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Energy 2.0: The Anti-4 To Win And A Bit Of Balancing


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I'm not going to argue, I just wanted to get my opinion out there.

LOL he was Not arguing with you he was clarifying a point on how Energy siphon is not even 1/10th of the problem with energy availability versus the amount we spend.

Edited by geninrising
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I do agree that the energy system needs something of an overhaul.


One way to re-work energy would be to do something like Diablo III has done and make a warframe's first ability generate rather than spend energy. This would mean that you would build up the energy by using your warframe's basic abilities and then let loose with your other three as circumstances dictate.  Of course, that kind of system would probably require a fundamental re-balance of many of the abilities of the warframes, so... It's unlikely to happen.

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I do agree that the energy system needs something of an overhaul.


One way to re-work energy would be to do something like Diablo III has done and make a warframe's first ability generate rather than spend energy. This would mean that you would build up the energy by using your warframe's basic abilities and then let loose with your other three as circumstances dictate.  Of course, that kind of system would probably require a fundamental re-balance of many of the abilities of the warframes, so... It's unlikely to happen.

Anything is better than nothing.

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I'm not going to argue, I just wanted to get my opinion out there.



LOL he was Not arguing with you he was clarifying a point on how Energy siphon is not even 1/10th of the problem with energy availability versus the amount we spend.



Es is kind of a low on the list of energy issues

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This is where i let out a big sigh and just go with it


Im not saying no just because, dont lump me together with you. Ive given examples of where and why its bad for the game extensively at this point and youre still coming with subjective arguments


"A full rework in the energy system like this limits people from that specialization and customization. This isn't just subjective, it's a fact."


Thats literally the point. Youve said nothing here but state that id like to see that thig changed which is a fact. Nothing to really defend why except


"I like how I can use my powers if I have enough energy for them, they may not be available all the time, but I like how it is now. This new system limits me further from using my powers whenever I so build to go as my caster build. I.e. tons of energy and high efficiency."


And then placing me on the spot of the bad guy. Im not this evil villain who jsut wants to ruin your fun or gameplay. To be honest, youre kind of a $&*^ for constantly painting it that way.


"You're telling someone else how you think their ability to use their tools should be, when they already know how to use their tools and can specialize their tools to fit their needs."


Im not telling you you cant do this thing because i dont want you to. STOP ACTING LIKE A 4 YEAR OLD CHILD


Im saying this thing isnt fair for everyone. Its hurting the game and the balance of the game. It takes away from the games theme heavily as well as trivializes enemies to the point that 3/4 players can stand and do nothing for the majority of a mission


Its also been called an exploit by a dev


"Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


This fall, starting with Excalibur, we’ve begun to take a hard look at these ‘X-Ray AOE’ abilities and wonder if we can bring more elements of skill back in. That’s the short answer to ‘why the hell is DE messing with us’. Homer’s drinking bird should not play the game for you."


My example was an equal and opposite extreme. Just as trivializing enemies is an extreme. If you want to discredit my example youll have to show how its more extreme than what youre saying. Speaking of extremes


Where the game now is an extreme and should be changed for the reasons mentioned in this and many threads before.


You cant not have a stance on it then say we should be able to choose. Youre basically being a hypocrite by saying "Its not wrong or right but i think it should stay"


Might as well have said it was right, thats obviously your position on it


"I know damn well I'm right."


You know what


I know damn well im right too. We have something in common


Is that an argument that isnt subjective? No


Have you given at least one yet? Kind of but not a particularly good one since all you said was "He wants to change this thing and thats a fact"

My defense to that point is that it isn't supposed to be that way because we have this massive customization system. We have the ability to tailor our gear and frames to our play style and enjoy the game. Limitations like this eliminate a big part of that.


Everyone has the ability to choose how they play. If you're lumped with someone who likes to spam their powers, and you don't like it, you have the ability to ask them to not do so, so do the others. If that one guy doesn't, then I'd say he's an &#! for saying that to you guys. There are ways out of it, you could leave and join another match. Find a match with friends, or with clanmates. Go solo, go private, go to recruiting, or even go in a PUB again and try your luck there. Not everyone is going to play like how you want to play, but that doesn't mean an entire system change should make it so everyone is playing more similarly than before simply because some people thought it would be better. REMEMBER, that someone who likes using his powers WOULD ALSO have to go through the same steps if they wanted to find people who play similarly to them.


How is it hurting the game? How is this "destroying" the balance of the game? My Boltor Prime can clear a room in T4 easily, so can my Paris Prime, so can my Dread, so can my Soma Prime, so can my [insert weapon name here]. Is it wrong for them to be able to do that? No, at least I don't think so. I built them to be end-tier weaponry that can smash apart anything my enemies can throw at me. Is that not "trivializing" the content of literally the highest tiered content currently available to us?


Yes, I've seen Genin use that against me, and I've shot it down every time. Even AFTER Vivergate, where Steve stated that, even AFTER he stated that, they release Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, and Primed Streamline is on the way, I believe. Actions speak louder than words. To put it in better words, here:


SteavewithanA, on 11 Jan 2015 - 8:09 PM, said:snapback.png

How are we both doing the exact same thing as people asking for a change? We are advocating freedom and player choice. Not taking away choice...


Spammers are not invalidating your playstyle and taking away your choices. You have the choice to leave or stay. They cant take that away from you. If you don't like the way someone else is playing the game then find a different group. Simple as that. You are refusing to utilize your choice. There is a difference. If I don't like the way a random group is playing I leave. I don't sit in a group that I don't like. I take the responsibility for my own enjoyment. I don't put it on others. By advocating that the game be changed so that people can't spam their powers you are advocating to take away choice....


I claim that we are using our skills as they were designed. No one is hacking their character to gain unlimited energy for ability spam. No one is exploiting anything. Using skills / gear items as they were designed is not an exploit. If DE didn't intend for Energy Vampire to return energy to the whole team than they kinda screwed the pooch on that one because that is exactly the skill they designed. If that wasn't intended then that is a major oversight. If they didn't intend to have energy restores restore energy then not sure how they got in the game. If they didn't intend for Primed Flow to increase or energy pool then why did they put it in the game? A mistake? Did they mean for it to do something else but screwed up the coding? If they didn't intend for 2 of the 6 new syndicate weapons to restore 25% max energy then how in the hell did they get coded that way? Keep in mind that these things were added AFTER viver. After they made statements that they didn't intend for powers to be spammed in such a manner they added more ways to spam powers. So i'll say it again. Either these things are working as they were designed / intended or DE has absolutely no idea what content is being added to their game.


Yes I do say that you should play with like minded individuals. I say this because you want everyone in your squad to play a certain way. That puts the burden on you. If you want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played then you should play with others that share the same mindset. Thats another difference between the "play how I want" group and the "ability spammers" that you seem to be to dense to comprehend. They dont care how you play. They don't care if you don't use a single ability. It doesn't matter to them. They are not expecting you to conform to their play style. You are expecting them to conform to yours. That puts the burden on you. If you want to play in random groups then that is what you will get. Random. Random people play random ways. I'll say it again just to make it clear. You want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played. You want to force others to play the way you want. It's all about you. "Play my way.". "Play how I want.". If you don't like the way your squad is playing find a different one. When you demand that others play your way the burden is on you to find people that want to play that way. Not on the rest of the community to conform to you wishes.


Spammers don't need to recruit players UNLESS they expect everyone in their squad to spam powers as well. If they want everyone in their squad to conform to their notion of how the game is played then they need to find like minded people to play with. But thats the thing mate. They don't. They don't care how you or the others in their squad play. They are not trying to force you into a particular playstyle. They are, for the most part, willing to let you play however you see fit. But you're right on  one thing. There had never been a thread about guns ruining other peoples fun. I've never once seen a thread claiming that some one with a Boltor Prime or a Penta was ruining someone else's fun. Never. Ever....


