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Coming Soon: Devstream #43


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The new tactical alert mentions reptiles on earth, will we be seeing more feral creatures on earth or other planets, such as the kubrows on earth or the manta ray-like creatures on Phobos?

Will there be a "central" Hub that is not tied to any planet but has its own "sphere" on navigation?

We have automatic rifles and semi-auto rifles, will there ever be a gun that can switch modes?

Edited by Phyrosite
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We have many weapons, warframes, and other equipment in this game that see almost no play time, due to either unpopularity or being outclassed in some way or another. Is anything going to be done about these things?


Progression in this game is skewered. Some of the games most powerful equipment is accessible very, very early and relatively easy. Mandatory mods must be leveled with resources we find rather than play time or level progression, which can create a lot of different paces for getting things like max serration. Will this ever be normalized so people progress at a much more regulated pace?


Will there be more quests for more lore?


Any plans for Warframe on Linux/SteamOS?

Edited by Racercowboy
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Will we be seeing any kind of raid system for another iteration of a type of endgame?

Will the devs be stepping in to change how Dark Sector tax rates are in light of the recent actions by ICE and their allies where they put up 100% tax rates and abuse Dark Sector Conflict systems by host migrating and having allies block access for other alliances by running conflicts against themselves and putting up massive battle pay to gurantee win after win

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I am looking forward once again to watching the stream. I like the way that we are kept in the loop, in regards to changes and up coming features.


My Question is:


Are there any plans to introduce end game content, that is more of a challenge for the veteran players, since most of the content can be done solo ( this has been the case for some time ) I am curious to know if there are going to be boss fights etc that are not only a challenge, but one that will need a set group composition in order to accomplish the goal eg, TANK, HEALS, DPS. rather than having 4 players all just pushing 4 to win. I would like to see it be a lot harder just to get to the end game boss as well, rather than just a full group sprinting and zerging to the end then pusing 4 to win ( maybe a derelict or void tower with lvl scaling spawns starts at lvl 50 but by the time you get to the end yours killing lvl 100+ then you have to fight the boss)


Lephantis an Vay Hek are just way to easy, and having to grind a survial for 40 mins to get a challenge is rather tedious

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A question from one of my recent, more popular forum posts, titled "Why Warframe is Successful; Why I, As A Veteran, Return; Warframe's Potential"


Games are a form of exploration convenient to the average person. They allow the player to explore something extraordinary when they otherwise could not. Whether a game allows one to feel involved through stats, lore, or something else, it all comes down to giving the player the freedom to explore. No, I'm not directly suggesting the addition of more planets, content, etc.


What it boils down to is vastness. In Update 7, the game had the same three (I think) tilesets, and yet it felt so much larger to me. While I can attribute most of this feeling to my overall experience in the game, one should keep in mind that the success of a game depends directly on its ability to keep the player exploring.


There is a great difference between giving the players a new system and giving the players more to explore. New systems can be learned. New areas can become familiar. New weapons can become usual. In the long run, DE should keep these in mind; new content can become old very quickly. 


The only way to bypass this is to give the player something to take away from the game; something for them to think about even when not in-game. Provide in-depth analysis on in-game cultures / philosophies; explain in-depth the origin of empires and the thought processes which led to the current state.


Where did the Red Veil come from? Who is their leader? Why do they see corruption everywhere? This is the type of content players will eat up.


Are there any comments on this? The difference between a new system and more to explore?

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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Q1: Will we be seeing more special powers/perks that Prime Warframes have in the void? So far the only benefit of using a Prime in the void is the energy you gain from traps. Example: What if primes could access special void rooms? Or trigger orokin tech to help them during a mission? Something like that would be nice.



Q2: Is there any news on Parkour 2.0? Or at the very least better kubrow agility? We still haven't seen kubrows be able to wallrun yet. 




Q3: Will we be seeing any tilesets that aren't given to a specific faction? It seems all of the tilesets revolve around either the corpus, Grineer, or infested ( Which is still Grineer or corpus ), Will we ever be able to explore an environment where there are no grineer/corpus themes, Examples: A colony being invaded by the Grineer drop ships or a Thick forest with plenty of nature excluding all corups and grineer machinery.

