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Can Enemies Have A Chance Of Dropping A Credit Pickup Worth Taking?


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For some time I've been trying to call attention to the puny amounts of credits that are dropped during missions. The 1s' and 100s' are rather slim when you need 500000 for a syndicate level or millions to rank up your mods.


If not all, a lot of enemies has a chance to drop cores of various rarity, how about a chance of a "credit pack"?


Another idea is a mod  that increases the amount of credits you get from pickups.


The mission rewards are one thing, but you can't really "farm" for credits. The point being that we rush through the game only concerned with the reward. Thus the gameplay is lessened.


Credit boosts for staying longer in endless missions would also be welcome. (By this I do NOT mean a return of the 2500 or what ever it was credit cashes as rewards, but a seperate stand alone bonus/wave or something similar).



Credit pickup "lore":
In the future most currency is digital, but to keep it safe many carry personal devices that protects their earnings much as a key to a safe. These "key-devices" are usually in a standby mode for easy transactions but will rapidly switch to a "closed" mode when in the wrong hands. While each whole credit is secured with it's own personalized digital code, one key may or may not be linked to an account holding a significantly larger amount of credits.

A mod could with the above "delay" the switching to "closed" mode and gain access to slightly higher credit thefts.

(Yeah I know it might not work like that irl, but simplified it is a bit more plausible than it being future coin that just gets duplified)

Think of the mod as a "account hacking tool" letting you get slightly longer time to steal the goodies. Higher ranking mod = more credits = more happiness!


Additional ideas:

Changing the battlepay for invasions/infestations (battlepay for non pvp)

Creditfarming-focused missions.

Secondary objectives giving credit bonuses.
Special hackable lockers (mini vaults? vault room?) Dedicated minigame would be a bonus!
Red lockers having a higher chance of containing "credit packs"

Credit drops scaling with level.

"Wanted" enemies - bounty hunt for the prize on their heads.

Enemies with special attributes, not eximus, that can act as either VIP targets (running) or minibosses (staying and fighting).

Some might be concealed (use of scanners to identify them - then acts as VIPs)


*If possible: switch the mechanic of picking up one credit at a time?

*Stealth mission bonus.

*credit booster login rewards.


Other mission obejctives:

Lotus - same as is but expanded

Syndicate - either per mission or per day (not missions, but like mini achievments - kill x amount of these, scan x amount of these, don't get detected aso... play with x amount of conclave)

Faction - invasion extra objectives. I.e:  collect the keys to the ship vault (kill enemies - pickup keys, open door) crack open the barricaded door (rush the barricade and destroy it before the enemy flees with loot). Find hidden codes - spread across the tiles there are codes - gather the code-sections to get the whole code - get credits. Switch levers and push buttons across the map to open a locked room. Get key to on time money-grab mission ala sonic rush collecting rings XD (or something).


Another idea is "enemy intel" - scanning enemies to collect info on them - then sell that info to the opposing factions or syndicates. Some higher ranking enemies may have rarer intel (common - uncommon - rare).

Would give helios some additional use, might also make it too good? possibly spending alot of scans though - only some enemies being "in demand".
Enemy intel would have "a chance" of being accuired when scanning an enemy, as scans cost money they should be pretty common but not guarantied.

Edited by Lactamid
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I´ve been having the same issues long time ago. Warframe hasn´t any kind of credit farming mission. The only way now is rushing capture missions and not everybody has access to t3 or t4 cap keys wich makes it even worst.

The points are:


-With the game changes (Void trader and sindicates) players need loads of credits if they want to get that content and if you are a veteran player you go for it because those things are what are really making the difference in starting to play or been played more than 500 hours.


-There isn´t  a funny or challenging mission focused in credit rewards and that´s not good because we have missions that can help us getting prime parts, keys, ressources, fusion cores... but there isn´t any mission that provides us the credits we need to effort the veteran player content.


