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Space Battles


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So I thought about it while I was on the loading screen and watching the cinematic that plays before entering a mission, and I thought to myself, why not make that an actual mission?

Anyone whose played Kingdom Hearts knows that in order to get to a new planet, you gotta fly to it with your GummyShip, than you can just fast travel to it if you choose to. I think it'd be cool to customize your ship with different weapons and stuff and actually use it to destroy other ships and fly to the planet. Maybe Archwing and Spaceship battles in the future for PvP?

I know a lot of people have been complaining that Archwing was a disappointment and no one even plays it anymore, but I think Archwing is actually pretty darn cool, it just hasn't been implemented into the game properly is all. It's legit thrown in there like any old mission, so it doesn't feel special even though it's far different than the other gametypes. Saving the Relay's a good start though. I was wondering what happened to that Star Wars mode for Archwing, lol.


Anyways, Idk if it's something that RNG should take over, like when being invaded, or something else, but when The Grustrag Three invade you, it automatically triggers the option to quickly escape before they capture you. Though everyone hates RNG, it'd make more sense to have it as something unexpected that you'd have to do, like in the Quest, compared to just being your typical mission. However, I still believe that the choice to play it at hand should still be a legit option, so I guess it's a confusing situation.


But yeah, I know Warframe is still technically in Open Beta, so there's lots of stuff to touch up on, and new things like Archwing are still just learning how to walk and need some feedback for it's improvement. Hopefully we all see it implemented in a more entertaining way like with the Relay's, and maybe some space battles with your ship in the future? <o<

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You know, I was talking about utilizing the Liset more in #Council the other day. The Liset is a drop-ship with no weaponry. I don't know if DE would like to add weapons to it or not. EDIT: See above.

What I would like to see waaaay down the line is a freeflight system, where you are allowed to fly the Liset to any of the mission nodes on the planet/area. What I envision would have a number of areas around the planet that are signified by either an icon or a coloured glow. This would still be occurring in the upper atmosphere, so you wouldn't be rendering planetary features *too* close to a planet. When the Liset Approaches one of these points, their name would appear and upon entering the field you would be given the option to go on a mission.

I doubt such a thing would be implemented, but it would be awesome to fly around the different planets to reach your destination mission.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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You know, I was talking about utilizing the Liset more in #Council the other day. The Liset is a drop-ship with no weaponry. I don't know if DE would like to add weapons to it or not. EDIT: See above.

What I would like to see waaaay down the line is a freeflight system, where you are allowed to fly the Liset to any of the mission nodes on the planet/area. What I envision would have a number of areas around the planet that are signified by either an icon or a coloured glow. This would still be occurring in the upper atmosphere, so you wouldn't be rendering planetary features *too* close to a planet. When the Liset Approaches one of these points, their name would appear and upon entering the field you would be given the option to go on a mission.

I doubt such a thing would be implemented, but it would be awesome to fly around the different planets to reach your destination mission.


Yeah, true, it is a stealth ship. Even though we all blow the crap out of stuff and go crazy, we're still technically ninja's. It'd be cool to see some more stealthy approaches to certain situations, even if it was in regards to the Liset.


But that idea of yours isn't bad at all, to be honest. I actually had a very similar idea, just it was on the planets instead of space. It's no different than typical MMO's, or your Instance-based ones. You walk around the main area and than you approach your little "gate", or "teleportal" (each game has their own different thing they use) and can enter the mission from their.

DE mentioned they're experimenting with the difficulty option again that they got rid of a while back, so whatever they do, you should be able to choose it there, like how in games like WoW, and Tera, you can choose to go into the Normal Mode, or Heroic Mode, or something (or in Warframe's current case, Normal Mode, or Nightmare Mode).


I know what you mean though. It'd be cool to see it similar to Eve Online with the whole traveling the galaxy and doing your space missions while actually floating around space (like Archwing), and than maybe even flying upon the planet itself to reach that planets own little open-world area and relay, or "main town".

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  It could be a little neat to play with the space maps differently. A little like Elite Dangerous(ED), you have a system wide mode that you travel in super cruise. Of course, I think super cruise would be to fast for the Warframeverse. Instead scale ED system super cruise to the size of each planetary or interplanetary body system, i.e. earth. You would super cruise to each node within it and drop out of super cruise to engage with the node. To travel to other planets you would need to use a solar rail, of course. 

  Unless this was a light version for load screens, I think the added complexity would detract from the feel of Warframe. It is a whole another layer of abstraction to go from frames in ships or flying through space in archwings, to ships traveling through interplanetary space. Things become ship centric, and detached from the frames, at this point. DE has enough work ahead of them fleshing out archwing, so I don't know if it is such a good idea logistically. However, space based games are, potentially, lighter/easier to make. Big skyboxes, and fewer, potentially, objects on the map. Who knows, I wouldn't reject the chance to do more with the Liset, as long as it doesn't detract from the rest of Warframe.

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TBH when Archwing first came out, I thought it was going to be a mid-mission type thing, like where the ship blows up and we have to evac, fly around a bit, kill some enemies, and jump back into another ship. That would've been 100x cooler.

Something along these lines has been hinted at in the DevStreams. Just like how the Balor Famorian has returned, the interior was originally shown off in demo and now is in game. The original quest has that hybrid playstle your talking about and DE has said there level designers have been playing with mixing terrestrial content with Archwing.

So, Soon™

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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You know, I was talking about utilizing the Liset more in #Council the other day. The Liset is a drop-ship with no weaponry. I don't know if DE would like to add weapons to it or not. EDIT: See above.

What I would like to see waaaay down the line is a freeflight system, where you are allowed to fly the Liset to any of the mission nodes on the planet/area. What I envision would have a number of areas around the planet that are signified by either an icon or a coloured glow. This would still be occurring in the upper atmosphere, so you wouldn't be rendering planetary features *too* close to a planet. When the Liset Approaches one of these points, their name would appear and upon entering the field you would be given the option to go on a mission.

I doubt such a thing would be implemented, but it would be awesome to fly around the different planets to reach your destination mission.

And maybe we could access our Liset or contact Ordis when we are on the ground, and use it to send us orbital support (with appropriate cooldown).

For ex. Deploying supplies.


And maybe even mod it, with Thief WIt, Enemy Sense etc. that improves our mini map capability.


*Die from excitement*

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