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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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Question (Serious and Needed one)

Talking about kubrows, i really like it wheny you guys release it..


You still working on them?.. In my opinion they need some sort of way to allow us to control our kubrow, some comands like Sit, Stay Close and that kind of stuf...

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Hi DE! 1st: How were your holidays? hope pretty cool, all together with family, friends and the so good food that we all love XP, 2nd: I'd like to know more about the next Warframe, on U16 maybe? because if i can recall well, Steve said that the next one will "shock" us, in some way. And that woke up my interest haha...well guys, just that, take care yourselves!

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My question is about Valkyr.

Will you be fixing the issues with Valkyr's Bonds?

If I equip Kara and the Bonds at the same time the bonds go all wonky and twitchy and the wires on the Kara Helm start moving erraticly.

It looks REALLY bad.

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Do you have any plans to implement, in the near future, quests that will reveal more of the Tenno's back story? Such as quests that show us what really happened at the end of the Old War, or quests that lead to something triggering a recall of the Tenno's forgotten memories?

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With the intended Mastery Ranking cap being 30 (just based on what I've seen in the Steam achievements tab), how many different warframes do you plan to add to the game in the future?  Are you going for a quota?  If you're trying to make it possible to reach MR 30, I feel like there needs to be more content in other areas of this game so that new players aren't put off by the massive number of warframes available.

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when will STALKER be maybe getting some love with maybe his own warframe, or maybe a variation of weapons instead of just his bow, knives, and sythe. Like maybe along the lines of his own rifle, pistol, katana. It really gets blan fighting the same old "DEADLY' assassin that can hardly shoot fast enough with his bow to do any substancial damage. Im just saying maybe give him a way to be different every time you fight him. so maybe hell fight you with a shotgun, his bow, assault rifle, maybe even his own rocket launcher (hopefully not but it would be fun).

Edited by Jame_Hsu.s_Bodyguard
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Any chance of a few melee weapons, (that arent daggers,) that mainly do piercing damage?


For some reason I have a hankering to use a big club with a big nail in it. (Or dual ice picks, morning stars, rapiers, spears...)

a morning star in medieval times was more used to crush plate body armor cause arrows and sword had no effect on thick body armor. but with a weapon with a weighted end could crush and mangle armor to the point it crush ribs and bone through even the strongest plate mail. so there really would only be moderate puncture and massive impact damage

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Yay first 2015 livestream! :D


My list of questions:

Question 1:
Are kubrows getting a revamp in movement soon? The preview before kubrows came out showed them
running on walls and zip-lining correctly, Will they be getting a parkour fix any time soon? 
Question 2:
Any plans for a tileset that isn't based around an enemy faction? It seems like every tileset we
get has to be based around the Corpus, Grineer, Or infested ( both ) I would very much like to
play in an environment that hasn't been touched by grineer or corpus buildings/items like maybe
a vast open pine forest or a swamp filled with dangerous wildlife.
Question 3:
Are we going to be able to receive side-quests from regular NPC's in hubs? It would be nice to actually
help some civilians for a change, Maybe add special rewards for different NPC missions.
Question 4: 
Will kubrow get more customization options that aren't platinum bought or RNG based? Mostly
skins, colors, and collars that can be obtained via missions or alerts ( or maybe even storyline missions )
so each kubrow can be more customizable? 
Question 5: 
Will we ever be able to set foundry items to auto-complete? So when an item gets finished
building in the foundry it will automatically add it to your inventory-gear? It gets annoying having
to click finish on every item.
Question 6: 
Will we be able to interact with our kubrow's in hubs? if kubrows are ever seen by other
people ever I think it would be nice to relax at a hub and pet my kubrow while talking to other people :D.

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So with 2014 over and a fresh new year stretched out ahead of us I'm sure there will be lots of wonderful new content waiting for us down the line.  That said, I wanted to know if we're ever going to get any kind of armory for our Dojo's (Or Liset) so we can store away weapons we've maxed out but aren't using.  I think it'd be awesome to see all your weapons out on display personally.   


Thanks for everything and I hope this year goes just as good, if not better than last year!

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Will the syndicate keys be rotated every week. Meaning on first week we get t1 keys, second week t2 keys, third week t3 keys and fourth week t4 keys. The rotation should start over the fourth week meaning the key cycle should be t1 again then t2,3 and 4.

will the keys be the same as before if u do this but your get only the percify tower rank keys.


Steel Meridian defence keys

Aribiters of Hexis survival keys

Cephalon of Suda mobile defence keys

The Perrin Sequence capture keys

Red Veil Exterminate keys

New Loka Interception keys

Or will we have all the keys in every syndicates for limited time before it changes to t1,2,3 or 4 per week same as my week discussion at the top.

Will the syndicate rank determine the keys. Meaning do u have to be rank 5 to get t4 keys. Rank 4 to get t3 keys. Rank 3 to get t2 keys and finally rank 2 to get t1 keys.

How much syndicate rep will each of the keys cost.

Will t1 keys cost 5k rep, t2 10k,t3 15k and t4 20k.

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1. What were the major takes aways from Eyes of Blight, and all the constructive criticism received during and after? How will this shape future Archwing events?

2. A recurring topic lately is that the Mastery System lacks any significance as a meter for player progression, and is by and large a meter for how much Mastery Fodder a player has burned. Are there any plans to link Mastery more prominently to the exploration of gameplay content over use of the foundry?

3. Has any thought been given to creating long, story driven quests for the six syndicates to give players a more interesting way to move up the ranks, and flesh out the lore for each of the groups?

Edited by MisterUltimate
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Any plans for making color palettes consistent across materials?


Some colors look really dull on some weapons compared to others. On my Liset skin, true black has a blue gloss on it.

Archwing also seems to treat colors differently. Some standardizing would be great.

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Oh... I think this is a question about all players (and old MMOs players) have:

There are plans to implement an Auction House in the game ?

And what about some another big huge bosses (like Lephantis) ?

And some conflicts/missions there more players can join per squad (we have 4 players for now... what about 5 players for start ?), in a mode like "raids"... Some real end-game missions =D


Thanks for all!

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Why not have every boss show up in 2 different instances: in the plain map freely accessible, and on a harder key-locked level with a different, better drop table? 


Locking bosses behind keys makes the players experience them much less, fighting them only for the rewards and then never again. it's a pity that you have all this content and it is just ignored/missed because of the keys.

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Q: What about new slots for weapons and warframes? Something like aura-slot, but for more specific mods: augment, resist, speedruning, etc. It can be unlockable with forma, for example.


Reason: We have too much mods. 80% of them use no one, not because the useless (but some really useless, yes), but because they require valuable slot.

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