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Coming Soon: Devstream #43


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Question: Mod underclocking was mentioned sometime in a past devstream that may be coming with U16, but now it's all about Focus. Is a solution to the mod problem (Having multiple copies of a mod for different rank, annoying for rare mods and expensive mods such as Corrupted ones) going to be addressed in U16 still?

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Will there ever be dynamic weather? Like Rainstorms or fog on Earth, sandstorms on Phobos, blizzards on Europa or any other snow themed tilesets.


How about random (truly random, not bounty spawned like others), mid level bosses, like Stalker or Grustags? But connected to a tile, not randomly spawned. For instance, you're doing sabotage on Grineer asteroid, and there's this hangar in it, in which you have 50/50 chance for a gunship to fly in. Your route out is cut off, and you can't leave until you kill it. Or Grineer tank on some planet surface, or Corpus heavy mecha. Even this new infested Behemoth could be one such mid-boss.

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Question 1 : acquisition of Item "x" ingame vs straight up "buy Y to ignore rng"




this has been quite a rouse throughout the forums when the recent release of mesa caused some controversy involving her ways to get



#1 wait for said invasion and hope a faction will give out a co-ordinate

#2 do a run and get the part you already have (ex: I already have the chasis! why do I feel ripped off?)

#3 the high timewall seems unfair to most if-not all casual players to wait atleast a long time to get her


this feels like a somewhat strange trend to see to lock Frame "X" behind a "keywall" (Hydroid, Vay Hek.) and is there gonna

be more of this in the future? I'd certainly wouldn't like to see something like revamped tyl regor be locked behind another key wall.


and would it be possible to revamp the acquisition of said co-ordinates to originate from doing spy missions? I certainly wanna get a

sweet piece of intel on Alad V's hideout.





Question 2 : The Mios! anything so far?




now that Silva & Aegis, Kronen, have been released. do you have any sneak peeks about the 3rd contest winner melee weapon?




Question 3 : The Seeker Dilemma, mobs that seem to outshine others.




as an active player, I have been noticing tremendous power curves from enemys that seem to be a bit strange, for one the seeker.


why does his pistol seem to be the most dangerous to take hits from around lvls 30-40? the burst dmg from this particular mob seems to

take quite a huge chunk of my hp.


For example, I am an excalibur with a maxed Vitality mod with quick thinking installed, if a lvl 40 seeker gets 2 shots on me, I am

immediately in the danger zone, panicking while I try to use lifestrike on said mob.


I do find it strange that the purpose behind seekers is to throw tenno-seeking roller grenades but they never seem to be a huge threat.

as in they don't do enough dmg to match this mobs firepower.


is there any chance that you can switch the dmg to the bombs and not his pistol? it seems as if he has a scaling hornet strike, and

that's something to fear.






Question 4 : Clan Sigils?




will this be a thing? I think most clans could definitely show their pride if they could.




Question 5 : more augment mods? Yes please!


as a person who likes the syndicate acquired mods, will there be more in stores for us soon? 

what do you guys think of a scatter bomb augment mod for penta that sacrifices dmg while at the same time produces 5-7 miniature bomb, sounds pretty cool right?





Question 6 : Corpus are upgrading their arsenal?


the question is, why aren't most if not all corpus crewmen units not weilding weapons like we do? for example, the Tetra, an energy assault rifle that seems to be M.I.A

from corpus units.


the weapons they don't use are


1. Angstrum, Pistol Rocket launcher

2. Cestra and/or Dual Cestras.

3. Amprex

4. Glaxion

5. Lecta

6. Opticor (even though the jetpack corpus enemies use them as jetpacks....)


I'm glad that the attention isn't diverted from corpus so I'm hoping that 6 units get to use these so atleast they won't be the type to

screw around with.


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Will we be able to do emotes in common areas, such as the tenno hubs, dojo and ship? 


Will you guys be adding another frame or weapon drop similar to oberon?


