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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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At some point will we see a boxed version of WARFRAME hit store shelves? Microsoft has done it with a few of their games like Project Spark and World of Tanks. I am a retail manager and love pointing people to amazing games but after I show of videos of WARFRAME and the like, they get excited but I have nothing to put in their hands. Usually the customer will say they will look into it, pick up another said online only game of the like and purchase that, then who knows if they will ever download WARFRAME. I say the more the merrier. Put out a $19.99 or $30 box with a special skinned Excalibur and a free weapon on a voucher card and let's run retail as well.

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hmm so many things,


well the j3 golem/ i think its called


whats the news on that.


i recall a vauge artys showing and talk of possible seeing the two queens one day, i know tyr is getting a rework

whats the current standing on those.



are we gonna get any more lore/story with this wholw vor is the void and cant be killed


for that matter.

stalker lore.

such a story there i feel

a quest is due 

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Question: Will you be bringing any type of melee with piercing damage as its dominant damage type? A Kuda Yari would be cool.


Motivation: As of now the Fang and the Fang Prime are the only weapons with piercing damage as its main type.

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I notice that the amount of prime content has been coming into the game rather steadily ( I love this!) however the amount of mission types in the void to get these items is rather limited and does not increase nearly as fast meaning that there are more prizes per mission type and tier than there were before and so the chances of getting anything in particular is even more difficult (let alone that some drops are already more rare than others, which makes me sad but something i cannot expect to change).


Are there plans to somehow correct this in the near future maybe with tower V or more mission types for tower I-IV such as excavation or void archwing runs? (pretty much traveling through space fog (greedy milk cosmos?) like it appears in navigation).

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I feel like I should ask about Season 3 helmets one last time- given that I've asked twice now, third time's the charm, especially for season 3- But I digress...


When will we see the rest of the season 3 helmets? Or, as another possible answer, ARE there going to be more helmets added to the game? I'm still dying to see new helmets for Excalibur and Ash, as I have been since devstream 36 xD

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Excuse my english, I'm a new player, and already love the game, but what about pvp ? dark sector conflics are a great idea but Solar rails mecanics looks pretty broken, some alliances exploiting bugs to perma-lock dark sectors, make me feel sad, almost as much as the reward system for supporting an alliance side.

Do you plan to make this evolve ?

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Question: Will we ever get more UI customization and accessibility as well as a Star chart rework(Along with an inventory rework too)?

Something like a hybrid between the new view of our planets and the old structure of the map


Also, when talking about our star chart, why do some of the biggest planets on our system have fewer missions than the smaller planets/moons?(Jupiter and Sedna/Eris, or even his moon, Europa)

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Q1: how was your winter break?

Q2: will we ever see a void assassination mission?


i know technically sabotage involves us fighting a boss-like enemy, but what i wonder is

is there something in the void that will want us dead? perhaps a cryogenically preserved orokin who remembers our apparent betrayal 



thats all i got, i'll try to be on the devstream :^)

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Why hasnt there been any attention given to the melee channeling mechanic?


For example, why is there no melee weapon that latently gains bonus crit/status chance when channeled? Gains extended reach when channeled? Swings faster when channeled? Sends off flying sword attacks when channeled? Causes enemies to explode in a shower of potatoes when channeled?


That has anything other than 1.5x damage when channeled?


We have a hell of alot of redundancy in melee weapons at the moment (example, Nami Skyla made Dual Kama and Dual Ether completely redundant when the former came out) why isnt the channeling mechanic being used to differeniate them more?

When melee 2.0 came out, a lot of weapons that previously relied on strong charged attacks to be decent were left out in the cold. now they just have crap base stats and the same channeling stats as all the others. I agree that channeling figures need to be looked at. That was going to be one of my questions as well. A lot of those least used and neglected weapons would get a fresh start if they had unique channeling (be it cost, damage, or both). 

My second question is: Will the kubrow stasis cooldown be removed or adjusted to be a more reasonable time? Right now that's the one thing keeping me from using it. I swap around my companions a lot and it's not at all feasible for me to swap kubrows so I just stick with sentinels and keep all the pups in stasis because I'm not dishing out 75k credits every week for something I don't use. 


Last question: Will there ever be any missions that are clan-specific that would allow for more than 5 squad members so that a clan can actually play together (a larger scaled event or mission). I'm not talking about allowing a 300 member clan to all play the same thing, but maybe something more like 12 -15 at a time. 

