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Ui Disappeared After Host Migration


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Happened on the second host migration after wave 15



2406.468 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gPortraitRegion2414.713 Script [Info]: DefenseReward::TransitionOut2414.713 Sys [Info]: Received SMSG_REJECT2414.713 Game [Info]: Host migration: local client BouIdershoulder selected as the new host2414.713 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf2414.714 Script [Info]: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=Host migration in progress. Please wait..., leftItem=nil, rightItem=nil)2414.714 Sys [Info]: Server disconnected! [connection = 1]2414.714 Net [Info]: Destroying virtual connection for: Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Transmission.swf2414.747 Sys [Info]: UI Destroy prior background region2414.747 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gPortraitRegion2414.747 Sys [Info]: Finished new region2415.113 Script [Info]: DefenseReward: user elected to continue2415.113 Script [Info]: DefenseReward: cumulative rewards 32415.716 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::DisconnectCleanup [host promotion mode=1]2415.730 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 3 instances (0.125ms) and unbuilt 59 types (0.911ms) in 0.125ms2415.730 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 500 resource-objects2415.730 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework: disconnected.2415.730 Sys [Info]: UnregisterLocalPlayer (063143946497354724555508)2415.730 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering 0631439464973547245555082415.730 Net [Info]: MatchingService::LeaveSquad2415.730 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession2415.730 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering 0747789864973579675557072415.730 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering 0763964564973561665555202415.730 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering 0736469664973579275555582415.732 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows::Shutdown()2415.740 Net [Info]: Deleted session2415.740 Net [Info]: MatchingService::SquadSessionDeleted2415.740 Game [Info]: Original session ID: 54a6ad5606c56fafa38d08b12415.740 Game [Info]: Max players = 42415.740 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSquadSession2415.740 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSession2415.740 Net [Info]: MatchingService::mState: 02415.740 Net [Info]: VOIP: Set volume to 1.026412415.740 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows initialized (Total: 0.06ms)2415.740 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::HostSession - settings: {"maxPlayers":4,"minPlayers":1,"privateSlots":0,"scoreLimit":15,"timeLimit":900,"gameModeId":11172,"eloRating":4294967295,"regionId":2,"difficulty":0,"hasStarted":true,"enableVoice":true,"matchType":"NORMAL","maps":[],"originalSessionId":"54a6ad5606c56fafa38d08b1","usingPlayNow":false,"customSettings":"","buildId":1758661729,"freePublic":3,"freePrivate":0}2415.740 Sys [Info]: RegisterLocalPlayer (063143946497354724555508:0)2415.740 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000002 for (local 063143946497354724555508)2415.740 Sys [Info]: Changing voip sound output device to2415.740 Net [Info]: SQUAD Session has 1/4 public and 0/1 private slots filled.2415.740 Net [Info]: Team0 slots: 0, team1 slots: 02415.740 Net [Info]: Num session players: 12415.740 Net [Info]: AddSquadMember: BouIdershoulder, mm=063143946497354724555508, squadCount=12415.740 Net [Warning]: Retransmitting unacked NAT bind for client2416.740 Net [Warning]: Retransmitting unacked NAT bind for client2416.889 Net [Info]: HostSessionCallback2416.889 Net [Info]: sessionId=54a6b19f07c56f746ace39f72416.889 Net [Info]: HostSessionDone (1, 54a6b19f07c56f746ace39f7)2416.889 Net [Warning]: Retransmitting unacked NAT bind for client2416.889 Sys [Info]: Loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp2416.889 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: Acquired 31 root types to load [Heap: 588,692,112/632,946,688]2416.891 Sys [Info]: TexturePrioritizerImpl::Reinitialize 1.6 ms2416.891 Sys [Info]: RegionMgrImpl::SetLevel /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp2416.891 Game [Info]: Reinitializing region mgr as host2416.891 Game [Info]:  Save XP = 02416.891 Game [Info]:  Save XP = 02416.891 Game [Info]:  Save XP = 02416.891 Game [Info]:  Save XP = 02416.892 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for MDmaster01 from 0 to SS_MISSING_PRESUMED_ALIVE, 4552416.892 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for GeNeTiK-MaD from 0 to SS_MISSING_PRESUMED_ALIVE, 4552416.892 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for BouIdershoulder from 0 to SS_MISSING_PRESUMED_ALIVE, 4552416.892 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for vitalru from 0 to SS_MISSING_PRESUMED_ALIVE, 4552416.892 Game [Info]: NpcManager::InitializeHostMigration2416.896 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.394ms [Heap: 587,687,536/632,946,688]2416.897 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.222ms [Heap: 587,411,152/632,946,688]2416.897 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.244ms [Heap: 587,083,856/632,946,688]2416.903 Sys [Info]: DebugChallenges CreateChallengeManager2416.903 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gChallengeMgr2416.903 Sys [Info]: Loading game rules: LotusGameRules2416.903 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_INVALID to SS_WAITING_TO_START2416.907 Game [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration - has data for 32416.908 Sys [Info]: Server ready for load [Heap: 581,859,216/632,750,080], sessionPlayers=12416.908 