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I Think Warframe Is Turning Its Community Into Perfectionists


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I am sorry what? Your post is nothing but an attempt at justifying leeching.

If you aren't going to co-operate then don't play missions where co-operation is expected of you, go play T1-3 void missions and low level nodes instead.


No i think he is just upset because he was accused of leaching when he was trying to have fun rather then playing to win. Now did he do it wrong, yes, did he kinda deserve to be bashed for not playing by the hosts rules yes. though i really don't think he was trying to leach.

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Im afraid that its grindy side of WF that forces such behavior in some ways. People looking for best profit/time ratio builds because it makes all this grind a little shorter. Besides if you get 18 mastery rank (as ppl say, I have 12 atm) there is nothing to do but grinding for ridiculous amouts of mats for another color of unimportant things in dojo.... etc. And the more loottables are packed the more grind we have (speaking about new items).

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I try not to be a perfectionist but i can't stop. Personally i love running T4S but as someone who actually understands spawn mechanics and the importance of corrosive projection i find myself getting increasingly frustrated with random groups. Personally, I'll take a group that knows how to play over a group that has "the perfect builds" anyday. On the positive side, T4I is still fun, plus most groups won't care what you bring as long as you can hold a point.


Also most players have a terrible understanding of what frames are actually capable of. Think mag isn't useful outside of corpus missions see this youtube vid:

   and thats not the only frame most people are wrong about. the only thing worse than being a perfectionist is having to deal with people who aren't as big of a perfectionist as you are. I've actually gotten to the point where i can tell how many forma someone has in their current build without looking at their profile.


I'm sorry but I don't like getting SLAMMED into a wall when a Volt decides randomly to take a hit of speed, er use his ability CALLED speed.  The way it changes the camera really is annoying too unless you are meleeing things.  Other than that, volt's fine... but still.

As someone who uses their mouse and movement keys for aiming i find volts in my party to being rather annoying. But most of the time i find people who choose volt tend to be the kinds on people who stick to one room and don't push spawns back so i perfer them in my groups.

Edited by Schorsi
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You mean you were looking for rep pharm? And the host wanted the most efficient squad to get it done so they can have fun for the rest of the day? And the squad he was looking for didn't include the one the other guy wanted to play? But joined in the squad anyway? Then told the guy, not X frame, I was looking for Y frame?


Oh no!!



Edit: Doing an efficient run with a constructed squad "just right" is the difference between 20 minutes vs 4+ hours when you need 38k rep for the day. Personally, I don't see an issue trying to get the right squad together so people can move on to "other things" they want to do for the day and not have to think about it.

Edited by Darkseal
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It's so true, and so sad. Honestly people just listen to whatever the popular opinion is and do not sway from it. Many frames deemed bad or ok can be excellent frames if you learn how to use them and try not to slap a generic build that seems to work for other similar frames. I think it's sad when people deem a fun frame to just a simple boring task. Everyone is trying to min-max everything, that takes the fun out of the game in my opinion. I honestly just use whatever I find fun and it always gets the job done, sometimes better/easier then the frame everyone recommends.

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You are an experienced player who already understands, BUT DO REMEMBER YOU WERE ONCE LIKE THAT ASWELL, we all were, we should not bash players for being inexperienced, as we've all been there.

No, i was never like that, i never submited myself to things i couldn't do on my own, i always do task i find acceptable and i learn before i take something of a bigger magnitude.

I used pads because i was prepared for it, experience tells me to expect the worst in any mission, things such as stalker, leechers, dead or inept teammates and i need to be decent enough to overcome that difficulty.


In short out of the many type of players out there, there are 2 that stand:

 - the ones that drag the team behind because they are inept

 - the ones that carry the team forward because they simply can


Newbies i tolerate, but the other variant (noobs) do not.

I have sided with newbies many, many times because they want to learn and in the end they try to help the team, but the other variant..........step asside pls


Why would i want BS in my team anyway?

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A little change to make it more ridiculous... and yes, some  players actually specifically ask for Frost Prime.




The fact they had two frames where the prime has a statistical upgrade (TWO in Nova's case) but allowed the standard frame, but said excal had to be prime, despite not offering any advantage over the base (outside of death orb interaction.) and being rarer makes me question humanity.

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Hehehe, I decided to bring an default color excal, mk-1 braton, skana, and lato to a pub once.


"wtf man, get this noob out of here."


