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What Kind Of Player Are You?


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My play style tends to vary greatly, depending on the situation. I do however tend to favor cool-ness or fun-factor over damage output and efficiency.


If I can pull off a flying kick, over the head of a crouched Grineer, while I full-auto blast his face with my Pyrana, I'll much rather do that, instead of just running around with a Boltor P on full auto.

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As i usually main my lady valkyr, i go for melee. Any melee weapon is fine, as long they are capable killing lvl10+ grineer without much problems. Same goes for other weapons, i have boltor prime but i barely even touch it. I actually might sell it to get room to inventory. Also i like to switch frames quite often if given chance. If team would get much better use out of mag prime on high lvl corpus map, i take her over others. I like to switch weapons often and frames often, despite sticking on favs for quite longtime. Wich reminds me, time to use banshee again, it has been longtime.

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I'm melee only. Orthos Prime, Ankyros Prime, Bo Prime, Scindo Prime, Dragon Nikana.... they ma favs. 


I run a Rhino Prime speed demon build with power strength for maximum iron skin protection and speed. Lotsa speed. Rush, stamina, and Vanguard, baby. 


So I normally run/copter-slash my way into a horde of enemies and swing while ma buddies finish em off with firearms. The Iron Skin and speed keep me more or less tanky, so I soak up some damage while they get some kills. 

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Mine is flexible, depend on the mission

With Sabotage, Deception, Capture and Rescue I prefer extremly silence long-range takedown (Bows + Seer from across the map)

Anything else (Especialy Extermination), I charge head-on into battle (I have a Rhino, and a Hek, and Galatine for close combat) 

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Cautious and methodical. I concentrate more on controlling enemies rather than trying to beat their reaction times, and I concentrate more on getting out lots of fire than mobility. I move "slow" a lot of the time, try to maintain high awareness, almost always aim to shoot, and I'm not ashamed to dig in and hump a corner for cover if I'm getting pressed.

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I generally have an preference for stealth, and it is entirely possible without cloaking abilities. It just takes a bit of patience and some silencer mods (or bows)


When sneaking is out of the question I usually prefer meleeing everything by sliding, coptering, bouncing, sweeping and whoosing everywhere. Even though I'm an Ash I prefer to hold back on my abilities unless I need them. Bladestorm is an "OH S#&$" button and Smoke Screen is a lovely alternative to bladestorm in terms of killing a bunch of enemies quickly. Mowing my way through clumped up groups while invisible makes me feel like a stick blender... in the best possible way.


Other than that, I just kind of equip what I feel like at the moment and try to play adaptively and be supportive. Kill stuff, help up fallen Tenno, run back to guide slow or disoriented Tenno, rush along if everyone else is and so on.

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Adaptive to the situation/group composition. Marksmanship over spray and pray, and keep an eye on the situation of anyone with dangerously low levels of health, regardless of what frame I'm using, so I know when to expect to need to revive/heal them, depending if I have the time. I do actually like machine pistols, but the ammo economy does sting a bit. Melee is a deliberate attempt to find a weapon type and a stance to go with the frame; Valkyr and the Kronen because it makes me feel like a Nargacuga or Kamataichi depending how I feel, Ash and the Dark Sword because it looks cool and messes up my foes. Stuff like that.


Status is my favoured tool, to the point I deliberately sacrifice damage in order to have just that bit more so that I will Bleed/Burn/Irradiate/Corrode/Electrocute/Freeze/Poison/Weaken/Stagger my target, and anything behind them because Punch-through is great for that. Recoil Reduction is also a general must for me. Cause hey, accuracy.


I admittedly try to use my rather broad selection of weapons relative to the frame I'm using, using the Loadout option to achieve a 'theme' of some sort, because variety makes things fun. So for example, my Oberon is running Sybaris/Galatine/AkStilleto (needs work), whilst my Saryn is running Vectis/Akmagnus/Serro because status chance. I've even spent time thinking about what Sigil in my allied Syndicates fits thematically with my frames. Nothing better to do, and it's easier than trying to expand my colour schemes cause, well, colour-blindness predicates a need for actual labels.


Yes, I admittedly bought a few palettes for basically 8~ colours I could actually distinguish. No, I don't regret it because someday, either they'll label the colours or someone else will manually set up a guide on what colour is where and what.


Typically solo a lot of the time, but if I am playing on public/with friends, I do everything I can to try and save the teammate, unless the objectively literally cannot be risked in that time to save them. Not fond of rushing, and I will actually make the effort to keep an eye on low MR players because, honestly, why not be helpful? Squad health has more than one use in the long run.


Probably likely to waypoint things worth noting for people, namely Argon/Oxium/Cells/Sensors if I'm paying enough attention to notice. Rare mods are a given, though that's typically before I see what it is so...yeah, I'll flag Undying Will if it drops because Hindsight is 20/20


Also likely to complement someone's colour schemes during a match if I find it particularly nice/would like to know the colour so I can use it later. The latter part of that equation has yet to work...

