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4 Afk Players With Macros Walks Into A Mission...


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If you dont like grinding,then Warframe isn't for you.

Sorry bud.

Said you...

When melee 2.0 released with stance,the grind kind of make ppl mad?

They even changed some event because player hate too much grind.We thought they learnt it.


Warframe is a game of grinding. That's literally what draws players.

What did you expect?


I came because how unique the game look with Excal in open beta video...psstt on youtube ad btw.

tried to make my self believe that grind will make me stay all this year(1y7m),now I start argue since the grind too damn high?


This game is grindy enough; making the grind worse isn't going to win warframe any fans.


Grind is not a feature; instead of nerfing viver how about buffing other stages to suck less?

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I'm starting to think that DE don't know how to make content without excessive grind and pointless rewards


they also know how to make things annoying and frustrating. they also know how to alienate frames and weapons because the base stats are not good enough. so on and so forth.


i like warframe, its a great game, but sometimes i really question the direction they are going. 

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I came because how unique the game look with Excal in open beta video...psstt on youtube ad btw.

tried to make my self believe that grind will make me stay all this year(1y7m),now I start argue since the grind too damn high?

Trailers, for most games, essentially lie. Stealth and parkour were big selling points, but they obviously weren't fleshed out.

Same applies.

Also, I hardly understood you at all.

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Trailers, for most games, essentially lie. Stealth and parkour were big selling points, but they obviously weren't fleshed out.

Same applies.

Also, I hardly understood you at all.

But you said the GRIND what bring player in,that why I have my opinion a bout it?

Stealth & Parkour kind of how uniqueness mechanism or system work,idk.

But that not the xp grind,that highly demand for "syndicate rep".

Thank for honesty about my 2nd language not that great.I knew it broken. :]

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so you just want it to be easier to get? 


i dont think they intended for people to get syndicate rewards in a week.

Well guess what, they should have known better than to simply make it a GRIND MOAR system. At least they should have made the system either more engaging or have it feel more rewarding per attempt. Just tackling on some ludicrous numbers and tying them to affinity gain is a poor design choice.

DE can say whatever they want but once they set rewards they knew people would try to find the quickest way to get to them, and if they did things with the grinders in mind then they kill it for those who prefer to play at a regular pace.

There are people (like myself) that can be patient, but setting an objective in months of slow, boring and same-y play then you bet people are going to find a faster way.

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But you said the GRIND what bring player in,that why I have my opinion a bout it?

Stealth & Parkour kind of how uniqueness mechanism or system work,idk.

But that not the xp grind,that highly demand for "syndicate rep".

Thank for honesty about my 2nd language not that great.I knew it broken. :]

Good to people who speak multiply languages

Let me revise my statement:

It's what keeps people playing.

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Good to people who speak multiply languages

Let me revise my statement:

It's what keeps people playing.

Yup that sound like it.What kept people playing.

But still not the excessive grind btw

And also I know some Japanese,I don`t like speaking much,since I`m an introvert?

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 I'm sorry DE but the whole thing is poorly implemented... You can't design a long grind and expect players to casually play until they get what they desire. That's not how Warframe players do things, i thought you learned that with Brakk and Detron. We're gonna farm things until we get them.

 How come, I don't mind playing it out as long as it takes to get them without burning myself out or playing an exploit just to level up quicker. I don't believe your statement to be correct at all. 

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Are there really bot users in WF?


proof? how to identify one?

Not really a bot... just a macro that hits 4 every couple of seconds that can be assigned to a button that can be toggled on or off, at least that is how i did it. Better than standing still and hitting a button physically, I can actually get something productive done. Hate earning rep this way but its the only viable way of earning good rep from missions.

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Not really a bot... just a macro that hits 4 every couple of seconds that can be assigned to a button that can be toggled on or off, at least that is how i did it. Better than standing still and hitting a button physically, I can actually get something productive done. Hate earning rep this way but its the only viable way of earning good rep from missions.

so you are cheating/exploiting pretty much and ruining the game for others. Great job!

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so you just want it to be easier to get? 


i dont think they intended for people to get syndicate rewards in a week.

