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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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Since the game is still in Beta and there are numerous oustanding issues remaining, some very old, what about having a set timeframe where apart from a weapon or two you guys do nothing but focus on addressing some of these very old bugs/glitches/etc? Not saying you guys arent doing it now, but without having to worry about new content for 2-3 weeks and just focusing on identifying/verifying/squashing long standing bugs and such im sure that the game would only benefit. A megathread where you can solicit feedback from the community regarding this would probaly help (some)


P.S. for Scott... get rid of coptering. See above. Thanks!

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When will Frost be buffed? [see the Frost, The Neglected Frame thread in the Warframes & Abilities section!]


If DE is to implement slots for augments, will there be 4 dedicated augment slots? 1 for each power, not 4 that can apply to one power. Such a change would be a great foundation for powers customization if we ever get 2 or more augments for one power.


The Focus System?


New Faction?


What's getting PBR'd next?


When will the Old Primes get stat boosts?


When are passives for all frames incoming?


Will Frost Prime ever get a model rework to make him look more "prime"? If so, what power will be golden?


What frame is next up for a rework?


And, because I feel like I need to get it out somewhere:


Any comments on what augments are and how they are supposedly to be for our powers? Patch ups or actual augmentations?



Augments are an interesting new aspect that has been added to WarFrame. On the one hand, they represent a way for players to tailor their powers in a way we have not seen before, allowing for customization that we haven’t seen before with our abilities. On the other hand, some have been used to band aid powers that the community would see reworked/buffed, rather than given an augment as a band aid. Some of these augments called into question were Surging Dash, Ice Wave Impedance, and Pacifying Bolts.


Patch Up Augments:



Why are these augments receiving scrutiny? Well, because they have traits that should have been built into the powers they apply to. Why? Because these augments apply a dynamic that allows these powers some type of CC, Utility, or something others would call common sense to be included with this ability that they do not have outright.


Ice Wave Impedance adds a trait to Ice Wave that allows it to scale through its utility, where Ice Wave had very little without it.


Pacifying Bolts gives Psychic Bolts some CC, whereas without it, the skill has no scalability and is a very mitigated damage power.


Surging Dash allows Slash Dash to add its melee hits to Excaliburs’ melee hit counter, where many would say that the skill should have done so without the augment, clearly because Excal is hitting enemy units with his melee weapon, and such hits should already count to the melee counter.


What these augments all have in common is that the skills they are applied to were in need of reworks or added mechanics innately, to make them viable. There are others as well that add to this list.



I hope that we all can agree that we would like our entire abilities kits being viable, not just one power or the other. Such mentality of one power being the go-to, or only useful, is what can help spread the mentality of “Press [insert power key here] to win”. But, I must digress that these augments should not be the thing that makes our entire kit viable, they should add a dynamic to a power, making them more interesting to use, but they should not make the power viable to use outright.


Rules to Follow:


So, as a general guideline to augments, I would propose these following aspects for DE to consider when they’re looking at augments and abilities:


1. If a power is only viable as a damage output, meaning that it has little to no Crowd Control, Utility, or Scalability, it does not need an augment, the skill in question needs to be reworked/buffed to have these traits added to them.


2. If a power completes its function, whatever that may be, with some sense of Crowd Control, Utility, or Scalability, then an augment that ADDS something to the ability, or ALTERS it to NOT hinder its Crowd Control, Utility, or Scalability, then said augment would be a viable choice for addition to the game.

a. If the augment in question to which alters and/or takes away from the Crowd Control, Utility, Scalability, or functionality of a power [i.e. casting cost of Despoil when compared to its regular counterpart], it would be important to strengthen those areas of Crowd Control, Utility, Scalability or functionality that have not been hindered.


3. Augments should not add CC, Utility, or Scalability that a power should have outright, or a mechanic that makes sense to be built within the power.


4. An Augment should not be the defining factor that creates synergy with the powers of a WarFrame. If a WarFrames kit does not have some semblance of synergy between powers, then powers may be looked at for reworking/buffing, but not use an augment to create such synergy.

a. Synergy between the augments of a frame would be viable, but these augments should not create said synergy themselves.


An example of a good augment is Irradiated Disarm. Radial Disarm completes its function well enough, it can scale, has good crowd control, and the utility is evident. Irradiated Disarm adds a dynamic to the power that, although makes for interesting game play, is not necessary for the power to function, scale, have utility, or crowd control, Radial Disarm has that outright.



I believe all of us would like the entirety of our kit to be reliable. When damage won’t do it, ensuring that our powers have some sort of Utility, CC, or scalability helps to keep all our powers viable, not just one. This would help with the mentality of “Press [insert power key here] to win.” Though it wouldn’t solve that mindset, having some diversity on the field when it comes to pressing power keys would be a better alternative than to what we have now.


Having all powers be useful, even when damage doesn’t do the trick, is a great level of competence and usability that I think we all can agree is where we want all our frames to be. This should be achievable without augments, not necessitated for some skills through them.


As it stands, some augments are good, they add a dynamic to a power that it doesn’t need to scale, Irradiated Disarm is a good example. Yet, others add a mechanic that actually makes the power viable for more than its damage output, Pacifying Bolts and Ice Wave Impedance for examples. The Surging Dash mod, well, that too doesn’t scale well when enemies are too far and you’re up close and personal with high level enemies.


Augments should not “fix” these powers’ lack of Scalability, CC, or Utility, they should be meant to add interesting mechanics to powers that, although are fun to have, do not outright add needed mechanics to these powers.


