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I Am Not Pleased How Excalibur Become A Press 4 Frame Only


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You're thinking about Radial Javelin CTan. Excalibur gains damage on his melee weapon for each enemy a Javelin hits when augmented.


I can really only assume here but you guys are simply not using him to his fullest potential at all. He's not intended to spam Syndicate Reputation farming on Draco / Stephano. Don't hold a frame to a standard of performance in an endless mission type.


ANY frame, not just Excalibur, will fail miserably. Sooner or later everything will faceplant into a 6 foot hole in the ground at some point during Endless missions. Remember. None of the Warframes are horribly terribad right now. How well they perform is a simple matter of how skilled the player is in gameplay.

He meant stealth dmg boost from rb.

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You're thinking about Radial Javelin CTan. Excalibur gains damage on his melee weapon for each enemy a Javelin hits when augmented.


I can really only assume here but you guys are simply not using him to his fullest potential at all. He's not intended to spam Syndicate Reputation farming on Draco / Stephano. Don't hold a frame to a standard of performance in an endless mission type.


ANY frame, not just Excalibur, will fail miserably. Sooner or later everything will faceplant into a 6 foot hole in the ground at some point during Endless missions. Remember. None of the Warframes are horribly terribad right now. How well they perform is a simple matter of how skilled the player is in gameplay.

I accidentaly upvoted you again.

What we want is better LOS System for Radial blind.

We also think he is not intended to farm syndicate reputation,but thats what he is used all the time these days(there are exceptions ofc,like meh :P)

I wonder how many times you will change your claims tho.

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You're thinking about Radial Javelin CTan. Excalibur gains damage on his melee weapon for each enemy a Javelin hits when augmented.


I can really only assume here but you guys are simply not using him to his fullest potential at all. He's not intended to spam Syndicate Reputation farming on Draco / Stephano. Don't hold a frame to a standard of performance in an endless mission type.


ANY frame, not just Excalibur, will fail miserably. Sooner or later everything will faceplant into a 6 foot hole in the ground at some point during Endless missions. Remember. None of the Warframes are horribly terribad right now. How well they perform is a simple matter of how skilled the player is in gameplay.

I've used Excalibur so much I know his strengths and weaknesses but I have to say the nerf in U15 is the worst nerf in the game's history is completly makes Excalibur nothing more than a farm tool, he has nothing over the other frames, 2 obsolote abilities, 1 unreliable ability and a generic ult, and to add further insult to injury DE brings out Nulifiers which makes him obsolote 100% when other frames can have better protection and still have same amount of CC.


Radial Blind was the sht pre U15 and Excalibur was the god of the game but everyone was too busy riding the bandwagon meta that still exists and because of that Excalibur fans have to suffer in silence and if that isn't enough look at the new Augment Excalibur has a F(*)*&(ing BANDAID MOD that makes the ability as it should be by default. But Idk why I still care DE has ignored a lot of frames who needed love after Damage 2.0 and they haven't done much.

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Both radials still provide cover from fire regardless after RJ gained a minor stun to all units struck. It's a bit moot with the augment equipped since either way you will gain a significant damage bonus. However the Blind would simply be more effective because it will last longer.


Excalibur being a melee oriented frame isn't the point though. Excalibur is simply good at many things, but not great at one thing either. Like any other frame you have to build around it. Excalibur can be a pretty effective support with both Radials providing constant stuns for his team (or himself when solo), he can be made into an effective killer because of the damage bonuses gained from the radials, and his better-than-average mobility from dashing and jumping. He can be good at both supporting AND killing at the same time even.


Again. Excalibur is one of the most versatile frames in the game. Using only one build on him, or any other warframe for that matter, is not using them to the potential they have.

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I'm having no issues with any of excals skills.

RB works great for me and I generally find myself using all his skills (yes even super jump).

Hek, I probably use super jump more then RJ.

Excalabro is just as rad as he has always been.


As long as spammable nukes exist people will spam them.