Net [Info]: Replication count by concrete type:2416.908 Net [Info]:2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 Decoration2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 MoverKey2416.908 Net [Info]:        4 Mover2416.908 Net [Info]:        9 ScriptTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:        3 SimpleAnimationAction2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 DialogTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:       42 AmmoExItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        5 Cinematic2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 GameStateImpl2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 MultiAvatarTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:       93 PickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:       93 PickUpAction2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 NpcDoorHint2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 NpcMigrationData2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 RecipeItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 MiscItemBase2416.908 Net [Info]:       24 DojoColorResearchIngredient2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 LaserDoorHint2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 LotusCinematic2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 LotusGameEventHandler2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 LotusGameRules2416.908 Net [Info]:       19 LotusPickUpItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 MarkerInfo2416.908 Net [Info]:2416.908 Net [Info]: Replication count by type:2416.908 Net [Info]:2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 /Lotus/Types/Game/ObjectiveMarkerInfo2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 /Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/MiscItemAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Nanospores2416.908 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/NanosporesPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 /Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/Plastids2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 /Lotus/Types/Items/MiscItems/PlastidsPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/GameRules/LotusGameRules2416.908 Net [Info]:       42 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/AmmoAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/BluePrintAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:       31 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/EnergyAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/EnergyIncreaseSmall2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/EnergyIncreaseSmallItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        6 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/ModAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Recipes/WarframeRecipes/PaladinSystemsBlueprint2416.908 Net [Info]:        6 /Lotus/Types/DropTables/Defaults/DefaultModItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        6 /Lotus/Types/DropTables/Defaults/DefaultModPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:       13 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/PistolAmmoItem2416.908 Net [Info]:       13 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/PistolAmmoPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/RifleAmmoItem2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/RifleAmmoPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/ShellAmmoItem2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/ShellAmmoPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/SniperAmmoItem2416.908 Net [Info]:        7 /Lotus/Weapons/Ammo/SniperAmmoPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        6 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/CreditsAutoPickUp2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/BluePrintDrops/BluePrintDrop2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/10CreditsPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/10Credits2416.908 Net [Info]:        4 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/1Credit2416.908 Net [Info]:        4 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/1CreditPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/5Credits2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/PickUps/Credits/5CreditsPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/LevelObjects/LockerAttachments/LockerReplicatedHitSwitch2416.908 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/LevelObjects/CorpusStorageLocker2416.908 Net [Info]:       24 /Lotus/Types/Items/Research/DojoColors/GenericDojoColorPigment2416.908 Net [Info]:       24 /Lotus/Types/Items/Research/DojoColors/GenericDojoColorPigmentPickup2416.908 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Engine/Decoration2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Engine/MoverKey2416.908 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Engine/Mover2416.908 Net [Info]:        9 /EE/Types/Engine/ScriptTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/UI/DialogTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:        5 /EE/Types/Game/Cinematic2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/GameRules/GameStateImpl2416.908 Net [Info]:        2 /EE/Types/Game/MultiAvatarTrigger2416.908 Net [Info]:       11 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcDoorHint2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcMigrationData2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Ship/LaserDoorHint2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusCinematic2416.908 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusGameEventHandler2416.908 Net [Info]:2416.908 Net [Info]: Total count: 3302416.915 