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Nullifier's Bubble Isn't Affected By Damage, And Here's Proof


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I really don't understand it.

DE says and acts like it wants to revitalize shotguns and slow firing weapons.

But then ,it releases these nullifiers.

I've really tried to hold on to my Vectis in T4 ,try to weapon switch to tackle them...very inefficient,especially after the first rotation.

So , back to Boltor/Soma .


So ,I guess all those weapons with tens of catalysts and hundreds of Forma are for Grineer tiles only from now on.


I'm not asking reimbursement or anything, but DE ,people have put a lot of time and money in their gear; show a little respect for that.

Made a relevant poste about it https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/379548-new-enemies-in-void-make-obsolete-90-weapons-from-being-usable/page-2

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I think it's because of the fact they rushed the nullifiers so they could counter the press 4 to win frames and to slow down the rep farms and stuff


Yeah because DE's first priority is to block "easy grind" exploits for the cost of ruining the normal gameplay in the process. First test then implement. Not the other way around...

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In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 
Edited by DERebecca
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In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 


I think the problem is that the shields have a set speed that they decrease in size. Meaning if I unload 30 bullets of by Boltor P on the shield, it will slowly be decreasing in size the whole time. However, if I only shot 15 bullets, the shield would still fully dissipate AND be decreasing when I'm not even firing at it. I've noticed this on many occasions so i'm pretty sure this is the problem with the shields.

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In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 


You should also consider maybe changing their weapons, atleast in void missions. As their lanka's are bit too strong and almost impossible to dodge, especially when doing T4 void missions. I'm glad that atleast something is being done about their shields, as I hate being forced to bring a fast firing secondary just because I want to bring a bow or something into T3/T4 missions.

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I think it's because of the fact they rushed the nullifiers so they could counter the press 4 to win frames and to slow down the rep farms and stuff

Definitely a rushed decision considering most of the rep farm is done vs Grineer. Implementation without observation of said problem is also a faulty decision. If they were really all that concerned with it I would think they would have had both an infested version and a grineer version all ready at the same time.



In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 


Please take into account the following things that all need to be addressed as well because I have not noticed these points being strongly iterated amongst the posts here.


1. Address the damage cap per shot inflicted to the shield, currently it appears that players must take a minimum number of shots at the shield. Even if a shot would hit 50k damage and said shields HP was less than this it would still require 2 or more shots to pop it.


2. CRITICALS must be registered. Currently any weapon other than Soma or possibly Amprex/synapse that utilizes criticals for a large portion of it's damage is required to hit the shield  many times even if their damage normally exceeds 100k damage(Paris Prime/Dread/Cernos/Paris/Lanka/Snipetron Vandal). Those are not the only ones but the fact remains that critical damage is not registerd, thus being extremely imbalanced towards high base damage and ROF.


3. Shields need to register Shotgun PELLETS. Currently it does not seem to register multiple pellets striking simultaneously or it is registering them as a single impact. If there will be any kind of shrink speed multiplier based on rapid impacts this should be addressed.

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I think the problem is that the shields have a set speed that they decrease in size. Meaning if I unload 30 bullets of by Boltor P on the shield, it will slowly be decreasing in size the whole time. However, if I only shot 15 bullets, the shield would still fully dissipate AND be decreasing when I'm not even firing at it. I've noticed this on many occasions so i'm pretty sure this is the problem with the shields.

I can confirm this very thing. I can unload an entire Boltor clip and the shield will still be up, or I can fire in bursts and watch it dissipate when im not hitting it.

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In a moment of weakness I said the following (pronoun fail):


"Quick remarks on this topic just so you know we're looking at it:
Dev is investigating the examples to see what issues may be occurring as well as looking to put together more info on how the shields work (to better aid combat/testing on our end). When this bears fruit we will pick it together.
(to better aid combat/testing on our end).
Our = us (me, you) as players, not us as devs. 
The info dev is putting together is for the players, not for themselves. The details on 'how nullifier shields work' was spread between 3 patches and needs clarification, which is what Dev is putting together. 


A suggestion of change:


Nullifier shield now has a static size. Each shot, depending on the damage dealt to the shield, creates varying sizes of tears in the shield. The tears are spawned at random places on the shield and does move a bit. Consecutive tears can result in bubble being bursted and after a certain time that the shield is not shot, the tears will shrink and form back into a proper bubble. Projectiles and hitscan shots can enter the bubble through the tears to hit targets inside the bubble.

Edited by matrixEXO
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What is bad in the possibility of being killed if you are not careful? How easy do you want this game to be?


