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I Think Warframe Is Turning Its Community Into Perfectionists


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I'm starting to believe that it really is happening. You should always have the perfect squad compilation, a perfect build trinity with a damage frame to match and a perfect node that gives you all the exps and reputation and the grineers better be spawning like cray or I'll be mad.


Yesterday I joined a Stephano run with some randoms I found in recruiting channel and this one guy literally got bashed on because he wanted to take a Saryn over an Excalibur as a damage frame. He took it anyway and someone else filled the Excalibur spot, but in the end I think the Saryn guy contributed about the same.


You could say that after one year of this game being available people would be looking out for the perfect ways to get stuff done, but if you have to get to that instead of doing what you want, having fun without your sanity questioned and still getting stuff done then I think something's wrong.


Am I the only one noticing this? :x

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*OP is saying WF is turning its community into perfectionists*


<--*Looks at his essay that is so barebones it looks like it hasn't eaten for 5 years*


On the serious side, yeah I kinda agree. Everything needs to be pitch perfect and "efficient". No moar fun is allowed

Edited by TheErebus
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Yeah, definitely, but that's why I mainly play with clanmates. Randoms tend to bash on me playing Volt.


I'm sorry but I don't like getting SLAMMED into a wall when a Volt decides randomly to take a hit of speed, er use his ability CALLED speed.  The way it changes the camera really is annoying too unless you are meleeing things.  Other than that, volt's fine... but still.

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Pity all the "I needz frost for my def"

Easy too see ppl get close minded by generic strategies, i even got ignored once cause I stated a loki is a better help for def then a frost.


And I think its really boring to follow all those ppl who demand this and that frame to get invited.

Sadly enough you also dont see many ppl changing their gear to adapt to what the rest of the group is bringing.


Seems in the end only a few handful of frames are ever played.




It's also ironic/idiotic ppl demand strictly X or Z frame for maximize xp earning, and then they spend the entire mission running around being door heroes, which is equal to get out of xp range, and not win any xp at all.

My head hurts from facepalming...

Edited by 7grims
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The problem is that some players only think about themselves, efficient rep/exp/mod farm requires an efficient team or near that, if you decide to switch something up because you find it "fun" it's obvious others will not like it and will prefer someone else better to do the role you are assigned to.


Blind rage over intensify, 1 player is leveling up the warframe, a nekros when there is a 50 mod cap are things that might be accepted, but going into a team for the sole purpose of trying something that doesn't work/help, messing up the control points or the spawns are a little to much.


Those that do a good rep farm are picked, those that don't are simply discarded.

I understand that some players want to have fun, but this is a team based game, why don't you help the team instead?


I'm used to efficient rep farming, i'm not going to quit midgame, but i might leave after 1 wave. If the gameplay becomes painfull to watch, why would i be forced to be there? I leave and then i pick someone else.


That's like the players that want to go to T4 defense and simply cannot do a venus defense, let alone a T4, that kind of selfishness only harms the others who are actually making a contribution.


Players that want to learn are fine and i wam willing to explain how to improve the gameplay for a specific situation, giving margin for the player to decide certain things if it fits into his gameplay style, but players who want to semi leech are simply not wanted.

Warframe is already grindy as it is and some players only make it worse.


I recently had a game to help someone level up the nova prime and we asked a trinity and an excall to help out, the reality was a excall that didn't spam and a trinity without range, in other words, worthless, i had to put pads to deal with the enemies and ended up using 30 pads or so (yes me, not the others), if i would back up and used the ability less frequently my friend would complain about the low exp, forcing us into another game with more inept players, so i to compensate the other players ineptitude, used pads and did 2 roles.

The other players praised the exp and then we (kindly mind you) asked them to simply step asside as there were other trinities and excalls in line to get in.


Guess what, the following rounds were more productive and i didn't waste pads. All that changed were the players and the players builds, they knew what was on the line and they helped everyone.



