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High Mastery Gear


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TL;DR: "I'm level 18, and I think that nobody should get nice things until much later in the game. Higher level players should also get more stuff, and I deserve to be treated like a god because as you know Mastery Rank determines player aptitude and knowledge."

TL;DR Im a salty low-bee.

Id like to see mastery play a larger role in the game. Im wating on the focus system to fill that niche. Hopefully it will reward high level players since thats what DE origionally said it would. That bing said I do agree if it has a rank cap on the normal weapon the primed versions should be the same level if not 1 point higher. I also thing legendary mods should be locked behind rank 10 being that they are a major upgrade. At level 10 your a litle more then half way through the progression and its not hard to reach, so it would be a nice reward. Thats my 2 cents, wallet warriors be damned.

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I think this is dumb tbh. If you made something like frames be MR locked. I'm MR 8, been playing for maybe a month now. I've gotten all my frames thru farming Voids/Bosses, only using Plat to buy Mods/Reactors/Slots and whatnot. Why should I be gimped because you feel you don't have enough bonuses at higher MR? Seems dumb really...


Edit: Pretty Sure Soma P is XP locked at MR 6. I know cause my gf was barely able to build hers today after hitting MR 6 finally.

Edited by AsheliaX
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TL;DR: "I'm level 18, and I think that nobody should get nice things until much later in the game. Higher level players should also get more stuff, and I deserve to be treated like a god because as you know Mastery Rank determines player aptitude and knowledge."

Actually, what OP is describing is that we should have something beyond what any wallet warrior can get thanks to our hard work, determination AND continued support of this Developer.


I don't like locking anything behind Mastery Rank in its current rendition; as Mastery Rank doesn't say anything about how good of a player I am outside of the realm of farming techniques or even how long I've played; as I may just not enjoy many of the primary weapons and therefore not bother ranking them and focus on formaing my favorite gear.  Locking behind playtime, sure.  Mastery Rank? no thanks.

Mastery rank is an indicator of dedication to the game and should be rewarded. Also MR is an indicator of playtime as well. You can't get all that MR without playing the hell out of this game. MR also denotes a certain level of familiarity with all areas of the game, both its tilesets and gear(IE: Warframes, weapons, companions). MR should mean more than ooh I can trade more(which high MR players do not need more of as we have what we want already) or ooh my sigil stopped evolving at 13 or so.

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Mastery Rank 16 here, I completely agree that this should happen. There are too many op weapons that anyone can get their hands on, and having a mastery wall would allow for an incentive to get stronger and better weapons instead of having the best already at rank 4.



Syndicate weapons should also be mastery locked (due to synoid gammacor) just by how op they can be. And at the same time buff the other syndicate weapons.

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MR also denotes a certain level of familiarity with all areas of the game, both its tilesets and gear(IE: Warframes, weapons, companions).


It should do. But in fact it does not. I've seen a lot of players with MR above 10 that doesn't know how to use their warframe properly or what to do in some missions. It just mean you've played a lot, not that you have learn anything from it.


Anyway, returning to the main feature of the thread - I don't think having a high MR should mean access to any exclusive places, gear or whatever. Early access to Hubs was not a privilege, just a way to limit access to hubs so stress tests could be done. Have nothing to do with any "exclusiveness", just a way to limit the number of players accessing them for the tests to be easier to handle and progressively try their stability.


It's your gear and your hability what determines where you can go or don't, not the number of hours played. Ok, they have some relation, but you can have a warframe and set of weapons perfectly tuned for high lvl long defenses or survives at MR 5-6.

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Locking stuff right now will do more harm than good. IF somehow DE finally looks at all the weapons and rebalances them into tiers(so each weapon is a progressive upgrade based on MR) and not what we have now(a few godly weapons without MR reqs and some randomly "good" weapons in random ranks and the rest are mastery exp trash) then the locking would be good.


So we'll have:

-Starter weapons(tier1) (mk's go here)

-Normal weapons(tier 2)

-Syndicate/clan dojo weapons(tier 3)

-Prime weapons(tier 4)


Idealy prime weapons would be trade locked or heavily taxed(if you just need that 1 part but RNG isn't liking you) meanwhile not allowing mr2's to plow through venus/earth with paris p/boltor p/soma p and let them develop bad habits.