On the bright side, RJ falls of fairly quickly in higher content. Well, thats a bit of double edged sword really.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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That just makes your case worse.

He is actually right,excalibur is only wanted for reputation farming these days,which is insulting.

He is clearly more experienced,he might have encountered less Excaliburs then you.This is not a thing you can call A Case.

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That just makes your case worse.

So, because I see more Embers than Excals in-game, and NOBODY uses Ember, that means I know nothing about the game? xD Please, dude. Face it. Nobody ACTUALLY uses Excal unless they're Rep farming. Then it's just 'Press4ToWin', and I wouldn't even consider that playing. To top that off, out of every Frame I own, and I own every Frame excluding Excal Prime and Nova Prime (been on holidays so haven't had a chance to hunt), Excal is the last Frame I would willingly play as, and I'm saying I'd rather run Banshee, rather than Excal.

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@Pickle You saying Banshee is useless to? Last time I checked... a 6x damage multiplier available to everybody is a pretty BIG thing.


Experience USING Excalibur is much more relevant than experiences of other people playing Excalibur.

Edited by littlewomba
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@Pickle You saying Banshee is useless to? Last time I checked... a 6x damage multiplier available to everybody is a pretty BIG thing.


Experience USING Excalibur is much more relevant than experiences of other people playing Excalibur.

Banshee's sonar is 5 times multiplier now, but affected by strength, even more powerful than it used to since additional cast add additional weakpoints

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Number one issue with RadBlind for me: DareDevil-class super hearing on enemies. I get that they know where you are after being attacked, but to continue on unabated?

I mean, blindfold yourself and have someone hit you. You'll know where they WERE when they hit you. If someone shot a blinded target, the logical thing is to shoot blindly at the general direction, not home in using ultra-hearing. Blinded AI needs to act like they're blinded, instead of just a momentary stun until hit.

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He is actually right,excalibur is only wanted for reputation farming these days,which is insulting.

He is clearly more experienced,he might have encountered less Excaliburs then you.This is not a thing you can call A Case.

Point is, Excal is being used somewhere. When was the last time you saw people asking for a Zephyr, Ember, or anything really that isn't Vauban, Frost, or Nova, or Excal?

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Build him for Duration.


Find yourself overwhelmed? Super Jump to higher ground, or Slash Dash to cover. Easy.


Excal NEVER has been a "press 4 to win frame" at any given point. People simply don't know how to use him to his fullest.


Why not complain about Ash? You NEVER see any Ash player doing ANYTHING that does not involve Bladestorming the entire map.

Excal has no buttons to push to win :(

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For Radial Javelin they needed to make it carry enemies the way killing arrows/darts do, damaging all enemies in the flight path. That would have given it huge damage potential and rewarded good positioning.  Enemies impaled by the javelins could be stapled to the wall for a few seconds and enemies struck by the flying bodies would be knocked down.  Add a fix to the sluggish animation and imperfect targeting and you would have had a fantastic ability that also makes sense thematically.  Instead we got the world's greatest farming tool.


Slash Dash just needed to add/use the combo counter (and freeze it when used) but the augment killed all hope of that.


The change to Super Jump looks stupid but works well enough, I guess.  I would have preferred damage reduction or bullet redirection instead of the invisibiility (which seems kind of pasted-in and removes some of Jump's awe-inspiring nature.)  A buff to the base height is also warranted; in its current state you need at least Intensify (and preferably an Arcane Pendragon helmet) to make the height ok.  Jump is also pitifully limp before you reach rank 3 in it, as well (which further leads new players who try using it to think that it's rubbish.)  


LoS for Blind makes sense and we have Jump to allow us to get LoS with most enemies in range.


Lastly, it was a lot cooler when Excalibur would produce actual swords for his abilities.  The energy skanas are tacky and, combined with the invisibility on 3, have ruined Excalibur's theme for me.  His to be powerful and direct-looking, whereas now he seems a lot more magic-y and sneaky.  Definitely not as regal and awe-inspiring as his previous incarnation (which was still ninja-y!  This game's aesthetic was so smart before it started branching in all directions.)