Ok, look, there comes a point when a grind becomes too much.  I wouldn't mind this grind if it was rewarding, if it didn't feel like I was being given pennies for wiping out a Grineer ship.


Grinding void missions for a week+ to get Ember Prime and the respective Prime weapons?  Sure, it felt fun, it felt rewarding, it felt challenging.  And even if I didn't get a piece, I still got SOMETHING from it, prime pieces or credits or..something.


Grinding missions for syndicate points?  No matter what I do, there's no reward, I have to grind for a horrendously long time(Seriously, who decided such a small amount of rep per match was a good idea?) just so I can get ONE mod which MIGHT be kinda decent, which is also hidden behind what is basically a pay wall(And before someone goes crying about how it's just 20 plat, I have the Catalysts and Reactors to spare, that's not the point).  As someone who grinded in numerous RPGs and other MMOs, that's not fun.  That's Maplestory level stuff right there.



so you are cheating/exploiting pretty much and ruining the game for others. Great job!


So..I'm just curious, how's he ruining the game for you?

Edited by UFOLoche
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Well a good step would be to take a trip over to the feedback forums and add to some of the discussions about syndicates. Even if you have nothing new to add, showing support for ideas you like helps to show DE what kinda stuff we're looking for. If you need a suggestion I'd recommend this thread https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/340692-refining-the-syndicate-system/ lotta text but also some interesting ideas on how to fix up the syndicates some.

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Not really a bot... just a macro that hits 4 every couple of seconds that can be assigned to a button that can be toggled on or off, at least that is how i did it. Better than standing still and hitting a button physically, I can actually get something productive done. Hate earning rep this way but its the only viable way of earning good rep from missions.

But, but, we heard from several people how incredible important team play is and that it is only the team play that lets you rake in good results on viver and how complicated it is to coordinate and not just the map, certain types of enemies, standing still and the spaming of 1 or 2 buttons....I am confused now.......oh noes how can this beeeee...... a button that toggles a macro and then people alt tab and do something else, I see thats the team play some people were talking about , collectively using a macro and pressing the same buttons, then watch something on You Tube. Yes very ingenious, immersive game play and team work WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED????


And then DE had the audacity to nerf mod spawn rates so that people could not alt tab out for half an hour if they wanted to collect all the mods.......


Seriously I hope some of the whiners who spammed endless threads about unjustified nerfs and "team play" these last two days read this and realize what colossal idiots they made out of themselves.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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so you are cheating/exploiting pretty much and ruining the game for others. Great job!

I get the exploit part, but can someone explain how it ruins the game for others?


AFKMacroing is wrong in my opinion because that doesn't qualify as playing. You're superfluous at that point. You can fall asleep, take a shower, or have a heart attack, and it doesn't effect the mission.

But, as I understand it, these people are doing it in groups of four, because if one person doesn't have the macro running, it won't work for anyone. Is that not correct?


Like, if you set up your Excalibur to constantly use Radial Javelin and go off to watch Netflix, will that actually work if the other three players aren't using macros? I'd like an honest answer from someone that has actually done it, because I actually am not sure how that part works.


As for ruining the game for others, how? Am I missing something? When a player uses an AFKMacro, what are they preventing you from doing, or receiving? Is it just because they are getting more than you? What specifically are people that use AFKMacros doing to you, personally? That's another question I'd like an honest answer to.

The reason I ask that is that I keep seeing the "ruin the game" argument, but so far no one I've seen has provided a reason why it does that. But if there is a reason, it would be more productive to address the specific harm being done, rather than talk about it in vague terms. After all, the Devs need to know exactly how the game is being ruined if they are going to fix it.

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But, as I understand it, these people are doing it in groups of four, because if one person doesn't have the macro running, it won't work for anyone. Is that not correct?


Like, if you set up your Excalibur to constantly use Radial Javelin and go off to watch Netflix, will that actually work if the other three players aren't using macros? I'd like an honest answer from someone that has actually done it, because I actually am not sure how that part works.