P.S. You guys are the best dev team around IMHO, love how you guys take so much feedback from the community =)

Edited by LordHuggyBear
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Hi, Blakrana here, with 2 questions.


Long one first.


1) First, some background: I am an avid user of a controller to play the game on PC, rather than the Mouse and Keyboard control scheme. Personal preference. And generally I want to thank folks for the fact that I can actually play the game with a controller, as it's a lot more comfortable, and I'm sure my fellow Controller players agree with me.


However, using a controller has issues on PC. You see, the majority of game menus in the Liset and its related system functionality, are what I dub 'Partial'. These are menus where a certain feature works, but the rest doesn't, and it's not necessarily consistent with the rest of the Menus; in my tests, the extent of how a Menu is partial is somewhat idiosyncratic with the menu in question.


Now, yes, the current working solution I have is to use my mouse to navigate/highlight/select things that way. And I accept that it's a logical assumption that a PC gamer will have access to their mouse or a touch-pad at nearly all times. Yet the Xbox and PS4 players have not got this mouse access and, so far as I'm aware, don't have issues with Partial Menu accessibility.


I know people are busy, and incredibly inundated by requests for things but right now, I'm a little unclear as to why PC Controller users still have to rely on the mouse to do something our console fellows don't, despite using the same basic HID.


It may not be much, as I've not been able to generate an exhaustive test of all Menus with a controller, lacking some of them, but I have compiled my findings here regarding the Liset menus. I'm making sure to update it as regularly as I can where relevant; nothing worse than out of date information.


Similarly, I've compiled my findings for the behaviour of controller bindings here, if that may prove of any relevance to the problems outlined above.


In Summary: Whilst it is possible to play Warframe on the PC using a controller, we still experience accessibility issues with in game menus, despite the clear lack of such problems on Consoles, leading to what I dub 'Partial Menus'. These menus, whilst they may have some interaction with Controller inputs, do not have full interaction, leading to the requirement to use the mouse for the majority of actions, leaving the Controller as a little more than a 'Tab' tool.


In the interests of improving the experience for those, like myself, who use a controller, are there plans to address the issue of Partial Menus, so that PC players can get the same level of controller menu functionality as those who play on Consoles?


Happy Holidays





2) Colour palettes are great and I've actually unlocked a few, but as a colour-blind player, I struggle to use a broad range of colours as I'm unclear where one colour becomes another; when does Green become Yellow or Pastel Pink becomes Powder Blue?


[size=1]Yes, I bought them in full awareness of the irony...[/size]


Will it ever be possible for labels of some form to be implemented, to clarify which colour is which?


I'm still grateful Lockers are now distinguishable at a glance (barring Derelict lockers mind), so could it be possible to make the colour palettes a part of the next steps to extended accessibility?


In Summary: In the name of accessibility, will Colour palettes ever receive labels for the individual colours when 'highlighted' so it is easier for the Colour Blind player to distinguish whether they're looking at a Green or a Yellow when modifying their colour scheme? The uncertainty is the only thing between me and a Foxglove Saryn colour scheme right now. [size=1]I think. I might not have the right colours yet anyway, I can't tell~[/size]


PS: Derelict Lockers still use the Old Locker colour lock system. Is this intentional or being looked at? It's literally just the Derelict Tile-set lockers that elude the changes.


Happy Holidays.

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What are the long-term goals for gear and Mastery?


Accorcing to the Tennonomicon (Wiki), there are 176 weapons, 28 warframes, 11 companions, 7 sentinal weapons, 2 archwings, and 6 archwing weapons. Out of 30 Mastery Ranks, the highest achievable is 18. Under the current calculations for Mastery Rank, we will need about 475 new weapons, or 238 new warframes, companions, and archwings, in order to reach MR30.


Do you plan to "stay the course", and continue adding new items until eventually MR30 can be obtained, or will there come a point where the calculation for Mastery Rank will have to be altered, or even Mastery itself be redone?

