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Ash Prime Will Come Next After Nova... Proof?


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he wont be

According to just you.


As we've now seen with Nova Prime, it truly is "any frame". Seniority isn't nearly as important as originally thought, so we may very well end up with Vauban/Nekros/Oberon before Ash or Volt. We won't know until it sneaks its way into the files and people dig it up.

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According to just you.


As we've now seen with Nova Prime, it truly is "any frame". Seniority isn't nearly as important as originally thought, so we may very well end up with Vauban/Nekros/Oberon before Ash or Volt. We won't know until it sneaks its way into the files and people dig it up.

yeah its popularity, and who uses vauban, and who uses volt, barely anyone. ash is currently the most used.

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Seniority isn't nearly as important as originally thought

Oh for the love of Lotus.


We have 8 primes.

7 of them are the "originals" that open beta started with.

1 of them is a frame that came out after open beta started.



Seven out of eight.

87.5% of them.

All but one are the "originals".


Now pay attention to what DE actually said, and not what a player thought they said.




What DE said was "we will likely give priority".  Notice the two highlighted words?  They mean that most of the primes will tend to be the older ones.  And 7/8 are older.  If it was 8/8 then it'd be "definitely" and not "likely".  7/8 is "likely",  as in "higher chances" according to the definition of that word.





EDIT: Grammar fix, whoops.

Edited by Rydian
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i want a banshee prime ... im tired of this bladestorm spamming skilles noobs =)

i cant understand people which are able to enjoy 3 single hits on their comp over and over, moving is important for me, very important, as well as all possibillities a warframe and the different weapons offer to us ...

my 2 cents for

I wouldn't necessarily generalize it like that. Believe it or not, there are actually skilled Ash users in this community that make full use of all of Ash's abilities and don't just spam Bladestorm. Most frames have ultimates that are "press 4 to win", Ash is hardly unique in this aspect. Noobs tend to spam 4 on any frame that it's viable for (which is most).

On topic: Nova is the Design Council's brain child, so that and popularity are probably the reasons she was primed. She's popular with both the fanbase and with DE. Banshee is quite unpopular compared to Trinity and Saryn (although I admittedly want Banshee as the next female prime) and they probably want to finish cloth physics before priming Trinity. So that, combined with the aforementioned reasons may be the reason why they broke the "seniority priority" rule for her. Plus as the above poster pointed out, they did say older frames are likely to be primed first, which means that while most primes will be older, they will prime a more recent frame from time to time. Nova being primed actually falls perfectly in line with what they said. Volt and Ash have been requested more than any other male frame for the past few months, they both have seniority and popularity on their side. Plus Ash is Steve's fav Warframe (unless that changed since he said it) which has to count for something lol.

Alas, we have no way of truly knowing what DE bases their prime order on, so even if it seems likely for Volt and Ash to be the next primes, it's unfortunately just as likely that Hydroid, Vauban, Nekros or Oberon will be the next two prime males.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Edited by (PS4)ShuhanX
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Oh for the love of Lotus.


We have 8 primes.

7 of them are the "originals" that open beta started with.

1 of them is a frame that came out after open beta started.



Seven out of eight.

87.5% of them.

All but one are the "originals".


Now pay attention to what DE actually said, and not what a player thought they said.




What DE said was "we will likely give priority".  Notice the two highlighted words?  They mean that most of the primes will tend to be the older ones.  And 7/8 are older.  If it was 8/8 then it'd be "definitely" and not "likely".  7/8 is "likely",  as in "higher chances" according to the definition of that word.





EDIT: Grammar fix, whoops.

I'm fully aware. The wall of text and huge explanation was unnecessary, however.


All I was getting at was that simply because of the inclusion of Nova Prime, it's no longer guaranteed that the next two male Primes will be Ash or Volt. Everyone was betting for the longest time that we'd end up with Trinity, Saryn, or Banshee Prime, and instead we got Nova.

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If you go to your launcher currently, and go to whats new. You can see that on the left side, you see MESA, then ASH, then VOLT. I think this is a tease to the prime release order, Mesa not included of course. I think its too specific to be a coincidence. They could have had any of the frames hold those weapons.(((((((( AFTER NOVA)))))))))))





Its possible because nova was alongside limbo in the U15 launcher and then nova got primed.
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I'm fully aware. The wall of text and huge explanation was unnecessary, however.


All I was getting at was that simply because of the inclusion of Nova Prime, it's no longer guaranteed that the next two male Primes will be Ash or Volt. Everyone was betting for the longest time that we'd end up with Trinity, Saryn, or Banshee Prime, and instead we got Nova.

Ah, you were just responding akin to the people that thought DE was lying or going back on lore or whatever the hell everybody is complaining about now so I responded like that.

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Its possible because nova was alongside limbo in the U15 launcher and then nova got primed.

you cracked the code my friend

No love for Volt it's been ages

thats because no one uses him, hit abilities have no utility other than increasing melee dps with speed.

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I wonder how many of you would be willing to bet plat on it...


You know, put your money where your mouth is? :P




That depends on what exactly you mean. Because I've said NOTHING about whether or not Volt or Ash will be next. In fact, I think they will be, in whatever order.