Should a power be lacking in these fields, it makes sense for these powers to get reworked/buffed, rather than patched with an augment.


If any have rules/guidelines to consider, augments to call into question, or feedback on what I’ve written here, please feel free to discuss them below. Ideas for new augments are also welcome!


Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Here are some handy stats to guide further questioning about Companions - hopefully it can assist in questions reflecting true player choices/preferences instead of guesses. (Thanks to Gavan for graphs)


Time window: December 19, 2014 - January, 7 2015




This is misleading/invalid. You haven't shown us the percentage of players using no companion at all, and you haven't compared now to any time in the past for reference. 


My questions (other than; Please release a more accurate/delicious series of pie) 


- Will you ever buff the single-stat status chance mods. Such as sure shot or shotgun savvy? They've been criticaly useless since damage 2.0, and the only thing you've done to make status chance is release dual stat mods. 


- Will you ever change Elemental/physical damage. 


- Will you make attempts to ballance weapons in the near future. Even though Boltor prime requires the same amount of effort to build as other prime weapons it is much easier to use and offers far more killing potential. Whilst weapons like the reaper prime are weaker than those in it's cost range. 


- Will you ever move weapon modding away from just adding more and more damage? Currently Almost all builds involve +damage,+ multishot, +elemental damages and possibly +Crit chance/damage (for more damage) and this is both harmful for build creativity in the late game and to players who play a variety of difficulties (who need to run to the back of the liset to change things so that they don't one-shot everything with a full auto weapon. )


- Will we at some point get utility slots on warframe so we have a place to put things like intruder, maglev or master thief. Perhaps warframe augments too, Since 


- When will event mods be available. 


- Sigils. I'm experiencing the following shortcomings

I want to wear a syndicate sigil because it looks cool and i've earned it, but I don't want to earn rep points for that faction.

I can't wear two syndicate sigils from the same faction. 

Sigil has an awesome effect on a design i don't like, or vice versa. 

Cool sigil doesn't have the best bonus i can get. 

Can't wear a sigil on anywhere but front/back

I have loads of badges i will never use. Can i use them as sigils and vice versa

Any plans to fix any of those? 


- Will you at some point change the size of players back to normal in archwing


- Will some archwing only items (dregs, rangers, the trench run tiles and so on) be moved into normal gameplay (and are those ospreys placeholders?)


- Why didn't you just buff point blank, rather than add a primed version. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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will synoid gammacor of doom be nerfed ?


will shotguns get some love?


will manly tenno receive manly minigun (or at lest will there be boost of Gorgon? (single manly wepon in ze game at the moment))

To answer your first question, No. I didn't pay 200p for the Synoid Gammacor for it to be nerfed. If you don't like it just don't use it.

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This change [Trinity tweak] will undoubtedly open up a lot of conversations about damage abilities overall using ratios and percentages instead of constant values; this is something we will be paying close attention to..

Q. Is scaling damage abilities still relevant? Can we get elaboration?


Original post here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/357844-trinity-energy-vampire/




Q: Have you ever thought about returning [Melee] charge attacks as a standalone basic combo such as "Hold E"?

If not, why not?

Edited by Jeigo
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Will we ever get a buff for our only sword and shield weapon and are we ever getting a real sword and shield? I mean, silva and aegis looks like dagger and shield and it is used occassionally because of its damage.Maybe something like a buff on the damage and a buff on the shield to have its purpose? you have a shield but its not even reducing the damage taken from enemies not unless you use block which will not let you attack.

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......so.....Limbo? After the big developer feedback thread, there's been no talk of him. Will he be getting attention?



Kubrow AI, will it be worked on? Can we get it so they don't walk in front of us, stop in front of us, or walk directly center with us clipping through our bodies?


Will there be more mission types added to the game?

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Here are some handy stats to guide further questioning about Companions - hopefully it can assist in questions reflecting true player choices/preferences instead of guesses. (Thanks to Gavan for graphs)


Time window: December 19, 2014 - January, 7 2015












I'd be interested in further breakdowns  such as by mastery rank and mission type (i bet carrier just dominates in all endless missions) because this is a shock to me. I play regularly with randoms, clan and alliance, and carrier dominates, yet its only 11%? I'm wondering where all the wyrm prime players are because i can't remember seeing once recently.

Edited by Zeromanicus
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My questions:


When (and how) will....

...Well of Life be looked at?

...Nekros' powers be looked at?

...Frost's powers be looked at?

...Saryn's powers be looked at?

...Kubrows be looked at?  (credit cost, stasis wait times, AI...)

...a Spear/Lance weapon be introduced, or some other kind of heavy puncture melee weapon?

...we be able to pick up items/resources/etc while in the Rift?

...previous Prime weapons be updated to be customizable?  (And will this apply to Vandal/Wraith weapons as well?)

...we be able to put weapon skins on Prime/Wraith/Vandal versions of weapons?

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Hi Devs, thanks for your time.

Since the Eyes Of Blight event is over, the option to add more Fomorians is moot, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I understand that scoring a point for any given Fomorian could be done quickly, but for those desktop PC users who were away for as few as 5 of the 19 event days, the ability to obtain the Imperator Vandal was denied to them.  Would you consider lowering the threshold required (15 points) to obtain it?


If not, would you consider making the weapon obtainable at some point in the future?

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This was mentioned in a rather large post a few months ago, but currently, players who choose to work for the Red Veil and Steel Meridian alliance are at a disadvantage compared to Hex-Suda or Perrin-Loka since those players can choose to work for a third syndicate without a penalty. Will there be some sort of re balancing for Red-Steel players?

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