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Someone Please Explain To Me Why De Sent An Apology Letter About Viver, Whats Happening On Viver? Etc.



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So, from what i gather:

- Syndicate rep-gain is uber small, and that makes the gap are almost similar to MR0 to MR17

- People find a good place to power-grind those rep-gain, in this case, Viver

- DE change the Viver layout, to prevent power-grind

- People still found a way to exploit Viver, and continue doing it

- DE make a suspiciously specific chop to those three frames and interception node.

- Lots, and lots of player outrage.

- On a different place, apparently the exploit still going on. Which make those three frames chopped for nothing.

Edited by Lorche
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So, from what i gather:

- Syndicate rep-gain is uber small, and that makes the gap are almost similar to MR0 to MR17

- People find a good place to power-grind those rep-gain

- DE change the Viver layout

- People still found a way to exploit Viver

- DE make a suspiciosly specific chop to those three frames

- Lots, and lots of player outrage

Pretty much this.

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People found a way to gain massive Syndicate rep on Viver.  DE, instead of changing Viver or changing the rep system, chose to nerf the frames people used.


That pissed people off.  A lot.


And their chosen nerfs didn't even stop people from rep grinding Viver.  They just use different frames to do the same damn thing.

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I thought the LoS changes brought more realism to the game, i mean you can't blind someone when there around a corner.


i mean seriously people complain too much, it was an exploit, so deal with its loss. 


For all those players out there complaining, I mean no disrespect but, "get gud son."

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DE Steve apologized because DE sandbagged us with drastic changes.


The changes were fine and we will continue to see more changes along the same lines.

If you can say the changes are fine, clearly you don't understand the issues with the nerfs or the way the game is played. First off, AoE abilities should only be LoS if it makes sense to do so. Crush makes more sense being LoS than Shield Polarize does. Chaos as a LoS ability? Nyx is psychic, she doesn't have to see enemies to be able to reach into their minds. Line of Sight abilities wont necessarily be the death of Warframe, but they aren't going to make the game more enjoyable, and they will begin to drive players away, old and new alike. I don't play Warframe to look at enemies before killing them, at least not wholly. Sure, it's a part of why I play, I enjoy shooters, but I also enjoy feeling powerful when I kill a room full of enemies and  clan mates or pug players ask what my build is on a particular frame they thought was a "noobish" frame. That's fun. Making me run around in a 40 wave+ T4 to use an ability that will now be significantly less effective to use? Not fun. There are better ways to achieve balance than Line of Sight, especially when Warframe has barely enough large, open room tiles that I could probably count them on two hands. Unless they overhaul every bit of map to have less long hallways and less cover, they essentially are making the game into something it isn't and shouldn't be.

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DE's getting a huge backlash because people both don't know what they want, and DE doesn't do any homework before reacting to an obvious oversight or unforeseen problem that trivializes their systems.  They want long term goals and something endgamey.  DE gives them what they want.  They complain it's too long, and do everything in their power to make it a short term goal.  DE reacts by doing what they should have done for a long time and hinted at planning on doing starting with Excalibur's Radial Blind rework - nerfing AoE skills by requiring LoS.  People that once asked for challenge are now complaining about how broken XYZ frame is now.  Never mind that when they're all brought in line, none of them will be broken, hell, they're still not broken except to the people that abused their 4 key.


Steve's reference to the dipping bird?  Damned truth.  It's just sad it took them until their intentionally long grind was turned into a few hours romp to notice how people have been playing the game.  Posting on the forums and making dev streams DOES NOT equate to know WTF your community is actually doing with the game you make.  Of course, we're all screaming on here how to approach the situation, some suggestions horribly under-thought, some outrageous, some might have some merit, but I don't think anyone really asked for LoS to be a requirement on Warframe skills.


Another developer that actively attempts to fix a problem in a way the community hasn't conceived for Lotus knows what reason.  Pretty sure this debacle is evidence that, no, they don't listen.


