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Khan The Punisher, Grineer's Mini-Boss/hunter Concept. +Artworks


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Hey guys, thank you for checking this out, please consider leaving your thoughts, suggestions and comments on this topic if you like it and ever want this concept to be implemented in-game. Thank you again.


As we all know, alot of bosses are getting reworked on, DE have been working their butt off to make it happen and we all appreciate. But somehow, I think we need more MINIBOSSES/HUNTERS because, we only have 3 right now, would be cool to add more. So I made this guy. 




1) Concept designs:





Design Overview:


- As you can see, his entire lower jaw has been mechanized, because he's a straight-forward kind of guy, he does not reason, he kills unhesitately.


- His left eyeball can be detached and can be used as ability, which I'll talk about later.


- Duck feet....It's rather funny.


- His pelvis cape can separate into 6 parts.


- He has thrusters behind his back, which will influence the way he fights.


That's all, Let's move on.


2) Battle concept:


a) Appearance:

        - Khan is very interested in the Tenno ways with melees. He uses an Atterax which he will use similarly like a Tenno uses a whip without a stance.


- He will send a death mark to you when you killed about a few hundred grineers. which will be something like this:


           " Dear Tenno,

                            Expect me.

                                        Yours final truly,

                                               KHAN          "

He sort of like a maniac yeah.


- The light will flicker when he comes to you, He has a chance of appearing on your back, stunning you for a few seconds. And the battle will begin


b) Battle:


- Khan will move slowly towards the Tenno untill he recieves damage, he will then turn BERSERK mode, which he will jumps around walls, and will lauch at the Tenno at high speed dealing quite alot of damage. (This mode will be repeated when Khan has finished resting, which will take quite a long time.)


- Khan will turn back to normal and will battle the Tenno on the ground, using normal swings with his Atterax and will occasionally charge at the Tenno using his back thrusters, dealing reasonable damage and stunning the Tenno for a few seconds.


- Khan's LEFT EYEBALL can be detached and launched into the air, detecting cloaked Tennos and giving Khan the location of hiding Tennoes. This threat can be eliminated by taking down the eyeball, it will return into Khan's eyehole and self-repair for a long period of time. The eyeball is highlighted like Latchers.


- Khan likes to do things alone, he will KILL or PUSH AWAY anything that's in his path, even a Grineer. If it's a un-interactable object, Khan will jump over like a boss.


- Khan can grab and shout at a Tenno, traumatizing that Tenno WHICH will slow the Tenno down, reducing the accuracy of their weapons. (Not too much)


c) Failure:


- Within defeat, your warframe shall kneel down facing Khan, he will then strike upon you with a swing of his Atterax, killing you. After the mission, your REVIVES will reduce into 2 revives daily


- You can change that back into normal by creating a device from the foundry. I haven't thought of this yet.


d) Taunts and dialogs:




- " Have you been expecting me Tenno? "

 - " Here I am "

 - " Boo! "

Berserk mode:

 - " Now you've DONE it! "

 - " Oh, you've made a BIG mistake! "

 - " That TICKLES!! "

 - " How DARE YOU!! "

Deploy Eyeball ( Transmission will not show up ):

  - " You have nowhere to hide "

 - " Where are you going? "

 - " This will do the trick. "

 - " Cheap move eh!? Well, I have something of my own too! "

Terrify Tenno  ( Transmission will not show up ):

 - " C'mere!! "

 - " *Manic Laughter* hehehehahahaHAHAHAHAH!!!

 - " Puny little Tenno! "

Tenno bleeding out ( Transmission will not show up ):

 - "Oh no you're not!!!" -When another tenno tries to heal the downed tenno.

 - "NOO!!! GARGGGHH!!!" -When another tenno succeeds in healing the downed tenno

Finishes downed Tenno ( Transmission will not show up ):

 - "Down you go!"

 - "Death is your punishment!"

 - "This will only hurt....Alot!" 

 - "Farewell!"


Other Taunts:


 - " I'll enjoy tearing you APART, PIECE by PIECE!! "

 - " You're weak Tenno."