I have already addressed your claim that the burden falls on spammers to go to recruit chat. I have already addressed your claims that they are exploiting the system. But i'll reiterate just to be clear. Using abilities / gear as they were designed is not an exploit. It's not. Not. If they were not intended to be in the game then why are they in the game? The burden falls on the individual that expects the rest of their squad to conform to their notion of how the game should be played. Whichever group they happen to be in. But since I have never seen a thread where a spammer was complaining that someone was not spamming their powers i'm going to continue to draw the conclusion that it is the non spammers who want everyone else to conform to their desires and as such the burden falls on them. You have the choice to play as you like, with whomever you like. I support everyone's ability to have choice. If you don't like the way your squad mates are playing you have the choice to leave and find a different squad.


Oh and here too:


You can play the way you want now. You don't need balance to do so. You only need balance to force others to play your way. (How hard is that to understand?)


You only have to segregate yourself if you want everyone to conform to your notion of how to play. That is the case in any game. If I expect everyone in my squad to run meta builds and meta group comps then I have to segregate myself form the majority of the player base. Thats just the way it is. Any time you expect your entire team to conform to your notion of how to play the game, regardless of what that notion is, you have to segregate yourself form those who don't.


Have you ever heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words."? For the sake of argument i'll assume you have. Saying one thing, "abilities should not be spammed", then adding items into the game after making that statement should tell you enough of DEs true feelings on the subject. I can say that i'm a millionaire. But if I have 20 bucks in the bank what I say means nothing. If by "reducing your chances of being able to play for extended periods of time thanks to the whole recruiting portion of your stated fix" you really mean "the majority of players play in a way I don't like, making me the minority, I am not willing to find other players who share my mindset, because there is no one else that shares my mindset, not enough of the community shares my views for me to find 3 others to play with at any given time, because no one who agrees with my view in this thread is one of those people, and I expect the majority to play how I want because I said so" well......yeah.....

Again, my guns can trivialize anything in the game. Invulnerability bosses, nah, because they have those phases. I can get them to go through those phases quickly, and die faster. Not to mention my guns do more damage longer than my powers do. My Bow still can go 50k damage on headshots without red crits, my Avalanche, not really, maxes out at 3k I think now. Haven't maxed out Transient Fortitude yet, so hopefully more.


No that's not all there's to it. 

A player is allowed to have fun within the games restrictions, the game should provide them with diversity and challenge to provide as many people as possible with options, different but satisfying ways to play the game. 

Now the problem with Warframe is that it doesn't have any restrictions, and yet somehow it manages to restrict you to one way of playing the game if you don't want to end up as dead-weight to your team. You either go corrupted efficiency build or else you'll never be able to compete with/or contribute to your team. Screw any other option at your disposal, if you use them, you are objectively inferior, not just subjectively. 


This is the same argument as your first paragraph. I'll reroute my answer to my first paragraph. 
You speak of Freedom of choice?! 


Do you even know why people discuss balance? It's so that a player never should feel inferior to another just because he chose another way to play the game, that the choice the player makes can still keep him relevant in a game, so that a players choice never becomes completely inferior or irrelevant to another! The entire point of balance is to strengthen player choice! Yet here you are trying to argue that keeping the current system is Freedom of Choice? How many choices do you have in the game exactly? Nuke StronK or Nuke many? Wow, such variety! Sounds like bias to me. 


So 4+4 = 12 right? I must be correct because I am very passionate about math and no amount of objectivity can prove me wrong. 
Presenting your arguments with objectivity serves to strengthen the presentation of it.
Presenting your argument with bias and subjectivity does the complete opposite and only serves to tear your own argument apart. 

THERE ARE RESTRICTIONS TO OUR POWERS! NOT ALL POWERS ARE NUKES! The very nature of our powers limits them. Not all of them deal damage, some have good utility, some have bad, some just don't have utility/cc outright. A Loki can't use Radial Disarm and blow the whole area up. A Frost can't use Avalanche and expect his enemies to go flying. The very nature of our powers limits their possibility of use, that, in and of itself, is a restriction.


Not to mention the restrictions that come in when modding. You want to use Fleeting? Well you're gonna lose out on your duration. You know what, I'll just copy and paste my response to Genin here:


high efficiency is a way some people build. Some people go for it, some people don't. It depends on the players themselves and the missions they're going into. Without a detrimental balancing factor? If you go full efficiency, you lose 60% of your duration if you max Fleeting, or 50% if you go Fleeting and near max Streamline. How the heck is that not a balancing factor? Not to mention a player could add in a duration mod to try and help offset this, and even maxed out Continuity or Constitution doesn't do that. In tandem they could, but you use up 2 slots to try and offset the detriment of Fleeting. Only other mod that can actually offset this withoutbeing a Corrupted mod is Primed Continuity, of which not everyone has, and is a Vay Hek of a lot harder to rank 9 to fully offset a near max Fleeting. Max out Fleeting, and even that mod couldn't do it. Your other option is Narrow Minded, of which also gives you a detriment as a balancing factor. SO you lose not only duration, but to shore it up, you use Narrow Minded to try and offset it, but you lose Range as well. 


If you use regular mods, you can't fully offset Fleeting, or if you do it'll cost you 2 slots that could've been used for QoL mods or Duration mods. If you actually try using Corrupted Mods, you lose Range in exchange for Duration. You could slap stretch on there, but here you go, using 2 mod slots AGAIN to try and offset ONE detriment! SO PLEASE, ENOUGH WITH THE NO BALANCING FACTOR!


NO ONE is forcing you to go the Corrupted Efficiency route. Some people may consider it the META, but that doesn't mean it's right. The Defense Frost build I run goes for extended duration, power strength, and armor. I can't use Fleeting Expertise because it negates all of that. It gives me the power to lockdown the defense objective and ensure that my shield stays up strong, even in endless content. My Stealth Ash build goes for extended duration, I can't use Fleeting because that defeats the purpose. Loki Stealth builds as well. It isn't forced, you aren't a dead-beat, everyone can bring something to the table, just because it isn't exactly your own style doesn't mean it can't contribute. If people look down on a player by playing a certain way, that doesn't mean they should be forced to play differently. They have the opportunity to show those players that their builds function and do the job just as good as theirs, and I hope they do. If those players want to look down on those that don't run high efficiency, you could just leave and not deal with them. Report them for abuse. It isn't the fault of their builds, it's the persons own ego to say something like that to someone else.


Your inability to see that you don't even need to nuke is saddening. You don't even have to use nuking powers. You have your guns, you have your other powers, and you have your squad. NO ONE said you need to nuke, (unless your team requests it) you have the choice to use your nuke, or your guns, or your powers. BEFORE ANYONE says nukes are more powerful, remember that the total damage of a nuke is dependent on not ONLY your build, but the number of targets affected in the area. So sure, you can nuke the area, but if the total damage was 3k to a target, then it may not have been worth it. If you nuke and there's 15 targets in the area, good job, you just hit all targets individually for 45k, with damage to each being 3k. (Depending on Armor and resistances). My Paris Prime can shoot a Heavy Gunner in the Void for 40k WITHOUT red crits, that's a Hek of a lot higher DPS. Overall damage to a group, a strength build nuke can do the job, but an end-tier weapon will make sure the thing you're aiming at is dead the moment you click your mouse. There's some math for you.


I'm presenting my argument with subjectivity, it doesn't mean I'm wrong. Bias? Oh really? I'm biased for saying I like having the freedom to choose how I use my tools and when to use my tools? Oh, Ok. Just because you apparently don't like being emotionally involved in the argument doesn't mean you've got something better than me. It doesn't weaken my argument. In your eyes? Sure, think whatever in the blue hell you think. But I stand by my argument.



