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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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While I would consider 2014 was a successful year for development projects it was hardly the "Year of endgame" that was originally promised. Development targets can change of course, but what is your new set of promises for 2015? 


Will we a more set development schedule for this year so some of the things players have been waiting for a long time will get delivered and not pushed back? 


EDIT: Oh and is the void drop tables going in the game anytime soon?


That thread is almost a year old!

Edited by MDRLOz
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Not are you, WHEN are you going to implement the "Add mod loadout" and "Name loadout" options for weapon mod loadout or warframe's, instead of the current A,B & C? i.e. I want my first loadout on my boltor prime to be called "Corrosive set" instead of A. And I want to be able to add as many mod loadouts as i want, 3 is not enough.

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Dear DE,


I've heard in rumor from several clans and players that the Syndicate Void keys are being retired/removed. Is this something that is actually being implemented or just something players are assuming? I would hate to see the keys be taken out when they add such a fun level of gameplay for players.


Thank you for your time and effort DE,


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1. Do you have any concepts how would MR 15-18 weapons would look/work?


2. Focus! Anything that is now known to be 100% in final build or still many ideas but nothing solid?


3. Kubrow wallrun...enough said


4. Any new NORMAL (no grappling hooks, no cube grenades, no burst fire etc) Assault rifle coming? (Soma is kinda LMG, think Braton etc)


5. Any chance for crit based melee weapon (like soma low initial dmg, high crit chance and multi)?


6. Nova Prime and power creep (why 2 boosted stats?)

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How many Primed Mods will there be and did you consider how long it'll take for one to reappear in the Trader's inventory?

Are you considering to remove falloff from shotguns within the context of the shotgun buff?

Edited by Tyrian3k
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Dear DE,


I've heard in rumor from several clans and players that the Syndicate Void keys are being retired/removed. Is this something that is actually being implemented or just something players are assuming? I would hate to see the keys be taken out when they add such a fun level of gameplay for players.


Thank you for your time and effort DE,



It is not a rumor, read the official announcement here : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/380016-syndicate-offerings-coming-changes-psa/



and for DE (specifically Steve & Scott ) :


1. What is the vision you have planned for Warframe? Do you guys have a definite goal or are you just making it up as you go?

And, if possible please let us know what you have planned for us (in the near or not-so-near future).


I ask this mainly because I've been here for two years, and yes there have been new bosses, Melee 2.0, UI rework etc, but I don't see where the game is heading, the Lore is very unfinished, and we have no definite "end goals" so to speak (other than collecting Frames and Weapons), the game itself on the core level is still the same thing with a different UI cover . There has been no significant development in terms of the story itself other than Vor's Prize (some may argue Syndicates are one, but as of now they have merely a few paragraphs of texts that describe them, no backstory, no continuity at all) , and many things are still left unanswered (The Tenno, Lotus's true identity, Grineer goals, Fate of the Sentients etc ). 

Edited by Neah
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1. When are passives coming in?

2. Any primary/secondary weapons buffs coming soon? I hate seeing some weapons just as mastery fodder.

3. Any plans for more weapon specific mods? Maybe even outside of syndicates? My karak would love a +mag size +punch thru mod.

4. We need some archwing training course, I always get lost in space. Maybe a quest after the initial one that focuses on controlling the archwing

5. Any plans to add weapon test rooms in hubs?

6. For the upcoming Twin Queens, will it be a multi-squad fight (2-3 squads)? If so, how are you guys planning to handle host management? 

7. Maybe add Dojo missions? Like my clan getting hired to clean a few nodes on a planet, like a mini-event, nothing too fancy, maybe reward extra xp and standing, maybe squeeze a random boss into this that drops old event mods, like tethra's doom  (this would be random for each clan).


This is pretty much what I can think off.

Edited by Effreti
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Once the Archwing<->OnFoot combo missions go in, will we still get Archwing-Only missions? Will more care will be given to them then?


I'm asking, because it seems that Archwing only missions don't seem to be as interesting as the OnFoot ones


- the rewards aren't really worth it and if you get something interesting it's self-serving to it's own mode (more Archwing parts)

- there are no storage containers to find/loot

- there are no 'secret' areas, everything's either a long corridor or an open space with uninteractive asteroids in it (they can explode but that's about it at the time)

- the gameplay, despite the feeling of speed, is just not as fast paced (in terms of control and moment to moment problem solving) and skill-demanding as on foot.

- even the challenges are copied directly from the ground mode, most of them not working in Archwing.

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Hi guys, welcome back, here are my questions.



-How are you planing to introduce, and what can we expect from the movement overhaul that you guys are planing? (parkour 2.0)


- With the new tileset (grineer underwater base) what changes can we expect in the way of how players can navigate thorough the enviroment (swiming), also how combat will work underwater?


-when are we going to get more quests or missions that could shed some light on the past,present and future of the lore and mythology of the game? 