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Thanks in advance for reading this


With the soon to be Raids on the game, will DE add an upgrade sistem for some of the basic weapons with the theme of the raid boss?


Example: lets say the raid  boss is lephantis (just an example), after finishing the raid, have a  chance of getting unique's mods and a blueprint to upgrade a weapon using rare resources something that's common on many rpg's,


the thing is, the raid must be really hardcore and challenging, if not the stage would stop being a raid, because an easy raid is a boring raid

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Snipers still do inconsistent damage due to crit chance being under 100% and Split Chamber maxing at 90%. Are there any plans to make snipers hit consistently on every shot like bows do? (Except Split Chamber at 90% makes bows hit inconsistently as well as snipers)


When Melee 2.0 arrived, it brought about a nerf to the Fury mod, meaning a lot of melee weapons are slow and cumbersome to use. Why was it necessary to nerf Fury? If the goal was to slow melee down so combos would be easier to execute, couldn't Fury have been left untouched and players could use lower ranks of the mod or not at all? That way players have the choice between fast spam attacks to use while they have their gun equipped, or slower, stronger combos when melee is equipped.

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Lookin' Forward to this devstream...but here's my 2 questions:


1:Will there be a better targeting system for companions?there's been many times that my kubrow or sentinel is not attacking the target that is next to me (like,just a step away!) and just staying there like nothing is happening at all (mostly kubrows),also the kubrow tend to walk infront of the owner and blocking the bullets of the guns without punchthrough and its kinda annoying.


2:Red Veils and Steel Meridians Specters are kinda useless and don't do anything useful.

Will there be better specters for them?(and/or other syndicate specters that aren't good)

                                                                                                                                                       Tnx for all the awsome stuff DE!

Edited by Redeemer85
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Will there be a Parkour 2.0 preview? :D


Will we get deployable emplacements (e.g. turrets) in the future? We have roller spectres and all that, but emplacements are different.


Also, love you too Warframe devs.

Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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A lot of times people complain about "last second leavers" in defense missions with random players. 

(last second leavers = 1sec before the timer reaches 0 and the next wave begins a player switches to "leave")


- Is this a known/ important problem? How do you think you could fix this problem?

(e.g if everyone selects one side the timer ends automatically and the next Wave starts..or if everyone selects "exit" the game will end without waiting another 10 sec)



- What about special Syndicate decorations for our Warframe / our Liset / our dojo? Any plans for a Syndicate Syandana? *cough show some w.i.p cough*



- What was your favorite moment in 2014? What was the worst/ best thing you read in the forums this year?

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Ellobi like to say can we have a event called hostile takeover. Not that hard something simple. Something made purely by the community, but with the help of warframe's dev teamd when I say help of dev team I just like this mentioned I the dev stream. Take sechura back to the space confederation day. NO TAX

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Why does the Nullifier Crewman use the lanka? You said that in Devstream 32 that you created more weapons than the AI uses to give you options for what to give new units that fit the lore, but here you reduplicated the sniper crewman. 


The Nullifier crewman has regenerating shields, does that mean that other enemies can have their shields regenerate as well? (with delay, to prevent the recharge from making enemies unkillable.)


Some Grineer lancers have faceplates and others do not, is there plans to make variations so that other units have some minor individuality to them? and why do the monolithic grineer have the most individuality in their units?

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can we expect a buff on some of the elemental damage mods?

as an example, the melee elemental damage mods give 90%+ damage, while the electric damage mod only gives 60% at the same energy cost


edit: also, can we please hear something about the required oxium for crafting some of the weapons/warframe/sentinel (helios, zephyr, halikor, that new shotgun)? oxium is really hard to get and 500 oxium for only one item is too much

Edited by lautalocos
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Hey there.



Not sure if this has been asked before somewhere, but will there ever be Add-On support?



There are a whole bunch of nice-to-have things that I wish would be implemented in this game, but I fear it possibly won't happen anytime soon, or in worst case never happen. I'm speaking of stuff like, hotkey to mission progress (item rewards, mod rewards and stats during the mission), customizeable UI, cooldown trackers, DPS meters, and such.




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