This is where they tell you to play with friends, avoid pubs, or go solo as if they couldnt do the same thing


Hypocrites, Masters of Irony, Defenders of Bias


You realize the argument could go the other way? Again, you will meet people who don't play how you play. That's the nature of PUBs sometimes, you get some apples that are like your apple, but you can also get some oranges that aren't like your apple. THE OPTIONS ARE THERE for you to find other people of similar play styles. WE DID NOT TELL YOU YOU EXPLICITLY had to do so. You'll get players with like minded play styles and those that don't in PUBs, that happens in any game.


And you, Azarawau, don't even dare start calling me names when you just lost that argument by stating we are telling you to go and do those things.





Yes I do say that you should play with like minded individuals. I say this because you want everyone in your squad to play a certain way. That puts the burden on you. If you want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played then you should play with others that share the same mindset. Thats another difference between the "play how I want" group and the "ability spammers" that you seem to be to dense to comprehend. They dont care how you play. They don't care if you don't use a single ability. It doesn't matter to them. They are not expecting you to conform to their play style. You are expecting them to conform to yours. That puts the burden on you. If you want to play in random groups then that is what you will get. Random. Random people play random ways. I'll say it again just to make it clear. You want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played. You want to force others to play the way you want. It's all about you. "Play my way.". "Play how I want.". If you don't like the way your squad is playing find a different one. When you demand that others play your way the burden is on you to find people that want to play that way. Not on the rest of the community to conform to you wishes.


Spammers don't need to recruit players UNLESS they expect everyone in their squad to spam powers as well. If they want everyone in their squad to conform to their notion of how the game is played then they need to find like minded people to play with. But thats the thing mate. They don't. They don't care how you or the others in their squad play. They are not trying to force you into a particular playstyle. They are, for the most part, willing to let you play however you see fit. But you're right on  one thing. There had never been a thread about guns ruining other peoples fun. I've never once seen a thread claiming that some one with a Boltor Prime or a Penta was ruining someone else's fun. Never. Ever....


I have already addressed your claim that the burden falls on spammers to go to recruit chat. I have already addressed your claims that they are exploiting the system. But i'll reiterate just to be clear. Using abilities / gear as they were designed is not an exploit. It's not. Not. If they were not intended to be in the game then why are they in the game? The burden falls on the individual that expects the rest of their squad to conform to their notion of how the game should be played. Whichever group they happen to be in. But since I have never seen a thread where a spammer was complaining that someone was not spamming their powers i'm going to continue to draw the conclusion that it is the non spammers who want everyone else to conform to their desires and as such the burden falls on them. You have the choice to play as you like, with whomever you like. I support everyone's ability to have choice. If you don't like the way your squad mates are playing you have the choice to leave and find a different squad.


Oh and here too:


You can play the way you want now. You don't need balance to do so. You only need balance to force others to play your way. (How hard is that to understand?)


You only have to segregate yourself if you want everyone to conform to your notion of how to play. That is the case in any game. If I expect everyone in my squad to run meta builds and meta group comps then I have to segregate myself form the majority of the player base. Thats just the way it is. Any time you expect your entire team to conform to your notion of how to play the game, regardless of what that notion is, you have to segregate yourself form those who don't.


Have you ever heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words."? For the sake of argument i'll assume you have. Saying one thing, "abilities should not be spammed", then adding items into the game after making that statement should tell you enough of DEs true feelings on the subject. I can say that i'm a millionaire. But if I have 20 bucks in the bank what I say means nothing. If by "reducing your chances of being able to play for extended periods of time thanks to the whole recruiting portion of your stated fix" you really mean "the majority of players play in a way I don't like, making me the minority, I am not willing to find other players who share my mindset, because there is no one else that shares my mindset, not enough of the community shares my views for me to find 3 others to play with at any given time, because no one who agrees with my view in this thread is one of those people, and I expect the majority to play how I want because I said so" well......yeah.....




all we really need to do is have a better clamp on Energy.

we don't really have one currently.


if you mapwipe a room with an AoE Blast, you definitely picked up enough Energy to do it a few more times.


lots of Efficiency, and piles of Energy.

basically ad infinitum Energy unless Enemies are stealing it from us.

and the Enemies that steal it from us often steal it quite harshly, because there's so much Energy available that they need to steal it harshly for us to notice.




some Abilities that aren't Slot 4 are also kind've meh.

some of them are great, some are good enough, but some are basically useless.


not to mention a general lack of any sort of Synergy.



make Players want to use all of their Abilities, that's how you get people to... use all of their Abilities.

You, I like you, you get it.




All of the above is the summation of my entire conversation with AlphaHorsman on the matter. His point is freedom of choice while in the same vein thinking it is okay for other people in the mission to be unable to participate in a manner of their choosing DUE TO THE SPAM HE SUPPORTS.


He supports exploiting a flawed system to the fullest.


When balance is brought up he states it is completely possible to do the same amounts of damage or more with guns citing Paris Primes potential 100k damage against a SINGLE target(sans Shred) vs his measly 3k RJ on Excal(of course he fails to mention the aimbot nature, infinite targets and 50m radius) oh and the ability to do this every 1.5 seconds. Thus hiding the clear imbalance we point out. He then states that Ults are supposed to be more powerful than everything in the game(ignoring for the moment the basic ideal that ults are supposed to be a oh sh1t button when attacked by a horde of enemies and you have no choice, not a win button to be spammed constantly)


He then tells said individuals the onus to leave the mission is theirs when said spam is the problem in the first place.


Unfortunately it is a never ending vicious cycle.



Go look at that other response I just posted in the other thread.


You realize the effectiveness of the power, or I should say the total damage, IS DEPENDENT on how many targets you hit? IF YOU'RE SPAMMING THE BLOODY POWERS THAT KILL EVERYTHING, WHAT'S THE POINT WHEN EVERYTHING IS DEAD AFTER THE FIRST SHOT? Not to mention, yes, that 3k on my Avalanche is dependent on how many people I hit, and also dependent on their armor and resistance. My guns can out DPS any power in the game. I REALIZE that AoE Nuke Skills that hit an area, HAVE THE POTENTIAL to do more damage than guns TOTAL, but guns have are the top dog for single-target DPS, even multiple targets with Shred and/or innate punch through.


HOW people use their powers and WHAT they should be used for is dependent on the players. NOT from another player telling them when/how they should use them. If the idea you stated of a nuke is how you think of it, then sure, you can use it that way, no one telling you that you can't.

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we need to stop focusing on the wrong thing.


let's make sure all Abilities are worth casting and can have useful applications in Combat (Ability Synergy is always nice) first.

then after that we'll see if there's still any 'need' to 'nerf' AoE Nukes. which we might have a bit of a call for, but save that for later, it's less important.



make sure no Ability is pointless and can argue it's worth of use well, and clamp on Energy more than none, and then we'll be cooking.

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Your boltor prime cant clear every enemy in every direction for 60 meters and stun them repeatedly


Thats a bad example


Guns arent near the level of powers


This is excluding the fact that guns cany bypass all walls and objects,hit in every direction,hit 20-60 meters in every direcion,stunlock enemies,


Or that they  have to be aimed,reloaded,and leave you more open to hits because of lack of stun


If you think youve made ay kind of point youre living n your own world


"And you, Azarawau, don't even dare start calling me names when you just lost that argument by stating we are telling you to go and do those things."


Where did someone tell you not to spam powers exactly? Me specifically? Without reason? With malicious intent? Arent you making this a little too personal? Painting me as the bad guy instead of proving your point? Obligatory "Umad"?


