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Armadillo Warframe


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Armadillo Warframe


I have had a few ideas for a completely different style of Warframe. This Warframe combination of fast and slow gameplay.
In normal mode, you are very slow and bulky, however you can transform into ball mode which allows you to close the distance or get the drop on targets. 
I didn't really pay too much attention to balancing and numbers, its more of general idea, as there are way too many ways to balance out an idea, and I'm sure if something like this was ever implemented, the dev team would do a good job of balance anyway.
Ability 1 - Ball Mode
Press the first ability button to enable ball mode, turning you into a ball which fundamentally changes the way your this Warframe moves, attacks and takes damage.





In ball mode, you roll around gaining momentum the longer you roll. Depending on how fast you are rolling in enemies, they can be either put off balance, knocked down, and even damaged. Treat your enemies like bowling pins. :)
Pressing the FIRE button will make you lunge forwards which is good for hitting enemies. (think sonic the hedgehog). When an enemy is hit this way, your ball bounces upwards which gives you a moment to pan around and view the other nearby enemies, so you can easily bounce from one enemy to another without even touching the ground. This however uses up ammo from either primary or secondary weapon (it redirects the potential damage of the weapon and pushes you violently forwards. Taking into account all of the mods you have installed). And any elemental damage such as fire or frost is passed onto the enemy on contact. So its still important to level/mod your weapons.



Holding SPRINT gives you a speed boost at the expence of stamina.
Holding your jump button, will enable you to stick to walls allowing you to roll up walls and ceilings, costing stamina like normal wall runs.Allowing you to get into a good firing position with normal weapons.




You take less damage in ball mode, since you cannot use your normal weapons. Perhaps you could take even less damage the faster you go.
In ball mode, you cannot interact with buttons, doors or consoles.
Transformation cost is fairly cheap so that you can go in and out of ball mode quite often.
(Press it again to go back to normal)
As a ball you also fit into all areas you can normally floor slide under.
Ability 2 - Armadillo Half Ball
In half-ball mode, you can only move at ~ walking speed. However your armor and shields are higher, and you deal more damage with your weapons. 
Turning you into somewhat of a moving turret.
It takes only 1/2 the energy to go between ball mode and half ball mode, in either direction. The idea being that you switch between this mode and ball mode regularly.
Ability 3 - Energy Spikes 




Can be used in normal, ball or 1/2 ball mode. It extends energy spikes from the Warframe.
This AoE ability pulls in enemies and items, similar to Vaubans vortex. Except the effect only lasts for one second. Enemies close enough will be pull into the enery spikes, doing high damage. The enemies that are a bit further away will be pulled into melee range. This allows for melee engagement even with a slow warframe.
Ability 4 - Dig
(TBH I was kind of struggling to come up with a 4th ability). Dig makes the warframe dig out up to 10 random items of ammo, health, or shield restore pickups for the whole team to use. (the items just pop out of the ground)


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zephyr was a fan concept


back ontopic though,id really like to see something abit more interesting and dynamic than "i have the power of number keypad button 4!phear me!"(also necros 3 spammers..honesttly in a 50 minute void survival,a horde of zombies equal in lvl to the monsters charging you is alot more usefull than afew extra support capsules or hp orbs,especially considering how uickly the kill rate dropps off by then)


so i plus this ad infinitum

Edited by GunDownGrace
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if his abilities got a rework this could be an interesting frame. here's what I think should happen to them or what abilities should replace the slots:


1) Ball mode - aside from adding a few perks this ability doesn't need to change. add a staggering/toppling AOE when attacking from above and dashing towards the ground at a steep enough angle and an augment that allows it to proc magnetic damage and this would be awesome. maybe call it "roll out" or just "roll" instead of just "ball mode".


2) Entrench - the idea of becoming a turret kind of sounds useful, but here's the change. he sounds like he's already going to be slow so instead of reducing his speed, it sacrifices all buffs to his speed for greatly heightened defenses and stamina reserve and recovery for the duration of the power. a shield is generated out the sides and top of him protecting allies behind him, converting him into a mobile version of volts shield somewhat. all allies that come into contact with the shield from either walking thru it or armadillo turning and touching them with it, get a boost to their shields integrity and recharge speed. Projectiles fired thru the shield gain a massive boost to their damage, flight speed, and range (weapons w/ travel time become hit-scan, hit-scan weapons gain punch thru, beam/limited-range weapons like the Synapse or ignis gain infinite range like volt's shield does) along with heightened status chance and duration to all projectile types. enemies and their projectiles are denied access through the shield, naturally, but this also allows you to be a mobile wall that knocks down enemies as you spin around or boulder through them in ball mode.


