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Who Else Noticed That Owning Ds Nodes Currently Has An Incentive?


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I disagree. Cheap tactics can be fixed by DE. Thats easy to do. What is difficult is creating a system that promotes proper incentive without crazy loopholes that allow people to take advantage of the system, like viver for example.


Again, if the core system, be it PvP or PvE is handled properly, the players will participate. Maybe not everybody, but if the system is well made and attended to, problems can be fixed.



I still disagree here as well. I know exactly how much credits they have. Im telling you the credits dont matter. Eclipse has defeated them on their prized node without spending a single penny. If the same people here who are crying about their taxes, or whatever, would stop taking their battle pay, you wouldnt be fighting their credits, you would be fighting the system. At this point, the system can be fixed.


If Eclipse launched a rail on Sechura right now, the community wouldnt care, and nobody would participate. If the community would get off their butts and do something about it, then DE would give it attention. Unfortunately seeing the same posts here day in and day out about the same stuff that isnt bringing them income, isnt going to change anything right now. And if the community isnt willing to do the unselfish thing and ignore battle pay, then things will stay as they are, and again, there is nobody to blame but yourselves.

Problem is that community have an aversion towards whole DS politics. Why fight for someone when that someone will end up being the same as the ones before them? And why fight in DS at all, when there are 90 % of people that are using same broken weapon and frame setup?



There is no fun in DS and thats the truth. Whole concept is broken as there are no limitations or rules. And where rules dont exist, cheap tactics are bound to happen. Only by completely abandoning DS by players, DE can realize how bad they DS design is.

Edited by RoboDoge
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I still haven't done the achievement for doing dark sectors cause its very time consuming with no xp, no credits, no resources, no mods.


it's unfortunate to read people are getting free 1mil credits but in the end you can have a billion credits but if you dont have the mods it doesnt really matter that much, i actually managed to snag 2 mil the other week when i attempted the achievement, only to gain no progress in the achievement lol

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"So you want to pick a OP weapon to use that not everybody has access to, so that you have a clear advantage over your opponents and claim you are winning because of skill? Or is it that you are afraid to lose when the playing field is even?"


Hold your horses there champ, I never said or implied any of that. I use TLW because I like the animations and enjoy being a space cowboy. I normally use The Devil You Know or Thorn. Which weapon do you use?


EDIT: Quoting is acting strange on my phone.

Edited by (PS4)The_Moustache
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Problem is that community have an aversion towards whole DS politics. Why fight for someone when that someone will end up being the same as the ones before them? And why fight in DS at all, when there are 90 % of people that are using same broken weapon and frame setup?



There is no fun in DS and thats the truth. Whole concept is broken as there are no limitations or rules. And where rules dont exist, cheap tactics are bound to happen. Only by completely abandoning DS by players, DE can realize how bad they DS design is.


Thats why some of us have tried to help create a new system where some of those things can be controlled easier either through a natural system of balance, or through direct intervention. If you click on my link in post #70, you will see what im talking about. DE knows everything they need to know about the dark sectors. They know it is a total failure.


What upsets me more than anything is the amount of time dedicated by some community members, and alliance leaders to try to keep the system alive and keep people motivated in a broken system with no light at the end of the tunnel. I cant put in to words the efforts of some people, and the lack of sleep over days..... DAYS, the sacrifices made... just to keep the playerbase together. Unfortunately the proper tools werent given to us to achieve these goals. Now its gone so far, it takes a massive amount of work to bring the system back out of the hole its dug itself.




I know right..... I even upvoted your post on #69. I must have forgotten my meds today or something.

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everyone keeps talking about DS pvp, I took a break from warframe at that time I guess, can someone tell me how to get into this squad pvp thing? I want to mow some @$$.

Get in there, be spawnkilled by Ashes constantly. Be happy if you get out of spawn zone.



Do not expect fun in there.

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Get in there, be spawnkilled by Ashes constantly. Be happy if you get out of spawn zone.



Do not expect fun in there.

tell me how to get in


edit: nvm read the wiki


LOLs here we go



Edited by Qynchou
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Yes, but inaction only breeds more inaction. I also disagree with you on the PvE thing. I had masses of people bored with speed running the same mission over and over again. Honestly it wouldnt matter if it was PvE or PvP. If there is enough incentive to play, people will.


Obviously the system needs to be changed on multiple levels, but the cheap tactics can be dealt with, as long as there is an interest to support it in the first place.



who else remembers the infamous 2 min Nova speed runs during the Dilemma? especially once DE staff admitted to participating and being unable to keep up with players?

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Get in there, be spawnkilled by Ashes constantly. Be happy if you get out of spawn zone.



Do not expect fun in there.



Ash Bladestrom is hard the one hit kill it used to be.



All about that Oberon Spam, killing those knocdowns then spawn murdering will melee, cheap, rage-inducing fun.

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What about Bounce trapdoors? Still working or did DE fix it?


Still working, bring Torid for more Rage.


Because DE fixed Ashes one-shot wonder, knockdowns are the new thing along with slide attacks. So you begin to see alot of Oberons and Banshee's (More the former because of his tankyness) because they can easily knock you down and kill you.


But if you truly want to cheapen everything, just go limbo and Rift walk through and banish people, you knock them down into your dimension so you can easily kill them. Because you're in the rift you're immune to most attacks bar warframe abilities and because of the bladestorm nerf, you're near invincible bar frost slowdown.


Source:Making babies ragequit.


Hard for people to really be motivated when pvp is so broken in dark sectors, getting people to fight is half the battle, winning is the other half.

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I have never managed to complete a PVP DS mission. Mostly I get bugs (flopping like a fish generally) and then get disconnected.

Tried again earlier when RINGSNOW pulled his stunt, since it had been a few months and maybe DE fixed something.

Still got disconnected, but I didn't spend five minutes flopping like a landed trout beforehand. I guess that's progress.

Although I must admit there's something about a Loki Prime chasing a Frost Prime ichoring about that warms my black heart.

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