Chill out


You havnt made a point at all


You literally just said guns are as good as powers at trivializing the game


Thats a joke


Find a gun that slows by 75% or that wipes a map at the push of a button alone then well talk about trivializing

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THERE ARE RESTRICTIONS TO OUR POWERS! NOT ALL POWERS ARE NUKES! The very nature of our powers limits them. Not all of them deal damage, some have good utility, some have bad, some just don't have utility/cc outright. A Loki can't use Radial Disarm and blow the whole area up. A Frost can't use Avalanche and expect his enemies to go flying. The very nature of our powers limits their possibility of use, that, in and of itself, is a restriction.


Not to mention the restrictions that come in when modding. You want to use Fleeting? Well you're gonna lose out on your duration. You know what, I'll just copy and paste my response to Genin here:

Just to prove you wrong, I am going to detail for you that you actually don't lose out on any duration when you use Corrupted Efficiency builds. 


The math: 

To back up my argument let's use Loki's invisibility as an example.

Usually it costs 50 to cast, and lasts 12 seconds. That means you get 0.24 seconds of duration per 1 energy point spent. (12/50=0.24)

Now say I'm using...

Fleeting Rank 4 = -40% Duration, +40% Efficiency.

Streamline Max = +30% Efficiency


Total efficiency: +70%. Total duration: -40%.  


This lowers the energy cost down to 15, and the duration down to 7.2. 


Now let's do the same math again... You have a 15 cost activation, and a 7.2 second duration, that means you get 0.48 seconds per energy point spent. (7.2/15=0.48) 


Now let's say Loki has 150 energy.

For 150 energy points without any mods, he get's a total of 36 seconds of effective invisibility. (0.24x150=36)


For 150 energy points With the 70% efficiency build, he get's a total of 72 seconds of effective invisibility. (0.48x150=72) 

So in conclusion, you actually don't lose out on duration when using corrupted efficiency builds after-all. Adding even one duration mod by this point to off-set fleeting would extend your total duration drastically. 

Let's say I add continuity to the corrupted efficiency build:

Fleeting Rank 4 = -40% Duration, +40% Efficiency.

Streamline Max = +30% Efficiency

Total efficiency: +70%. Total Duration: -10%. 


Invisibility duration: 10.8 seconds. 
Cost: 15
Duration per 1 Energy point = 0.72


As before, Loki has 150 energy to spend. 


150 Energy Points * 0.72 = 108 
He gets 108 seconds of total invisibility duration for 150 energy. What was the previous number? 72? So basically you just bought yourself another 36 seconds of total duration to your invisibility, thanks to one continuity.


To get another perspective on it, if you had not used a corrupted efficiency build and added just a single continuity, you'd only gain an additional 10.8 seconds of total duration from a single continuity, which totals out on 46.8 seconds. (36+10.8) 


IN CONCLUSION: You actually don't lose any total duration length when you use a corrupted efficiency build, the only minor inconvenience to follow is that you have to spam your abilities more, which is what you're already doing anyway when you're running a corrupted efficiency build. 


This means that I can ignore commenting this:

high efficiency is a way some people build. Some people go for it, some people don't. It depends on the players themselves and the missions they're going into. Without a detrimental balancing factor? If you go full efficiency, you lose 60% of your duration if you max Fleeting, or 50% if you go Fleeting and near max Streamline. How the heck is that not a balancing factor? Not to mention a player could add in a duration mod to try and help offset this, and even maxed out Continuity or Constitution doesn't do that. In tandem they could, but you use up 2 slots to try and offset the detriment of Fleeting. Only other mod that can actually offset this withoutbeing a Corrupted mod is Primed Continuity, of which not everyone has, and is a Vay Hek of a lot harder to rank 9 to fully offset a near max Fleeting. Max out Fleeting, and even that mod couldn't do it. Your other option is Narrow Minded, of which also gives you a detriment as a balancing factor. SO you lose not only duration, but to shore it up, you use Narrow Minded to try and offset it, but you lose Range as well. 


If you use regular mods, you can't fully offset Fleeting, or if you do it'll cost you 2 slots that could've been used for QoL mods or Duration mods. If you actually try using Corrupted Mods, you lose Range in exchange for Duration. You could slap stretch on there, but here you go, using 2 mod slots AGAIN to try and offset ONE detriment! SO PLEASE, ENOUGH WITH THE NO BALANCING FACTOR!



NO ONE is forcing you to go the Corrupted Efficiency route. Some people may consider it the META, but that doesn't mean it's right. The Defense Frost build I run goes for extended duration, power strength, and armor. I can't use Fleeting Expertise because it negates all of that. It gives me the power to lockdown the defense objective and ensure that my shield stays up strong, even in endless content. My Stealth Ash build goes for extended duration, I can't use Fleeting because that defeats the purpose. Loki Stealth builds as well. It isn't forced, you aren't a dead-beat, everyone can bring something to the table, just because it isn't exactly your own style doesn't mean it can't contribute. If people look down on a player by playing a certain way, that doesn't mean they should be forced to play differently. They have the opportunity to show those players that their builds function and do the job just as good as theirs, and I hope they do. If those players want to look down on those that don't run high efficiency, you could just leave and not deal with them. Report them for abuse. It isn't the fault of their builds, it's the persons own ego to say something like that to someone else.

Actually I just proved to you with hard cold numbers why corrupted efficiency builds as the meta IS ACTUALLY correct if you want the most out of your energy-pool. 


Using snowglobe as your example of an efficiency build gone bad due to minus duration is actually not an example i'd use. You want Snowglobe to be spammable and have a short duration, since when you start hitting T4's that shield doesn't last much longer than 10 seconds anyway, where your primary focus will be to rely on the initial 4 seconds of snowglobe invulnerability rather than the entire duration of snowglobe itself.

If I were to use an example of an efficiency build gone bad, I'd use something like Limbo, since all his abilities are duration based and his Cataclysm's shrink rate is directly tied to duration, but even he doesn't suffer much because most of his abilities have a 20+ duration length, which is easily rectified with a single continuity to push it back to those numbers, and before the Cataclysm toggle, he would actually benefit from a negative duration build. There are examples of more frames who benefit from negative duration builds, such as Nyx. 


Your inability to see that you don't even need to nuke is saddening. You don't even have to use nuking powers. You have your guns, you have your other powers, and you have your squad. NO ONE said you need to nuke, (unless your team requests it) you have the choice to use your nuke, or your guns, or your powers. BEFORE ANYONE says nukes are more powerful, remember that the total damage of a nuke is dependent on not ONLY your build, but the number of targets affected in the area. So sure, you can nuke the area, but if the total damage was 3k to a target, then it may not have been worth it. If you nuke and there's 15 targets in the area, good job, you just hit all targets individually for 45k, with damage to each being 3k. (Depending on Armor and resistances). My Paris Prime can shoot a Heavy Gunner in the Void for 40k WITHOUT red crits, that's a Hek of a lot higher DPS. Overall damage to a group, a strength build nuke can do the job, but an end-tier weapon will make sure the thing you're aiming at is dead the moment you click your mouse. There's some math for you.

"Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it" is not an argument, it's a plea that asks me to completely ignore its existence. Now how can I do that? When in every game I play there is at least one who just rushes through a level and presses the button. 

Let's use exterminate as an example. There's a limited number of enemies, and I don't get to kill any of them because I am playing Limbo, and a Saryn is coptering ahead pressing one button that instantly kills everyone. If I am lucky, I might be able to get one or two stragglers, but that's as far as my involvement in the match goes. You keep preaching for player choice, well I chose to play Limbo and I don't have massive radial nukes, so I guess I will simply not get to see the enemies then because hey, I CHOSE LIMBO. My fault for utilizing my freedom of choice with differed from the norm, isn't it? Starting to see the problem yet? 