Now, balance the weapons so the weapons in the same tier are sidegrades. Example: Now Lex, kunai, bolto, lato and sicarus are all viable, just use different playstyle for different players.


You go up a tier,  it's an upgrade.


Go up a tier and it's an upgrade again, although at higher MR requirement.


This tier system also opens up 2 options for players.

-They can grind for mods/cores and bring a lower tier weapon up to par with a base weapon of a higher tier.


-They can grind for mastery and get a straight up upgrade getting a higher tier weapon.



Doing this will make people play more and give them a progression goal, not just "oh, what should I do today....?"

Edited by kiteohatto
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I just hit Mastery Rank 13 yesterday and am working my way to slow down soon after currently having 384 hours of playtime. I love what the mastery rank rewards are and would not be opposed to certain things becoming exclusive. I would say this same thing if I were a lower level because it would act as an incentive for me to play the game and climb to achieve those goals. I love a challenge and trying to reach Mastery Rank 15 is a goal I set for myself a while back and I would love to see some good rewards come out of it maybe. Nice ideas man.

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Any think that requires mastery rank 9 or higher is just $&*&*#(%&. I am pretty sure you would have unlocked Pluto, Ceres and T4 by then as it is really the end game content if you exclude nightmare mode.


Now why should you have gear locked behind a grind wall? What the point of farming void towers if you can't use the weapon because your need to be experienced with 100 other weapons? Hell even the mastery rank system is broken as I could get a gun to level 30 with out even firing it.

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It'd be nice to have a reason to keep ranking up past 8 besides a pretty number, all the current bonuses, aside from daily rep aren't even nice. 

That said, it's not like the number isn't enough reason that I do keep ranking. 'Bout to hit 15, I'll probably lose my drive there since that's when relays were exclusive when released, and probably when any other future testing would be.

Personally I really like that idea, higher mastery rank being to get to test new stuff, no one can complain that they don't get to do something because of a lower rank then, but being higher mastery gives you the perk of doing it sooner.

As for other stuff, I dunno, maybe. Having things is cool, having a reason to do things is cool, not having things is uncool.

Both are kinda just how things are.You either get stuff or you don't.

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I'd love exclusive things for higher mastery ranks, BUT, we have to remember that the cap changes every few updates, with the max cap supposedly being 30.


DE would either have to pre-plan exclusive stuff for a rank BEFORE it comes out, instead of when ranks are already out, because a high rank today could be a low rank in following months.

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Locking stuff right now will do more harm than good. IF somehow DE finally looks at all the weapons and rebalances them into tiers(so each weapon is a progressive upgrade based on MR) and not what we have now(a few godly weapons without MR reqs and some randomly "good" weapons in random ranks and the rest are mastery exp trash) then the locking would be good.


So we'll have:

-Starter weapons(tier1) (mk's go here)

-Normal weapons(tier 2)

-Syndicate/clan dojo weapons(tier 3)

-Prime weapons(tier 4)


Idealy prime weapons would be trade locked or heavily taxed(if you just need that 1 part but RNG isn't liking you) meanwhile not allowing mr2's to plow through venus/earth with paris p/boltor p/soma p and let them develop bad habits.


Now, balance the weapons so the weapons in the same tier are sidegrades. Example: Now Lex, kunai, bolto, lato and sicarus are all viable, just use different playstyle for different players.


You go up a tier,  it's an upgrade.


Go up a tier and it's an upgrade again, although at higher MR requirement.


This tier system also opens up 2 options for players.

-They can grind for mods/cores and bring a lower tier weapon up to par with a base weapon of a higher tier.


-They can grind for mastery and get a straight up upgrade getting a higher tier weapon.



Doing this will make people play more and give them a progression goal, not just "oh, what should I do today....?"

^This. WF needs structured progression. If DEvs actually invested some time to set up the proper tiering, future balancing would so much much easier and quicker to do

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Disagree with locking things behind mastery rank.  It breeds elitism and shelters new players from any knowledge that higher ranks might be able to offer.


It's not a matter of completely discounting the idea or incentive behind progression, it's just that mastery rank is fundamentally flawed as a litmus to do it with.

