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Zen [Space Monk] Warframe


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 Zen has resurfaced after centuries of quiet meditation. He can no longer ignore the system's imbalance as he revokes his vow of nonviolence. Where all Tenno are masters of the martial arts none surpass Zen at unarmed combat.


Zen's abilities are tied to ancient combat rituals from before the Orokin Age.


Tiger's Claw: Zen forgoes the use of projectile weapons, channeling his energy to increase his speed and durability, while his attacks become a flurry of punches, grabs and throws.

(Toggle-able ability. Locks projectile weapons from being used similar to Valkyr's Hysteria ability minus the invincibility and the added benefit of being able to use melee weapons via Quick Melee key binding. Switching to melee weapons untoggles the ability.)


Crane's Step: Zen concentrates on becoming light as a Zephyr. Increasing his mobility dramatically as he glides through the air like a leaf on the wind and delivering devastating kicks from on high like lightning. 

(Timed ability. Reduces Zen's gravity and replaces quick melee attacks with special kick attacks.)


Chakra Cleanse: Zen focus his energy into key points of his body, healing him his injuries and any infliction.

(Instant ability. Removes status ailments and rapid healing over time effect.)


When Zen finds it necessary he unleashes the dragon.


Dragon's Stand: Zen releases his energy in the form of the ancient symbol of the dragon. Decimating all within it's path.

(Toggle-able ability. Locks Zen in place as energy dragon forms around him circling him until energy runs out or is untoggled where it returns to Zen damaging all enemies within immediate range.)


Zen will most likely prove to be an invaluable addition to our efforts Tenno question is: "Are you ready for enlightenment Tenno?"


[Everything about Zen is a work in progress and I am looking forward to constructive criticism and in particularly ideas for stat numbers.I was thinking Zen would fill in as a middleweight frame with high endurance, defense and energy with low shields and decent vitality while being not too slow or too fast.]


Also thought of him coming out with a "Three-Section-Staff" melee weapon. The three sections would be connected via powerful magnetic attraction that is only focused at each connecting end. Would have quick combos and very long range though the damage would decrease with distance. Ground slam would do negligible damage but short out enemy shields for a few seconds (roughly the amount of time for you to reset position) and returns fully charged.

Idea's for stances: Monkey's Tail: Long range offensive radial combos

                              Dragon's Ring: Short range defensive combos


And  a special personalized syndana that is Floating Prayer Beads.

Edited by Kurhein
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Shaolin monks practice Zen? :P


I'm not quite sure I like this idea though. It's very creative, but I can't help but feel that a Warframe like this would feel out of place in this game.


As opposed to the Pirate Wareframe?

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I love this concept very much, I'm a big Buddhist fan if that's how you like to call it, and I like all the names and ideas you brought up here, and very cool ability ideas too, plus the new melee and it's stances and the syndana, plus I like the little entire you made at the beginning 

and please ignore all of these "it doesn't fit" narrow minders, they just want all warframe to look like ash :P and have no imagination 


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I love this concept very much, I'm a big Buddhist fan if that's how you like to call it, and I like all the names and ideas you brought up here, and very cool ability ideas too, plus the new melee and it's stances and the syndana, plus I like the little entire you made at the beginning 

and please ignore all of these "it doesn't fit" narrow minders, they just want all warframe to look like ash :P and have no imagination

No need to be rude. I'm a zen buddhist myself.

Edited by Zareek
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Sounds great.

A cool ability that I've seen in other games and I think would fit for this frame is like a meditation-singletarget-counterattack. Similar to Nyx's Absorb, when you cast it you become static and unvulnerable, but with a fixed (short) duration to decast. Inmediatly after you get hit (bullets or melee), you'll teleport behind the attacker and deliver a quick deadly counterattack (with a badass animation). It's range (distance where you can teleport to) is also limited, and could be expandable by mod. You can also use it as a mobility tool (like Ash's teleport) but without selecting the target you're teleporting to. 

Edited by (PS4)D3CK3RS4L1F3
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I'm not being rude, just sad that every new and odd idea of a warframe someone says "it doesn't fit the game" 

I didn't say it didn't fit. I said I wasn't sure about the idea, which means I'm giving it a lot of thought. Saying I'm narrow minded and have no imagination is rude in my book.

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I didn't say it didn't fit. I said I wasn't sure about the idea, which means I'm giving it a lot of thought. Saying I'm narrow minded and have no imagination is rude in my book.

I didn't say it was you XD 

I didn't even see your post when I wrote mine XD

anyone, I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the idea, however the skills could use some reworking. My tip would be to make the warframe abilities intertwine a bit more. Also the first and second ability aren't really that clear as to how they work (first increases attack speed? and second makes you into zephyr?)


The third ability seems slightly bland. You could for example make it so that he becomes immovable and generates an orb around him that acts like a 2nd shield. During the time in the orb you regenerate health over time and all statuses on you are removed, however you cannot move.


Another replacement could be where you gain strong healing over time, reduces the time and effect of statuses, and also slows you down during the process. (would work so that increasing powerstrength would cause you to gain even more healing but even stronger slow)

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  • 1 month later...

I like the idea, however the skills could use some reworking. My tip would be to make the warframe abilities intertwine a bit more. Also the first and second ability aren't really that clear as to how they work (first increases attack speed? and second makes you into zephyr?)


The third ability seems slightly bland. You could for example make it so that he becomes immovable and generates an orb around him that acts like a 2nd shield. During the time in the orb you regenerate health over time and all statuses on you are removed, however you cannot move.


Another replacement could be where you gain strong healing over time, reduces the time and effect of statuses, and also slows you down during the process. (would work so that increasing powerstrength would cause you to gain even more healing but even stronger slow)

Love your feedback.

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