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I Am Not Pleased How Excalibur Become A Press 4 Frame Only


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Excalibur skills doesnt need calculation,they dont need team cooperation,they dont effect each other(like some other fram abilities do)

He is a beginner,tutorial frame,he is not easy to play and hard to master.There arent even many frames that can fill this category(Limbo-Maybe a talented Loki who uses switch teleport properly,etc etc)

Excaliburs skills are pretty simple.

BUT they arent working as intended,which is the point of whole topic.

You tool. A beginner Frame, yeah. But that doesn't mean he's JUST for beginners. He's actually a really hard Frame to use and execute PROPERLY. And again, not just P4TW. But to actually PLAY as and do it well.

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You tool. A beginner Frame, yeah. But that doesn't mean he's JUST for beginners. He's actually a really hard Frame to use and execute PROPERLY. And again, not just P4TW. But to actually PLAY as and do it well.

Oh can you let us know why do you think like that?

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Oh can you let us know why do you think like that?

Again, you don't see anyone using him but when you do, they are really good players that use him in a way that is better than most other Frames you see. Mainly because they make use of his utility abilities in a way that is of actual use to themself and the squad. And they DON'T use 4 like it's the only button they've ever known.

So please, tell why you DISAGREE with what I'm saying.

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Again, you don't see anyone using him but when you do, they are really good players that use him in a way that is better than most other Frames you see. Mainly because they make use of his utility abilities in a way that is of actual use to themself and the squad. And they DON'T use 4 like it's the only button they've ever known.

So please, tell why you DISAGREE with what I'm saying.

You havent even given us a reasonable explanation.You cant make assumptions the frame isnt PRESS 4 when good players dont use it.

I can solo some void missions,without using an ability once,with any frame,i believe most people here can.

That doesnt mean abilities are unnecessary.

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You havent even given us a reasonable explanation.You cant make assumptions the frame isnt PRESS 4 when good players dont use it.

I can solo some void missions,without using an ability once,with any frame,i believe most people here can.

That doesnt mean abilities are unnecessary.

SKILLED Excal players execute his abilities better than most other Excal users can. Sure, you can still solo missions without using powers, but that doesn't mean they're pro users of the Frame ._. It all comes down to how you use his powers. Sure, go into a game with a Boltor Prime and just run through, using Slash Dash as mobility and not understanding how to use anything where but 4, OR you can go in with a Karak and make use of ALL your abilities to level out the playing field.

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LOL I use super jump all the time. I love my Excalibur and Excalibur prime and trust me super jump slash dash are used almost in conjunction with everything else. in a big room with lots of enemies? Super Jump Radial javelin, super awesome killings there. in a crowded room getting overrun? super jump blind, gets those pesky grineer/corpus behind cover. In a long survival and stuck in a hallway? slash dash blind javelin. look everything has a purpose and its complimentary to each other.


look at ember, before we had overheat we had 95% immunity. now if played right, overheat will help instakill enemies. Im not saying shes perfect as is, hell no, but shes a very viable dps. Excalibur is the same way, think of each power and play accordingly.

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LOL I use super jump all the time. I love my Excalibur and Excalibur prime and trust me super jump slash dash are used almost in conjunction with everything else. in a big room with lots of enemies? Super Jump Radial javelin, super awesome killings there. in a crowded room getting overrun? super jump blind, gets those pesky grineer/corpus behind cover. In a long survival and stuck in a hallway? slash dash blind javelin. look everything has a purpose and its complimentary to each other.


look at ember, before we had overheat we had 95% immunity. now if played right, overheat will help instakill enemies. Im not saying shes perfect as is, hell no, but shes a very viable dps. Excalibur is the same way, think of each power and play accordingly.


Pretty much this. Excalibur is one of the ONLY frames whose entire ability set works in tandem of each other (there's Limbo and others to but that is not relevant). Most other frames only have a simple 1-2 combo set like Loki switch teleporting to holograms for example. In fact... with how Excal is now you could literally combo ANY 2 abilities of his together and get great results out of it.


The ignorance people have with how incredibly versatile he is simply inexperience with him. Doesn't matter how long you've played the game, or how much you know from watching other players. The only REAL experience you get with anything is by using it. Constantly. It's said CONSTANTLY that you need to be highly dedicated to Excalibur. He can stand to use a few tweaks across various things but as he is now, Excalibur is borderline "over powered" if someone using him actually knows what they're doing. Any excuse anybody can come up with to say "No Excals 4 2 win frame" simply does not use him enough if at all to understand what he can actually do.