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Omg you ppl are so naive. Obviously there wouldn't be ANY exclusive stuff for higher mastery rank players, simply because DE wants to sell as much plat as possible, and who do you think will say "F*** this grind I'll buy that swaggy new gun right now"? A new player of course or a platinum addicted.

Also 90% of 'higher ranks' use affinity boosters so they're not as expirienced as 'natty' player, therefore don't have exclusive right on a higher rank guns.

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Omg you ppl are so naive. Obviously there wouldn't be ANY exclusive stuff for higher mastery rank players, simply because DE wants to sell as much plat as possible, and who do you think will say "F*** this grind I'll buy that swaggy new gun right now"? A new player of course or a platinum addicted.

Also 90% of 'higher ranks' use affinity boosters so they're not as expirienced as 'natty' player, therefore don't have exclusive right on a higher rank guns.

High mastery guys have boosts because they are invested in the game and buy accessory packs every prime access.....we are just sorta stuck with boosters that we no longer benefit from, other than credits.


I think im on like 150 days of boosters now and im maxed rank....

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Omg you ppl are so naive. Obviously there wouldn't be ANY exclusive stuff for higher mastery rank players, simply because DE wants to sell as much plat as possible, and who do you think will say "F*** this grind I'll buy that swaggy new gun right now"? A new player of course or a platinum addicted.

Also 90% of 'higher ranks' use affinity boosters so they're not as expirienced as 'natty' player, therefore don't have exclusive right on a higher rank guns.

where did u get this statistic?

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aaaand this is a problem with our society... People need to feel like they are better than each other, so anything that can differentiate them is used to block the others out.
So what you're MR18? Did you rank up just to brag? Why do you think you need to handicap others just so you can feel like a special star? This kind of mentality is very sad, typical capitalist bs, climb while bringing the other down.

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aaaand this is a problem with our society... People need to feel like they are better than each other, so anything that can differentiate them is used to block the others out.

So what you're MR18? Did you rank up just to brag? Why do you think you need to handicap others just so you can feel like a special star? This kind of mentality is very sad, typical capitalist bs, climb while bringing the other down.

Its not that, at least not for people in here, we just want there to be a purpose to leveling mastery and as we are right now, there isn't really a point unless you just do it because you have nothing else to do.

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Leave it alone, I doubt much will change but for the sake of it, I'll go all in.


I will concede only one point, leveling up higher than 8 is essentially worthless. But that's the only thing I'll agree too.


First and foremost, you really don't need to be concerned with XYZ player buying their way up. Let them if that's the route they want to take. This is a free to play game, there are maaaaaaaaanny annoying aspects of this model here, but anyone willing to pony up the cash to do so? Go right ahead, they're supporting the game MUCH more than I am. I'm sure I'm so awesome for farming my frames/weapons/mods because RNG is the best indicator of skill apparently.


This is a primarily PVE game. You play your way. Dude who bought prime access doesn't devalue your own (insert name here) Prime. You can't share your frame with them and vice versa, what do you care how they got it as long as it is legit?

Oh are you worried about them "ruining" your matches? Well don't be so short sighted, you know what you open your party up to when it is public (and this applies for recruiting as well), stuff happens, and you don't know what's going on their end, bad connection, bad laptop, could be having a bad day, maybe their little brother got on their account, who knows? Don't be that guy expecting perfection when you know nothing about the other person besides some stupid arbitrary number.


As I said from the start, leveling up past 8 is pretty much worthless, but so was honestly getting to 8. While of course this is a playstyle opinion but practically none of the highly ranked mastery weapons even now did I ever come to like. The only reason I kept going was because

a) I quit this game for months on and off anyway

b) because I personally want to try most weapons/frames, mastery comes as a secondary bonus

c) I do wonder about the mastery tests themselves as they go along, and the trading bonuses are actually nice


That is it. I'm MR 16, if you think I know much more than I did at MR8 (besides the natural new additions to the game since that time), or am just sooooooo amazingly skilled compared to any equally modded lower MR person, you're being silly. I'm bad, gonna remain that way and that's just the way I move up. I learn what I need as I go. Limbo, Mirage, and Mesa have been out for awhile, I still only have the vaguest idea what they do since by my own preference I tend to avoid learning about frames if I don't have them or haven't seen them a lot. I like watching them randomly in matches to see if I can figure out what they do. Only once I get them myself do I spend time on the Wikia learning their ins and outs.