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework::ReconnectToServer()2416.915 Game [Info]: HostMigration::ResetOldServerConnection()2416.916 Sys [Info]: Client::Connect - localhost:49502416.916 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::Connect sending CMSG_CONTACT message to server localhost:4950 (BouIdershoulder), connection: 02416.916 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Script [Info]: --- Set global: gPortraitRegion2416.927 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming NORMAL -> REDUCING [Heap: 576,460,704/632,750,080]2416.927 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: Net [Info]: AddPlayerToSession(BouIdershoulder,mm=063143946497354724555508,private=0,teamId=255)2416.927 Net [Info]: Num open private slots: 1, num open public slots: 32416.927 Net [Error]: Player with mm=063143946497354724555508 is already in session...ignored2416.927 Net [Info]: Session has 1 public and 0 private slots filled2416.927 Net [Info]: Session team slots filled: team0=0, team1=02416.927 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 12416.927 Sys [Info]: Contact received; sending challenge to BouIdershoulder. Setting connection timeout to 202416.927 Net [Error]: Ignoring EMSG_LOAD_PROGRESS for unknown connection [conn=0, address:]2416.927 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 12416.927 Sys [Error]: Unexpected message in ChallengeState: 162416.932 Net [Error]: Ignoring EMSG_LOAD_PROGRESS for unknown connection [conn=0, address:]2416.932 Sys [Info]: Accepted challenge from: BouIdershoulder2416.932 Sys [Info]: Starting load for BouIdershoulder2416.932 Game [Info]: Server::LoadClient: Context objects:2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Powersuits/AntiMatter/NovaPrime2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Weapons/Syndicates/CephalonSuda/Pistols/CSSynoidGammacor2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Weapons/Corpus/LongGuns/CrpShockRifle/CrpShockRifle2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/PrimeBo/PrimeBoWeapon2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Game/KubrowPet/FurtiveKubrowPetPowerSuit2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Quadrupeds/Quadruped2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Runners/LeapingRunner2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Runners/SuicideRunner2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Crawlers/NoxiousCrawler2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Crawlers/LightningCrawler2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/InfestedMoas/SlowBombBipedAgent2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/InfestedMoas/NaniteCloudBipedAgent2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Ancients/DiseasedAncient2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Ancients/SpawningAncient2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Ancients/MeleeAncient2416.932 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/Enemies/Infested/AiWeek/Ancients/HealingAncient2416.932 Game [Info]: Level=/Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp2416.932 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 12416.932 Sys [Info]: FSM::LoadLevel2416.953 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gBackgroundRegion2416.954 Script [Info]: Loading progress level /Lotus/Levels/Episodes/LisetInFlight.level2416.955 Sys [Info]: Found 224 items to load (0.5ms) [Heap: 570,588,848/632,750,080]2416.955 Sys [Info]: Acquired 224 resources (0.1ms)2416.955 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0s (inherited 224 of 224)2416.955 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/0 resources at 6 ms/frame2416.971 Sys [Info]: UI Destroy prior background region2416.971 Sys [Info]: Starting new background region: /Lotus/Levels/Episodes/LisetInFlight.level2416.972 Sys [Info]: Loading region2416.972 Sys [Info]: Region server created 13 new objects. [Heap: 571,825,568/632,750,080]2416.972 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Episodes/LisetInFlight.level: no player spawns2416.973 Sys [Info]: Initial update of physics complete [Heap: 571,854,112/632,750,080]2416.973 Sys [Info]: RegionMgrImpl::SetLevel /Lotus/Levels/Episodes/LisetInFlight.level2416.973 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gBackgroundRegion2416.973 Sys [Info]: Finished new region2416.973 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/InfestedLongGunTwo.png2416.973 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Store/InfestedLongGunTwo.png2416.997 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf2416.998 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense2416.998 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense2417.001 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Objects/MaterialCube.fbx2417.009 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/LevelPortal2417.009 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/LevelPortal2417.011 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/LevelPortal_d.png2417.011 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/LevelPortal_d.png2417.029 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegionShip/0.bsp2417.029 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegionShip/0.bsp2417.037 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/CeresRegionShip/0.bsp2417.037 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/CeresRegionShip/0.bsp2417.045 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EuropaRegionShip/0.bsp2417.045 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EuropaRegionShip/0.bsp2417.053 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/JupiterRegionShip/0.bsp2417.053 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/JupiterRegionShip/0.bsp2417.061 