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Making The Transition From Controller To Keyboard?



So, I currently play Warframe using an Xbox 360 controller on my PC. Before Warframe, I hadn't played any PC games so I have never used a keyboard to play any video games whatsoever. I figure this transition will be difficult, but eventually I'll be able to do it.

Before I try and tackle this, I wanted to ask:


1. Is it worth it? The only benefit I can really see is improved accuracy with the mouse and less power scrolling by using #'s 1-4 rather than the side arrows on the d-pad.


2. Are there any changes to the keyboard configuration that make movement or playing the game, in general, easier?


3. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?

Edited by EHenderson
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It is, not only that aiming is much easier, but you can rebind your keys to whatever you want, even have stuff like toggle-able crouch instead of holding a button if you don't like it.

With that many options and preferences it is much easier to run and gun.

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I havent played with a Controller at all, but from what i get,the keybindings for controllers are quite cramped. But with a keyboard you have simply more keys available, e.g. bind the specific gearslots where your team restores are equipped to 5, 6 and 7 to have better and more comfortable acces to it.

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In my experience, the only thing that keyboarding gives you over using a controller is being able to move your cursor wildly. Which sounds pointless, until you realize that there's a Disruptor exactly 180 degrees from where you're looking that's about to rustle your jimmies. As much as I love my controller, there's not much it can do in that scenario.


Conversely, I find minute, specific aiming much easier with a controller. Then again, this is really only relevant if you're sniping, since most of the damage you can do is either AoE or rapid-fire.


One big advantage is that you don't have to have an active ability selected. Pretty much just hit 1, 2, 3, or 4, and you use that ability. Simple as that.


So, then, why do I still use a controller, even when the keyboard has several advantages? Comfort. For me at least, a controller is just so much more natural, and a keyboard is so alien that even after a month of trying to switch, I was unable to respond to things fast enough. Or jump. Jumping is also important. Likewise, for me, there's just too many buttons on a keyboard, many of which don't serve a real purpose. I've got a function mapped to every possible command on my controller, in a format that's much easier to understand and remember than if it was just a jumbled mass of keys where a few don't even do anything.

^^Purely my experience and opinion, do not regard as fact.



even have stuff like toggle-able crouch instead of holding a button if you don't like it.

Um... I use a controller, and I have crouch as a toggle. And I could do the same with sprint. So controllers do offer that.

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In the end just use whats comfortable for you, try keyboard and if you don't like it don't use it, personally I can not stand using a controller but I also haven't owned a console since the GameCube era. As far as key bindings go its all personal preference, as a lefty I end up moving everything over to the arrow keys and numpad area. Just make sure they things you find yourself using often are easy to reach, if you find yourself constantly reaching, move it closer. Also note the for the most part the game will only bind the main buttons on your mouse, I have rebound reload to a side button on the mouse as well a weapon switch just because I find that it makes it easier to reload or change weapons while moving, which I do very often. If you end up using melee all the time, then maybe you would want to bind them differently. 

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