"Go away, scrub. The big boys are playing here."


"I'd rather play with fugghin reindeer simulator then this f2p nub."


And not a single one noticed my Excal was rank 30, or my Mastery rank being 18. So, you do have a point, in some respect; but at least some of us aren't like that. Yet.

Edited by Snydrex
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The reason why people pick excal instead of saryn is that saryn have 5m smaller range (Radial Javelim 25m- saryn miasma 20m )
Maybe its a small difference but when you are using Overext. and stretch the difference is collosal in range. I know that proper modded saryn build can deal over 10k dmg using corrosive and this dmg is basicallu multiplied by 1,75 (corr dmg have 75% bonus against armored enemies and almost all grinier units are armored). Excal dmg is significantly lower but he has greater range and rhino can provide him dmg buff.

I think on rep farming excal is better but im sure that when you go on excavation/ surv  or normal mission saryn can instakill way stronger enemies than excalibur. I rarely see a exalibur on any other mission than rep farming.

About frost on def.
When trinity could heal def pod and excavator it was possible to go on mission wothout frost. But DE considered  that was OP and trinity no longer heal def objectives. There is no other ability which could provide better defence to objective than frost SG . (I know limbo can but there is no way that someone could stand in his globe longer than 5 min due to those "shadows"). We just have no other tools to do it. We could use Nyx and absorb but after energy changes there is no use because she can no longer receive energy while she is in ult. Players will always find the best and most efficient way to do something. I've seen a topic where people where complaining about nova MC that slow is too OP. Lets assume that DE will nerf this ability. What will community do ? Some people will rage on forum and others will find another way to play and farm.

Instead of frost we can use loki and vauban to gather all enemies to def objective, this is some kind of tactic too, rarely used but imo better than frost SG(we all love those T4 granades...). it's a tactic different from normal but works fine too.

The only valuable warframes are that which can provide some kind of buff to party members or have really powerfull dmg output.
for example noone will take Valkyr on Rep farming because she her ult provides only invincibilty for her. People should respect that and when someone says "we go farming" just equip this warframe which he wants and dont blame them for that. For them fun mean do something 4x faster than others. I really like to on missions with well organized party.Frankly speaking trinity with MR6 is 10x more valuable for me than Valkyr with MR 18. MR is just indicator how many things you have build, it wont indicate player skill level in any way. Trinity can provide much more to the team than Valkyr.

I like doing things in perfect way. People hate rep farming and wants to grab this rep in fastest possible way. I think that those people just wants to get max daily rep standing and go on other missions. Would you really play those interception for 2h with normal squad ?or just go on 30min with well organized party ?

Some people just dont have enought spare time to play like that and i think that we shouldnt blame them for that.

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Happens in every online game. There comes a time when one person/group finds the most mathematically and technically efficient way of doing things and the community sheep follows.  This is the meta game.  You don't have to do it this way.  There are plenty of other viable ways of completing everything in WF so feel free to have fun with it.

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*Trots into Council chat.*

"Who wants to run this key with me?"

"I'm game."

"Why not."

"Me too."

"Okay, let's-a gooooo!"

*fantastic run with some jokes throughout*

Best perk of being a founder is that chat. *sheds tear*

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When it comes to recruiting for rep farms there is the Meta and people just want to get it over with so they can cap out their rep. Someone screwing it up by potentially bringing an unoptimized frame just makes it more of a hassle. You find nodes with better spawns so it goes easier overall. 


Really, this kind of thinking is only present to this extent for farming runs to make it as easy and painless as possible. 


Sure you have the peeps in recruiting asking for specific frames but even after my friends and I get a very specific loadout going for a rep farm, once we finish we bring whatever the hell we want to our void runs and try out different squad compositions. 


Rep farming is unfun and people don't want it to get drawn out longer than needed to if only to more effectively max out their standing. 


Standard play with friends and the like is still as is because it's just that. Play over work. 

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Well I personaly got the Mods (every Mod exept Prime Chamber and some Syndicate mods) and the Warframes to do my stuff solo.


As Example if I wanna farm Syndicate Rep I take my Mirage with Darmage, Range, Duration and Efficience and go on Stephano.


I lack  a bit on live and shield but the dmg output is enough to do the dungeon solo.

With the knowing that I can solo the dungeon i don't care if the Members of the Squad trolling wanna deal dmg with Excalibur or Saryn

I don't even care if they are some ppl who enter the mission at MR 1 or with level 0 Frames and Weapons.