3) Quill trap - instead of a crappy version of Vauban's vortex, how about these sharp spikes appear on him all over his body that stick out and impale enemies that get too close such as striking melee enemies or enemies you run into. these enemies are stuck to you and as you move around your movements do damage to them.  Where this would really shine is when in ball mode.  Not only would it add slash and puncture to what I presume would be impact damage from the ball mode attacks, but you can impale enemies and get them stuck to you and roll around accumulate more enemies (if they aren't shredded on impact that).  Enemies that die from this ability are shredded into all possible pieces, making this very useful for a nekros desecration farming.  also, casting this power again will shoot the spikes in all directions impaling enemies to walls


4) Grinding charge - leave the digging to the Kubrows.  the jist of this power is basically like Sonic the hedgehog charging up his spin for a big speed boost.  the difference being that while spinning you have greatly reduced damage done to you by enemies and when quill trap is active, you send pieces of the ground below you at your enemies in front and behind you (in the direction the player is facing).  casting it again goes from charge up to dash mode.  all enemies not killed are staggered, toppled over or impaled on your spikes if Quill Trap is active.


This would be an interesting frame if done right.

Edited by andymous87
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if his abilities got a rework this could be an interesting frame. here's what I think should happen to them or what abilities should replace the slots:


1) Ball mode - aside from adding a few perks this ability doesn't need to change. add a staggering/toppling AOE when attacking from above and dashing towards the ground at a steep enough angle and an augment that allows it to proc magnetic damage and this would be awesome. maybe call it "roll out" or just "roll" instead of just "ball mode".


2) Entrench - the idea of becoming a turret kind of sounds useful, but here's the change. he sounds like he's already going to be slow so instead of reducing his speed, it sacrifices all buffs to his speed for greatly heightened defenses and stamina reserve and recovery for the duration of the power. a shield is generated out the sides and top of him protecting allies behind him, converting him into a mobile version of volts shield somewhat. all allies that come into contact with the shield from either walking thru it or armadillo turning and touching them with it, get a boost to their shields integrity and recharge speed. Projectiles fired thru the shield gain a massive boost to their damage, flight speed, and range (weapons w/ travel time become hit-scan, hit-scan weapons gain punch thru, beam/limited-range weapons like the Synapse or ignis gain infinite range like volt's shield does) along with heightened status chance and duration to all projectile types. enemies and their projectiles are denied access through the shield, naturally, but this also allows you to be a mobile wall that knocks down enemies as you spin around or boulder through them in ball mode.


3) Quill trap - instead of a crappy version of Vauban's vortex, how about these sharp spikes appear on him all over his body that stick out and impale enemies that get too close such as striking melee enemies or enemies you run into. these enemies are stuck to you and as you move around your movements do damage to them.  Where this would really shine is when in ball mode.  Not only would it add slash and puncture to what I presume would be impact damage from the ball mode attacks, but you can impale enemies and get them stuck to you and roll around accumulate more enemies (if they aren't shredded on impact that).  Enemies that die from this ability are shredded into all possible pieces, making this very useful for a nekros desecration farming.  also, casting this power again will shoot the spikes in all directions impaling enemies to walls


4) Grinding charge - leave the digging to the Kubrows.  the jist of this power is basically like Sonic the hedgehog charging up his spin for a big speed boost.  the difference being that while spinning you have greatly reduced damage done to you by enemies and when quill trap is active, you send pieces of the ground below you at your enemies in front and behind you (in the direction the player is facing).  casting it again goes from charge up to dash mode.  all enemies not killed are staggered, toppled over or impaled on your spikes if Quill Trap is active.


This would be an interesting frame if done right.


Thanks for giving the abilities better names! :D


Also I really like the idea of being able to shoot the spikes out as a secondary stage of the ability. I've always liked the two stage abilities, such as the mind control with Nyx, being able to turn it on and off with the same button.

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I'm sure if this was added people would whine even more about how silly frames are getting, but I actually really like this concept. Extremely creative.


I think this could be pretty great as a bulky frame (We've had 3 casters in a row, now) with a new playstyle. I really like frames with mobility, whether it be through stats or through abilities, and this would give me a bulkier option to Mirage, Nova, or Loki.


I think the 4th ability might be good if it was almost a combination of abilities 2 and 3: you would get moderate shield and/or health regeneration as well as an improved armor rating, but you also get heavily reduced speed (about .25 to .5 speed?). However, you turn into a full turret with that energy spike weapon that can (possibly) seek out enemies and does either electric or cold damage (thinking those since it's "energy" spikes, but maybe another type would be better. I just don't like magnetic or radiation do to their niche roles against factions, but corrosive wouldn't make much sense.)


Well thought out concept, +1 :]

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