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Warframe Abilities: Are We Too Dependent On Them?


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Solution to spamming: Put cooldowns of varrying length on every warframe ability, along with cooldown reduction mods. In addition to that, the cooldowns could be reduced a little bit as you level up your warframe.



Just what we need, more mods!


Read I think it's page two for why cooldwons don't work in Warframe, though-short summary is CD's interrupt what should be a fast fluid game and many abilities depend on multiple casts to be useful.

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Abilities are what makes a Warframe unique from another Warframe though, and it is through those abilities that said Warframes gain their specialized role and niche. Would Rhino be the tank that he is if he didn't have Iron Skin, or would Nova be the incredibly destructive support unit she is without her Molecular Prime, or would Loki be the stealthy disruptor he is without abilities like Invisiblity and Radial Disarm?


So abilities being used often is something that should be encouraged in fact.

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The trick to being powerful is to be able to use both your weapons and your abilities, and if you are able to use both, then you are likely more effective when using them.


It makes perfect sense that a player is at their strongest when using all available assets, and intentionally gimping yourself by using a build which prevents full utilisation of everything is a waste.



I use frame powers, primary, secondary and melee (full and quick) weapons in almost every mission. The powers are good for controlling or thinning a crowd or getting around, depending on frame, and then I use my weapons to clear things up depending on situation, and using this strategy I often find myself out of energy.


Utility abilities are where DE are rightly steering things, as they encourage a mix of power usage and gunplay.

^ Pretty much this.


I main Nova, so I have access to lots of powerful abilities to kill things, but I use blind rage as well, which increases their drain, so I have to make sure to use the powers when I actually need them to clear crowds or drop heavy slows on large groups to revive a teammate. Besides that, antimatter drop isn't any good without a strong weapon because when you think about it, all it's doing is making your weapon do splash damage.

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it's fine really..

i really like the playstyles diversity in warframe.

some love spam 4.

some are headshot maniacs.

some are using powers only in a pinch.

just let people play the way they like, if you don't like how they play, just find other people to play with. :)

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Currently both styles of play are viable in many situations (Power heavy/only style and Weapons heavy/only Style) putting too much emphasis on either at this point will focus a huge shift towards non-caster type frames which would disrupt the community that enjoys being able to use powers at will.  Also DE probably doesn't want to flip the power system on it's head and end up making a ton of the frames terrible that focus almost exclusively on powers to stay alive.


Sidenote:  Powers are pretty much completely useless at mid-level without the appropriate mod cards in most cases.  The reason nobody uses Slash Dash or Fireball at high levels is because they simply don't work on anything there.

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Part of what makes the Tenno a powerful-enough threat to beat their enemies is the abilities of their Warframes themselves. I don't think being ability-reliant is such a bad thing.



Agreed. Abilities are what makes the Warframes themselves.


Yeah I would agree with you. I feel like we really need cooldowns for abilities.


Hell, no. That's the worst idea ever. If you don't like to spam your abilities then don't.

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As a new guy, I have to keep trying to remember to even use the abilities. I started off using Excalibur pretty much only in melee, and after a few weeks I've graduated to.. a bigger melee weapon, that's about it.


So from the perspective of one of those scrubs who doesn't use their abilities properly, here's why. It's psychological. I know my Energy is a finite resource, and I have to rely on finding pickups to recharge it. Logically then, I won't use those energy-sapping abilities until I really need them, until it's a truly 'oh S#&$' moment. Unfortunately, by the time things have gone that much to S#&$, information overload usually means I'm reduced to desperately trying to jump out of the S#&$storm, or slide, or whatever. Because I rarely use abilities they're not even in the back of my mind.


It doesn't help that Excalibur's Oh S#&$ ability takes so long to cast it just gets me killed, so I have no real reason to use it even if I remembered. I can sometimes successfully Slash Dash away, but that just prolongs the inevitable.


Hopefully when I get a more abilities-based frame, or even a gun-based frame, I'll be able to get used to spending my energy, and using more than one weapon per game. Unfortunately the first frame I'm building is Rhino, so I'm going to be sliding up to Elite Lancers and cutting them in half with Orthos for a while yet. Luckily, that's a huge amount of fun.

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Tsch, those who are way too depending on their abillitites are more likely to go down in the likely future events of a sort.

Think about it, there will be a time where there's an event that will make abillities are not going to work anymore. [other than Stalker fights]

So what is the smartest thing to do? Use a configuration as preperations for such a thing.

For example this setup for Zephyr:


I tend to take a setup like this up to Tower IV, as I tend to get in someone's face with Dragon Nikana when I am not restricted by others.

But being too dependent on abillities or not is entirely up to the player him/herself.

I'll leave the rest up to the other people.

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When i play trinity, i know im not a crowd murderer so i have to rely on my weapons. When i use volt, i use his speed ability to increase the Kogakes (brutal tide) break-dancing moves. I really just use powers to make killing more efficient and to amplify my killing.

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As a fellow Ash player, I'd say that it really depends on the player. I'm not particularly fond of spamming Bladstorm or spamming ultimates at all for that matter, however I do enjoy using Ash's powers very frequently. Specifically, his first 3 powers (especially Teleport) with an occasional Bladestorm if I'm getting swarmed. I'd say I'm one of those players that see the weapons as secondary weapons, and prefer to use the Warframe's power primarily. I like to have a reasonable harmony between my powers and my other weapons.

I wouldn't say I'm "dependent" on them, as I'll still use my other weapons quite a bit. Disruptor Ancients don't really hinder me, since I know how to use my weapons as adequately as my powers. Based on the trailers, I think Warframes are meant to use their powers pretty frequently (although not to the point of spamming them).

In essence, I think it's really just a matter of finding a good middle ground between the powers and the weapons. I find that totally refraining from using one or the other is limiting the overall potential of a Warframe.

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