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Didn't Know Where To Post This So Its Going Here.. Sooo Shade Prime


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Why... It's like one of the worst sentient weapons...

I have a full mod set to have two Lex primes with the exact same mods without sharing mods.... and since pistols can basically do triple damage with the  core mod set it can be pretty powerful, the only weapon that actually outshine it with a full mod set is Prime laser

waits for all the carrier users to throw in their 2 cents

Edited by Sibernetika
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I have a full mod set to have to Lex primes with the exact same mods without sharing mods.... and since pistols can basically do triple damage with the  core mod set it can be pretty powerful, the only weapon that actually outshine it with a full mod set is Prime laserwaits for all the carrier users to throw in their 2 cents

I completely agree with this. Carrier users hate on me for investing into the Prime Laser Rifle, but it is very OP. Sometimes I struggle to get kills with that thing around.

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I have a full mod set to have to Lex primes with the exact same mods without sharing mods.... and since pistols can basically do triple damage with the core mod set it can be pretty powerful, the only weapon that actually outshine it with a full mod set is Prime laserwaits for all the carrier users to throw in their 2 cents

Pretty sure carriers shotgun and djinns stinger are much better. Also the death rifle has pretty high dps as well.

If you really like it forma it, other than that no reason.

Edited by immolator1001
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I have a full mod set to have to Lex primes with the exact same mods without sharing mods.... and since pistols can basically do triple damage with the  core mod set it can be pretty powerful, the only weapon that actually outshine it with a full mod set is Prime laser

waits for all the carrier users to throw in their 2 cents


I'm a bit curious how you come to this conclusion.




It's showing an extremely low, barely 1k Burst DPS, with some of the best mods in the game for it's weapon type.  I can use a Primed Laser Rifle to get nearly seven times that (http://goo.gl/UPmlBK, which you stated it eclipses it), Deth Machine Rifle to triple that (http://goo.gl/oSL7qx), and a Sweeper to over triple as well (http://goo.gl/TeTtty).


So can you show me what build you're using and tell me what makes it so much better than the other weapons?  I'm genuinely curious here.

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People let their sentinel attack ?

Not worth having the thing attract enemy fire, getting blown-up and losing the utility it provides.


EDIT: And this way I don't have to bother about the kind of mods I will use on the sent's weapon.

Edited by Kitzun
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Shade + Stinger for me. I do seriously consider going back to the Deth Machine Rifle, however - all those DPS calculators don't take into account that Sentinels can't aim. I only recently managed to build my Wyrm Prime and am rather annoyed that only something like 1 in 6 projectiles actually hit... on stationary enemies. The Dethcube's gun is hitscan and seems to be a lot more accurate.


Remember: DPS is only valid if you actually hit your target.

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Shade + Stinger for me. I do seriously consider going back to the Deth Machine Rifle, however - all those DPS calculators don't take into account that Sentinels can't aim. I only recently managed to build my Wyrm Prime and am rather annoyed that only something like 1 in 6 projectiles actually hit... on stationary enemies. The Dethcube's gun is hitscan and seems to be a lot more accurate.


Remember: DPS is only valid if you actually hit your target.

I noticed this with my wyrm prime too, but my Djinn has no issues sniping targets 2 rooms over.

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I'm a shade user and all i can say is, the Huras is way better.


Shade, I swear to God, is a retarted sentinel. You could be 5 feet away from the enemy and it still won't cloak.


But he does have his moments, like for instance when he does actually cloak and you can revive someone in the middle of a group of enemies.

Edited by SHIR0B0N
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The top three weapons DPS wise is 1. Sweeper, 2. Deth Machine Rifle, 3. Prime Laser Rifle.

Now these are geared DPS wise and the Stinger coming close to 4th position. Now with all of the 4 weapons listed already here, you need to ask what are the goods and bads of each weapon because DPS is blind to that. The sweeper is good for fast and/or close quarter Warframes, has highest DPS but limited range. Deth Machine Rifle is good medium range weapon with hitscan weapon but suffers from wind up time and from the environment mpre due to the wind up time.

The Prime Laser Rifle is good medium ranged weapon as well. The issues are that it has a small travel time and because of this, the damage is slightly delayed and can also suffer from environmental cover blocking shots. The stinger is close 4th weapon, while it does also have a travel time in its shots, it is a bit faster than Prime Laser Rifle but the Stinger actually has the biggest spotting/shooting range of all of the Sentinel weapons available. So this is good for slow Warframes or those Warframes who are staying in the distant.

The worst three are of course the normal Laser Rifle, Burst Laser Rifle and the Deconstructor.

The Deconstructor follows same DPS than the two previously mentioned, also has travel time and probably the slower fire rate of all of the Sentinel weapons. It deals highest burst damage in the game for sure, but falls short in longer lasting combat scenarios. Only plus compared to top 4 weapons is that the Deconstructor is best against heavy units.

The issues are that the Laser Rifle is just inferior to the Prime Laser Rifle that is superior in rate of fire and damage while still having all of the same down sides of the Prime Laser Rifle, if not even more severe due to inferior RoF penalizing the weapon even more and lower DPS having to get more shots down before a kill. This is pretty obvious why it sucks of course. Burst Laser Pistol is similar in that it shoots slow travelling bursts of fire with a very low DPS threshold overall and is not much that much different from the normal Laser Rifle. 

Overall without the Prime Burst Laser Pistol, I would not suggest you use Shades normal version at all because it is currently belonging to the games 2 of the worst Sentinel weapons out there, gaining no beneficial attributes over other Sentinel weapons while having drawbacks that others can compensate by offering something else that gives them an edge.

Source: http://warframe-builder.com/Sentinel_Weapons

The only scenario where your argument of the Burst Laser Pistol being better than most weapons would be if you would not have maxed out mods for the rest of the weapons. In which in that case, yes, mods you can equip and use on the Sentinel weapons matter even more than the weapons themselves. But in the longer run, it would be wise to check out which ones give you the most of long term benefits. IE, the Sweeper, Deth Machine Rifle, Prime Laser Rifle and the Stinger in that order.

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The range that a weapon is used at determined by the sentinel not the weapon itself.

Djinn's Thumper has a range of 60m, even with a sweeper.
Wyrms Warrior has a range of 30m, even with a stinger.

Stinger being 4th is silly. It can deal DOT even when not doing toxin damage (like acrid), dosent have artificial accuracy like the laser weapons (they shoot more rounds errantly into the floor past 15m) and is far more accurate at range then even the machine gun because it lacks the atrocious spread.

Edited by Clone154769
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If you want damage with a companion, get a kubrow. I only use the sentinels because they don't require credits to take care of, however if I know I can play everyday for a few days I get out the kubrows. But I usually don't equip my kubrow mainly due to me just using helios to scan every enemy I encounter so it fills out the codex for me (don't have the weapon mod equipped on any of my sentinels).

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I pretty much use shade exclusively, so I can say with confidence that burst laser is garbage.

The reason you take shade is utility, it is a shield pylon that can cloak you

Combat wise, I don't expect my Shade to do anything more than slow with coolant leak and stun something.

A maxed out burst laser will be slightly less useful than a maxed out Lato.

Use Sweeper.

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