It's a death bubble.  Outside, you're getting fired at, but at least you have your powers.  Inside, you don't have any powers and you are much closer to the bombards, gunners and that one shot lanka.  You are completely missing the point by the way.  If you die, and you die because you aren't being careful then it's your fault.  If you die in one shot because you brought weapons that are near useless against this one enemy that just so happens to be the tank that houses all of the OTHER enemies, then that's a load of crap.  This isn't dark souls m8, you should be able to have a fair chance against your enemies with whatever weapon you choose to use.

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It's a death bubble.  Outside, you're getting fired at, but at least you have your powers.  Inside, you don't have any powers and you are much closer to the bombards, gunners and that one shot lanka.  You are completely missing the point by the way.  If you die, and you die because you aren't being careful then it's your fault.  If you die in one shot because you brought weapons that are near useless against this one enemy that just so happens to be the tank that houses all of the OTHER enemies, then that's a load of crap.  This isn't dark souls m8, you should be able to have a fair chance against your enemies with whatever weapon you choose to use.

Actually in dark souls you have a fair chance with whatever weapon you choose. Thats exactly what makes dark souls. Warframe is the opposite here, you get your abilities taken away, or you get enemies that are just immune to certain things.

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If you die in one shot because you brought weapons that are near useless against this one enemy that just so happens to be the tank that houses all of the OTHER enemies, then that's a load of crap.  This isn't dark souls m8, you should be able to have a fair chance against your enemies with whatever weapon you choose to use.


If you die in the bubble it is your fault, too. The nullifiers are really slow in turning around and aiming - I see absolutely NO problem in melee him down and finish him along side with the bombards around him. Seriously there is nothing easier than slide inside and get him down.

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If you die in the bubble it is your fault, too. The nullifiers are really slow in turning around and aiming - I see absolutely NO problem in melee him down and finish him along side with the bombards around him. Seriously there is nothing easier than slide inside and get him down.

You see absolutly no problem because you will run at 10~20 min mark and wont stay longer . But for ppl who actually can play longer and are better they have problem because of the massive size and protection that it offers in ALL enemies inside the bubble . Tell me how you counter knock down lock by Grineer while you eat ridicilsy high damage Bombard rockets /Lanka and heavy gunner? you cant you get locked down inside the bubble and you mostly die . Still cant realize it?still is our fault?  

Edited by AMDMAD
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The most annoying thing that can happen is that they supposed to be support units and they are given lanka with latrons firerate and critvectis damage. They spawn far too often than they should. Also They can spawn as Arctic Eximus that can deploy his snow globe. THX DE. Make an update that gives them 5m radius ball of armour shield so we will need all out punchthrought build to take those Annoyotrons.

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nullifier shields are obviously broken atm. (at least corrupted ones, i dont remember having any troubles with corpus ones)


1) devs said that it is now affected by actual damage, but on practice i still need to place like ~5 hits with my Opticor with damn 15k damage per shot, which is also doubles on full charge as far as i know so its 30k. WAT.


2) shield dont give a damn about explosions, so if you have Penta or Ogris - you are forced to switch to your secondary, because Ogris do no damage to shields whatsoever and Penta deal only that small impact damage from the grenade hit


3) Torid removes shields instantly. No matter the Nullifier level ))) you just hit it with 1 Torid projectile and the shield is off. lol


4) If you are alone and die while inside Nullifiers shield - you are p much can abort mission, because this guy will stand right on top of your corpse and wait for you to decay. I lost 4 revives trying to get out of it but it literally dont give a crap about force wave that warframe generates upon reviving.


5) Nullifier's lanka has insane tracking speed on top of it all

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Since DAY 1. We've complained very hard about this little guy.

DAY 10. Fix came saying "we changed bubble".

Still complains.

To these days we still complain.... and what did DE? Ignore complains in form of "This guy stay".


There are better ways to balance this guy.

Like, REMOVE HIM and leave him in DEV BUILD.

Edited by Coverop
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There are better ways to balance this guy.

Like, REMOVE HIM and leave him in DEV BUILD.


No, this is too much, and i think that he brings some variety to the game ))


But his bubble should have actual HP that can be reduced by anything except abilities.

And his Lanka should have at least some tracking because now he hits you even if you are in mid of a fly-kick and having a maximum transversal velocity to him

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Also, shields are immune to crit, so good luck with your Soma. The biggest problem with this enemy is that there is no intelligent/elegant way to deal with it. With every other enemy in the game you can at least shoot them in the face for double damage, or use various procs/abilities. Nullifier is just a huge bullet sponge, which you can either shoot until the shield is down (waste of ammo) or run in and take your chances, while also losing all active abilities (which duration build frames don't appreciate). Ironically, Mag's shield transference bubble is the only thing that doesn't get removed, which makes Mag even more potent vs Corpus.

But I still completely agree with a description above: Annoy-o-tron.

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