-Months ago we had the invasions giving us 50 000 credits at least but that was changed and now aside from fieldron and detonite or maybe farming Brakk or Detron parts there isn´t any incentive in playing those missions. I am telling you that doing them was the kind of getting credits to lots of players and it was balanced because we had to do 5 missions, investing time to get the reward.


-The solution as we adressed is easy: make missions or items in missions focused in earning credits because the credit spending curve has raised a lot lately but the credit rewards didn´t.


+Return to 50 000 credits at least the reward for invasions.


Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

Edited by SilverHazzes
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Credit drops were barely balanced in the early months of Warframe. Since then, they have not been touched, but the credit "need" increased out of control. Drops definetely need some tweaks.

Any suggestions?

I'm thinking that some enemies may drop rather small (but higher than 1/100) packs, but then others, with higher ranks dropping larger packs.

So it's not just a common/uncommon/rare credit pack, but a number of credit packs in various rarities.

Ie: killing a high level Napalm might give you a gold credit pack that is worth alot more than a golden crewman pack.

I´ve been having the same issues long time ago. Warframe hasn´t any kind of credit farming mission. The only way now is rushing capture missions and not everybody has access to t3 or t4 cap keys wich makes it even worst.

The points are:


-With the game changes (Void trader and sindicates) players need loads of credits if they want to get that content and if you are a veteran player you go for it because those things are what are really making the difference in starting to play or been played more than 500 hours.


-There isn´t  a funny or challenging mission focused in credit rewards and that´s not good because we have missions that can help us getting prime parts, keys, ressources, fusion cores... but there isn´t any mission that provides us the credits we need to effort the veteran player content.


-Months ago we had the invasions giving us 50 000 credits at least but that was changed and now aside from fieldron and detonite or maybe farming Brakk or Detron parts there isn´t any incentive in playing those missions. I am telling you that doing them was the kind of getting credits to lots of players and it was balanced because we had to do 5 missions, investing time to get the reward.


-The solution as we adressed is easy: make missions or items in missions focused in earning credits because the credit spending curve has raised a lot lately but the credit rewards didn´t.


+Return to 50 000 credits at least the reward for invasions.


Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

Good points.

Adding "special credit farming missions" and "battlepay" to the op.


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The only decent way to make credits actually obtainable. Right now, the only good way of getting credits anymore is:


-Selling blueprints (thank you Oberon, you will be sacrificed to the credit gods)

-Dark Sectors (Not even entirely reliable since some put insane taxes on them)

-Spamming void keys (Which, for new players, isn't really possible)


Credit drops should definitely get an increase, and get rid of the old way where Lockers just drop a S#&$ ton of them on the ground, which forces laggy players to stand over them for several seconds to pick them all up because the system works by picking them up 1 at a time.


The credit pack suggestion just sounds so much easier and worthwhile, and perhaps even more incentive to go after lockers if they drop high amounts of Credits.

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I'd suggest to add special hackable lockers that can replace regular ones and give a decently high credit reward (maybe <average mission level>*500?). Master Thief could also have a high chance of unlocking a red locker as a credit cache.


Adding more credits to loot tables would also be a good way so that players have more incentive to actually kill stuff instead of rushing in addition to having the mod.


Another idea would be to have an optional second mission objective that gives players additional rewards if completed.

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the endless way of farming credits is dark sector defense, stay 5 waves and exit, normally sechura is 25k without the taxes (with a 4-man squad)
it would be nice if this amout is added every 5 waves, so 20waves 100k and so on, cause now lots of people (including me) just go to defense for 5 waves to grab credits

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Any suggestions?


Some of the above solutions are brilliant already. As for me I'd firstly make credit drops scale with enemy level. Then I'd suggest to add credit cache "items" randomly appearing when smashing a container, or randomly placed on the map like Syndicate medallions. I'd even add credit caches as "side" rewards from Defense, Interception and every endless type missions. Like [ Weapon/Warframe Part + X amount of credits ] or [ Mod + X amount of credits ] at once. And:


special hackable lockers


This would be awesome as long as they have dedicated hacking minigames.

Edited by Krotalon
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seriuosly? u can get 16k+ from one credit farm on pretty much eny jupitor maps...


