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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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<The most awesome story I've ever heard.>


'Cus sometimes, a post isn't good enough.  Sometimes a story deserve more.  Sometimes a story deserves its own thread.


Here is what I am worried about.


All speculative:

In any empirical calibration data points need to be collected at extremes. So they add in a distance/damage scaling function and start it off at a high rate of damage decay. Subsequent hotfixes will adjust the scaling to more appropriate values.


But my problem isn't that the scaling is too extreme, my problem is that scaling exists in the first place. If I see my bullets land, I expect to do my damage. That is intuitive. A scaling function is simply weird.


I am worried that they will readjust the scaling parameters, and most people will be happier with the new values, and I and a few others will be left behind.


Also my fear.


This will not be the first they've done this though.  Remember the massive buff to enemy damage and toughness, as well as the lose-it-all defense missions that was just today modified with that patch.  It's basically the same thing: push out drastic change, measure outcry from playerbase, tune back the change.  The only difference being your speculated "damage/distance scaling function" is more systematic.


You guys should be happy that Glaive is not plat-only, they put it in ? alert only means you can still get it without buying plat. But seriously, if you play and love this game, just buy founders and support them. They can't produce content if no one is paying anything.


Actually, this is not the best they could do.  


They should've either 1) keep the Glaive strictly plat-only or 2) let people freely craft it.


Why?  Because now a lot of people like me, who have the plat to buy it, will NOT do so, because of the fear of seeing an ?alert tomorrow with the blueprint.  That would be a TERRIBLE feeling, knowing you just wasted 150 plat.  Now, there are very good solutions to this problem, and I present to you just ONE solution, a simple one:


Make the Glaive you can get with plat "special."  Maybe slightly bigger and gives off a slight shine/glow that the one you can craft with blueprint doesn't have.  Functionally they are the same, but aesthetically one is "special."  


Then put the blueprint on the market so everyone can craft the "regular" one.  


If that were the case, I would buy the plat one in a heartbeat.  


I'm not trying to say I'm so arrogant that I refuse to have an item unless it's "special" and "different" than others, but shouldn't spending platinum be about visual differences?  Skins and such?  In this regard DE's been falling flat so far.  


You really nerfed the god damn Hek? I'm gonna stay calm here, but you realize you gave the HEK a tighter spread, and with this nerf, took the point of that. I stepped maybe 15 feet away from a Grineer while testing damage, I went from 30 per pellet to 13-15, are you kidding me? That isn't falloff, that's damage getting split in half when you aren't standing next to them. Someone want to name another Ancient murdering weapon, because they sort of broke the Gorgon as well. They aimed these nerfs at both of the boss killing weapons, that's ridiculous. Took my ancient killer, so now to use it, I have to jump up in the furnace full of gas with a lit match and get slapped to the ground stunlocked with 0 energy because of your c*ckblocking insta 0 energy hitting ancients? Gtfo... End of rant, keep up the good work.


If you can go with the Akbolto or the Twin Vipers, both are rather good at killing ancients.  With level 40 ancients, I just empty a clip of my TVipers into its leg and it's dead.  Sometimes it takes less than a clip (full default clip of 24).  And I usually see those with Akbolto kill faster than me.  


Not to put down your frustration of the nerfing of Hek.  It used to be my main weapons a while ago, but when they changed the way it was carried on the back, the look just made me ditch it.  

I feel for your pain of a fav weapon getting nerfed.  Hopefully they will listen to the people and instead of scaling the damage with distance, actually change it logically and just increase the spread.

Edited by Gestalt
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Thank you dear Devvies!

Fixes are most welcome.


New weapons never hurt too, although the name GLAIVE was a bit confusing - one expects a polearm, but what we got is a huge suriken:)

Speaking of polearms - would be interesting: doubleswords, glaives, naginatas, kwan-daos, bastions etc. etc. etc. (take a pick from a long long lists of tools to hurt up-close history and fantasy settings provide).


Fall-off mechanics is a nice new change - perhaps it should be exploited more!

Every ranged weapon might have range thresholds, like that we seen already in tactical shooters and pnps: point blank, normal, long, very long.

This way classical projectile weapons should deal maximal damage up close and lose it (proportional to sqrt of distance ?) in range.

Less classical projectiles, like arrows and bolts, may follow other falloff rules - for ex. less damage reduction, with penalty to accuracy they get already.

Buckshot guns - quick falloff, but perhaps we need a mod. card to allow increase of effective ranges? For e.x. we have AP upgrade called Flechete (which are IRL small arrows loaded instead of spherical projectiles) which would be logical to increase range...