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So, because I see more Embers than Excals in-game, and NOBODY uses Ember, that means I know nothing about the game? xD Please, dude. Face it. Nobody ACTUALLY uses Excal unless they're Rep farming. Then it's just 'Press4ToWin', and I wouldn't even consider that playing. To top that off, out of every Frame I own, and I own every Frame excluding Excal Prime and Nova Prime (been on holidays so haven't had a chance to hunt), Excal is the last Frame I would willingly play as, and I'm saying I'd rather run Banshee, rather than Excal.




46 thousand Glaive kills. 14 million Affinity on it, all since U14. Not rep farming, not spamming 4.


If you don't want to play specific Frames, up to you. The point of the game is to have fun, you should play whatever is fun to play.

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Most other frames only have a simple 1-2 combo set like Loki switch teleporting to holograms for example. In fact... with how Excal is now you could literally combo ANY 2 abilities of his together and get great results out of it.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. That doesn't sound right at all.


Loki's moveset is pretty much designed for every Ability to be combine-able with the other three. The "Decoy+ST" combo is the simplest and most well-known of his ability combos, but you can combo his abilities in numerous ways for virtually any situation.

We all know that Excal's great with combo-ing abilities, but it just isn't anywhere near Loki's combo variety. Slash Dash is bad at combining with other abilities (save for ridiculously extended Super Jump combos that also make use of wall leaps, coptering, and directional melee), and Blind and Javelin are pretty much one-or-the-other and are virtually never combined at all. You don't see this kind of incompatibility with Loki's moveset; at least, not nearly as often.



But yeah, I totally agree that Excal is an absolute beast if you know how to use him right. From what I've seen so far, very few people in this thread have far less experience with Excal than they claim, and this is especially apparent with "Super Jump sucks and directional melee replaces it!" posts. SJ can be combined with Directional Melee for ridiculous mobility that very few frames are capable of, and even if we assume for some demented reason that it provides no noteworthy mobility, SJ is one of the best instant-respite buttons in the game. You cease taking damage with virtually no delay, which cannot be said for abilities like Invisibility/Smokescreen/Snowglobe/Radial Blind/Rhino Stomp in which you can easily be killed during the casting animation.

I noticed someone on page 2 say that the invisibility is worthless because directional melee makes you too fast for enemies to aim at anyways. Please, try using directional melee to escape a moderate-sized group of level 30+ enemies (while soloing or hosting, so latency isn't an issue) and tell me how that goes. The slow and graceful arc from directional melee isn't exactly a bulletproof shield against Ballistae, Seekers, or Nullifiers, and a bulletproof shield is kind of what you require once the enemies become strong enough to two-hit you.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I've been playing excalibur for a long time (since before we even got the choice of 3 frames to start with) and i know for a fact that before the radial javelin and radial blind changes his super jump synergized well with his other abilities.


Need to get across that gap? Super Jump + Slash Dash


Need to blind/kill alot of enemies? Super Jump + Radial Blind/Javelin.


problem is that people don't try to combo the skills. they just go: OMG!!! OP SKILL!!! MUST SP44444444M!!!!!!


you people just need to get over yourselves and learn how to actually play and use skills accordingly.

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that's the major problem these days with more people flooding in. It was like WoW because when they cant/don't want to understand the mechanics of a game eventually they'll complain enough to get the developers to change how the game is played. Like I stated, look at WoW. I was a Mage in there, not necessarily the highest tier but extremely well off in gear. I understood how to hit hit cap, balance out crit and haste depending on my build. Now your hit is based on intellect, same with crit and haste (base amount but still the mechanics behind why they did it). Then they went and decided to do a dumbed down version of the highest tier of raiding in LFR. I'd hate to see DE do this to their game but the rate at which people are coming in and *@##$ing about the mechanics I think we'll start getting a taste of this come soon. Which I wholeheartedly regret posting but see it coming...


