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Warframe Passives. A New Era.


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So by now we all know about Mesa's passive abilities right? Of course we do. SO! I want to discuss something simple, and hope the developers glance at my thread. 

I love these passives. All warframes should have them. Why? Well why not? How long have we all been wanting frost and ember to have fire and ice resistance? Quite some time. Warframe passives would make this more than possible, and give a frame a very unique identity outside of its abilities. 

Ash could have 10% more melee attack speed, Volt could have 15% more stamina recharge, the possibilities are endless! Please DE, if you glance at my humble little thread here, give it some consideration hmm? After all, you cant do it for Mesa, and no one else.

TL;DR Give all the warframes passive abilities like Mesa.

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Well, Zephyr falls slower than other frames and Mirage rolls faster, but I do agree that other frames need/should have passives. Excalibur could have a slightly higher melee damage, Mag  maybe a her shields start regenerating and regenerate at a faster rate than other frames. Just spitballing here. 

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ash: 5% more crit chance when meleeing 

ember, frost, saryn, volt: X% fire, cold, electric and toxin dmg resistance 

rhino: X% more armor 

valkyr: X% more attack speed of the equipped melee

excalibur: X% more melee damage

mag: X%+ shield recharge 

trinity: X% energy/health recharge 

loki: X% more dmg on stealth attacks

........something like that XD 

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I've been thinking about this for some time and here's what I've thought of for each frame that doesn't have one

Excalibur: Increase Melee Speed

Volt: Enemies that melee him have a chance to be shocked (built in Retribution)

Mag: Shield Recharge Rate increase

Rhino: Increase Melee speed and damage to heavy weapons

Ember: fire resistance

Frost: Ice resistance

Saryn: Poison resistance

Nyx: Increased power range

Loki: Increased maneuverability (like Mirage)

Trinity: Innate slow Health Regen

Vauban: Improved Power Usage (unsure of this one honestly)

Valkyr: increased Melee Damage

I know i left out a few frames, but these were just ideas I thought would be decent as passive abilities. Actually when I first started playing, I thought Ember had automatic Fire Resistance, but I learned she didn't the hard way :/ but I think passive abilities would be great though.

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Been mentioned multiple times, always ended with NO.

Did DE every actually respond to those requests?

I don't remember seeing them say anything about them....

I just remember the request going unanswered.


Did I miss an announcement or a response somewhere?

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Did DE every actually respond to those requests?

I don't remember seeing them say anything about them....

I just remember the request going unanswered.


Did I miss an announcement or a response somewhere?

If anything it was probably the community whining about that and shooting down those ideas before they could get any head of steam.

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I like this idea. Would be pretty nice, if some of the older frames would have also a cool passive.

But I don't like the suggestions like "increased melee speed", we don't need better frames, we need little advantages which gives each frame something unique to play with.

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Up until now, ie Zephyr and Mirage, the passive bonueses were largely gimmicks, not providing any true statistical superiority. Slightly slower falling just made some of Zephyr's abilities easier to pull off, and Mirage's rolls couldn't be that much more effective. However, with Mesa's passives, DE has broken that statistical barrier and made Mesa clearly more proficient with firearms than any other warframe, if only by a small amount. DE's previous position on shooting down passives, I believe, was based on not making one frame statistically better at a core  aspect of the game than another, ie resistances, proficiency, etc, if I recall correctly. Now though, DE has given a frame a clear leg up in that regard, so I think it is fair that we/they revisit the idea of giving all frames logical passive boosts. If Mesa is slightly better at shooting things than all the other frames, by the same logical, frost should be slightly better at not freezing his &#! off when ship cryo cores malfunction; Ember should shrug off fire slightly more easily than other frames, etc. While abilities and core health/shield/armor/power statistics have thus far been the main way of setting frames apart, now that passives have a statistical bonus to gameplay, that bonus should be shared, balanced, and unique to all frames. 

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If anything it was probably the community whining about that and shooting down those ideas before they could get any head of steam.


Yeah, the community can be pretty toxic in that regard. I'm honestly amazed this thread has gotten this far without more people barging in, posting image macros, or otherwise shooting it down... Probs cause Mesa has such a massive passive that the idea is suddenly open to debate. Really can't shoot down something that's already in the game.


As for my vote, I say that frames should get a resistance to any elements they're notable for inflicting, and possibly immunity to its proc. Mag, for example, wouldn't suffer from the Magnetic proc draining all her power reserves. She's clearly built to handle strong magnetic fields. Same with Frost, Ember, Saryn, and Volt. Ember walks around while setting the world around her on fire in a blaze of heat... Dies horribly to Napalm... Nevermind the volcanic eruption that might be happening in her face, this napalm is going to do her in from six foot away.


We already have stats that differentiate frames. And we have an interchangeable passive mod slot called Auras. All this would do is cause more bias when playing frames when people are maximizing. 


It could also make some more usable. It's another method of balancing and giving frames a niche roll. If a player has a lot of trouble with toxic ancients this sort of thing could make Saryn more appealing. Ultimately it's up to DE, though. As is, though, between the Kubrow and Archwings, it's giving any frame with inheriantly high HP, Shields, or Armor a strong bias. Having these things linked to your companion or Archwing setup just naturally encourages you to maximize in these areas to ensure survival of either yourself or your dog.

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ash: 5% more crit chance when meleeing 

ember, frost, saryn, volt: X% fire, cold, electric and toxin dmg resistance 

rhino: X% more armor 

valkyr: X% more attack speed of the equipped melee

excalibur: X% more melee damage

mag: X%+ shield recharge 

trinity: X% energy/health recharge 

loki: X% more dmg on stealth attacks

........something like that XD 

I don't want to be a stick in the mud but, those are some terrible passives.


Ash: he is a ninja after all but crit chance is a powerful buff.


Ember, Frost, Saryn, Volt: Few enemies actually deal these damage types so their resist will be next to meaningless


Rhino: More armor basically, how is slightly more armor a passive?


Valkyr: She already has a power that increases attack speed.


Excal: We have Steel Charge for that.


Mag: Same with Valkyr, she already has a skll that gives her 50%100% of her shields back.


Trinty: What? How much recharge do you want? Is instant full HP and Shields not good enough/


Loki: More crit damage, I feel this belongs more to Ash than Loki.

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why do people always try to give excalibur melee passives he isn't a melee based frame.


It's more likely because of his balanced build as compared to Ash who's more about stealth or any other.  Valkyr already exceeds him in the melee range with Hysteria and most of his moves seem built around fighting close.

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  • 2 weeks later...

milesthefox, How is it a waste of time?


As for my vote, I say that frames should get a resistance to any elements they're notable for inflicting, and possibly immunity to its proc. Mag, for example, wouldn't suffer from the Magnetic proc draining all her power reserves. She's clearly built to handle strong magnetic fields. Same with Frost, Ember, Saryn, and Volt. Ember walks around while setting the world around her on fire in a blaze of heat... Dies horribly to Napalm... Nevermind the volcanic eruption that might be happening in her face, this napalm is going to do her in from six foot away.



Never made sense to me that elemental frames were still affected by their own elements coming back at them.

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