Actually lemme go even deeper.

There need not be a mastery locked relay, Pluto is alreaaaaaaaaaaaady mostly empty. The developers don't need to waste even more time making content no one cares about. Let them at least just stick to Archwing on that (a harmless joke for the Archwing fans).

But even this brings another point, the more content they bring out that they try to lock behind mastery walls, the fewer portion of the populace that gets to enjoy it, or more realistically, tries to buy it in a hurry, aka no money for them. That's just bad business.


What reason do they have to actually put good new weapons behind high MR walls hmm? So you, an individual player, can feel a tad bit better about yourself? That gets them zero money. When you're MR18 or honestly any high MR rank, either you got there by spending loyally over time (which means they already got your money and may continue) or you're stubborn and aren't going to buy anything anyway which doesn't do them any good.


Void trader? You know that stuff costs millions to max and trade yes? If some any rank person wants to invest enough for primed whatever, I don't really see how that's any of your business. From the get go, trading requires MR2 just to start. Someone willing to pay enough after getting MR2 CLEARLY knows what they're getting into because they couldn't even know about it's existence without being told.

And guess what, even this takes time, remember trade limits, a MR 2 person is getting 2 trades a day. That's not enough to get ANYTHING on day one without a prime access kinda deal. Everything takes four parts.

And oh the primed mods? 1 million trade tax. So no day 1 there either unless someone is stupid wealthy enough to buy a lot of plat to credits or they have some reaaaaaaaaally nice friends who carry them through voids/dark sectors for about ...2-3 hours worth of effort with a credit booster. And if they have "friends" like that, then they're already in good hands. Better than a person who just wants to avoid getting "noobs" in their clan.


Someone posted a Rhino Prime screenshot above with them having a variety of things at level 30 at MR7. Is that all that you see?

I'm like I really don't get it, dude has a combined conclave higher than everything I even used this entire time. That means that person has put a lot of investment into that loadout, pretty sure there's at least several formas among a variety of things. He's got the Dex Furis which means he's been here at least since the last anniversary. That's not a player to look down on or to lock content from. In fact, that could be why he's not even higher. Leveling mastery is getting some weapon/frame and then tossing it. That's it. When you forma, you aren't doing anything to increase your mastery rank, so he's getting further behind compared to someone who just uses and tosses like me.

Maybe he's a good rhino, maybe he isn't, but he's at least put forth the time and/or money to appear to be one. Operating under the assumption he IS a good Rhino, putting more mastery locks just would make players like him who'd build up their favorites, be more like people like me, rushing through.That guy probably actually ENJOYED playing with that stuff. I'm not against all mastery locks but honestly I see very little good from it, and any more is just to appease existing players**, nothing more.


**and yes I'm aware that existing players do need to be catered to but I don't feel like highlighting the difference, my time is up for this post.

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I am inclined to disagree with the stuff you want to lock behind high mastery

As a new player seeing all that awesome stuff locked behind an 18 MR grind wall would be depressing.

Furthermore, mastery is really only a measure of your patience in running around with awful weapons strapped to your back.

Personally I stopped caring about my mastery rank a long time ago. I just mess around with weapons I think look fun, and if I rank up, I rank up.

Kubrows for instance I don't like, therefore in the time since U14, I have levelled just one of them, and even then, that was on a single Viver run.

Point I am trying to make, is that the changes you suggest only cater to the sort of player who plays the game for mastery and mastery alone.

It reduces what is available for new players and makes early game that much more daunting (player.retention is a thing)

Finally it is a poke in the eye for the Veterans amoung us who'd rather enjoy playing the game without having to strap this weeks bit of mastery fodder to their backs to stay relevant.

Yes mastery should mean more, but not how you propose

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Sorry but no one has given a good reason why at mastery rank 15 there shouldn't be like armor or a syndana that you get. I don't want a little flower that changes and people can only see from a foot away, I want a billowing energy scarf. There is literally no reason for stuff like that not to exist.

Honestly I don't see why there shouldn't be higher mastery rank weapons and stuff either. You guys want it? Then just get a higher mastery rank! 1 round on Draco is enough to fully level a weapon!

If you don't want to fine, but there is no reason for higher mastery rank players not to have special equipment!

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