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/MarsRegionShip/0.bsp2417.061 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/MarsRegionShip/0.bsp2417.069 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/MercuryRegionShip/0.bsp2417.069 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/MercuryRegionShip/0.bsp2417.077 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/NeptuneRegionShip/0.bsp2417.077 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/NeptuneRegionShip/0.bsp2417.085 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/PhobosRegionShip/0.bsp2417.085 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/PhobosRegionShip/0.bsp2417.093 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/PlutoRegionShip/0.bsp2417.093 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/PlutoRegionShip/0.bsp2417.101 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/SaturnRegionShip/0.bsp2417.101 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/SaturnRegionShip/0.bsp2417.109 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/SednaRegionShip/0.bsp2417.109 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/SednaRegionShip/0.bsp2417.117 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/UranusRegionShip/0.bsp2417.117 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/UranusRegionShip/0.bsp2417.125 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/VenusRegionShip/0.bsp2417.125 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/VenusRegionShip/0.bsp2417.133 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/VoidRegion/0.bsp2417.133 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/VoidRegion/0.bsp2417.141 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/DeepSpaceRegion/0.bsp2417.141 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/DeepSpaceRegion/0.bsp2417.182 Sys [Info]: Generated 8 deps and 23 exclusions in 32ms (vetting took 32ms)2417.186 Sys [Info]: Found 11,298 items to load (2ms) [Heap: 571,971,472/632,750,080]2417.197 Sys [Info]: Acquired 11226 resources (11ms)2417.197 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gRegion2417.197 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::LoadLevel setting connection timeout to 202417.197 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 12417.197 Sys [Info]: LOAD_MESSAGE received (joining session after migration)2417.197 Sys [Info]: Client ready for load [Heap: 572,333,136/632,750,080]2417.197 Sys [Info]: Level: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp, id: 12417.197 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Sys [Error]: A valid backdrop ID was specified: BackDropSpace however no such backdrop zone was found! Backdrop for zone: /CsgZone0 has been cleared2417.208 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming REDUCING -> NORMAL [Heap: 568,680,816/632,750,080]2417.208 Sys [Info]: Finished load of RenderTarget batch [0s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak]2417.208 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Mesh ApexEmitterAsset ApexParticleIosAsset ApexAttractorAsset ApexTurbulenceAsset Sample AnimScene ApexSpriteIofxAsset batch [0s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak]2417.208 Sys [Info]: Finished load of batch [0s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak]2417.208 Sys [Info]: Loaded 44/50 resources at 274 ms/frame2417.228 Sys [Error]: Could not use object: /EE/Types/Darkitect/NavMeshVolume (broken)2417.228 Sys [Error]: Required by level /Lotus/Levels/InfestedCorpus/InfestedDefenseSpawn.level2417.323 Sys [Info]: Finished load of LevelPermutation Level batch [0.115s and 7 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak]2417.323 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.14s (inherited 11226 of 11291)2417.323 Sys [Info]:2417.323 Sys [Info]:     Loaded: 17,104,896 B (261 pages) at 226 MB/s (0.070s)2417.323 Sys [Info]:     Decomp: 15,988,971 B -> 24,152,525 B (1.5:1) at 308 MB/s (0.048s)2417.323 Sys [Info]:     Seeked: 20x (2s)2417.323 Sys [Info]:     Wasted: 1,066,155B (6.23%)2417.323 Sys [Info]:2417.323 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 569,975,984/632,750,080]2417.330 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 679 resource-objects2417.331 Sys [Info]: Unloaded 0 types in 0.024ms2417.332 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 1379 instances (0.172ms) and unbuilt 357 types (0.840ms) in 0.172ms2417.332 Sys [Info]: Client finished loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp. Sending CMSG_LOAD_COMPLETE to server.2417.332 Game [Info]: SynchronizingState::Enter2417.333 Sys [Info]: Load complete for BouIdershoulder [Heap: 564,397,712/629,473,280]2417.334 Game [Info]: StartClientReplication(0)2417.334 Sys [Error]: Ignoring UpdateChannels for ()2417.334 Game [Info]: CreatePlayerForClient. id=0, user name=BouIdershoulder2417.334 Net [Info]: ReplicationMgr::ClientSubscribe(0)2417.334 Net [Info]: Has 1 client(s)2417.334 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000000 for (local 063143946497354724555508)2417.334 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000000 for (local 063143946497354724555508)2417.334 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_WAITING_TO_START to SS_ARBITRATION_REGISTER2417.334 Net [Info]: Trying to send ArbitrationRegisterCallback [success: 1]2417.334 Net [Info]: Arbitration RMI for playerId=02417.334 Net [Info]: playerId=0 has been processed, 1 player(s) on the list2417.334 Net [Info]: Found, erasing2417.334 Net [Info]: Executing callback [valid: 1]2417.334 Net [Info]: MatchingService::ArbitrationRegister2417.334 Net [Info]: ArbitrationRegisterHostCallback2417.334 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_ARBITRATION_REGISTER to SS_STARTING2417.334 Net [Info]: StartedSessionCallback, success: 12417.334 Net [Info]: StartedSessionRMI, playerId=02417.334 Net [Info]: playerId=0 has been processed, 1 player(s) on the list2417.334 Net [Info]: Found, erasing2417.334 Net [Info]: Executing callback [valid: 1]2417.334 Net [Info]: **** Starting session on HOST2417.334 Net [Info]: MatchingService::StartSession2417.334 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl::StartedSessionHostCallback: success: 12417.334 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_STARTING to SS_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS2417.334 Net [Info]: Sent for 1 player(s)2417.334 Net [Info]: Sent for 1 player(s)2417.335 Sys [Info]: LotusBaseGameRules::Update Sending profile to server2417.335 Game [Info]: ======== Removing BouIdershoulder from restricted pickup list2417.348 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000000 for (local 063143946497354724555508)2417.351 Sys [Error]: error: can't find XPBarBackground[0x0].gotoAndStop2417.351 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/UICommonResources.swf2417.352 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ContextAction.swf2417.356 Net [Info]: IRC out: PART #S54a6ad5606c56fafa38d08b12417.357 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.swf2417.357 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ToolTip.swf2417.358 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/HudRedux.swf2417.358 Sys [Info]: Player acquired; enabling input on client.2417.358 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 567,519,440/629,473,280]2417.358 Net [Info]: IRC out: JOIN #S54a6b19f07c56f746ace39f72417.360 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn at player-spawn /Layer0/Prefab6/PlayerSpawn02417.360 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn avatar /Lotus/Types/Player/TennoAvatar2417.361 Sys [Info]: LotusAvatar with ID 4 has new player: BouIdershoulder2417.362 Game [Info]: Restore XP: 02417.363 Sys [Info]: Registering LotusSentinelAvatar, ID is 52417.363 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 5 setting owner player to BouIdershoulder2417.363 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 5 setting owner Avatar to TennoAvatar42417.364 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 5 got creator change. OldCreator: NULL, NewCreator: TennoAvatar42417.364 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new2417.364 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar2417.364 Sys [Info]: Have player and loadout! Player name is BouIdershoulder2417.364 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 5 owned by BouIdershoulder Notify GameRules of spawn2417.364 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for BouIdershoulder from 2 to SS_ALIVE, 13692417.364 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 54539d6307c56fcfbe8bcbd52417.364 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 54a5847507c56f3f16f331f42417.364 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 54539d6406c56fac18b4056b2417.364 Sys [Info]: GiveInventory() 3ms2417.364 Game [Info]: Removing migration data for 0631439464973547245555082417.368 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 1.05ms [Heap: 569,817,664/629,473,280]2417.368 Sys [Info]: Reached replication fence; started prefetching...2417.369 Script [Info]: *** Disabling spectator mode ***2417.370 Script [Info]: Hud.lua - new avatar set2417.371 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/UICommonResources.swf2417.371 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Background.swf2417.371 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerGrapplingHook.png2417.371 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerGrapplingHook.png2417.375 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerScream.png2417.375 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerScream.png2417.379 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerShieldBash.png2417.379 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerShieldBash.png2417.383 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerLastStand.png2417.383 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Abilities/BerserkerLastStand.png2417.399 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.52417.399 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 12417.399 Net [Info]: VOIP: Client connected2417.399 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 570,340,240/629,473,280]2417.399 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Infestation/InfestedCorpusShipDefense/BOig.lp ]===2417.399 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Gunslinger/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx2417.399 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Gunslinger/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx2417.407 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Gunslinger/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx built 40 objects in 2.31 ms2417.407 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/LokiPrimeRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx2417.407 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/LokiPrimeRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx2417.419 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/LokiPrimeRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 32 objects in 5.35 ms2417.419 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Paladin/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx2417.419 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Paladin/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx2417.431 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Paladin/Collision/GunslingeCollision_physics.fbx built 44 objects in 6.37 ms2417.431 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Rhino/Collision/RhinoCollision_physics.fbx2417.431 