As for ruining the game for others, how? Am I missing something? When a player uses an AFKMacro, what are they preventing you from doing, or receiving? Is it just because they are getting more than you? What specifically are people that use AFKMacros doing to you, personally? That's another question I'd like an honest answer to.

The reason I ask that is that I keep seeing the "ruin the game" argument, but so far no one I've seen has provided a reason why it does that. But if there is a reason, it would be more productive to address the specific harm being done, rather than talk about it in vague terms. After all, the Devs need to know exactly how the game is being ruined if they are going to fix it.


I should note that I, too, think AFK/macroing is scumbaggy.  While I support using this map to farm Syndicate points, I don't support macroing.  I'm also pretty sure it'd work, if the players are good enough, I have noticed that sometimes just...**** happens and people need to react, so..macroing wouldn't work in that regard.  The AFK/Macro trick seems to be for a very specific group of players(And I feel people are overestimating that part just so they can make a bigger fuss, but that's just my personal opinion).


As for the second point(Again, my personal opinion), people say the game is being ruined for them because they want to feel special.  They know this won't harm them in literally any way, but they hate the notion of someone getting something through means that they deem illegitimate(Ignoring the fact that they'll probly rarely, if ever, run across these people or even KNOW that they did this).  At its heart, 90% of the nerfs/plsfix requests are just this at their core.  Again, that's just my personal opinion, and I'm not saying every person is like this, just a number of them.

Edited by UFOLoche
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personally the only thing any of the syndicates have to offer that i could possibly find useful are the two mods for ember and nova. thats it. TWO MODS. plus on top of that both my ember and nova are already set up so perfectly already that i'd have to break them or do a complete makeover just to find room for the new mods... so to heck with the syndicates! i'll just slap a red veil sticker on my frame and be done with it. all i really wanna do is either sneak around sniping grineer on earth or barbeque infesteds on sechura for the fun of it. you guys get so obsessed with the nerfing and farming that you forget that its actually a game. the only complaint i have with de's "nerf" changes is that they made the dojos look like a giant metal box instead of the orokin zen lounge it used to be once upon a time.

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The reason I ask that is that I keep seeing the "ruin the game" argument, but so far no one I've seen has provided a reason why it does that. But if there is a reason, it would be more productive to address the specific harm being done, rather than talk about it in vague terms. After all, the Devs need to know exactly how the game is being ruined if they are going to fix it.


The game isn't being ruined. The DE forums have proud traditions to uphold though. One of the main tradition is whining for the sake of whining.


I should note that I, too, think AFK/macroing is scumbaggy.  


People don't go completely AFK for farming Viver. They may grab a quick drink or bio real quick, but between the Stalker, disconnections, crashes and Vamp spawns drying up going truly AFK is a bad idea.


Is someone setting up a macro to cover them while they bio scumbaggy? If so, I'm a huge scumbag, and have been for a long time. Long before Viver came out.

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Thank you.



Remember my Conspiracy Digital Extreme Thread?  It's coming to reality with every other hotfix.


You want us not to grind but you implement grind-type features.  Then when we grind too hard you want to nerf the grind.  How many more times will we the players and DE control how we play the game?  


Why don't gaming developers understand their a number of players who THRIVE off of grinding and pushing a game to it's limit...


Why were people suckin' the teet in regards to players who went up to Wave 200 in Defense?  But now we turn our head because players are spaming 1 power to stress a mission to it's limits?






Y'all can do better.


If you knew better, you'd do better.



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The game isn't being ruined. The DE forums have proud traditions to uphold though. One of the main tradition is whining for the sake of whining.



People don't go completely AFK for farming Viver. They may grab a quick drink or bio real quick, but between the Stalker, disconnections, crashes and Vamp spawns drying up going truly AFK is a bad idea.


Is someone setting up a macro to cover them while they bio scumbaggy? If so, I'm a huge scumbag, and have been for a long time. Long before Viver came out.


Every time I have to go, well, bio as you put it, I take cover if I'm able(It depends, honestly), or I go inbetween runs.  I do understand that emergencies happen, and hey, if it's an emergency, whatever.  But I'm more talking about the whole "Alright, got this going, now I'm going to go watch Youtube vids." mentality.

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