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Mostly questions about the last event, since it was horrible:


- What will you do with bugged events in the future, where you can bug your way up to the top of the leaderboard?


- When will you define what is fine to use, and what is called exploiting/bugusing? Seems like there is a huge part of the community that does not know when a mechanic is not working as intended.


- What about events over the holidays? I know a lot of players who could not claim the rewards because they were simply not at home to play WF and get the 15 in time, since it was over too soon.


Not event related:


- What about boss re-reworks? so basically boss 3.0?

A lot of the reworked bosses are simply bad. Artificial fight-length through the "weakspot mechanic", none of them can get hit by melee...

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Will there ever be a Samurai based warframe with his focus on melee weapons with this typical "unsheathe sword, pop up behind the enemy, put back sword, enemy dies out of the sudden" kind of ability and what about the idea of having him carry around a unique type of Nikana that can actually be actively used as a new melee weapon as one of his abilities that do X% of the targets health as damage to make it actually scale? and will he have passive buffs for melee weapons like Mesa had her passives for ranged weapons?


I know it's kind of more of a suggestion for a Frame but still >w> we NEED a Samurai frame.


Will there ever be more to ranking up in Mastery that makes one feel more rewarded? The only rewards we get currently is a higher reputation cap, loadout sets and a few weapons which leads to my next question.


Will the Mastery ranks ever get a revision concerning locked weapons? Something like the Boltor Prime debacle shouldn't happen again, MR 2's shouldn't be carrying a weapon that is one of the most powerful in the game


Any hints on the new Warframe maybe?


Oh and also, will we ever get more clan tech-only weapons that can't be bought from the market?

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I really love scythes but they feel unfinished. Things like their generic front finisher (parry), shared air attack (the machetes use the same one) and just their general lack of love.

In particular, the Reaper Prime is quite honestly a disappointment. I used to love it because:


1) It was my shiniest weapon 

2) It conferred the Speed Force 

3) It had awesome attack animations


Now it's just kind of eh. It's still shiny, but that shiny is no longer worth it when it is objectively worse than a non-shiny (Ether Reaper). Furthermore, it no longer endows with super speed and as previously mentioned, the attack animations have holes in them. 


So please please please, please, will you look at them?

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Here are some handy stats to guide further questioning about Companions - hopefully it can assist in questions reflecting true player choices/preferences instead of guesses. (Thanks to Gavan for graphs)


Time window: December 19, 2014 - January, 7 2015





 "The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself"


From a guy with 1600 hours into the game - this statistic does not represent high level mission in game experience.


- First of all this statistic includes the fact that most players level each kubrow once as mastery fodder. If that wasnt the case kubrow usage was zero instead of whichever it actually is for those who use them just for that reason.

- Second this statistic includes newer players who did not have any companion before and who were eager to try a feature that sounded cool to us all when it was introduced to later learn all the burdens involved around them. The quest almost enforces them to use a kubrow until they learn about the advantages and disadvantages in relation to a sentinel with a Guardian / Sanctuary mod that they dont have at that stage.

- Third but most importantly this statistic includes players who so utterly want to use a kubrow ( which is a cool thing ) that they even cope with the downsides ... which doesnt mean that those downsides should be kept.


Would you mind to add the same statistic based on only MR17+ players ?


- Incubator 2.0

- Equippping a kubrow along side your Sentinel


should be topics for DE if they knew their player majority I think.


BTW : Some experienced / educated guesses might be more precise than some inappropriate statistics. Looking at raw numbers wrong sometimes doesnt represent the actual reality. Maybe my reply can assist you in getting to know your players instead of trying to justify flawed mechanics with flawed statistics even though I might be a bit late / replied at a less frequented daytime and you already convinced someone.


BTW2: Interesting that there are enough kubrow / incubator 2.0 related questions to justify creating a statistic to convince people that the number of players asking those question is not in relation to the number of players actually happily using them. So if all those players in your statistic are happily using kubrows how can there be that many questions regarding them ?

Edited by AdFinitum
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Do you consider adding optional challenges into endless missions, like the dragon keys in the vault?

(a hostage to rescue and keep alive during survival / capturing a marked enemy /  a second optional pod in defense etc.)


Do you consider making rewards in high level missions more interesting or adding new tiers?

There is no real benefit from starting e.g. a survival in the higher planets.

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Parkour needs more control to make movement more fluid. What are your plans to make parkour better? I'm personally in favour of keeping the launch from the wall jumps, but do you have any plans to make it better? And how if you do? Or will it be removed?

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