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Rhino/Collision/RhinoCollision_physics.fbx2417.441 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Rhino/Collision/RhinoCollision_physics.fbx built 38 objects in 4.59 ms2417.444 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ButtonBar.swf2417.444 Sys [Info]: Found 90 items to load (0.3ms) [Heap: 570,781,408/629,473,280]2417.444 Sys [Info]: Acquired 88 resources (0ms)2417.444 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/AcceptInvitePanel.swf2417.444 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/2 resources at 19 ms/frame2417.508 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Script batch [0.063s and 4 frames at 15 ms/frame avg, 0.2 ms/update peak]2417.572 Sys [Info]: Finished load of FlashMovie batch [0.064s and 4 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 0.3 ms/update peak]2417.572 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.12s (inherited 88 of 90)2417.572 Sys [Info]:2417.572 Sys [Info]:     Loaded: 262,144 B (4 pages) at 0 MB/s (0s)2417.572 Sys [Info]:     Decomp: 9,326 B -> 16,293 B (1.7:1) at 0 MB/s (0s)2417.572 Sys [Info]:     Seeked: 8x (0.800s)2417.572 Sys [Info]:     Wasted: 252,818B (96.4%)2417.572 Sys [Info]:2417.572 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 570,831,792/629,473,280]2417.589 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/AcceptInvitePanel.swf2417.590 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.425ms [Heap: 570,663,536/629,473,280]2417.590 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/GenericNotification.swf2417.595 Script [Info]: SquadOverlay -- Initialize2417.596 Script [Info]: Create(SquadInfo)::Initialize()2417.600 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/SquadOverlay.swf2417.636 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/MasteryRanks/Rank16Eagle.png2417.636 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/MasteryRanks/Rank16Eagle.png2417.665 Script [Info]: Got Mission:  difficulty: 12417.669 Sys [Error]: Could not use object: /Lotus/Types/NeutralCreatures/KubrowAgent (broken)2417.670 Script [Info]: Layer index: 42417.675 Game [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration, have data for 1 agent(s)2417.675 AI [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration - num killed agents: 5112417.675 AI [Info]:  FinalizeHostMigration MaxPop now 0 NumKilledPreMigrate 511 numKilled 511 numSpawned 511 allyFaction2417.676 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/DefenseAgent1 numLive 0 numSpawned 511 AutoSpawn: 02417.677 Sys [Info]: Server::OnData(CMSG_PREFETCH_COMPLETE) setting connection 0 timeout to 7.52417.677 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 12417.678 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Sys [Info]: Received 1 / 11 online presence results2417.678 Sys [Info]: Received 0 / 5 online presence results2417.683 Net [Info]: Completed fast presence query2417.683 Net [Info]: Completed fast presence query2418.214 Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2418.214 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 3 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/Guardian.lua)2418.429 Net [Info]: Received EMSG_INTRODUCTION_REQUEST from, reply to address: Net [Info]: Received introduction request from NRS for 528ca1411a4d802f7d000003 ( Net [Info]: Received EMSG_INTRODUCTION_REQUEST from, reply to address: Net [Info]: Received introduction request from peer 528ca1411a4d802f7d000003 ( Net [Info]: Received EMSG_INTRODUCTION_REQUEST from, reply to address: Net [Info]: Received introduction request from peer 528ca1411a4d802f7d000003 ( Net [Info]: Received EMSG_INTRODUCTION_REQUEST from, reply to address: Net [Info]: Received introduction request from NRS for 528ca1411a4d802f7d000003 ( Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2418.969 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 2 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/SuckAbility.lua)2419.166 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method a nil value: In file /Lotus/Interface/HudRedux.lua(3907) in function Update2419.297 Net [Info]: New squad peer added Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::ProcessSquadMessage received JOIN message from vitalru2419.579 Net [Info]: SQUAD Session has 2/4 public and 0/1 private slots filled.2419.579 Net [Info]: Team0 slots: 0, team1 slots: 02419.579 Net [Info]: Num session players: 22419.579 Net [Info]: AddSquadMember: vitalru, mm=073646966497357927555558, squadCount=22419.579 Net [Info]: SendSessionUpdate: updating sessionId: 54a6b19f07c56f746ace39f7 with params: &freePublic=22419.579 Sys [Info]: RegisterRemotePlayer (073646966497357927555558:1)2419.579 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000002 for (073646966497357927555558)2419.579 Net [Info]: VOIP: Registered remote player 073646966497357927555558 ( Net [Info]: Sending LOAD_LEVEL to vitalru [mission=]2419.579 Game [Info]: HandleSquadMessage from JOIN (host: 1)2419.795 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to (via Net [Info]: Received CONNECT_REQUEST message from, id: 9, RA=2420.955 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner2 numLive 1 numSpawned 511 AutoSpawn: 02420.957 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner3 numLive 2 numSpawned 512 AutoSpawn: 02420.959 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped4 numLive 3 numSpawned 513 AutoSpawn: 02420.961 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner5 numLive 4 numSpawned 514 AutoSpawn: 02420.964 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner6 numLive 5 numSpawned 515 AutoSpawn: 02420.965 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped7 numLive 6 numSpawned 516 AutoSpawn: 02420.967 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped8 