Besides that, you can't compare single-target DPS versus  massive radial nuke abilties.


The former requires you to actively acquire your target and accurately hit them in repeated succession as they go down, while you do that you have to dodge bullets and ensure you have escape routes since you'll be actively participating in battle. 

With the latter, you can hide behind cover completely safe from harm, press one button and affect every enemy in(and out of)sight as long as they are within a 25m radius. 


Which one do you think requires the most effort? And hence justifies the single-target DPS it gets? The former certainly does, the latter does not. 


I'm presenting my argument with subjectivity, it doesn't mean I'm wrong. Bias? Oh really? I'm biased for saying I like having the freedom to choose how I use my tools and when to use my tools? Oh, Ok. Just because you apparently don't like being emotionally involved in the argument doesn't mean you've got something better than me. It doesn't weaken my argument. In your eyes? Sure, think whatever in the blue hell you think. But I stand by my argument.


It's not about being emotionally invested, it's about backing up your arguments. 

I like this game, that makes me emotionally invested and I want to see the game change for the better. Be as emotionally invested as you like, I am not going to hold that against you at all. 


But you have to start backing up your arguments with something other than "It's there but you don't have to use it."


That's like saying the pizza-dressing is over there and it will make this pizza infinitely more tasty, but I don't have to use it...


Thing is that this pizza-dressing is too good to pass up on, SO OFCOURSE I USE IT AND I WOULD BE A FOOL NOT TO! 


Afterall everybody else is already using it, why shouldn't I? I am just missing out completely because I am not using this wonderful pizza dressing. Oh there are different pizza-dressings over there but they are completely inferior, no I only need this one because it's objectively the best, and not only subjectively. 


Are you starting to see the problem with this so-called argument? 

Edited by TwiceDead
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we need to stop focusing on the wrong thing.


let's make sure all Abilities are worth casting and can have useful applications in Combat (Ability Synergy is always nice) first.

then after that we'll see if there's still any 'need' to 'nerf' AoE Nukes. which we might have a bit of a call for, but save that for later, it's less important.



make sure no Ability is pointless and can argue it's worth of use well, and clamp on Energy more than none, and then we'll be cooking.

Sure, I can agree to that.


What everyone else doesn't realize is that a system wide change doesn't just affect those "p42w" players they keep yammering on about, it affects every Warframe in the game, and every play style that utilizes it (or doesn't). We ALL suffer the consequences of a clam down on powers, casters feel it more, those p42w guys get whacked, and even those who like their guns lose out too. Punishing the entire system for the actions of a few isn't how things should be done.




Your boltor prime cant clear every enemy in every direction for 60 meters and stun them repeatedly


Thats a bad example


Guns arent near the level of powers


This is excluding the fact that guns cany bypass all walls and objects,hit in every direction,hit 20-60 meters in every direcion,stunlock enemies,


Or that they  have to be aimed,reloaded,and leave you more open to hits because of lack of stun


If you think youve made ay kind of point youre living n your own world


"And you, Azarawau, don't even dare start calling me names when you just lost that argument by stating we are telling you to go and do those things."


Where did someone tell you not to spam powers exactly? Me specifically? Without reason? With malicious intent? Arent you making this a little too personal? Painting me as the bad guy instead of proving your point? Obligatory "Umad"?


Chill out


You havnt made a point at all


You literally just said guns are as good as powers at trivializing the game


Thats a joke


Find a gun that slows by 75% or that wipes a map at the push of a button alone then well talk about trivializing


My guns can clear whole rooms, not in a radius like powers, BUT THAT'S BECAUSE it's a gun. You can hit for 40k on a SINGLE TARGET with a Paris Prime crit build, or higher, without red crits. Not to mention you get innate punch through. You get a bit of CC because of that. No power can focus that much damage into itself. OVERALL, sure, a power can be able to hit that level of damage, if it can hit enough targets. But a gun can do that outright. Am I saying the gun is bad? Should it be nerfed? No, because that's how I built the gun, to be ABLE to do that. Guns can rip apart anything in their sights far longer than powers can. Sure, you can keep trying to whack on that power button, but it isn't going to do that much damage when enemies can survive like that. Not to mention you're also vulnerable during the entire casting animation.


Not all radial powers have stun lock, and even some that do even stun lock the caster. Frost's Avalanche, Mag's Crush, to name some of the worst.


You're saying "Yeah, this system should limit the use of powers" essentially, when I'm a guy that likes to be using my powers. I may not go for the Radial Javelin build like some people do, but I like having the slash dash super jump combo mixed in with a radial blind and finishing everything off with a Javelin scene. To me that's fun. That's enjoyable. I'm not just spamming one power, I'm using them all because I like being a caster. And a system that limits my usage of powers isn't something I'm going to advocate for, it's something I'll stand stoutly against.


Oh don't start with the reload, you unload that clip of whatever end-tier gun you're using and nothing in your sights is going to survive. I'm comparing end-tier guns here because you're describing the effects of some end-tier powers.


And yeah, guns have the exact same potential to trivialize the game. Difference is which button you press. Enemies will either die by your radial powers, or if they don't you just raise your gun and they'll be decimated. You could even just not use the power and rip apart anything that comes in sight with the gun. Or you can continually cast the power(s) until there's nothing left. I'm not saying it's wrong, because that's the point of us gaining all that power. We become powerful. We're SUPPOSED to be able to do that, if we so choose to build for it.


Ah yep, I've made my point. If you don't want to see it, that's all you.


If you're using Nova as an example, realize that BOTH her AMD and ult rely on damage of weapons to be useful? You need your AMD to be hit with bullets in order for it to apply that damage to units around it when it blows up. You need something else outside of her ult in order to set off the explosions. Be it a gun, blade, or someone else using their powers. It's like Nyx, she needs damage applied to her ult in order for her ult to actually dish out some super harsh damage.


You also realize you can mod for ice damage? Oh, and I think the Glaxion can slow proc enemies or even freeze them in place. :)





Just to prove you wrong, I am going to detail for you that you actually don't lose out on any duration when you use Corrupted Efficiency builds. 


The math: 

To back up my argument let's use Loki's invisibility as an example.

Usually it costs 50 to cast, and lasts 12 seconds. That means you get 0.24 seconds of duration per 1 energy point spent. (12/50=0.24)

Now say I'm using...

Fleeting Rank 4 = -40% Duration, +40% Efficiency.

Streamline Max = +30% Efficiency


Total efficiency: +70%. Total duration: -40%.  


This lowers the energy cost down to 15, and the duration down to 7.2. 


Now let's do the same math again... You have a 15 cost activation, and a 7.2 second duration, that means you get 0.48 seconds per energy point spent. (7.2/15=0.48) 


Now let's say Loki has 150 energy.

For 150 energy points without any mods, he get's a total of 36 seconds of effective invisibility. (0.24x150=36)


For 150 energy points With the 70% efficiency build, he get's a total of 72 seconds of effective invisibility. (0.48x150=72) 

So in conclusion, you actually don't lose out on duration when using corrupted efficiency builds after-all. Adding even one duration mod by this point to off-set fleeting would extend your total duration drastically. 

Let's say I add continuity to the corrupted efficiency build:

Fleeting Rank 4 = -40% Duration, +40% Efficiency.

Streamline Max = +30% Efficiency

Total efficiency: +70%. Total Duration: -10%. 


Invisibility duration: 10.8 seconds. 

Cost: 15

Duration per 1 Energy point = 0.72


As before, Loki has 150 energy to spend. 


150 Energy Points * 0.72 = 108 

He gets 108 seconds of total invisibility duration for 150 energy. What was the previous number? 72? So basically you just bought yourself another 36 seconds of total duration to your invisibility, thanks to one continuity.


