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Vivergate: Vent Radioactive Gas Y/n


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Honored Tenno,


Well, we screwed that one up, didn’t we? In our panic to address exploits we’ve rolled out some half-baked changes, and didn’t test them nearly enough. Worse - we didn’t communicate the changes and explain the rationale.


We’ve plugged some holes and we’re running out of fingers. I’m sorry you had to see all of this, its quite embarrassing. I’m sure you’re frustrated. I am deeply sorry for messing up your game.


Here’s where we’re at:


We’re going to do some map fixes AND we’re going to fix a few bugs with line of sight changes and let it ride until we have a cohesive and well communicated set of changes to roll out.


Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


This fall, starting with Excalibur, we’ve begun to take a hard look at these ‘X-Ray AOE’ abilities and wonder if we can bring more elements of skill back in. That’s the short answer to ‘why the hell is DE messing with us’. Homer’s drinking bird should not play the game for you.


We will be changing the dreaded map somewhat today… the level team has refused to grant my request of making Viver an insta-kill-lava-death-pit. Instead, spawning will be staggered to help address enemy clumps, but again - ‘everyone within 80 meters dies with keyboard macro’ is a larger issue than any one particular map. I’d be curious what your thoughts are.


I know yesterday’s changes have exposed deep frustrations from our Tenno - from Syndicates to mission types, and poetically it all began with our first Warframe: Excalibur. With your voices ringing in our ears we intend to remedy as soon as possible. I look forward to reading your reactions to the next series of hotfixes (I have my asbestos underpants on now).





(Ninja edit after reading thread)


Syndicate Standing is absolutely under the surgical laser. It's screaming.


With abilities, again, things are not staying as they are currently - as I said above *until we have a cohesive set of changes* We're going to try to entangle this and do it once without driving like my grandma on an icy road.


Syndicates will get cooler over time. It was some character and opposition. It is not a 'whole new way to play' and never was pitched as such. It's a layer, a purpose, to the existing and future game-modes we are adding.

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Don't worry.

I was there during the ill-fated and short-lived Stamina 2.0. I was there during the epilepsy-inducing introduction of the Arc Traps.

I know you are reasonable bunch over at DE and would not leave things this badly and you'll make changes... eventually, once enough *cough* "feedback" has been given from the players :)

As soon as you have a more reasonable backdrop (i.e the Viver node is once and for all "fixed") to judge the LOS changes against, I've no doubt you will see how over the top they are - as the map/node is the problem, not the ultimates.

We've never had any problem with how the ultimates worked until you introduced Syndicate Rep Grind after all. Something to keep in mind, perhaps.

Edited by Brimir
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Don't worry.


I was there during the ill-fated and short-lived Stamina 2.0.


I know you are reasonable people and would sort stuff out... eventually, once enough *cough* "feedback" has been given from the players :)



We support you in your every decision.... almost.

Edited by Jeloxale
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What are you going to do about Syndicate Rep? It's still clearly a problem, and why Viver was a farming place. I don't think Syndicate should be tied to XP the way it is. I think it needs an overhaul on the system of how it works.


I don't have all the answers, but I know of the problem.


This is still very much a huge issue among the community.

Edited by SgtFlex
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Still no comment on reputation needs? They're a bigger grind than acquiring Mastery rank 18.

Math approved!



Maxing all current gear takes 121 050 000 Affinity. <-- This includes removed items, event exclusives and Founders exclusives

Gaining all rewards in all syndicates takes 1 224 300 000 Affinity. 

Not even close -.-

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That... still doesn't solve the sheer grindwall for syndicates vets have been complaining about.


Granted, an overarching look at 4spam is needed, but I doubt this'll solve the hyperfarming problem. As long as there's a good reason, the playerbase will find a way.

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Looking forward to what you guys got!



Also, since it all began with the Syndicate reputation feature, wouldn't it be better to change the reputation gain based on mission type and its level, rather than total enemies killed?



Something like this:




Exterminate /  Sabotage / Capture / Rescue lvl 1 to 10: Guarantied 100 Syndicate points

Defence lvl 1 to 10: Guarantied 100 Syndicate points per 5 waves

Survival lvl 1 to 10: Guarantied 100 Syndicate points per 5 min

Interception lvl 1 to 10: Guarantied 100 Syndicate points per round.


Exterminate /  Sabotage / Capture / Rescue lvl 11 to 20: Guarantied 200 Syndicate points

Defence lvl 11 to 20: Guarantied 200 Syndicate points per 5 waves

Survival lvl 11 to 20: Guarantied 200 Syndicate points per 5 min

Interception lvl 11 to 20: Guarantied 200 Syndicate points per round.




In defence missions the rep reward will increase with each 5 waves if the enemy level reaches the next stage off course.

Meaning if you started a lvl 8 missions and the enemies are lvl 12 the next 5 waves, you'll get 100 rep for the first 5 waves and 200 rep for the 2nd 5 waves. Same goes to Survival and Interception.




PS: Just throwing some random numbers as an example to get my point accross.

Edited by KingTaro
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It took years to get Radial Javelin to have no line of sight and then you change it back. Excalibur is my favorite and despite all changes he remains fairly impotent yet I love him for all his faults despite the fact I am running out of options.


I used to be a player who would merrily use Radial Blind to help out my team but with LOS that option was gone, my secondary option was to empower Radial Javelin but that option is gone as well with the LOS re-addon which means I am left with Super Jump and Slash Dash. Those are excellent for mobility... If Slash Dash would actually teleport me through dense enemies.


Suffice to say I am quite upset. The continued nerfing "ok" Warframes is not solving issues.

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Well, I'll wait and see then, I still don't like the whole LoS Shenanigans.



But at least you are admitting some of the faulty stuff, and making other changes. (To the Viver Tileset for example)

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Well here's my major problem with this:  This is primarily two-three characters spamming their ults on one map.  You act like we're beating the entire game with a macro when that's simply not true.  Most of the other maps wouldn't have this stunt work at all, or maybe it would, but it'd be a lot tougher(And I honestly do have doubts that it'd work even then).  And hell, if y'wanna talk about all that, there are a lot more broken combos that are universal(Course, I'm not gonna bring them up because I fear for my frames now).


Just change Viver's map, give Excal, Mag, and Trinity their respective powers back, and next time please listen to the community's suggestions on how to fix the problem, that's all you need to do.


Edit:And yes, you guys need to lower the grind on the Syndicates.  The reason this was done in the first place is because the Syndicate grind is a horribly painful and boring experience for the higher ups.  This grind isn't fun, guys, this is Maplestory.  Please remember, you guys promised you'd try to LOWER the grind.

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