Edited by RealPandemonium
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So you're saying Excalibro went from a press-2 frame to a press-4 frame...?

What changed exactly?

We used to press 2 once,(it was op i already admitted it)

Now an excalibur presses 4 like there is no tomorrow.

I just want a good LOS system.

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Excalibur has become the DEFINITIVE Press 4 to win frame since the Radial Javelin change. All I ever hear of him in recruiting are players trying to get 3 Excaliburs + 1 Trinity for farming. Game already has too many radial damage AOEs and press 4 to win. It is almost like Excalibur is vindicating this design approach since he's the "face" of Warframe.


I was a Radial Blind spammer b4 and yeah, LOS nerf sucked. Radial Blind was great but it wasn't exactly breaking the meta game, so I don't know why DE focused on that when you have much bigger problems to look at. (Cough EMBER cough)


ALso I would like to add that Excalibur in DE's eyes is not a jack of all trades, he's a melee frame to them, just look at his augments, all of them are melee focused not to mention that 2 abilities are by default meant to help him melee (Slash dash, reach enemy, and Radial Blind, gain melee dmg boost and cover from fire).


I think DE should just go all in with making Excalibur a melee frame as well and modify him to better suit the playstyle. A Melee frame with emphasis on mobility that as. At least faster movement and increased stamina. Excalibur's "balanced" stats are just gimp with the power creep at present. (Compare Excalibur's stats to Hydroid, or Nova Prime...)


Rhino is the true newbie/noob jack of all trades frame, not Excalibur.


Point is, Excal is being used somewhere. When was the last time you saw people asking for a Zephyr, Ember, or anything really that isn't Vauban, Frost, or Nova, or Excal?

Zephyr is actually pretty ridiculous, turbulence is insanely good.


Ember? Yeah. No on asks for Ember. Well one time someone started a x4 Ember void capture map (easiest map type...) in region just to change the dynamic a bit...


So you're saying Excalibro went from a press-2 frame to a press-4 frame...?

What changed exactly?

Other players could actually participate with Radial Blind spam. That and there is an element of skill in quickly and efficiently eliminating the blinded enemies as Excalibur.

Edited by IlluminaZero
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I do, have been since closed beta for over two years now.

So... NEXT TO no one, then.


Excalibur just isn't used as much as other Frames. Let's face it. He isn't played by many... AT ALL.

THE REASON FOR THIS IS that Excalibur takes skill to ACTUALLY PLAY (not Press4ToWin), but its not skill you need to play Ash, or manage to use Ember on high-tier levels. It's a skill required that no other Frame offers. I can play every Frame with no problems EXCEPT Excal. He is genuinely a difficult Frame to master. And a THAT is why you see next to no one using Excal. And P4TW aren't Excal players. That is all.

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So... NEXT TO no one, then.


Excalibur just isn't used as much as other Frames. Let's face it. He isn't played by many... AT ALL.

THE REASON FOR THIS IS that Excalibur takes skill to ACTUALLY PLAY (not Press4ToWin), but its not skill you need to play Ash, or manage to use Ember on high-tier levels. It's a skill required that no other Frame offers. I can play every Frame with no problems EXCEPT Excal. He is genuinely a difficult Frame to master. And a THAT is why you see next to no one using Excal. And P4TW aren't Excal players. That is all.


Excalibur skills doesnt need calculation,they dont need team cooperation,they dont effect each other(like some other fram abilities do)

He is a beginner,tutorial frame,he is not easy to play and hard to master.There arent even many frames that can fill this category(Limbo-Maybe a talented Loki who uses switch teleport properly,etc etc)

Excaliburs skills are pretty simple.

BUT they arent working as intended,which is the point of whole topic.

Edited by unnamedlord
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I never understood how Excalibur is supposed to be melee frame. His shields, hp and armor is very average to be melee. In ranged combat you can hide behind covers to reduce damage but in melee you are exposed. Excalibur does not have Iron Skin or Hysteria to make him survive in melee.

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