To get another perspective on it, if you had not used a corrupted efficiency build and added just a single continuity, you'd only gain an additional 10.8 seconds of total duration from a single continuity, which totals out on 46.8 seconds. (36+10.8) 


IN CONCLUSION: You actually don't lose any total duration length when you use a corrupted efficiency build, the only minor inconvenience to follow is that you have to spam your abilities more, which is what you're already doing anyway when you're running a corrupted efficiency build. 


This means that I can ignore commenting this:




Actually I just proved to you with hard cold numbers why corrupted efficiency builds as the meta IS ACTUALLY correct if you want the most out of your energy-pool. 


Using snowglobe as your example of an efficiency build gone bad due to minus duration is actually not an example i'd use. You want Snowglobe to be spammable and have a short duration, since when you start hitting T4's that shield doesn't last much longer than 10 seconds anyway, where your primary focus will be to rely on the initial 4 seconds of snowglobe invulnerability rather than the entire duration of snowglobe itself.

If I were to use an example of an efficiency build gone bad, I'd use something like Limbo, since all his abilities are duration based and his Cataclysm's shrink rate is directly tied to duration, but even he doesn't suffer much because most of his abilities have a 20+ duration length, which is easily rectified with a single continuity to push it back to those numbers, and before the Cataclysm toggle, he would actually benefit from a negative duration build. There are examples of more frames who benefit from negative duration builds, such as Nyx. 


"Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it" is not an argument, it's a plea that asks me to completely ignore its existence. Now how can I do that? When in every game I play there is at least one who just rushes through a level and presses the button. 

Let's use exterminate as an example. There's a limited number of enemies, and I don't get to kill any of them because I am playing Limbo, and a Saryn is coptering ahead pressing one button that instantly kills everyone. If I am lucky, I might be able to get one or two stragglers, but that's as far as my involvement in the match goes. You keep preaching for player choice, well I chose to play Limbo and I don't have massive radial nukes, so I guess I will simply not get to see the enemies then because hey, I CHOSE LIMBO. My fault for utilizing my freedom of choice with differed from the norm, isn't it? Starting to see the problem yet? 


Besides that, you can't compare single-target DPS versus  massive radial nuke abilties.


The former requires you to actively acquire your target and accurately hit them in repeated succession as they go down, while you do that you have to dodge bullets and ensure you have escape routes since you'll be actively participating in battle. 

With the latter, you can hide behind cover completely safe from harm, press one button and affect every enemy in(and out of)sight as long as they are within a 25m radius. 


Which one do you think requires the most effort? And hence justifies the single-target DPS it gets? The former certainly does, the latter does not. 




It's not about being emotionally invested, it's about backing up your arguments. 

I like this game, that makes me emotionally invested and I want to see the game change for the better. Be as emotionally invested as you like, I am not going to hold that against you at all. 


But you have to start backing up your arguments with something other than "It's there but you don't have to use it."


That's like saying the pizza-dressing is over there and it will make this pizza infinitely more tasty, but I don't have to use it...


Thing is that this pizza-dressing is too good to pass up on, SO OFCOURSE I USE IT AND I WOULD BE A FOOL NOT TO! 


Afterall everybody else is already using it, why shouldn't I? I am just missing out completely because I am not using this wonderful pizza dressing. Oh there are different pizza-dressings over there but they are completely inferior, no I only need this one because it's objectively the best, and not only subjectively. 


Are you starting to see the problem with this so-called argument? 


1. Thanks for the math, still doesn't negate that second part, as you're still sacrificing a mod slot to try and bring back up your duration. I'd still not use Fleeting for my Stealth build Ash or Loki, it's my personal preference, and I hate having to sacrifice another slot to patch up the detriment. You sacrifice not one slot, but two, just to fix one of their detriments.


2. You did the math, cool, but I've got a build that works for me, that works very well, actually. My Frosts Defense build actually lasts longer than 10 seconds, thanks to armor and also the help of duration and strength mods. I took on Blind Rage, but that increase in power strength does wonders for my globe. That 4 seconds does help, but it isn't much when the mobs start flooding in after you cast.


3. Haven't used Limbo yet, can't really comment on that. But Nyx, yeah, I like the efficiency build on her, helps me in a pinch to cast my powers and turn my enemies against each other or find a haven in Absorb. Plus shooting off loads of Psychic Bolts in lower level content open maps is a sight of beauty.


4. You also have the freedom to do this:


SteavewithanA, on 11 Jan 2015 - 8:09 PM, said:snapback.png

How are we both doing the exact same thing as people asking for a change? We are advocating freedom and player choice. Not taking away choice...


Spammers are not invalidating your playstyle and taking away your choices. You have the choice to leave or stay. They cant take that away from you. If you don't like the way someone else is playing the game then find a different group. Simple as that. You are refusing to utilize your choice. There is a difference. If I don't like the way a random group is playing I leave. I don't sit in a group that I don't like. I take the responsibility for my own enjoyment. I don't put it on others. By advocating that the game be changed so that people can't spam their powers you are advocating to take away choice....


I claim that we are using our skills as they were designed. No one is hacking their character to gain unlimited energy for ability spam. No one is exploiting anything. Using skills / gear items as they were designed is not an exploit. If DE didn't intend for Energy Vampire to return energy to the whole team than they kinda screwed the pooch on that one because that is exactly the skill they designed. If that wasn't intended then that is a major oversight. If they didn't intend to have energy restores restore energy then not sure how they got in the game. If they didn't intend for Primed Flow to increase or energy pool then why did they put it in the game? A mistake? Did they mean for it to do something else but screwed up the coding? If they didn't intend for 2 of the 6 new syndicate weapons to restore 25% max energy then how in the hell did they get coded that way? Keep in mind that these things were added AFTER viver. After they made statements that they didn't intend for powers to be spammed in such a manner they added more ways to spam powers. So i'll say it again. Either these things are working as they were designed / intended or DE has absolutely no idea what content is being added to their game.


Yes I do say that you should play with like minded individuals. I say this because you want everyone in your squad to play a certain way. That puts the burden on you. If you want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played then you should play with others that share the same mindset. Thats another difference between the "play how I want" group and the "ability spammers" that you seem to be to dense to comprehend. They dont care how you play. They don't care if you don't use a single ability. It doesn't matter to them. They are not expecting you to conform to their play style. You are expecting them to conform to yours. That puts the burden on you. If you want to play in random groups then that is what you will get. Random. Random people play random ways. I'll say it again just to make it clear. You want everyone in your squad to conform to your notion of how the game should be played. You want to force others to play the way you want. It's all about you. "Play my way.". "Play how I want.". If you don't like the way your squad is playing find a different one. When you demand that others play your way the burden is on you to find people that want to play that way. Not on the rest of the community to conform to you wishes.


Spammers don't need to recruit players UNLESS they expect everyone in their squad to spam powers as well. If they want everyone in their squad to conform to their notion of how the game is played then they need to find like minded people to play with. But thats the thing mate. They don't. They don't care how you or the others in their squad play. They are not trying to force you into a particular playstyle. They are, for the most part, willing to let you play however you see fit. But you're right on  one thing. There had never been a thread about guns ruining other peoples fun. I've never once seen a thread claiming that some one with a Boltor Prime or a Penta was ruining someone else's fun. Never. Ever....


I have already addressed your claim that the burden falls on spammers to go to recruit chat. I have already addressed your claims that they are exploiting the system. But i'll reiterate just to be clear. Using abilities / gear as they were designed is not an exploit. It's not. Not. If they were not intended to be in the game then why are they in the game? The burden falls on the individual that expects the rest of their squad to conform to their notion of how the game should be played. Whichever group they happen to be in. But since I have never seen a thread where a spammer was complaining that someone was not spamming their powers i'm going to continue to draw the conclusion that it is the non spammers who want everyone else to conform to their desires and as such the burden falls on them. You have the choice to play as you like, with whomever you like. I support everyone's ability to have choice. If you don't like the way your squad mates are playing you have the choice to leave and find a different squad.