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I'm that rare guy everyone hates. The one with the massive freaking gun situated 50 or 100 meters back. Watching as you widdle down your opponents health with puny assault rifles before claiming the kill for my own at the last second with a 50k crit to the head. Then I'll mock you silently for the rest of the mission with the most smugful grin from behind the screen.


AKA Sniper

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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Interesting question.  For me, of course it depends on the Frame I'm using, but then again, I do have a general preference for ranged over melee, except sometimes, when I prefer melee, so it's really actually quite a complicated question.


On the whole, though, I guess you could say I like "busy" playstyles.  It just feels more rewarding and less boring to have to do a complex or tricky series of maneouvres, rather than press one button, to win.  Usually, in MMOs I gravitate towards toons that have to priorly buff or debuff in order to reach the same effective DPS as other toons that can just straight up mow things down.


IOW, a big part of the pleasure of games, for me, is the physical mastery and practice of a sequence of moves; also, having a lot of tools in the toolbox that are adaptable to any situation.  (Which is why I don't generally go for rock/paper/scissors games, I prefer games where you can have a generalist build that can work in every situation, even if it's not absolutely optimal for any given situation.)


Why do x with one keypress when you can do it with several, I say :)


But then again, sometimes for a change of pace, it's nice to have an IWIN button too.

Edited by Omnimorph
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At heart?


I'm a devout follower of "The best defence is DPSing the hell out of everything..."


In traditional MMOs I have always been playing the hunter\assassin class, lots of ATK power, lots of critchance, generally aiming for melee with dual weapons.


Warframe has changed this a little, made me enjoy some shooting here and there, even if the passing slashes are still a favorite.


Guess it comes with the social stigma associated with him, but I'm mostly of an Ash player. Shot\Cut things, go invisible when they risk to overrun me, regroup and keep shooting them in the face. 


With a swing of Frost and tankyness when it comes to Defense Missions. 


Favoring single shot rifles rather than automatic or semi. Latron Prime is love, Latron Prime is life. (Love of massacres and Life stolen to my enemies, but alas...)


Recently, though, I've joined the Rhino-kin. A little because of the annoyance at the new enemies, a little to troll some of the Forum users who think whoever plays Rhino must obviously be mentally challenged.


But in the end, whatever frame or weapon I use, I'm a tinkerer who likes to play with mods to find the best combinations with them.


Oh and, in an open admission of guilt, a bit of mysoginist player given how little I feel motivated to play femframes.

Edited by Branwyn
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Oh and, in an open admission of guilt, a bit of mysoginist player given how little I feel motivated to play femframes.

Wait wait, how are you a misogynist if you prefer playing male frames? I mean I'm the same, yet I don't hate them for the fact that they are female frames.

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Whispers : "I am a stealthy frame. I use melee & silent weapons (like bows & Kunai) a lot... The delight of sneaking around in the shadows, planning my approach without setting any alarm, & enjoying the view in new tilesets...


I try to solo most of the content & avoid getting OP weapons(hence why my progression is reaaally slow).


Meanwhile, in coop, if I ever see you bleedout, I'd run across the entire map to try to revive you!(if I'm too far I say it in the chat).

I also tell jokes & go on low level planets to guide new players."

Edited by unknow99
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Wait wait, how are you a misogynist if you prefer playing male frames? I mean I'm the same, yet I don't hate them for the fact that they are female frames.


Hate them a little for being female frames because I can't bring myself to play them despite loving the designs and playstyle...


Mirage above all, but I wouldn't mind DudeNyx either...

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I prefer to play an agressive close-combat/melee style, utilising huge health bonus mods and life regeneration for my aura - shotguns, dual pistols and the kogake are my favorite combination on Excalibur.


Not that I think its good, its just dead fun to go berserk. It's kinda like playing tank with no armour. You're susceptible to pretty much everything, but as long as you are faster, have more health and can stall with powers, you're good to go.

Edited by IANOBW
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I like to be a jack of all trades, but my focus is on a supportive role, so I tend to play CC-oriented 'frames or spam team buffs (when I can see my team, that is. Bloody rushers). Also most of my builds tend to be generalistic - centered around 2 or 3 abilities - rather than specialising around one single ability, which means I can fill different roles depending on who I'm playing with, but I'm not going to be the best at anything lol. I never expect to have the most kills, but I'll probably be the one face-tanking that Bombard to get you up should you fall.


My most recent go-to Warframe is Mesa since her playstyle suits me well, haven't changed from her since I got her. I went for a max efficiency build so I can keep Shooting Gallery and Shatter Shield active at all times, but at that I have to balance duration for both of these skills and end up losing some power strength for Peacemaker, but it's a worthy sacrifice methinks.

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