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What Happened To The Void Trader That Was Advertised In The Devstreams?


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I don't believe it was ever said that we could get other prime parts from him.


No, but people assumed that and decided he HAD to since they wanted him to.


I was one of them actually. Then I rewatched the Devstream and went 'Doh!'

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No, but people assumed that and decided he HAD to since they wanted him to.


I was one of them actually. Then I rewatched the Devstream and went 'Doh!'


sure, because it was a reasonable expectation, considering that was what everybody asked for.

since some of us (you, obviously, as well) have plenty of experience with DE's method of implementation, the end-result shouldn't have come as a surprise.

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Because, as with any good game, players are rewarded for surpassing challenges, where is the player being challenged if they can just sit on the bottom step, throw a ball up at the top, and knock down anything they want to them? No, as with any game, as the reward increases, difficulty increases, and the skills the player needs to be able to demonstrate to earn that reward increases.

Skill? Difficulty? A pictured ladder? What? You cant tell me that there is any kind of progression when you ran 20 t4 ext and no Bo prime handle. Sure, you got craptons of stuff you dont need, but that doesnt count. You said to yourself: "I want prime part X". Part X is at the top, you are at the bottom. You start running your keys, eventually you run out of keys, no part X. You still stand at the bottom, enraged beyond sanity. Thats NOT how progression works. So, skill and difficulty? How is running the exact same mission over and over and over again challenging you any more than the previous mission? You can get part X at your first key, or you can get it after your 100th key. How is that a challenge?

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See this nonesense is how de gets an unfair reputation. Community memebers hear what they want to hear then claim they were lied to cause they can't be bothered to pay attention to what was actually said. OP is contributing to a big community problem.


DE deserves the reputation they got, fully. They have a big collective brain and know perfectly well what they are doing, both with their game and with their communication.

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Are we being rewarded for surpassing challenges in warframe? "Keep fighting Tenno your efforts will be rewarded" ..... no they won't. It's all RNG


again, expectation.


you expect to get the reward you want. but you *did* receive a reward. (just not the one you wanted)

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sure, because it was a reasonable expectation, considering that was what everybody asked for.

since some of us (you, obviously, as well) have plenty of experience with DE's method of implementation, the end-result shouldn't have come as a surprise.

Is it wrong to hope SOMEDAY DE will learn?

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Skill? Difficulty? A pictured ladder? What? You cant tell me that there is any kind of progression when you ran 20 t4 ext and no Bo prime handle. Sure, you got craptons of stuff you dont need, but that doesnt count. You said to yourself: "I want prime part X". Part X is at the top, you are at the bottom. You start running your keys, eventually you run out of keys, no part X. You still stand at the bottom, enraged beyond sanity. Thats NOT how progression works. So, skill and difficulty? How is running the exact same mission over and over and over again challenging you any more than the previous mission? You can get part X at your first key, or you can get it after your 100th key. How is that a challenge?


Are we being rewarded for surpassing challenges in warframe? "Keep fighting Tenno your efforts will be rewarded" ..... no they won't. It's all RNG


Well now we're talking about RNG mechanics rather than the abusing of a trading system that WOULD BE ABUSED TO COMPLETELY REMOVE THE NEED TO MAKE TRIPS TO THE VOID. That's the point I'm trying to make: if the Void trader was implemented how you thought it would be implemented - which, as others have demonstrated, was your own hopeful interpretation - the Void would be DEAD. No one would go there or do anything in it save for the easiest of the mission types to quickly get the parts from the harder missions which require more effort on the parts of the players to earn them.

I'm not going to argue that RNG itself doesn't need more consideration into its mechanics, only that Baro selling Nova Prime parts was certainly NOT the solution.
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Is it wrong to hope SOMEDAY DE will learn?

Is it wrong to hope someday that players won't make assumptions?


Seriously, it was never advertised as such, and it would be pretty boring if that is all he did. The token system as a whole exists in the form of platinum ever since trading began. If you need alternate parts, sell or trade your current ones with other players.

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Is it wrong to hope SOMEDAY DE will learn?


Believe me, they don't have anything to learn... they know perfectly well what they are doing. But if by "learn" you mean "change", well, when enough people get tired of chasing the carrot perhaps they will. Or when another game appears that becomes a real competition.

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Well now we're talking about RNG mechanics rather than the abusing of a trading system that WOULD BE ABUSED TO COMPLETELY REMOVE THE NEED TO MAKE TRIPS TO THE VOID. That's the point I'm trying to make: if the Void trader was implemented how you thought it would be implemented - which, as others have demonstrated, was your own hopeful interpretation - the Void would be DEAD. No one would go there or do anything in it save for the easiest of the mission types to quickly get the parts from the harder missions which require more effort on the parts of the players to earn them.

