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How To Help Reduce Powercreep


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On the other hand if I can't progress, game quickly becomes less enjoyable, somekind of progression is needed for people to enjoy it since people get bored doing same thing over and over again whichout seeing difference , which is reason why syndicates were added also plans to add focus system.


I think its natural to get new stronger weapons as new stronger(not just better stats but also having new dangerous abilities) enemies show up. There is few ways to make futher progress possible without increasing distance between new players and players who played since long ago "extra credits" video about power creep mentioned few of them.


I never said that progression is in any way problematic or inconsequential. Yes, I agree there needs to be progression. No, I don't agree that progression means getting a gun that does more damage than the last every month. There needs to be a definitive end-game tier, or else there's no point in progressing. Why would a player play a game in order to acquire stronger tools if they can never reach the cusp of achievement? 


If you both watched that Extra Credits video and understood it, you'd recognize that DE isn't really making use of any of its proposed solutions, which is why it's such a huge problem for us at the moment. The thing with Warframe is that it's fun, provided you have something to work towards. Acquiring a new weapon. Polarizing said weapon to attain a desired build. Acquiring a new Warframe. Looking for that one mod you want or need. The problem is that many of these things can become tedious on their own, and once completed they don't give way to anything you can really do with that new wealth. 


Yes, you will be temporarily sustained by new content, and perhaps even satisfied with power-creep-ridden weapons and enemies. That's not a sustainable system, though. What you really need is an end-game system that can hold your attention and interest without relying entirely on more powerful weapons. Something that changes Warframe's gameplay to be more than mow down x number of enemy y, until you acquire item z. 

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I am not saying that you should get stronger weapons every month, but from time to time.

I dont think that real end-game exists in mmo that have rpg elements, as long as story/universe/enemies progress your  "tools" also will also have to progress.


We have very different views about this, since I am type of person who enjoys the journey but not necessarily end of journey, once I reach the end I quickly get bored.

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I am not saying that you should get stronger weapons every month, but from time to time.

I dont think that real end-game exists in mmo that have rpg elements, as long as story/universe/enemies progress your  "tools" also will also have to progress.


We have very different views about this, since I am type of person who enjoys the journey but not necessarily end of journey, once I reach the end I quickly get bored.


Okay, I get what you're saying now... and that's fine, provided it doesn't go unchecked. I don't think anyone here is under the illusion that power creep is entirely preventable. It happens. I just want DE to be more active about keeping it in check. Even the OP's suggestion is aimed at reining it in, not eliminating it entirely. 


I think the easiest and simplest way to prevent power creep from eradicating older content is the introduction of an upgrade system. You want to take that Braton to the end-game? Sure, no problem; you just have to grind twice as hard as the people who simply switch to using more powerful weapons to bring your gun up to par. 

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The best kind of scaling for abilities would be if it deals percentage based damage (like mag's second). Of course that would scale really well late game, however it would mean that abilities are less effective early game/easier missions.

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I'm not sure how you'd propose making everything PVP balanced without either

A) making MK1 Kunai the strongest S#&$ ever

B) removing the point of ever upgrading specific mods.

Honestly, even balancing PVP alone as is is impossible, the game relies on mods, many mods are things people either don't have access to or are extreme to level up (primed mods 900 r5s op).

You're either balancing around people that didn't get that primed mod and max it, or you're making the primed mod not remotely worth maxing, which is already enough the case for that last level.

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I'm not sure how you'd propose making everything PVP balanced without either

A) making MK1 Kunai the strongest S#&$ ever

B) removing the point of ever upgrading specific mods.

Honestly, even balancing PVP alone as is is impossible, the game relies on mods, many mods are things people either don't have access to or are extreme to level up (primed mods 900 r5s op).

You're either balancing around people that didn't get that primed mod and max it, or you're making the primed mod not remotely worth maxing, which is already enough the case for that last level.


Such exaggeration... balancing weapons for PVP is as simple as dividing weapons into definitive "tiers," the way they're supposed to be arranged already, and then creating separate PVP brackets for varying loadouts. You can carry a lower-bracket weapon into a higher one, but not a higher-bracket weapon into a lower one. 


Yes, mods posit a problem, but it should be fairly obvious that mods are a part of the game, and therefore not exempt from balancing changes. We're already in a bad way with mods providing such massive bonuses, so the first step is moving some of the scaling provided by mods onto the weapons themselves (giving a definitive maximum normal damage output for each weapon determined by "tier,") and reducing the overall benefits provided by mods to be relatively minor and akin to tweaks. In that case, which weapons you're carrying will have more of an impact on your performance than which mods you've slotted. Then balancing for PVE is as simple as scaling enemy health, armor, and resistance values accordingly. 


The PVP balance will be tricky and difficult, yes, but still possible. PVE should be easier to balance for with much more wiggle room, given that it's more a matter of what "feels" right, and it doesn't entail a debate between two parties with conflicting interests. 

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