numLive 7 numSpawned 517 AutoSpawn: 02420.969 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner9 numLive 8 numSpawned 518 AutoSpawn: 02420.971 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner10 numLive 9 numSpawned 519 AutoSpawn: 02420.972 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped11 numLive 10 numSpawned 520 AutoSpawn: 02420.974 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped12 numLive 11 numSpawned 521 AutoSpawn: 02420.976 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner13 numLive 12 numSpawned 522 AutoSpawn: 02420.978 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped14 numLive 13 numSpawned 523 AutoSpawn: 02420.979 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped15 numLive 14 numSpawned 524 AutoSpawn: 02420.981 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped16 numLive 15 numSpawned 525 AutoSpawn: 02420.983 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner17 numLive 16 numSpawned 526 AutoSpawn: 02420.985 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner18 numLive 17 numSpawned 527 AutoSpawn: 02420.987 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner19 numLive 18 numSpawned 528 AutoSpawn: 02420.990 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner20 numLive 19 numSpawned 529 AutoSpawn: 02420.991 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner21 numLive 20 numSpawned 530 AutoSpawn: 02420.994 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner22 numLive 21 numSpawned 531 AutoSpawn: 02420.995 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped23 numLive 22 numSpawned 532 AutoSpawn: 02420.997 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner24 numLive 23 numSpawned 533 AutoSpawn: 02420.999 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner25 numLive 24 numSpawned 534 AutoSpawn: 02421.001 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SuicideRunner26 numLive 25 numSpawned 535 AutoSpawn: 02421.004 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner27 numLive 26 numSpawned 536 AutoSpawn: 02421.006 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner28 numLive 27 numSpawned 537 AutoSpawn: 02421.008 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner29 numLive 28 numSpawned 538 AutoSpawn: 02421.009 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped30 numLive 29 numSpawned 539 AutoSpawn: 02421.010 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/Quadruped31 numLive 30 numSpawned 540 AutoSpawn: 02421.010 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner32 numLive 31 numSpawned 541 AutoSpawn: 02421.011 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/LeapingRunner33 numLive 32 numSpawned 542 AutoSpawn: 02421.095 Game [Info]: Found pending connection:, initializing2421.095 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: Net [Info]: AddPlayerToSession(vitalru,mm=073646966497357927555558,private=0,teamId=255)2421.095 Net [Info]: Num open private slots: 1, num open public slots: 22421.095 Net [Error]: Player with mm=073646966497357927555558 is already in session...ignored2421.095 Net [Info]: Session has 2 public and 0 private slots filled2421.095 Net [Info]: Session team slots filled: team0=0, team1=02421.095 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 1 timeout to 20 * 12421.095 Sys [Info]: Contact received; sending challenge to vitalru. Setting connection timeout to 202421.448 Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2421.448 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 0 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/SwiftDethAbility.lua)2421.848 AI [Error]: Start Melee2421.981 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar26 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42422.297 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar30 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42422.964 Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2422.964 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 0 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/SwiftDethAbility.lua)2423.295 Sys [Info]: Accepted challenge from: vitalru2423.295 Sys [Info]: Starting load for vitalru2423.295 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 1 timeout to 20 * 12423.783 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar27 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42423.815 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar23 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42424.015 AI [Error]: Start Melee2424.149 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar15 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object DefenseAvatar62425.362 Sys [Info]: Load complete for vitalru [Heap: 589,740,880/629,276,672]2425.364 Game [Info]: StartClientReplication(1)2425.364 Sys [Error]: Ignoring UpdateChannels for ()2425.364 Game [Info]: CreatePlayerForClient. id=1, user name=vitalru2425.364 Net [Info]: ReplicationMgr::ClientSubscribe(1)2425.364 Net [Info]: Has 2 client(s)2425.365 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000000 for (073646966497357927555558)2425.368 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method upvalue '?' (a nil value): In file /Lotus/Interface/HudRedux.lua in function OnPlayersChanged2425.516 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar33 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42425.882 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar22 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42426.228 Net [Info]: NAT bound for server to (via Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2426.431 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 0 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/SwiftDethAbility.lua)2427.495 Net [Info]: 1: Pending reliable messages, channel 0: 