to increase performance then probably u should start working on your game engine and fix it... if it was done as a nerf to Viver... apply it only on Viver not the entire game.


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  • Improved performance and stability of long missions by setting a cap on active Mods in a session. 50 mods can now exist simultaneously before new mods will replace the old.


How about working on a proper net code (something that doesn't require 1/2 backbone upstream bandwidth to host) instead?

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If something has to be done with Viver, is put up more mission nodes that yield a lot of exp.

People will just keep playing... There's a reason you see ODD's and Sechuras going 24/7 even with the infested buffs.

Most people don't play other game modes such as Ext, Cap, etc. because they are quite unrewarding exp-wise, and that's how 90% of the star chart is dead most of the time.

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@Neah No need to be rude because someone wants to verify language, I'm just making sure resource just doesn't mean pick-ups like rubedo etc. been screaming for this affinity fix for weeks.

There has been no mention of affinity boosters anywhere on the forums, where are your problems coming from?

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*EDIT* Ninja'd, many times over.

You might have been ninja'd, but your explanation was the best by far. So have a +1 for it.

I'm already so annoyed by the amount of Viver-spam in Recruiting that I don't even bother to go there (Viver that is, not Recruiting).

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Hotfix 15.1.3






  • Improved performance and stability of long missions by setting a cap on active Mods in a session. 50 mods can now exist simultaneously before new mods will replace the old.




So ...

1) does this mean that

 A: the mods DO STILL DROP but they are not visualized if there are more than 50 un-looted or ...

 B: the mods JUST DO NOT DROP if there are more than 50 un-looted


2) if B in the previous question can we have a quality of life change?

that is: whoever loot the mod WILL LOOT IT FOR EVERYONE?



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The "50 mod" = 50 simultaneous mods. It's not like once you hit 50 mods, they stop dropping forever. You can still pick up endless amounts of mods provided you pick them up as they drop (or wait a bit then go). The quick session I just had in 10 waves of defense yielded 3 Mods. I think the main point here is that some movement is required. 

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I must advise Rebecca that you post a more definitive explanation of the '50 mods thing' since a lot of people are completely misinterpreting it.


Edit: Guess you just did, though perhaps needs something in the first post, otherwise people are going to keep posting the same thing, even in this thread about it.


elytron parts still not tradeable?

Really was hoping for it this time...*sigh*

Edited by direcyphre
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