When/if you introduce more exotic weapons, like beam or gyrojet-like projectiles you could use this mechanic to reduce close range effectivenes - this would make it interesting i.e. weapons less effective up close would force one to manuever or switch to melee...


Beg forgiveness again, for lots of letters and bad grammar. Yours truly!

Edited by Heartwarder
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so uh will the BP will it be available on the Alert mission on what mission hopefully somewhere like Venus or Earth or Mars...soon cuz some players still need to unlock other places still...i have long way to go still to unlock

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game is incredibly laggy after update on all maps, they start out fine, about 1/8th of the way in all movement causes lag. i think its textures popping in more or something, its different since the update though im sure. is anyone else having issues with performance since the update?

same here . also try low setting but still lag :(

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So the iconic weapon with an epic backstory becomes a Pay2Win option...and no I will not "shut up and leave if you dont like". I love this game and been playing like a maniac, so far without buying platinum because I do choose the Work For It route.
But the Glaive is basically eye candy and a must have for 99% players here BECAUSE of Dark Sector and its connection to Warframe (which is suhweeeeet! by the way DE)
Keeping the blueprints alert only will sour some people, and I am damn sure that if someone joins someones game and carries a glaive its gonna be all "hmph...goddamn payer, frikkin glaive" etc
Give the bp to the market with the usual 20k price, or even 30k since its THE FRIKKIN GLAIVE! -OR- make it an alert reward BUT somehow make it like...an alert reward we know we will get, instead the ? alert...cause getting Mag helmet bp's as Volt blows...

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So the iconic weapon with an epic backstory becomes a Pay2Win option...and no I will not "shut up and leave if you dont like". I love this game and been playing like a maniac, so far without buying platinum because I do choose the Work For It route.

But the Glaive is basically eye candy and a must have for 99% players here BECAUSE of Dark Sector and its connection to Warframe (which is suhweeeeet! by the way DE)

Keeping the blueprints alert only will sour some people, and I am damn sure that if someone joins someones game and carries a glaive its gonna be all "hmph...goddamn payer, frikkin glaive" etc

Give the bp to the market with the usual 20k price, or even 30k since its THE FRIKKIN GLAIVE! -OR- make it an alert reward BUT somehow make it like...an alert reward we know we will get, instead the ? alert...cause getting Mag helmet bp's as Volt blows...


I've actually seen it used ingame already a couple of times.  It's not that visually impressive if you're not the one using it.  I didn't realize what it is initially, since it was used by an Ash and I thought they just changed the visuals of Shuriken (it's about 1/5 the size of Shuriken).  It's very small and moves fast, so I would imagine it's cool if you're the one tossing it, but not for those around you.  


And when you're holding it, you can't even see it, since it's not bulky like the two fist weapons.

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Shotguns aren't supposed to be long ranged weapons.




While that's true, sniper rifles are meant for distances up to several miles.


All the current maps in real life would be well within the effective firing ranges of shotguns.

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Alert rewards are generally well documented as to what they will be when they come out:




Wangsting about it won't help much. Devs need money just as much as anyone, and by making it a pay or play option rather than just a buy the blueprint option, it adds a bit of rarity to the weapon, much like most of the drops from alerts.

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Alert rewards are generally well documented as to what they will be when they come out:




Wangsting about it won't help much. Devs need money just as much as anyone, and by making it a pay or play option rather than just a buy the blueprint option, it adds a bit of rarity to the weapon, much like most of the drops from alerts.


But... like I said before, it won't be rare.  When the alert pops up, everyone who's on at the time will have it.  And everyone who wasn't won't.


It boils down to them using the arbitrary and poorly designed alert system for such a sought-after weapon.


They need to completely revamp the current alert system or start making the alert rewards obtainable through less-RNG means, like high level defense reward (which is RNG too, I know; but at least it's tied more to difficulty vs good reward).

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Shotgun nerf? I'm ok with the pellet stuff, but Hek is a slug shotgun. Damage falloff shouldn't affect Hek that much.


A slug is very accurate shotgun ammo type, and as deadly as point blank till 75 meters, after which point slug starts to slow down. Max range on a slug is often considered as 250-350 meters, which makes it perfect and safe for deer hunting.


As I've said, I'm ok with pellet stuff, but Hek should have a very different damage falloff. 

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It's the weekend. I doubt they will be hot-fixing anything during the weekend. But lets keep our hopes up. Hot-fix for what were you waiting for, btw?

True, though they have hot-fixed problems the next day after a Friday update.



Edit: Hot-fix for some random bugs people reported, gorgon/shotgun 'problem', and Glaive BP to be put in market where it belongs :D lol

Edited by Gezus
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