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I am nitpicky that i don't allow people to bring frames to my T4 that i know will fail miserably. Such as Hydroid in a T4D, Ember in a T4S. Before i get hated for this let me explain. (I was just pulling unpopular frames off the top of my head)


This is my key i am not going to go 20 minutes or 20 waves in them i try to go for a hour or 40-60 waves. I know these frames won't hold out. Now i know these can be built well for T4 but you people who have good builds for these frames are the 2% and i don't feel lucky.


Though Limbo in T4D is better then any frost could be. Not kidding Limbo is godlike in Defense when built well.

Edited by Feallike
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I'll agree and not agree O_o



I mean some ppl want that perfectionist gamestyle because that's fun to them. Others don't mind taking the longer/harder path.


I suppose as long as it's understood when being invited what is to be expected of you and your team mates everyone wins. If there isn't an expectation than one just has to except how others play.

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I think this behaviour is due to the amount of grind involved to acquiring most things but you can't blame DE for it considering how all the stuff you get in the game is a unique item unlike most MMOs so they have to limit the access to these items somehow.


Anyhow don't let these persons influence you, they only want this "perfect" solution because it's probably the most accessable and efficient way for them to acquire what they want, and you can't blame them cause you probably would do the same (i'd do the same if I weren't a veteran and pretty much used 98% of all items in the game).


If anything just host your own games and ask everyone to just come for the fun of it, but then again I meet a lot of people who complain about stuff like "bad" AI, no cover system but these people do not understand that Warframe is for of a shout to the past when games weren't about realism and more about just have fun, look at the quake games for example.

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It really depends on who's hosting and what the hosts goal is. Reputation/xp farm requires perfect builds yes. If its just casual play then I see no reason for bashing.

If you are hosting and you want some serious gameplay then the host should specify what he wants. If you don't then I assume its casual gameplay and will bring whatever.

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This is not exclusive to Warframe. Every game with massive grind, rng, or time walls will make players look for the one most efficient way to get through those walls. It doesn't mean the players are perfectionists or that there is no fun allowed. I have my specific loadout for when I really need to get something done, and then I switch frames and weapons around for kicks, sh**s and giggles the rest of the time.


EDIT: I mean, my Zephyr and my Twin Gremlins have seen several times more use than my Excalibur, Rhino, Soma and Marelok. And I recently found out how fun the AkZani are.

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I am sorry what? Your post is nothing but an attempt at justifying leeching.

If you aren't going to co-operate then don't play missions where co-operation is expected of you, go play T1-3 void missions and low level nodes instead.


There are plenty of competent players who want a good farming squad, so the host doesn't have to put up with your nonsense, because there are a dozen others who are ready to take your place.


This is not a flaw, THIS is how the game SHOULD BE.

For too long this game has been "anything goes", and in the most part it still is, but now that competence has been given more of an edge over incompetence, people start whining about it... Wtf...

Edited by Hakitojin
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Have you ever played any other online game ever?  The amount of cookie cutters is staggering.  Same strategies and builds everywhere.  You can be just as effective with another build or playstyle, but if it takes any modicum of skill or effort the masses tend to avoid it.  Simple, incapable of original thought, greedy, power hungry, lazy. That's most people in a nutshell.

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A little change to make it more ridiculous... and yes, some  players actually specifically ask for Frost Prime.


Yup xD

The frame primes demands are hilarious, cause the only person who benefits from the prime is the player using it.

This also brings out another problem that is offtopic here, but that is just another thing that makes another handful of frames being less played, desired, and valuable.

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I blame the community for this one. Everywhere you look in-game and on the boards they are applying the standards of a 1hr+ endless run to everything and that's really never been required in any sense. I've been seeing that for a long, long time and never really understood it. Especially with guns. There's a point where you one shot something with one bullet of an AR and people are still stacking to get more DPS and telling people to put on more elements.


Obviously there will always be asshats who say they want to join your T4 endless and bring all Rank0-5 gear then call you an elitist for reforming without them... but that's just the other side of the coin. The community trend is real as well.


It's also sad that after two years players think "Bring a damage frame." is the intended direction of DE, but I won't derail.

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