My issue is that this is presented as proof. Saying that because the two frames people most want and most think will be primes show up in the launcher, that proves they will be the next primes, is ridiculous. Especially because it excludes the other items showing up in the launcher. It reaks of confirmation bias. At best, unless we get more possible "hints," it's more reasonable to consider this a coincidence. Even if Volt and Ash do end up being the next primes, that still doesn't actually confirm this as being a hint. Particularly because it came out before Nova prime was teased. Why would they hint at the next two primes AFTER the next prime, BEFORE we had it?


Unless DE confirms that it is a hint, which would likely be some time after they release them, this doesn't count as proof. This is a coincidence. The Frost hint? Yeah, that was more solid than this. Have we actually gotten any hints for any of the other primes? Please share if we have.

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That depends on what exactly you mean. Because I've said NOTHING about whether or not Volt or Ash will be next. In fact, I think they will be, in whatever order.


My issue is that this is presented as proof. Saying that because the two frames people most want and most think will be primes show up in the launcher, that proves they will be the next primes, is ridiculous. Especially because it excludes the other items showing up in the launcher. It reaks of confirmation bias. At best, unless we get more possible "hints," it's more reasonable to consider this a coincidence. Even if Volt and Ash do end up being the next primes, that still doesn't actually confirm this as being a hint. Particularly because it came out before Nova prime was teased. Why would they hint at the next two primes AFTER the next prime, BEFORE we had it?


Unless DE confirms that it is a hint, which would likely be some time after they release them, this doesn't count as proof. This is a coincidence. The Frost hint? Yeah, that was more solid than this. Have we actually gotten any hints for any of the other primes? Please share if we have.

look at the first page again, i have put another one of the coincidences if the first image didn't convince you.

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Sorry man, that doesn't really convince me either. Coincidences aren't solid proof, hints, or evidence.

nothing is impossible, i think its likely that when they were designing the images they had the ideas of nova and ash and volt and their minds. probably because they had been recently been talking about their current progress. A subconscious thing, or perhaps deliberate. I think this is a logical scenario. 

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You are free to believe what you want. By all means, believe that this isn't simply a coincidence. I have no problem with that. If you want to use it as your reason for believing it, I don't really have a problem with that either. And go ahead and present it to others as your reason for believing it. As I've said, I actually agree that volt and ash are probably next. I just don't believe it based on a picture in a launcher. For me, that's not really enough proof, or even proof at all. I don't see it as anything but meaningless coincidence.


I'm sorry. As much as I agree with you about Volt and Ash being next, in whatever order they end up being in, I don't agree with you about this being evidence or proof or anything.

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You are free to believe what you want. By all means, believe that this isn't simply a coincidence. I have no problem with that. If you want to use it as your reason for believing it, I don't really have a problem with that either. And go ahead and present it to others as your reason for believing it. As I've said, I actually agree that volt and ash are probably next. I just don't believe it based on a picture in a launcher. For me, that's not really enough proof, or even proof at all. I don't see it as anything but meaningless coincidence.


I'm sorry. As much as I agree with you about Volt and Ash being next, in whatever order they end up being in, I don't agree with you about this being evidence or proof or anything.

but your not thinking outside the box, people subtly tease things all the time whether they realize it or not. you have to consider the possibility, and given the circumstances its a very real possibility. 

Edited by Dio_Brando
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What makes you think I haven't considered it? Is it that I disagree with you? You know it's possible to consider something and still disagree?


Taking every coincidence as proof isn't thinking outside the box, it's throwing your brain out the window. You are getting into this weird meta-tease thing or something, where the devs don't even know they're teasing something. And that is FAR shakier than "these frames are in the launcher so that's a hint." And that was pretty shaky to begin with.


Frost Prime's hint? That was solid. It was deliberate. It was clearly deliberate, even if we didn't know what it meant at the time. What you are suggesting now, is that the devs subconciously teased something by putting it in the launcher splashscreens. That they are somehow teasing without knowing it. This is starting to rival conspiracy theories in out-there-ness, very shaky ground, and if it goes much further I'm afraid I'm just going to give up. There is no discussion to be had here if you're going to go that far.

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What makes you think I haven't considered it? Is it that I disagree with you? You know it's possible to consider something and still disagree?


Taking every coincidence as proof isn't thinking outside the box, it's throwing your brain out the window. You are getting into this weird meta-tease thing or something, where the devs don't even know they're teasing something. And that is FAR shakier than "these frames are in the launcher so that's a hint." And that was pretty shaky to begin with.


Frost Prime's hint? That was solid. It was deliberate. It was clearly deliberate, even if we didn't know what it meant at the time. What you are suggesting now, is that the devs subconciously teased something by putting it in the launcher splashscreens. That they are somehow teasing without knowing it. This is starting to rival conspiracy theories in out-there-ness, very shaky ground, and if it goes much further I'm afraid I'm just going to give up. There is no discussion to be had here if you're going to go that far.

if you insist, im just considering the possibilities. i have never said that any of this was fact, just like in the title i leave a question mark after the word proof. that's why i think its more likely that after discussing their work on these frames, that they put them as teases in the launcher. it just makes sense to me. but i could be wrong. only time will tell. 

Edited by Dio_Brando
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