To be clear, I don't mind a long grind, this game NEEDS one.  I'm not even particularly upset that the AoE abilities are going to require LoS.  What I'm upset about is that it's made clear as day they're just another developer with their hands over their ears and their eyes wide shut.  It's like the official forums only exist to give the masses a place to discuss scream at each other.  They're still not as bad as SOE's seemingly blatant reluctance to post on their own forums at all and prefer to put down patch notes in a ****ing tweet but... yeah...


Seriously, identify the problem, REFERENCE THE COMMUNITY, and then take action.  Plenty of us want to help.  You know... provide constructive feedback.  It's better to let an exploit continue than to make a poorly informed decision that effectively solves nothing.  Now the exploit continues AND people are upset.  Lose-lose.

Edited by Littleman88
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I thought the LoS changes brought more realism to the game, i mean you can't blind someone when there around a corner.


i mean seriously people complain too much, it was an exploit, so deal with its loss. 


For all those players out there complaining, I mean no disrespect but, "get gud son."

i have say in a previous post that putting  the LoS on many power would be like getting shot throught a wall but because the shooter don't see you you would be fine.

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I thought the LoS changes brought more realism to the game, i mean you can't blind someone when there around a corner.


i mean seriously people complain too much, it was an exploit, so deal with its loss. 


For all those players out there complaining, I mean no disrespect but, "get gud son."

What the freaking hell does blinding aroud the corner got to do with the current issue.

So you are telling me that magnetism behind a wall is adding realism? You are one of the other people that fails to identify the real issue,but i understand that some of you lack of sight.

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I thought the LoS changes brought more realism to the game, i mean you can't blind someone when there around a corner.


i mean seriously people complain too much, it was an exploit, so deal with its loss. 


For all those players out there complaining, I mean no disrespect but, "get gud son."


it kinda become everyone's problem when even people that don't exploit are also affected. And, it didn't touch the main reason why people resort to power-grind the Syndicates. it's like the redtext said.

A bandaid.


And oh look, the exploit still goes on, even after last patch. Those 3 frame are chopped for nothing.

Edited by Lorche
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Nerds got angry over a nerf.

I havn't seen one single complaint about rhino primes running faster than my loki.

like wtf how cannot brain.


There were complains... but it's really a narrow possibility now. You need the old arcane helmet to do that which does not drop anymore. They leave circulation but new ones are not entering circulation. It will be come rare and obscure in time.

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Nerds got angry over a nerf.

I havn't seen one single complaint about rhino primes running faster than my loki.

like wtf how cannot brain.

It wasn't like that. This was about adding more grind to this game and how the community has been getting tired of all the grind in this game. They made it so it would take over 5 months just to get to the next syndicate level. Viver was an exploit that would lower this time frame and it made players happy and let veteran players "power grind" to get all the new exciting things. When DE was alerted to this, they decided to nerf three frames instead of fixing a major problem in this game and also nerfed viver to put a stop to this exploit. I've seen veteran players stop playing because they think that DE doesn't listen to player suggestions. And for once, I agree with them. I have poured hours into this game only to see beloved frames, weapons, and even nodes now nerfed instead of focusing on fixing what the core problem is. DE took the "easy" and some have even said "lazy" way out. Take scion storm and his last vid. He wants to promote Warframe but DE isn't listening to the community and this nerf was just a big middle finger to all of our hopes for this game. I've supported warframe for a long time now. I've promoted it to my friends and family. But this... It makes me feel ashamed to have said anything at all. (Btw rush+quick rest and sprint boost aura takes care of your problem.). I'm a little disappointed with DE even after the apology. So I'm also going to take an indefinite break until hopefully they decide to hear us as a community. Edited by FHTheIllest
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I thought the LoS changes brought more realism to the game, i mean you can't blind someone when there around a corner.

i mean seriously people complain too much, it was an exploit, so deal with its loss.

For all those players out there complaining, I mean no disrespect but, "get gud son."

Then explain eximus enemies. Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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