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2015 more questions


1) Putting a possible shooting gallery/target practice area in the dojo, so people can see how new weapons work?

2) A landing bay similiar to the Relays at the dojo showing actual clan ships?

3) Any New Warframes on the horizon?

4) Has DE ever considered giving players Warframe/Weapon slots as they go up in level or every other level?

5) Colors take way to long to process, with as many pigments a Mountain clan has to collect, we should be getting a color pallette and not just 1 color?

6) More Color Options for Dojo?

7) Possible building of Mini-Syndicate rooms in Dojo?

8) The cost of coloring a dojo is way to much, 300k for research & 300k to construct. THe Machine for coloring rooms in the dojo should stayif we have to pay to build it.


9) Did you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?


10) Kubears was mentioned long ago in red text, when do we get them!!!!

Edited by Lord_Datastorm
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Is there any news on when the new updates will make it to the consoles?



EDIT: I have more questions/requests


>>> Will there be any re-balancing of the caches in tower sabotage missions? The rewards currently do not feel worth the extra effort. 


>>> Will you please consider taking forma blueprints out of the T4 drop tables? REALLY get enough of them from the lower keys already - no need for such a low value item as a T4 reward. 


>>> Will "Inventory" ever be added as a menu option when we are in our dojos? I would love to be able to look through what I have without having to enter into a trade. 


>>> Can you add more details about deploying / defending the solar rails to the codex?  


>>> Is the option of taking away the 3 hour delay after getting kubrows out of stasis being considered? I'm sure there has been a lot of plat made from rushing so I can understand why a change like that may not happen, but it would be so nice to change up which kubrow you use for different missions without having to plan it out 3 hours in advance. 


>>> Will companions ever be added to arch-wing? Marv (my fav kubrow) really needs an arch-wing. Would be great to take out Helios for those too. 


>>> (kinda random) Please add a cryotic cooler bp to the market so my argon crystals will last for 3 days. 

Edited by (PS4)Bowjangelz
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In the Relays, there is a bug that you can glitch out the wall, with this, you can see more floors inside the Relay Stations. Are these floors an expansion to the Relays later in an update of the future?


Are they related to the talk of adding clan rooms to the Relays?


Clan Dojos


Considering that you can see other people's chat in the relays, are we going to be able to have the same neat addition to the dojo?


Color Palettes


Due to the limitations of color variations in the lisett ship, dojo, & Kubrow, when will be able to see better options?

(I know the dojo came out recently but the colors)


I can assume will be limited to the amount of enemy types there are in the game but don't you think maybe we could have had a started set to buy with plat?



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Good Day!


I have been meaning to ask, or suggest, what would be your thoughts collectively on a "Friendship system" that in short rewards players for playing and replaying with the same Tenno over time? Counting playtime together in missions much like overall playtime?


For example perhaps in ranking up your ally-ship with another player Tenno, you would receive various situational buffs or perks when playing together, perhaps like reviving your ally would faster than reviving a stranger. Maybe even share a percentage of health or shields between the two, and so on.


Do you think this might be worth something, or would the system affect to little of the player-base populous to benefit from?

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Wow. Be patient I guess. And just wait for them to tell you.

Wut? Which one? :D


I always try to gather as many questions from me & other people from the community as I can! Some of them are 5 or 6 updates old & still need attention...


Those who asked for shooting ranges got a "yeah,nice idea" & there's no info on it for months.

A fan asked for other kubrow pets during the Tennolive! She got a "Yes", then nothing.(the tennolive happened....on AUGUST man. August. Nearly 4 months ago)

The enemies of the tenno contest happened on MAY. We saw the Juggernaut, & that's it...

Nekros was and still is in need of a rework because people only use him to desecrate : Oberon finally got a good & fresh revamp, his older friend still awaits.

Pre mission dioramas were supposed to come back a few weeks after U14(people missed them right after their removal). Still not there,and U16 is near.

The stealth ninja topic has been a question for ages in this community. Same for Parkour, Stealth & Trinity's lobster tail.


We are here to ask them questions to improve their game because we like it man. I like it, you like it. If you ask a relevant question and it still is not addressed during the stream, I'll make sure it will be in my list too, because relevant wonders disappearing in forgotten memories is something really sad... :/


Edit : Just saw your question, it is relevant. The community should be more involved in frames in general. :)

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Will DE slow down on creating new content and focus on bug fixes, fine tuning existing features, and work towards making new content / events less (or, preferrably, not) exploitable through testing (maybe with a select team of founders? Maybe notify them through the messaging system).

As much as I loved the idea behind the Balor Formorian event and enjoy Archwing from time to time, that event left a bad taste in my mouth due to the buggyness. The exploit didn't help matters.

-AG Raving Lunatic

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Hope to hear something about the Kubrows. I enjoy my carrier for Void (mods in walls) and my Helios for scanning but even with downside I would prefer to use a kubrow. I agree with others about the cooldown for switching them out. So much easier to use sentinels.

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