3582427.495 Net [Info]: 1: Pending reliable messages, channel 30: 62427.495 Net [Info]: Retransmit throttle: 1.252427.495 Net [Info]: Lost packets: 51, acked packets: 1462427.630 Game [Info]: LotusBaseGameRules::UpdateWaitingForPlayers timed out.2427.630 Game [Info]: All avatars loaded, starting game. Was waiting for 3 player(s)2427.630 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS to SS_STARTED2427.630 Game [Info]: RadialSolarMap::Build()2427.632 Game [Info]: GameRulesImpl::StartRound()2427.647 Script [Info]: Starting Vignette close animation...2427.667 Script [Info]: WaveDefense, after migration. Wave: 16, wave sleep: 02427.667 Script [Info]: WaveDefense: Host migration init timer restarted: 981 seconds elapsed.2427.667 Script [Info]: Defense wave: 162428.130 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gBackgroundRegion2428.130 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gBackgroundRegion2428.224 Sys [Info]: Npc SentinelAvatar5 used PowerSuitAbility SentinelPowerSuitAbility on Object /NULL2428.224 Sys [Info]: PowerSuit with DebugID 812 activating ability 0 (/Lotus/Types/Sentinels/SentinelAbilities/SwiftDethAbility.lua)2428.629 Game [Info]: ======== Removing vitalru from restricted pickup list2428.629 Sys [Info]: Creating loader for /Temp/OtherPlayer1 loadout...2428.630 Sys [Info]: Found 4,989 items to load (0.5ms) [Heap: 584,686,560/631,439,360]2428.633 Sys [Info]: Acquired 4612 resources (2ms)2428.633 Sys [Info]: Server::OnData(CMSG_PREFETCH_COMPLETE) setting connection 1 timeout to 7.52428.633 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 1 timeout to 7.5 * 12428.633 Sys [Info]: Mute: 0 (073646966497357927555558)2428.633 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000002 for (073646966497357927555558)2428.648 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/218 resources at 20 ms/frame2428.714 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.066s and 4 frames at 16 ms/frame avg, 0.2 ms/update peak]2428.788 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Script batch [0.074s and 4 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 0.1 ms/update peak]2428.882 Sys [Info]: Finished load of MeleeAttack AnimScene ApexEmitterAsset Material Mesh Bank Sample ApexAttractorAsset ParticleMaterial SkeletalMesh ApexParticleIosAsset ApexTurbulenceAsset ProjectorMaterial ApexSpriteIofxAsset batch [0.094s and 5 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 8 ms/update peak]2428.884 Sys [Info]: Finished load of batch [0.001s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak]2428.958 Sys [Info]: Finished load of DiffuseMap EmissiveMap SpecularMap NormalMap Texture PackMap batch [0.074s and 4 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 7 ms/update peak]2428.959 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.32s (inherited 4612 of 4989)2428.962 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn at player-spawn /Layer0/Prefab6/PlayerSpawn02428.962 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn avatar /Lotus/Types/Player/TennoAvatar2428.964 Sys [Info]: LotusAvatar with ID 39 has new player: vitalru2428.965 Game [Info]: Restore XP: 02428.969 Sys [Info]: Registering LotusSentinelAvatar, ID is 402428.970 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 40 setting owner player to vitalru2428.970 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 40 setting owner Avatar to TennoAvatar392428.971 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 40 got creator change. OldCreator: NULL, NewCreator: TennoAvatar392428.971 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new2428.971 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar2428.971 Sys [Info]: Have player and loadout! Player name is vitalru2428.971 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 40 owned by vitalru Notify GameRules of spawn2428.971 Sys [Info]: Setting Sentinel state for vitalru from 2 to SS_ALIVE, 13692428.971 AI [Info]: OnAgentCreated /Npc/SentinelAgent34 numLive 29 numSpawned 543 AutoSpawn: 02428.972 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 544ebe2606c56fe3bd7b40102428.972 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 548d502907c56f915074a6522428.972 Game [Error]: Invalid item type for stored item, Mongo Id 5497eed706c56f8f6cdc6ede2428.972 Sys [Info]: GiveInventory() 9ms2428.972 Game [Info]: Removing migration data for 0736469664973579275555582429.333 Script [Info]: --- Set global: gBackgroundRegion2429.334 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ChallengePopUp.swf2429.467 Sys [Info]: Npc LeapingRunnerAvatar22 used PowerSuitAbility InfestedLeapAbility on Object TennoAvatar42429.481 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In file /Lotus/Interface/HudRedux.lua in function NotifyAbilityActivate2429.653 Sys [Info]: GiveItem Queuing resource load for Transmission: /Lotus/Sounds/Lotus/CorpusOutpost/Defense/LotusDefenseGameStartShipTrans2429.653 Sys [Info]: Found 142 items to load (0.2ms) [Heap: 596,900,464/631,439,360]2429.653 Sys [Info]: Acquired 139 resources (0ms)2429.664 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/2 resources at 17 ms/frame2429.697 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Sample batch [0.033s and 4 frames at 8 ms/frame avg, 0.1 ms/update peak]2429.697 Sys [Info]: Finished load of batch [0s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak]2429.697 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed in one pass and 0.04s (inherited 139 of 142)2429.699 Sys [Info]: OnTransmissionLoaded: /Lotus/Sounds/Lotus/CorpusOutpost/Defense/LotusDefenseGameStartShipTransfinished with result 12429.700 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.332ms [Heap: 596,592,496/631,439,360] 

Somewhere in this part of EE.log




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