All I do is farming my Rep with the knowing I would not need someone else but i also don't care if someone is there.

Most of the Time at the end of 4 rounds the statistic say's my kills over 1000 other all below 100 but who cares XD

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As soon as you say "rep farm" you're already going down the rabbit hole and you'll get what you deserve.


The fact is you make plenty of rep just wearing your best sigil and doing whatever it is you normally do--and maybe the dailies.


I did one farm when it was on Viver (I had my arm twisted a bit and there was curiosity). It was...educational. It was also boring in the extreme. I wouldn't bother again.

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The way I see it, the community might be turning into a bunch of min/maxing perfectionists, but I'll be damned if I try to succumb to their nonsensical notions. I use whatever bloody frame I want, with whatever mod setup I want. If you don't like it, sucks for you.

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Yeah I see this from time to time, Oberon is apparently on the sh!t list in the "formula for success" until people start losing health, status afflictions abound, and enemies start swamping the objective/team and reckoning acts like a sieve and strains out the low end enemies from the dangerous more meaty ones.

Either way, I'm gonna play to my enjoyment, not good enough, or match your unfaltering recipe for success, I always remember, you can have every ingredient needed to make the greatest foods on planet earth, but without skill, knowledge and ability, all you have is food waiting to spoil.

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It's not that ppl are becoming perfectioinnist.  If you want to run a specific strategy and ask for it in chat where is the issu ?  Rep run require specific parameter to work correctly, if you want to have fun go do something else and let ppl that want to do it do it.


I personnally usually only look at my group composition when I want to run endless stuff (T4 def, inter, surv) for high round count or Rep farm.  Outside of those parameter, I don't care what ppl bring.  I only ask of them to be functiuonnal. If you aren't I just don't rez you and move along.  

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Don't waste someone else time next time ok.

Rep farms are for rep farm with 10-20m you can cap out your rep cap no matter how high your MR is.

Or you can run for few hours random void/missions.

I hate the mindless grind missions like survival/defense/interception, so I don't play them. Doing exterminates and captures does not generate enough rep.

You don't like meta, and how ppl want to optimize their time. Sure then don't join them and don't cry about it. As far as we care you can run 4 hydroid squad just do it away from us when we ask you for specific loadout for a specific task.

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I try to make sure I don't use a frame that's redundant for the team (say, Volt+Ember for direct damage), but as long as I'm doing whatever I need to do I tend to bring whatever the hell I want.

PUGs tend to be decent and I don't find that many terrible players. Muting voice in long runs with toxic players helps. I personally love running my Volt with a damage build which is built for short, powerful Electric Shields and Speeds plus damage abilities, but PUGs tend not to understand the build I'm using and laugh. Of course it changes when I end up with 50% of the team's damage.

Its not about running what they ask. Screw running what they ask, it's my game, my frame, my time, my fun. Just do your job right and they have no ground to stand on when they criticize your choices.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Like many games, Warframe is developing a meta.


There are things better than the meta, generally speaking, but they usually require thought or co-ordination.


Edit: Apparently, a good third of the people posting said it before me.

Edited by Resolus
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Yesterday I joined a Stephano run with some randoms I found in recruiting channel and this one guy literally got bashed on because he wanted to take a Saryn over an Excalibur as a damage frame. He took it anyway and someone else filled the Excalibur spot, but in the end I think the Saryn guy contributed about the same.

It's a matter of efficiency, when it comes to pure farming, with the example of Stephano (Polymer bundles for myself, but the other resources, along with XP and Rep), you usually want to make it fast, and make it so that you don't waste your time, because most people do not enjoy grinding their resources to death to actually have fun with their weapons and such.

As to why Excal over Saryn is better for that specific map :

Radial Javelin : Maximized Power Range increases the radius to 58.75 meters.

Miasma : Maximized Power Range increases the radius to 35.25 meters.

^ Stats taken from warframe.wikia.com ^

Using Saryn over Excal would require you to run all over the map, thus slowing the spawn rates, killing less enemies, getting less loot/XP/Rep.

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When I host a 20 wave T4D I ask people to bring something interesting they would have fun with.


Sometimes people get it and we get to play with some some great group mixes but other times people leave if they see there will be NO FROST IN T4D OMG!!!


Because as you very well know you can not complete a 20 wave T4D without a frost, trinity, disarm loki and vauban.


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