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Who Else Noticed That Owning Ds Nodes Currently Has An Incentive?


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This is an observation I made not too recently. Refer to the conflict history below:






Notice that when no one is looking, one of the big clans will put up 1 million credits in battle pay for a very limited number of rounds? My theory is that the intent behind this is to withdraw credits sitting in the vault. This is possible because there's no real competition for the rails and the community is overall disinterested in contesting them. The lack of competition allows credits to build up in the vault to very high amounts. The community disinterest allows them to put up massive battle pay for a few rounds without notice of most players.


My conclusion is that when no one cares about DS conflicts, there's an incentive to own the nodes. When people do care, there's no incentive aside from advertising your clan.

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This has been going on recently. Strong alliances are exploiting this. I have seen multiple threads on this issue. 


In the recent conflicts, I think I noticed one conflict which was an actual fight for control. The rest of the conflicts were started just to transfer money from clan vaults to their personal accounts. Why else would a clan/alliance give 50 x 1 Million Credits in 30 mins or so and then not fight for node control at all? This happens a lot of times now. So I have to say that its planned.


OP is right. The problem with the new conflicts is that non-clan players don't have an incentive to play anymore. Previously (i.e. before new design), I would go for conflict to get the rare mods dropped by specters. And the side I support is dependant on battle pay + proposed taxes. 


With the new design, non-clan players lost the incentive to fight in these. If clans/alliances were to make a deal to hold certain DS and make money off it, they can launch "fake" conflicts to get money out into their personal accts. 

Edited by democrator
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The big alliances all seem to be working with one another.

They take turns at Dark Sectors ans blockade others from going in.

It has gotten to the point where a good portion of the playerbase no longer cares.

I avoid those nodes because of the awful taxes and the other rubbish that goes along with it.

Plus interception powerfarms give far more xp anyway, so why bother with them?

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Dark Sectors stopped being a thing a long time ago. I don't care what they do. I'm not feeding them.


+ 9001

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Dark Sectors stopped being a thing a long time ago. I don't care what they do. I'm not feeding them.



I honestly find combat in dark sectors to be very enjoyable.. it's just the way that these fights are organised that results in no one taking part. There should be loot and resource drops, and a base payout for successful attackers/defenders to incentivize playing in the damn things. 

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How it works:
- BP is 0. Clan/Alliance in control sends a squad of clanmates into the conflict (preferably if the clan is attacking for control, as opposed to defending).


- Squad fights through to the core. Damages the core to around 20%, and stalls. Moves on to the spawn point of the defenders and keeps them locked there (spamming ultimates).


- Squad informs the Warlord/Tactician that they've reached the core and damaged it. Once warlord/tactician confirms all squads (say 4 squads of 4 people each) have damaged the core to some piddly residual health, he puts up a 16 x 1 million battlepay payout and informs all squads.


- Squad proceeds to finish off the core, gets 1 million payout to their personal account.


- ???


- Profit


Everyone else who joins after seeing that battlepay is shafted, plain and simple. That 1 million battlepay is set after all the designated squads have loaded in and damaged the core enough. It's a very common tactic, and requires co-ordination to make sure all squads are ready to finish off the core in less than 30 seconds after the battlepay is put up. Teamspeak is used, in most cases.


I was part of one such squad.


So no, it's not just a theory, OP. It's what happens. And while I don't think it's fair, I blame DE for implementing a half broken PvP system that can be exploited so easily.

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Really now ?

Back in the day everyone and their doge and grandma was saying Eclipse was as evil as the devil himself.

Never quite understood that, even when they started taxing it seemed fair to me, never saw any nodes above 30% which seems fair enough to me, none of the 75%/75% we get now. Perhaps it got worse later because I only played for like 2/3 weeks of U13 before getting bored but Eclipse seemed pretty cool to me, though judging by ICE Eclipse clearly had some bad eggs.

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One problem is, that Battle Pay isn't "locked in".

That general a problem with it, not just in that case.

it should be, that when you start a mission there and it promises 100.000, those 100.000 get reserved for you.

If you manage to finish, you get that money, otherwise its released again.


So what you see is what you get regarding Dark Sector rewards.

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One problem is, that Battle Pay isn't "locked in".

That general a problem with it, not just in that case.

it should be, that when you start a mission there and it promises 100.000, those 100.000 get reserved for you.

If you manage to finish, you get that money, otherwise its released again.

Very early in dark sectors I was pay bated and thought it was a bug, support said it was "working as intended and I wasent fast enough".

I've never played another conflict, how am I suppose be faster then some guy flipping a setting in a menu?

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Very early in dark sectors I was pay bated and thought it was a bug, support said it was "working as intended and I wasent fast enough".

I've never played another conflict, how am I suppose be faster then some guy flipping a setting in a menu?

Not quite how it works, any pay they commit to the sector is locked into the sector, the problem is they choose how they divide it. They can just set 20 runs of 100k for example, alot of people will run it expecting to get 100k, creating 200 at the same expense as 20.

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Rail conflicts amusing (ironically?) died with Eclipse. DE seems to of forgotten about them too.



As to why this has happened, well the new PvP still isn't fit for purpose and people are generally just bored of it (not to mention if they do try, get frustrated by it) and Dark Sector taxes in most places are so sky high, people don't bother running the missions anymore. A lot of the time there isn't battlepay offered anymore, so people don't even credit farm.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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