Oh and here too:


You can play the way you want now. You don't need balance to do so. You only need balance to force others to play your way. (How hard is that to understand?)


You only have to segregate yourself if you want everyone to conform to your notion of how to play. That is the case in any game. If I expect everyone in my squad to run meta builds and meta group comps then I have to segregate myself form the majority of the player base. Thats just the way it is. Any time you expect your entire team to conform to your notion of how to play the game, regardless of what that notion is, you have to segregate yourself form those who don't.


Have you ever heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words."? For the sake of argument i'll assume you have. Saying one thing, "abilities should not be spammed", then adding items into the game after making that statement should tell you enough of DEs true feelings on the subject. I can say that i'm a millionaire. But if I have 20 bucks in the bank what I say means nothing. If by "reducing your chances of being able to play for extended periods of time thanks to the whole recruiting portion of your stated fix" you really mean "the majority of players play in a way I don't like, making me the minority, I am not willing to find other players who share my mindset, because there is no one else that shares my mindset, not enough of the community shares my views for me to find 3 others to play with at any given time, because no one who agrees with my view in this thread is one of those people, and I expect the majority to play how I want because I said so" well......yeah....."


I've already addressed how the 40k and up strength of guns beats any ability in straight damage output. Cumulatively, an aoe nuke could do the same amount of damage, but not onto one target. THAT's how it's balanced out. You can shoot a guy for 40k and know that he'll be out of the way (and maybe his buddies with punch through (which in and of itself gives you a form of CC)) or you can use a nuke and hit everything for 3k and most likely kill the enemies in a radius.


Not to mention a gun can go farther than any nuke in the game, but that isn't the point I'm trying to make. Each system has its benefits, and its detriments, guns have the immense damage, but don't have the capabilities of powers when it comes to cc/utility (though elemental combos and procs are always useful), (some powers) have good cc/utility, but not that much damage output when compared to guns.


Guns aren't completely inferior, their damage output tells you why. Don't try and say guns are inferior to powers, because that's straight up wrong. YOU CAN USE BOTH YOUR GUNS AND YOUR POWERS! THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY! YOU CAN USE EITHER IF YOU WANT TO! YOU HAVE THE CAPABILITY, THE ABILITY, THE CHOICE TO DO SO! Whichever one you use, is up to you! You like Aoe effects and pretty colors? Go for your powers! You like aiming down the sights of a gun and obliterating anything that dares to step between your crosshairs? Go for guns! You like being able to throw out your Chaos ability and make every enemy hit each other so that you can blast everything apart with your Boltor Prime and laugh at the impunity of your enemies to stop the onslaught? Go for it!


EXPLICITLY TELLING YOU ALL, I LOVE having the ability to use BOTH my guns and my powers. In later content, it comes down to hoping my power CC allows me the time to shoot everything apart with my bow. I go with Frost, because I like how Ice Wave and Snow Globe give me safety in sniping with my Paris Prime, and Freeze (even if I hate how it's so useless for larger areas) allows me to single out targets, and then if my enemies start bunching up around me I can throw out the Avalanche to take out the smaller threats. I can stand in my Globe and shoot anything that dares step into my view. I can slide around the map and Ice Wave enemies and, while they're slowed, I can pin them to the wall with my arrows.


POWERS aren't the issue that I'm fighting against. NERFING their availability is. I'm not arguing that guns are superior or powers are superior, I'm saying that I love having them both to use at my discretion. HINDERING their availability, is not how we should be approaching this. Taiiat gets it. You don't hurt one or the other to make the other more appealing, because they go together and work together to make the hardest content in this game manageable. Either one could do fine on their own in the regular content. Use your guns and blades or your powers, modded right, you can smash anything in the Star Chart without the need for the other. But you can see how both system shine when they are used in tandem with one another. Your powers provide the breathing room, the CC/Utility, some damage too, but really it's your guns that can obliterate anything that comes your way.


Changing the powers system to have cooldowns doesn't help, it just straight up whacks the availability of powers NOT ONLY to those who you guys are against, the P42W guys, but EVERYONE who goes for caster builds in the game. Not only them, but people who go the gunner route as well. WE ALL suffer because of a change to the energy system like this. Of all the solutions, Taiiat has the best in my opinion, as it isn't hurting the players for playing the game, but helping them to more clearly see that there are other avenues to take if you want a caster build. Having powers function for more than just their damage functions is what I hope to get to one day, where each power is good not just for damage, but for its utility/CC, not just for balance, but so that less people are enticed by just p42w and can see that utilizing an entire kit is what can create some interesting and fun game situations.


We don't hurt guns (which none of us here asked for), and we don't hurt abilities (which I don't want happening, I think Taiiat as well). If you wish to argue that our enemies are still unable to withstand anything we throw at them, be it guns or powers, then I think the best solution is to have more enemies like the Eximi, the Nullifiers, Infested Healers, more enemy mechanics that can withstand our damage output. I proposed a bigger shield version of what Alad V throws out in his Mutalist Boss fight, one that, once deployed is stationary, where an entire squad of Corpus could hide behind it and be safe from our powers and the CC/utility they provide. Enemy laser projectiles going outward receive a damage buff, and we have to either shoot the shield down to get to the squad behind, or run around and shoot them or use our powers to actually have our powers work on them.


Better ways to counter our tools is what we should be looking at doing, not nerfing ourselves to make things more challenging.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Punishing the entire system for the actions of a few isn't how things should be done.

the problem is the same for all Abilities. Energy availability has been basically infinite for more than a year.


you use Abilities, and Enemies drop way more Energy than you generally use to kill them.

whether it's an AoE Blast or not, is irrelevant. if you cast a Self Buff once every few minutes, the Energy you're using to kill Enemies is vastly lower than the Energy you're getting.


the ground is covered with Energy Orbs, there's usually atleast one Energy Siphon (unless 4 Corrosive Projections), everyone has some Efficiency normally, some Weapons and Mods even give Energy.....

there's a ton of sources for Energy.


my Energy Pool on my Warframes is generally almost always full. i ignore Energy most of the time, because i just have infinite for the majority of the time i'm playing the game.


Energy is supposed to limit how much we can use our Abilities to a reasonable amount, except.... it doesn't.

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the problem is the same for all Abilities. Energy availability has been basically infinite for more than a year.


you use Abilities, and Enemies drop way more Energy than you generally use to kill them.

whether it's an AoE Blast or not, is irrelevant. if you cast a Self Buff once every few minutes, the Energy you're using to kill Enemies is vastly lower than the Energy you're getting.


the ground is covered with Energy Orbs, there's usually atleast one Energy Siphon (unless 4 Corrosive Projections), everyone has some Efficiency normally, some Weapons and Mods even give Energy.....

there's a ton of sources for Energy.


my Energy Pool on my Warframes is generally almost always full. i ignore Energy most of the time, because i just have infinite for the majority of the time i'm playing the game.


Energy is supposed to limit how much we can use our Abilities to a reasonable amount, except.... it doesn't.

For more experienced players, yeah. We do have an infinite supply, if we've got someone (or all) with energy siphons, and enough enemies drop orbs, I think it's 1 per enemy though, we can have a lot of energy if we go for max efficiency.


Less experienced players though...not all of them have energy siphons or restores, or even mods to make max efficiency. I think that's why we have so much energy dropping from enemies. They don't scale in drops of items as we scale in power, they just continually drop things. We get mobs of them because we can shoot them to smithereens or blast them apart with our powers. Essentially, we get loads more drops of energy and ammo because we can eliminate the mobs faster and they just keep coming (for endless like survival).