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Kubrows. Please. 
I know it's already been mentioned several times before in this thread, but I think it's really an area that needs attention. 
Things like Savagery and Ferocity, where the Kubrow keeps getting wrestled off and the enemy remains immune to damage during the animation. I've actually unequipped Ferocity and my Sahasa is the more effective for it.

And things like the kubrow simply standing still for what appears to be no reason (which is probably because of the pathfinding getting stuck but I wouldn't know).

Even worse is the way they sometimes walk in front of you and block your shots. 

I understand that you might read this and think: "But that only occurs rarely.". But a golden rule of human memory is that we only remember the bad things. For example, the kubrow may walk in front of a player and block a shot only once per game. And taking into account the fact that the player stops to shoot hundreds of times per game, this is in fact a very good ratio. However, you can bet that the player will not notice the kubrow staying out of the way the hundreds of times, but very definitely will notice the one time that their kubrow blocked a shot. 


Please at least address this. i feel that kubrows were something that was implemented, fixed about a couple of times and ultimately just left behind. 

Also note that there are other aspects which I have neglected to mention because another player has already done so in this same thread. For example, TheLastDisease wrote:



The care and feeding of a kubrow is a minor inconvenience to a veteran, but it's prohibitively costly to a new player.  This makes me a sad panda, because kubrow have a lot of character and aren't really all that powerful compared to the much easier to build/maintain sentinels.  Basically they're completely perfect for getting new players excited, until they find out they either have to watch the puppy melt or put it in stasis most of the time.  New players simply need all the money they make to be able to fuse mods and build new things -- and that process is already slow enough.

And aspects like the kubrows' unfinished wallrunning and ziplining animations.

Thank you!

Edited by CheeseHasLeafs
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I only want toput some questions in: 


Q: Rebalancing of Weapons older Ages. (Grinlok(More accuracy because Long Barrel = more Penetration), Grakata (More Power) , Hind (A bit more Power it is Weaker than Karak) , Dera (Very Low Damage Rifle , i know it have 100 Accuracy but the Damage is too weak). Mostly more old weapons i dondt mind now are involved in this Weakness.


Q: Will there come more Customisation options in future for Prime Gear ? I think im not alone with the disliking of the Gold Ornaments. Will it be possible to Change the Gold into another Metal like Silver or Platinum looking Stile ? 


Q: Will Grineer get some far day theyr own energy Weapons ? I Dreamed about some Mighty Disruptors. Pure Power filling the Capacitors and Blashing out in a High damage energy Burst.


(Please no more fun Weapons like Nukor ~_~. At first i laught a lot but when a Big Head Grineer rushing in your Way you only can die laughing xD)

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Can we get an update for lore related quests? Warframe doesn't have much of a story to find in-game? Also this is probably a dumb question but do you guys think you'll ever end development for warframe and move on to building other games? I was curious because it's been said that all of the frames would be primed and the i think the game is still considered in open beta.

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Can we perhaps get a small hint about when/if DE is going to change the map system for Archwing?


Archwing is one of the most amusing things in the game but alot of the fun is neutered when you arent quite sure where you are meant to go.


And the current map system is sort of like a clown throwing pies at your face.

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For the Q&A:


When are we getting a Firing Range, so we can test out our weapons and power outside of a mission? You could even involve the Codex with it with having you able to spawn enemies on the range that you have fully scanned.


Also, why can't we replay previous Master Challenges? This would be a perfect add on to the firing range too as VR training.

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What are your thoughts on re-releasing some of the exclusive mods/weapons? With the way the Tethra's Doom mods were given out in the Operation: Mutalist Incursions, having to go till 20 minutes for a chance to obtain only one of the four. Will this be the new way for these exclusive items being released again, or will they be re-released as gifts again, after completing the set objective.

Edited by MintyTwirl
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What happened to the dojo customization hinted to in devstream 38? is that... lost forever?
Will you be fixing Velocitus accuracy anytime soon? Maybe make it do impact or puncture damage instead of magnetic?

Will you be adjusting the rathbone grindyness?(30 arch sabotages later, still no rathbone handle)

Edited by Ryuhouji
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