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Warframe: Real Life Fights!


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Everyone is equipped with a Latron Prime, Akstillettos, & the Dragon Nikana; power limit is 500. All power mechanics work as they do in-game. No mods are used in these fights. 


First Scenario: Free-for-All. Every frame included & all powers have maxed out BASE stats, BUT duration based powers have a time limit of 3 seconds. Fight to the death. 

Ash, Banshee, Ember, Excal, Frost, Hydroid, Limbo, Loki, Mag, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Rhino, Saryn, Trinity, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt, Zephyr


Next Scenario—1v1's: All powers have maxed out BASE stats. Power limit is still 500. 

Large & empty dojo-like room; each wall is 200 meters from its opposite wall. FIGHT TO THE DEATH.


Zephyr vs. Frost


Ash vs Loki (Loki's decoy works as an actual decoy should, looking like Loki & acting as he would) 


Hydroid vs Vauban


Nyx vs Limbo (powers do not work on Limbo through the void)


Nekros (can summon 15 minions) vs Mesa 


Trinity (link only lasts 6 secs) vs Oberon 


Saryn vs Volt 


Nova vs Ember


Valkyr vs Rhino 


Mirage vs Excalibur


Banshee vs Mag 


Final Scenario

Opposite ends of a standard Grineer ship. Conditions: Fairly dark. No Grineer involved. FIGHT TO THE DEATH.


Same match-ups as before.  


Zephyr vs. Frost


Ash vs Loki (Loki's decoy works as an actual decoy should, looking like Loki & acting as he would) 


Hydroid vs Vauban


Nyx vs Limbo (powers do not work on Limbo through the void)


Nekros (can summon 15 minions) vs Mesa 


Trinity (link only lasts 6 secs) vs Oberon 


Saryn vs Volt 


Nova vs Ember


Valkyr vs Rhino 


Mirage vs Excalibur


Banshee vs Mag 


I don't believe I left any frames out. Let me know if I've missed one.

Also, feel free to add your own match-ups & scenarios. 


Take into consideration the weapons available to each Tenno as well.


Who do you think would win!?

Edited by Rexlars
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Aoe can kill Limbo even when he's hiding in his bubble.


Killed him with Radial disarm.


I said "powers don't work on Limbo through the void". 


In which case I meant, like...at all. 

Edited by Rexlars
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1 on 1 Winners:










Tie (really can't decide, they're both pretty even against each other)


I pretty much agree with these results except I'd say that Rhino beats Valkyr, Nekros beats Mesa 8/10 times, & Mirage beats excal. 


Trinity. Not only is 6 seconds good enough to link and kill the enemy before it wears off, but a 3 second blessing would allow her to replenish health/shields up to 5 times depending on the powers used.


Is that for her 1v1 or or FFA? 

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I pretty much agree with these results except I'd say that Rhino beats Valkyr, Nekros beats Mesa 8/10 times, & Mirage beats excal. 

Oops, my bad I skipped over Mirage and Excal, the Tie was supposed to be for Mag and Banshee. I completely agree that Mirage takes Excal. Idk, I think Valkyr's Hysteria would tear through Iron Skin pretty fast. Plus she has invulnerability on her side and a speed advantage. With Nekros, I think his squishiness kinda hurts him. I mean, Mesa can jam his weapons while buffing her's, has a mini Iron Skin and her Ult should take out his minions pretty fast.

Either way, these match-ups would be epic, especially if we saw them animated like the game trailers are.

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With Nekros, I think his squishiness kinda hurts him. I mean, Mesa can jam his weapons while buffing her's, has a mini Iron Skin and her Ult should take out his minions pretty fast.


15 Corrupt Nullifier Minions were summoned. GO!

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Rhino beats Valkyr,

He totally does, for about ten seconds, just beating on her for all he's worth.  At that point he's dented her armor enough that she stops, puts down her newspaper and coffee, calmly secures the straps on her weaponry......and goes berserk.


Rhino, by golly, continues to beat on Valkyr for ten or fifteen seconds while she paints her nails.  At this point he realizes that this lady ain't screwing around, and tries to run away.  She rip lines him back, mauls through his ironskin and eviscerates him in ten seconds.


You can add all kind of mod counters if you want, all it does is change how much of the newspaper gets read before the final result.

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15 Corrupt Nullifier Minions were summoned. GO!



In my defense, he didn't say what enemy types the minions would be lol.

I doubt it. We've done a few Warframe fights in our Dojo and not once has a Rhino beat a Valkyr. Hysteria rips through Iron Skin like butter.


lol. I didn't even think about that. GG Mesa. Nekros pwns.


He totally does, for about ten seconds, just beating on her for all he's worth.  At that point he's dented her armor enough that she stops, puts down her newspaper and coffee, calmly secures the straps on her weaponry......and goes berserk.


Rhino, by golly, continues to beat on Valkyr for ten or fifteen seconds while she paints her nails.  At this point he realizes that this lady ain't screwing around, and tries to run away.  She rip lines him back, mauls through his ironskin and eviscerates him in ten seconds.


You can add all kind of mod counters if you want, all it does is change how much of the newspaper gets read before the final result.


I figured Rhino could cast Rhino Stomp before Valkyr gets off Hysteria since the cast time seems to be longer from what I can tell. I don't play either frame though, so. lol 

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Hydroid would either win or tie.


Win?  Puddle.  Step in it, and you lose.

Tie?  Puddle.  You can do nothing to it.  Lol


lol. I hadn't thought about that. 


But eventually Hydroid would run out of energy & I'd think his tesla balls could do some damage while he's in puddle mode, no?

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To be fair, no, I didn't try to memorize all of the rules changes.


But, to humor it, I suppose it's semi-possible, provided you totally gut valkyr, for her to lose.  Well, not really, she's still deceptively tough and her other abilities are still strong.  Ripline+finisher+paralysis+finisher again, if they somehow lived through the first one.  Don't worry about her health, she's still sporting as much armor as Rhino+Frost combined.


The only one with a real shot is Ash.  Invisible so he doesn't get targeted for the second or two it takes to line it up, then ultimate that ignores armor.  Wins a 1vs1 every time.  Ironically, the only one with a hope of surviving it would be....Valkyr, if she pre-empted with berserk to soak the ulti-hit when the smoke screen got cast, then peeled him when he resets with a ripline+finisher.

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To be fair, no, I didn't try to memorize all of the rules changes.


But, to humor it, I suppose it's semi-possible, provided you totally gut valkyr, for her to lose.  Well, not really, she's still deceptively tough and her other abilities are still strong.  Ripline+finisher+paralysis+finisher again, if they somehow lived through the first one.  Don't worry about her health, she's still sporting as much armor as Rhino+Frost combined.


The only one with a real shot is Ash.  Invisible so he doesn't get targeted for the second or two it takes to line it up, then ultimate that ignores armor.  Wins a 1vs1 every time.  Ironically, the only one with a hope of surviving it would be....Valkyr, if she pre-empted with berserk to soak the ulti-hit when the smoke screen got cast, then peeled him when he resets with a ripline+finisher.



Doesn't Hysteria not actually last for the amount of time it displays?  Doesn't the actual animation still continue even when the timer starts ticking down?  I think it does and if that's the case those 3 seconds of hysteria and then a ripline and paralysis may as well already end the hysteria.  And by the time the Valkyr casts the second hysteria, the other frame could have already skedaddled.

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