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A Friendly Reminder About Kappa And Other Mobile Defense Nodes...


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Guys. Don't leave the item you're supposed to defend. Computer terminal. Tenno capsule. Orokin artifact. Whatever it is, don't leave it.


I was just in multiple Kappa runs where people, all with primed gear, extremely powerful weapons, and loads of huge AOE abilities failed miserably. Why? because they ran off to show off their epic abilities and totally ignored the actual mission at hand.


It's a domino effect. These people with their Rhinos and their Novas and even their Oberons and Vaubans (Yep, one of the missions I failed in had a freakin VAUBAN) run toward the terminal, activate it, then run off into the main area to spam 4. Players that might be levelling their warframe (e.g, at that moment, me) are left to try and survive the onslaught of Grineer that spawn INSIDE the computer terminal areas. Then there's always the realization that hey - the other players are killing enemies too far away for you to gain exp from. So you have to juggle trying to defend the area yourself while also trying to be close enough to the AOE spammers in the next room so you can get at least some of the exp. Eventually this tug of war ends with failure unless the player left in the dust has a defense focused frame.


Or, the terminal part is completed. We go into the main room and yay, everyone can spam to their heart's content. But players end up become lax in their judgement. "Oh I've done Kappa a billion times, I'm just going to ignore the defense part of it and kill S#&$." Next thing you know, Mission Failure.



Seriously people, stop doing this. Let the enemies come to you, not you to them. You'll not only still be able to show off how awesome you are, but you'll also be a team player and you won't end up wasting both your time and everyone else's. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMIES. Grineer may not be able to kill you very easily with your max forma'd Rhino, but they sure as hell can destroy the defense targets as well as teammates that may be levelling their warframes.


Also, guys, seriously, Mesa is not a defense frame (on her own. Coupled with a Frost or a [good] Vauban, most definitely). Perhaps the people I was playing with thought that I, a mid level Mesa with a rank 1 Peacekeeper, thought I had everything covered. It seems....I did not.


Anyway, sticker,375x360.u3.png

Edited by Cidolfus
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I think this should go to players helping players section.


Thanks for the tips btw


Eh I kinda started this more as a rant to tell you the truth, but yeah if a GM wants to move it then more power to em.



To be fair, the health meter for the objective is tinier than the edge of my fingernail, but you bring up plenty of excellent points.


I think there needs to be more warning signs myself. Maybe a noticeable noise or the Lotus chiming in  periodically. "[insert Defense Object] is at 75% health. Be wary, Tenno." and so on.




let them fail. failure humbles us all


Sure I wouldn't mind letting THEM fail, but it sucks when I gotta fail with em.

Edited by Cidolfus
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People that ditch the terminals are a blight, and the main reason that I've moved onto other modes to power-level my gear.

If you can convince an entire squad to stay on the terminal then the enemy spawns will funnel tons of enemies (and consequently exp) towards you for the entire time but as soon as one idiot wanders off to the middle of the map everythng breaks and your exp gain will plummet.


I'd recommend that you just play Kiste (far less forgiving MDef, if you're not consciously defending the objective you lose), Survival, Endless Defence or use one of the currently popular methods to farm interception and 0-30 weapons in a single run.

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Thanks for the PSA, spawning mechanics are fun.




But what happens when the Limbo is the "Hallway Scrub"?


Yup, no joke. The last loss of the evening in Kappa was due to everyone, including a Limbo, spamming 4 in the main room and ignoring the lone Mesa bleeding out of her bandana-covered eyes trying desperately to focus and kill the hundreds of Grineer attacking both her and the terminal with Peacemaker. Didn't end well.

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These people.. run toward the terminal, activate it, then run off into the main area to spam 4


The annoying thing is, I had more than a couple of missions failed because of people like these.. they'd die and the objective will get swarmed during the few seconds I have to leave it and run off to revive their butts.

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 Ive been using MD to level my gear for a long time now, and simple fact of the matter is that hallway heroes dont even get the most kills.


For most maps, theres at least 4 approach paths for the mobs to take to the terminal.


A hallway hero basically blocks off one of theese approaches, and due to spawn logic the majority of the mobs will spawn on a different path.


Well, in most cases. I consider the few maps that dont allow the mobs freedom to manuver like that to be in need of a revamp.


The annoying thing is, I had more than a couple of missions failed because of people like these.. they'd die and the objective will get swarmed during the few seconds I have to leave it and run off to revive their butts.

Its often the case that theese people arent worth reviving anyway. They damage your XP/rep gain, and whether or not you res them if they get up theyll just go right back to what they were doing already.

Edited by Dualstar
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When my team runs away like that I usually let the defence objective get destroyed while I type to the team what is occurring. Not that they learn anything but its better then standing alone by the objective without, XP and not given enough time to run and collect the loot after the mission is done.

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Pretty much all the time, people stay at the pod if I simply explain them how the spawn works.

Enemies spawn around the players, meaning, the further you go, the further they spawn. So it's pointless to chase them.


Not sure if this is fixed, but me and my friend used to activate the pod, run away as far as we could and just kill the enemies that spawned around us without any worries.


Anyway, explain to them how the exp works as well, if necessary. Since there are a lot of people who don't know that you're better off letting your team members do the killing if you're leveling weapons.

Only try to kill enemies yourself, preferably with your frame, if you're leveling your frame.

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Its often the case that theese people arent worth reviving anyway. They damage your XP/rep gain, and whether or not you res them if they get up theyll just go right back to what they were doing already.


Yeah, that's true. After about 3 experiences like that, I started to implement my own radius-revive rule where anyone who dies more than 50m away from the objective will not be revived - even when there are no mobs around. Harsh, but it works. LOL

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If I find someone hallway-heroing, I just:

a) leave the objective to be destroyed, then type in chat "gg";

b) run to the heroes and steal all their kills before they can do anything; or

c) disconnect everyone and finish the mission myself.


Also, Mesa is my go-to Defense frame. Just hop onto something that gives plenty LoS and spam max-efficiency Peacemaker, usually everything dies faster than they can put a bullet on me, and I can't recall last time I got downed with her.

Edited by kingbaldwin
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Kappa is the worst offender in my opinion because it is early in the star map so each time I join there is about 95% fail rate due to low level new players don't quit understand how the mission work. Even though you tell them or waypoint the pod they are all over the place. Kappa is a good rep and leveling place but I have given up on that node all together.


Strangely enough when the Malicious raptor stance was released and a lot of people farmed Kappa for it, there was no such problems. Mostly because those who joined knew what their objective was.

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@OP Your as they say preaching to the choir, been here more than a year and in all that time never once failed a MD on Kappa, but when it comes to defending the pod, completely agree I usually tell them if you die out there you die alone I won't come and revive you. Especially now with the nullifiers in corpus defense it's a bit more dangerous. I have often suggested to DE to extend the XP range.

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I have often suggested to DE to extend the XP range.


That simply encourages the bad behavior of leaving the objective or spreading out too much.  You need to come at this from the other direction of using incentives for staying together.  Something like an amount of bonus XP for each other squad member that shared from a kill.

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could always place invisible barrier to confine players to the room when activation the objective, the could still spam AOE but atleast they stuck there with you.


would requier all 4 players in the room, or maybe redesgin the astroid and other places to be like the jackal boss fight room, enemies have thier own special spawn points only they can use, room unlocked upon completion of the objective.

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