Back on subject:


Excalibur is considered a base frame because he is the face of the franchise. However, if you notice he's also (minus primes) the endgame frame at pluto. Understand the mechanics behind the frames. Here's a small fraction of what they truly are:


Ash - Burst DPS

Banshee -  Support/Enemy DEBUFF

Ember - Rolling DPS/Enemy DEBUFF

Excalibur - Enemy DEBUFF/Burst DPS

Frost - Defense

Hydroid - CC/Support DPS

Limbo - (haven't played mine yet)

Loki - Enemy DEBUFF/Enemy Disorient

Mag - Support DPS/Enemy DPS

Mesa (haven't played mine yet)

Mirage - Rolling DPS

Nekros - Party heals/energy/CC

Nova - Burst DPS/CC

Nyx - CC

Oberon - Heals/Burst DPS

Rhino - Party Buff/CC

Saryn - Burst DPS/CC

Trinity - Party Heals/Party Buff

Valkyr - Party Buff/Rolling DPS

Vauban - CC/EPIC CC

Volt - Rolling DPS/Support DPS

Zephyr - Burst DPS/Rolling DPS/Mitigation


Keep in mind, I wont claim to be an expert but I can say for a fact that most people play these all wrong and use a crutch to say oh well the class is broken because the #1/2/3/4 ability doesn't do what I want it to do. OR they say because they have a certain characteristic that they don't live up to it.

Edited by EMagnolo
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Whoa, whoa, whoa. That doesn't sound right at all.


Loki's moveset is pretty much designed for every Ability to be combine-able with the other three. The "Decoy+ST" combo is the simplest and most well-known of his ability combos, but you can combo his abilities in numerous ways for virtually any situation.

We all know that Excal's great with combo-ing abilities, but it just isn't anywhere near Loki's combo variety.

Was more-or-less pointing out the combo people will ever even figure out these days with him. Loki isn't as versatile but he DOES fit the trickster role well. He's designed, literally, to troll. Just look at his name for goodness sakes.


But that's simply the point to begin with. Nobody even knows how to combo powers together and that's one of Excals strongest points. He can stand to use a bit of tweaking, just like every other Warframe right now. But he's not "spam 4 2win."

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  • 2 months later...

So... NEXT TO no one, then.


Excalibur just isn't used as much as other Frames. Let's face it. He isn't played by many... AT ALL.

THE REASON FOR THIS IS that Excalibur takes skill to ACTUALLY PLAY (not Press4ToWin), but its not skill you need to play Ash, or manage to use Ember on high-tier levels. It's a skill required that no other Frame offers. I can play every Frame with no problems EXCEPT Excal. He is genuinely a difficult Frame to master. And a THAT is why you see next to no one using Excal. And P4TW aren't Excal players. That is all.

Srry, Ash is powerful and doesn't need much skill to play.

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Build him for Duration.

Find yourself overwhelmed? Super Jump to higher ground, or Slash Dash to cover. Easy.

Excal NEVER has been a "press 4 to win frame" at any given point. People simply don't know how to use him to his fullest.

Why not complain about Ash? You NEVER see any Ash player doing ANYTHING that does not involve Bladestorming the entire map.

I do. I find the bladestorm pretty weak in fact. Sure, you do high numbers, the highest in the game in fact taking the procs into consideration but BS is rly slow to execute. These players as well limit themselfs to a suboptimal playstyle. Ever seen a shuriken ash in action? You can close in on the enemy with the invisibility, shackle whole groups with the smoke bomb recast and easily drain 100k+ armor on high lvl armored units, leaving them with 1/10 health.

BS should be a ability to clear out weaker enemys. Not a constant cast.

Edit: the time it takes to execute BS on a croud leaves other frames the time to fire theyr ultimate up to probably 10 times. It is power efficient and confident since it doesnt center around ash but thats about it. Ash should allways loose on pure numbers.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Excalibur used to be a good frame for those who knew how useful RB was, and for all others he was the poster boy of this game, but considered to be a common trash frame.


Now, allot of ppl use him, cause of the simple press 4 to win, and he is no longer a good frame for high levels.

Its sad and true, I have since then stop playing with him a much as I used too.

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Excalibur used to be a good frame for those who knew how useful RB was, and for all others he was the poster boy of this game, but considered to be a common trash frame.


Now, allot of ppl use him, cause of the simple press 4 to win, and he is no longer a good frame for high levels.

Its sad and true, I have since then stop playing with him a much as I used too.

That was the whole point of this OLD thread, i dont know why it suddenly popped up.

Directional melee basically makes you superjump btw people.

I dont think being invisible for 0.5 seconds should be a frame skill

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