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Update Xx.0 – Out Of The Void ( New Quest, Warframe, New Syndicates, New Game-Mode, New Void Missions)


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I can definitely agree that adding -further- factions to the ones we have unevenly would be a far worse option than adding them separately. However, I don't think that adding new factions is the right way to go about fixing the problem (which I perceive as the "everything here is a one time buy" problem) cause once you get someone running stephanos for the new syndicates you're out of luck, they're just going to grind through, buy everything, and be done. I'd much rather see splinter factions and alternative perspectives on the core 6 syndicates, with a focus on exploring their possibilities; honestly, the entire concept of adding more factions that don't interact with the ones another just sits wrong with me. (Also, the WoW thing is sausage to me. It has no meaning.)
Quests and such I will freely admit are something that you've got done in the style of DE, but personally it feels like a quest is something that should be more story oriented, rather than being tutorials or bits of dialogue from The Lotus/Ordis. I guess, ultimately, my complaint about your quests is a complaint about DE's quests and I don't really have an issue with your quest(s) persay, just a complaint about the "go here, do thing, go somewhere else, do unrelated thing" tendency of the current quests. I feel like you could have a long singular quest that introduces each faction in turn, rather than multiple mini quests, though.
WRT Archwing, which is off topic, and so I'm spoilering it:

My issues with Archwing basically come down to two (maybe three?) things: the Prime Parts Treatment (and ergo RNG Walling of any material), the difficulty of navigation, and kiiiinda the limited tilesets (though that complaint is mostly because the tilesets are very cool the first three times and then tedious because there's so much... space in space). If you had the Current Objective (the next enemy/power core for extermination/sabotage) flagged with a way point like those that players can put down, rather than the minimap one, it would make archwing much less frustrating to play. Additionally converting the Archwing Gear to not build out of parts that drop and instead having them build out of, you know, resources like everything else (even using the new Archwing Only resource drop they just added!), I'd probably be more okay with it. Even just the QoL change to make navigation less challenging would be enough to make me give it a third chance. Leveling archwing is also a pain, but that's standard for warframe and evening out the affinity curve would be the main way to fix that but that won't ever happen so whatever. This was a disjointed ramble about archwing with small ideas for solutions, sorry. I have a lot of thoughts about the current state of the game and the direction it's going in that I'm not really eloquent enough to put down in a cohesive manner all at once.



Your probably right in regards to leaving a mark; but what can I say? I'm an egotist at heart.
Oh, they definitely should have one all their own. I spend a lot of time on mercury, just chilling in the hub on hand if someone asks for help and answer a lot of questions about syndicates. it'd be very helpful to have a quest/tutorial for them.
And everyone wants to leave a mark. It's kind of our thing as a species, we just love marking things. I think the issue is more... You want to carve your face in the moon with a laser beam, when you could just plant a flag on it instead. If that makes sense.


To me, the Meridian leader being on the frontlines would fit perfectly with her character. She doesn't seem like the type who likes to sit idly by and direct others to mission, in my mind she would be down there, in the fight, battling to save and protect the colonies just like anyone else and only falling back because she's a smart enough fighter to pull out when things go south. Really, I don't think there's too much more to be added to the organization with two lines from a single grunt, but a mountain of characterization to be added to an already-awesome Grineer female and let the organization speak through her.
I'll also admit: I'm a bit of a fanboy for her. Well, who said anything about it being just two lines? They can have in combat banter, yelling at their foes based on the enemy they're fighting and objectives and stuff. Like, I don't like to point to it because the series kind of jumped the shark super hard core, but take a look at Halo, where they have a bunch of random chatter from allies and enemies. 
Just as a random example, I imagine that while a Vandal Trooper would mostly talk to you in "english" but when faced with corpus, they'd be shouting obscenities at them, while they'd be much less intense and more professional against grineer.
I do agree that her being on the front lines would fit her character, but I feel like there'd be space to characterize her without having her BE on the front lines. I kind of like to imagine that she's constantly itching to jump down and crack some heads and just heap an epic can of whoop ! on the enemy, but a war isn't won from the front, it's won from knowing how and where to strike at your foe, and planning around it. Her being on the frontlines suits her character, but does not suit her role.


I was mostly thinking about having banter and stuff change as your standing improves. (I also feel like having customized kill squads instead of "random enemies" would feel better too, and they could have their OWN banter).



Hey, if I had the ability to carve my face on the moon, I'd freakin' do it. The bigger the better.


I'm not out to suggest adding more syndicates is a "Fix" to anything, simply what I perceive as a natural progression of the Syndicate system itself (again harkening to the WoW Reputation faction example - basically new things added that don't affect the older ones). That bit about potential "splinter groups" is interesting, I hadn't considered such an angle, but then again I'm struggling to see how it could easily be added into the current system (as it would make zero sense to have them be unconnected to their parent Syndicate and its reputation, but if they are that becomes insane levels of numbers to try and balance)


Still, you've given me some fan fiction fuel at the least.


As for Archwing: TOTALLY in agreement that we need easier ways to access the weapons and wings themselves. Personally, though, I chalk up the current difficulty to just sheer lack of items for them, comparable to when there were like only 3 Warframes back in closed Beta). As time progresses and more is added, I'm betting we'll see regular market items for them.


I'll admit, I did not consider banter lines, probably due to wanting to keep a little audio clutter out of it and not really being able to think of anything worthwhile to say about the Syndicates since I've already done everything in my power to characterize them through their lines. I'll definitely sit on this, though, maybe think up some interesting tidbits to flesh out areas that I may have missed (though this is what I mean the quests to do).


And while I'd like to agree with you, it just doesn't seem like DE's going to put anything into characterization outside of such transmissions that would come in such situations. I mean, they didn't even think to give a name to these guys with hovering over them (though I'm still hoping that was just a temporary oversight). And while you have a point on war, I get the feeling she'd be more than willing to pop down and get into a fight. She is a Grineer, after all, and even Councilor Vay Hek is willing to fight (if flee when things get rough) when enemies come knocking at his door - I see the Steel Meridian leader as being the one who knocks - same with Valzi, Terrik Gaer, and especially Conflagration.


As I said in the post: I think having the Syndicate's "helper" show up as their assassins instead of just random specters would be a step in the right direction. And I agree we could use further changes in dialogue, but if that's not how DE would operate the system it's not how I would write my versions of it out (I'm a sucker for consistency like that).

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omg this is so good this will finally be an end game related sort that all the vets have been waiting for...

gotta make beacon more op if you expect him to span across 3 quests though. increase the leveling of enemies and make your new frame the equivalent of rhino p+nova p. this could add so much more game content....

also make a quest for a weapon so far we've only had quests for frames get a quest for an ancient, long lost, non primed orokin weapon....(this isn't impossible, archwings are ancient orokin technology and they're not primed)

add something about the sentinents. now.

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