I'm not going to argue that RNG itself doesn't need more consideration into its mechanics, only that Baro selling Nova Prime parts was certainly NOT the solution.


Void would be dead? Not really if you put every single item price around the 350 ducats + 100,000 and consider most people would normally sell those prime parts to get credits before they even heard of him. Then you could just give him around 6-10 random void items and not ALL of them. With him being away for 10 days it would either force people to wait or actually hunt for that item they need. This way it doesn't BREAK or would be ABUSED by the people.


People would still need to collect void items and some people would still try on the luck of getting certain void item them self. Baro is called the Void trader YET have zero void items on him. Where did he get these primed mods? or those armors? Certainly no reward in the void.

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#1 broken systems built on broken systems.

#2 refusal to re-think base design flaws. (until the absurdities start to hamper further development)

#3 half-baked concepts and implementation.

#4 "the beatings will continue until morale improves"


this is how i feel about the void. the prime trader would fall under heading #1

t4's existence: #2

t4 interception, #3

drop rates, #4

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 (players that missed the prime mods will buy them for plat, so they have to buy plat first, so DE gets money).



Well, their paychecks are dependent on micro transactions from this game, so if you dont think that is an active approach to their business model, then you are in for a huge surprise. Remember this is a Free 2 Play game. Nobody spent money to play this game to begin with

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The problem isn't that they outright said that they were going to let you trade parts for other parts, but that it was a community suggestion to do just that. Trade parts for tokens, spend those tokens to buy the parts you actually want but cannot find. Sheldon then says 'Token system is coming just like you asked for' and everyone is happy.


Until it gets released and is just absurdly expensive buffed versions of stuff that should have just been buffed in the first place and a poorly reskinned set of armor.


How many times has DE taken suggestions on how to make things better and implemented them totally backwards? Over and over.

Void Dilution - They removed most of the duplicate parts but replaced it with even more trash. Newer parts have had even worse drop rates than ever.


Ability Mod Removal - While removing the ability mods altogether is a nice change, it hurt customization significantly for some abilities that have not been fixed. The tables still have tons of Sentinel ability mods flooding them.


Changes to abilities to make them at all useful turning into augments - How many augments are either just restoring what made the ability good in D1 (IE Fire Blast having a guaranteed Fire Proc) or giving things the community has been begging for as a buff for years (Ice Wave leaving a slowing field behind). They took away two slots when they took out abilities, but we still have to have ability mods equipped in order to actually have useful kits on some frames.


Void Trader - See above.



Those are a few off the top of my head, but it is a frequent occurrence.

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Is it wrong to hope SOMEDAY DE will learn?

Look at the track record. It speaks for itself. They most likely won't. I will not commit to an absolute because that could be dev-bashing, but the odds are highly against them ever bowing down to the playerbase in the way the OP wants.

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RNG is RNG skills doesn't matter. If a player enjoy playing extermination missions instead of defense mission i don't see what is so wrong with allowing him to trade a part of EQUAL RARITY  for another part.


I've got mountains of Akbronco Prime Links and Nyx Prime Systems from speed-running T4 Captures. Going by ducat value, these are the "rarest" tier of prime components. If these could be traded for other prime components of equal or lesser rarity, I would be set forever on Prime items. This notion is simply ridiculous. There's a difference between reducing grind and basically handing new prime items to everyone on a silver platter, which is what this would be.

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sure, because it was a reasonable expectation, considering that was what everybody asked for.

since some of us (you, obviously, as well) have plenty of experience with DE's method of implementation, the end-result shouldn't have come as a surprise.


And of course since everyone asked for it, DE HAS TO give it to us EXACTLY as we demanded it.


Because we are entitled and special.



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And of course since everyone asked for it, DE HAS TO give it to us EXACTLY as we demanded it.


Because we are entitled and special.




obviously not. I think the point of this is that people need to better maintain their expectations.

or get rid of them.


I play ad&d and arduin grimoires. I've been a DM and player for going on 30 years now.

DE is a master of wish fulfillment done as any good Dungeon Master.

Give the players exactly what they want, and make sure that it is almost entirely opposite of what they asked for.


When not taken too seriously this is hilarious. And i've been laughing my sick head off at some of their antics.

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That was a lie, obviously.


The community asked for a pseudo-token system that could act as a release-valve for RNG, and DE gave them a guy that sells R-10 credit sinks and cosmetics.


"Yes, perfect, that's exactly what we begged asked for.  Thanks, DE."

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