 - " Is that all you got? "

 - " Peekaboo Tenno! "

 - " This face, will not be the last image you'll see Tenno, I shall be the whispering darkness around you in your eternal sleep! "

 - "Remember this name, KHAN!! "

Death ( He will disappear, but not die )

  - " You shall not win next time, We'll meet again TENNO!! "


3) LORE:


  -Introduction message:           


Incoming transmission from Lotus: Tenno, out operatives have discovered something big, it's not yet been verified but this is what we've found, messages between the Queens and Doctor Tengus, They're up to something:


     " My Queens,

                  Thank you for this great specimen my Queens! I had great visions on this one, Sargas knows nothing, it'd ve been a total waste. It is done, the agony treatment works once again. The subject has tempered down and is currently held in our most secured cell, We've made decisions making him the 4th Grustrag member. Unfortunately, the subject is incapable of working in groups, Therefore, we cannot risk making him the forth Grustrag, it could cause great losses. We await your wisdom my Queens.

                                                                       Your humble servant, 

                                                                               Dr.Tengus "


      " Once again, your work impresses us, Doctor. If what you said is all true, We suggest you do what you must, surprise us Doctor. Remember, this has cost us alot. Failure is not an option. We await your masterpiece!

                                                                               Grineer's Queens"


      " My Queens,

                   I assure you, you will love this, Subject shows no hesitation in killing, no feelings, a great killing machine indeed. But I must warn you, my Queens, Everything come with a price. through this cloning mutation, subject has lost all sense of ally-identification, he will not hesitate in slaughtering his comrades, This matter is not a simple one, we've tried and fixed the majority of this mutaion, but there's no guarantee that he will not harm any grineer. Subject's name: Khan.

                                                                       Your humble servant,        

                                                                                Dr. Tengus, "

This is big, Tenno. We've not yet found anymore information about this Khan untill now, but he will be a lethal foe, be cautious, Tenno.




4) Final words:


 I'll leave the rewards to you guys and DE if they ever acknowledge this. Thanks for your time. Again, if you like this concept, please consider leaving a comment and your thoughts/ suggestions on this topic. 

Edited by Elvis276
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*tenno bleeding out*



*tenno dies*



actually looks amazing.......can you make a little bigger backstory. he actually seems pretty interesting.


also when he dies you need to put little more emotion on his ''we will meet again'' - we WILL meet again (because that IS going to happen)

Edited by S0ulre4per
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I like your enthusiasm! Please share this out if you're interested :D

*tenno bleeding out*



*tenno dies*



actually looks amazing.......can you make a little bigger backstory. he actually seems pretty interesting.


also when he dies you need to put little more emotion on his ''we will meet again'' - we WILL meet again (because that IS going to happen)

It's done

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Any particular way you pictured him sounding? I was going to do something like Sundowner from MGR.



I'd say Red Veil dude, but a bit shoutier.


Yeah, something like the Red Veil leader, That silent mysterious voice. But a little deeper. he has to sound crazy, manic and unpatient. You know, just surprise me, thanks guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

What has it been? A week? Two? Dunno, but I FINALLY got around to the promised voice over I requested being able to do:



https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Xt0fhBLUwKs&feature=youtu.be


Be sure to delete that space in the url. Sorry about it, but it's the only way I know how to get it in without it automatically going to a media link.

Edited by Morec0
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What has it been? A week? Two? Dunno, but I FINALLY got around to the promised voice over I requested being able to do:



https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Xt0fhBLUwKs&feature=youtu.be


Be sure to delete that space in the url. Sorry about it, but it's the only way I know how to get it in without it automatically going to a media link.

dude good job on the VO man! pretty sick! how did you make your voice sound like that? or is that your real voice? 

i like what you did with "Cheap move eh!? Well, I have a cheap move of my own too!" xD

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dude good job on the VO man! pretty sick! how did you make your voice sound like that? or is that your real voice? 

i like what you did with "Cheap move eh!? Well, I have a cheap move of my own too!" xD


Yes, my real voice echoes with mechanical tones whenever I speak....


Poorly done and kinda rude sarcasm aside: no, that's not how I speak normally. I did something of a combination of my original idea and the creator's suggestion, using Sundowner's accent and gruff voice while trying to incorporate a bit of the Red Veil breathyness and vocal effect - after which I layered a simple "metal mask echo" on for the final, Grineerish touch.

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