The amount of time you have to put into opening every single locker on the map doesn't make it a viable credit farm option.

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-The solution as we adressed is easy: make missions or items in missions focused in earning credits because the credit spending curve has raised a lot lately but the credit rewards didn´t.


+Return to 50 000 credits at least the reward for invasions.

1. oboron parts... easy to farm easy to sell...

The amount of time you have to put into opening every single locker on the map doesn't make it a viable credit farm option.

all i hear i *cry cry whine whine its too much work*

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all i hear i *cry cry whine whine its too much work*


All you should hear is you put the same amount of time into any void mission and you get more credits. I'm not crying, just listing suggestions and statements. And you should stop being an S already.

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eximus drops them... they are called oboron parts... 3500 cr a pop... sold my stash last night 700k... and thats from about 2-3 weeks...

2-3 weeks of how much gametime? Sounds like alot to me. But yes, while we do sell oberon parts there could still be something for non eximus units.


I'd suggest to add special hackable lockers that can replace regular ones and give a decently high credit reward (maybe <average mission level>*500?). Master Thief could also have a high chance of unlocking a red locker as a credit cache.


Adding more credits to loot tables would also be a good way so that players have more incentive to actually kill stuff instead of rushing in addition to having the mod.


Another idea would be to have an optional second mission objective that gives players additional rewards if completed.

Sounds good to me.

Some of the above solutions are brilliant already. As for me I'd firstly make credit drops scale with enemy level. Then I'd suggest to add credit cache "items" randomly appearing when smashing a container, or randomly placed on the map like Syndicate medallions. I'd even add credit caches as "side" rewards from Defense, Interception and every endless type missions. Like [ Weapon/Warframe Part + X amount of credits ] or [ Mod + X amount of credits ] at once. And:



This would be awesome as long as they have dedicated hacking minigames.

Dedicated minigames would be sweet :)

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Heist missions, steal credits and/or artifacts from a wealthy Grineer/Corpus commander/board member. Sneak into their posh pad and break into the vault and steal as much S#&amp;&#036; as humanly possible before heavy gunships super Exima guys show up to kill you or lock you in, if you're locked in you have a set amount of time to find a way out, a hidden vent or something before the vaults automatic defenses vaporize all organic matter in the room.

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they need to increase battle pay reward for Infestation outbreak and invasion.

Infestation outbreak => 35k or 50k reward

Invasion => 75k or 100k reward.

this would benefit alot...it not like alot of Credit is gonna hurt anyone because of those prime mods and hundred of cores we are having right now.

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In-game credit pickups need to be increased, a lot. I don't even bother picking up credits on the ground anymore unless they aren't very far out of the way.


  I like your credit pack concept, and I wanted to expand on that idea. Since credits can be traced, I think it would make sense for smugglers, outlaws, Tenno sympathisers, etc, to cary their credits in a way that makes it more difficult for their transactions to be traced, because supporting the enemy is illegal. A normal credit is linked to your personal bank account, much like in real life. Each whole credit has a unique ID associated with it. This is more convenient, you can't lose it, but it's tracable. That's where personal credit packs come in. These devices store the unique credit ID on your person so that people can make financial transactions without being cought. But of course, it gets dropped on death.

  Capture targets would probably need such a device. They might work for the Grineer and want to help the Corpus, or just not want the Lotus to be able to find them. Random enemies might be gamblers or smugglers, or they might drop from a rich boss on death, such as Alad V.


TL;DR: Enemies with questionable intentions cary all their credits on their person, so they can't be traced. Normal credits are held in a bank account and this means that people can track your transactions. Think smugglers, Tenno sympathisers or splinter groups like the Red Veil.

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Interesting ideas, maybe there can be a Head hunter type capture mission. Catching or killing hardcore enemies on the run with a big price for their heads and if you catch them running away with their money from obscure bussiness you can keep it to you.

The agencies that give you those kind of missions can be sindicates who are trying to get rid of dangerous enemies. deserters or spies.

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