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You Were Given A Warframe For 1 Day.


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If you are trinity, heal cancer and remove aids.


Trinity's powers revolve around draining the life from a target whilst making it unable to die short of massive damage (WoL), draining whatever energy is from a target (EV), forcing three things near you to suffer what you endure (Link) and emergency area healing with a limited duration for DR (Blessing).


Trinity isn't useful for things like persistant medical problems having no capacity to affect ailments whatsoever, that being Oberon's thing. Injury, sure. Actual things like poison, bleeding...no actual help at all. Warframes are weapons designed to kill the enemies of the Orokin and/or make the Tenno live longer to continue doing that, failing direct damage powers. To say that 'Blessing solves cancer/aids' is really unlikely to be in the actual mechanics of the operating parameters for her powers. She, and Oberon, are Combat medics: here to keep you fighting, not to fix your chronic medical problems.


And even if it could 'cure cancer/aids', the problem is that the power is temporary and, in this context, so is Trinity's presence. If your only cure is a 24 hour use of 'Space magic', great. You've got probably seconds after that Trinity frame is gone before the mutations that cause cancer in the first place due to varying defects in the human body or environment bring it all back. Sure, maybe things are better for one day, but cancer still isn't cured. Stalled at best. Mutation still remains.


Humanity will still need to figure out how cancer works in either case to actually develop a relevant treatment system that works without a crutch.


Bonus points if that 'doing a good thing' actually ends up hindering cancer research efforts for a permanent cure, because the clinical trials just got wrecked for things under review.


Consider this to be in good effect.


Also, consider the likely possibility that the Orokin had long resolved the problem themselves, ergo the notion of giving Trinity a 'cure cancer' function just would be redundancy in the purest form.



You are no fun.


I was given a thought experiment, and I gave an honest, thought out answer based on what I know of the context involved.


'Fun' is relative to the person responding at the time.


However, if it makes you feel better, Google 'Baby Crow' in images.

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Destroy it. Failing that, hide it until it ceases to be. Humanity doesn't need another weapon.


Assuming we are 'already wearing it', well, two ways that goes:


On the 'just a suit' theory, great, I am now potentially connected to it via a neural network, considering how many Neurodes/Neural Sensors crop up in a Warframe's construction, that leaves me very dubious whether I'd be 'ok' once it's gone. Bonus nightmares if the the Warframe has a mind of its own and it's a contest of willpower to restrain it from just cutting loose like Proto-Rhino. I'm not going to kid myself that I'd have the fortitude to control it. I might get lucky and be able to throw myself into something it'd be unable to survive, at least.


On the 'body exchange' theory, basically I am now trapped in something that is not my body and I will ergo in this situation have 24 hours to make my peace. Whilst likely running as far as possible from every military or civil security force in the nearest distance, honestly, just go find myself a good sunset. If nothing else, I'd get to find out what the world 'really' looks like if Warframes are capable of seeing in 20/20 perfect colour vision. I'd actually get to experience something new which is not so bad as a way to go I guess. Prior issues of the Warframe having its own mind remain of course.


And in both scenarios, if I survive I probably get taken in for questioning by the military/science and well...cue a possible catalyst for a very poor quality of life there on in. Fun? I think not...


Honestly, best case scenario in any case is either not having it destroy things, not get into the hands of greater humanity, not infect me with Technocyte for interfacing purposes (possible depending on how all those Plastids and such are treated relative to the Neurodes and what not), or at least being able to enjoy a sunset properly for the only time in my life.


Power is not a toy.


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Probably immediately get arrested and experimented on by the government.

And then your name will be ended up on local record as just another common missing person report. And not even a trace of getting arrested or anything related as if nothing has ever existed... 

Edited by ndantony
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And then your name will be ended up on local record as just another common missing person report. And not even a trace of getting arrested or anything related as if nothing has ever existed...

Would the government even have the means to experiment on a Warframe? How would they dissect it? Warframes are made to withstand impacts from weaponry hundreds of times more advanced than anything we currently have. It would probably dissolve long before they figured out how to open it up.

I don't even see how they could detain someone with a Warframe in the first place lol. Our modern tech and weapons probably wouldn't even faze Warframe shields.

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I would use it to demand a fresh slurpy at the gas station.  When I realized I don't know how to work the mouth hole, I'd just go try to use the bathroom and head on out.......when I realize I also don't know how to work the, um, bottom flaps.


So then I guess I'd just run around sliding and running up walls doing flips and stuff.  Then watch TV in it and scare the dogs.

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You have found a random Warframe suit, which seems to be stable for a limited amount of time before b disintegrating. You pick it up and it bonds to your body.

What will you do with that power?

-I would pull off the biggest heist in the whole world by robbing the largest bank in the world: The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, housing $2.95 trillion.

So what would you do?

If by a limited amount of time you mean my life.

I would research the suit and try to replicate it. Np would not be a hero but if someone is holding a gun. Radial Disarm would be funny. If the Government wants to capture me just Chaos him. If the world goes against me just Snow Globe or just go Nova. If I wasn't to be a Hero I'll just go Trinity and cure cancer.

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