I'm not trying to argue your point, but just to clarify some situations.


Weapons give energy?

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Well folks DE has made another decision today to deter ability spam!


  • Syndicate weapons or Mod procs with Entropy or Blight will now restore 25% of the Warframe’s base energy stat, instead of restoring 25% of the players max energy.


Work is being done to alleviate this matter. We should see more changes further down the pipe but it is a start.

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Well folks DE has made another decision today to deter ability spam!


  • Syndicate weapons or Mod procs with Entropy or Blight will now restore 25% of the Warframe’s base energy stat, instead of restoring 25% of the players max energy.


Work is being done to alleviate this matter. We should see more changes further down the pipe but it is a start.

I'm ok with that, it isn't directly nerfing powers nor their availability by hindering the frame itself. I'm hoping they continue that kind of work.

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I'm ok with that, it isn't directly nerfing powers nor their availability by hindering the frame itself. I'm hoping they continue that kind of work.

Look, I am all for having powers be available to use. However the ability to use the ultimates 100% of the time is what is unbalanced and relegates all other abilities to uselessness on a regular basis. To say nothing of the lack of appeal in the majority of our skills to begin with, but that is by comparison to the ultimate. If the ultimate were not right at our fingertips constantly then that would certainly add more appeal to various other skills at our disposal.


I just wish you could understand the fact that an energy gating mechanic was put there to prevent precisely the occurrences that we have on a daily basis. Ultimates should be(due to their cost) the least usable ability on any frames kit. 


However since the inclusion of several other additions to the game players are able to remove a game system completely. That is flawed design and will most likely be addressed.

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Look, I am all for having powers be available to use. However the ability to use the ultimates 100% of the time is what is unbalanced and relegates all other abilities to uselessness on a regular basis. To say nothing of the lack of appeal in the majority of our skills to begin with, but that is by comparison to the ultimate. If the ultimate were not right at our fingertips constantly then that would certainly add more appeal to various other skills at our disposal.


I just wish you could understand the fact that an energy gating mechanic was put there to prevent precisely the occurrences that we have on a daily basis. Ultimates should be(due to their cost) the least usable ability on any frames kit. 


However since the inclusion of several other additions to the game players are able to remove a game system completely. That is flawed design and will most likely be addressed.

Oh I understand your point, I'm on the other side telling you it isn't actually nothing, 25 energy is 25 energy. Granted, an orb would solve that problem. Not everybody goes for efficiency.


Remember though that it isn't always the ultimates that are specialized efficiency, Frosts Snow Globe (on my offensive build for him), Mag's Pull, Nekros' Desecrate, Nyx's Chaos, the list goes on.


The system isn't removed, it's mitigated, but it is still there. Again, granted, an orb gives you the faculty of all your powers if you've gone for maxed efficiency.


We have no idea how they will proceed, one way or the other or a totally different way, or some dynamic change, none of us do.

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considering Slot 4 Abilities 'ultimates' is the wrong set of mind to begin witih.


we have 4 Abilities, there is no requirement for them to be in order of 'power'.

there is no reason why a Warframe couldn't have 4 Abilities that are all 'equal'. we don't have any like this, (Limbo is the closest one) but that doesn't say whatsoever that we can't.

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Oh I understand your point, I'm on the other side telling you it isn't actually nothing, 25 energy is 25 energy. Granted, an orb would solve that problem. Not everybody goes for efficiency.


Remember though that it isn't always the ultimates that are specialized efficiency, Frosts Snow Globe (on my offensive build for him), Mag's Pull, Nekros' Desecrate, Nyx's Chaos, the list goes on.


The system isn't removed, it's mitigated, but it is still there. Again, granted, an orb gives you the faculty of all your powers if you've gone for maxed efficiency.


We have no idea how they will proceed, one way or the other or a totally different way, or some dynamic change, none of us do.

This is all true.Let me however broach a subject here and lets see how it is received.


Currently the impetus for all these new enemies has been to mitigate or making farming more difficult for players that can spam abilities.

That is good and well that they implement a way to reduce said efficiency of well geared players if it is a concern.


Let's take a look at the other side of the coin and see how that is fair and equitable though to all players(not just well geared ones).


The implementation of various enemies to combat spam and farming all generally have something aimed at either reducing our capability of using powers or high enough damage to be  large enough threat to make them priority enemies. Newer players or even players that are just not spec'd for efficiency are already under a handicap of having no mods and relatively little energy to use to begin with. Add to that the number of enemies designed to remove energy from players or ignore abilities outright AND shield their allies from said abilities and we see an alarming trend form regarding said new players and non spam build players.


What is occurring is that everyone is being punished for the actions of our farmers and that is not equitable in any way nor is it balanced considering said detrimental factors damage gameplay choices more for players that do not p42w than players that do. 


If development continues on this path to countering players it will eventually be necessary that they change energy mechanics period to even make it viable for newer players to get into the game at all.

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This is all true.Let me however broach a subject here and lets see how it is received.


Currently the impetus for all these new enemies has been to mitigate or making farming more difficult for players that can spam abilities.

That is good and well that they implement a way to reduce said efficiency of well geared players if it is a concern.


Let's take a look at the other side of the coin and see how that is fair and equitable though to all players(not just well geared ones).


The implementation of various enemies to combat spam and farming all generally have something aimed at either reducing our capability of using powers or high enough damage to be  large enough threat to make them priority enemies. Newer players or even players that are just not spec'd for efficiency are already under a handicap of having no mods and relatively little energy to use to begin with. Add to that the number of enemies designed to remove energy from players or ignore abilities outright AND shield their allies from said abilities and we see an alarming trend form regarding said new players and non spam build players.


What is occurring is that everyone is being punished for the actions of our farmers and that is not equitable in any way nor is it balanced considering said detrimental factors damage gameplay choices more for players that do not p42w than players that do. 


If development continues on this path to countering players it will eventually be necessary that they change energy mechanics period to even make it viable for newer players to get into the game at all.

Oh I believe they still can. They will most likely be in PUBs, and paired with people around their level, it is doable. Having people higher leveled could help them too.


Enemies like the Eximi and others are there to counter us, but they also scale with the levels of the planets, and even go down to the nodes. I myself had to grind E-Gate in my earlier months to level all my gear. This was before the introduction of the Eximi and Nullifiers of course. Through grinding through the lower levels they can achieve their goals. I myself went for months grinding out lower levels to try and make myself powerful. Ultimately I succeeded and continued to clear the star chart and sail the Void.


Of course, the case isn't the same across the board, but the task is doable, albeit with some more interesting encounters along the way.


Though we do have the introduction of Eximi and Nullifiers, we still have the capabilities to defeat them. We have our guns, after all. Even without our powers. It will take them time to build up their strength, grow their power, but we all had to go through that. It may be a bit more difficult now, but the game was a breeze before for some, and challenging for others, the introduction of the new enemy types do make it harder, when they're higher leveled than the players, but that isn't really gonna happen unless they're in Endless or the end-tier planets.


We also have to see what new mods and how DE changes up the rewards system as well, along with all the other changes coming in this, the year of hopeful 2.0's to see how else the new players, and even us old timers, get to experience the game.

considering Slot 4 Abilities 'ultimates' is the wrong set of mind to begin witih.


we have 4 Abilities, there is no requirement for them to be in order of 'power'.

there is no reason why a Warframe couldn't have 4 Abilities that are all 'equal'. we don't have any like this, (Limbo is the closest one) but that doesn't say whatsoever that we can't.

4 usable abilities, all of which have use outside of damage, that's all I ask for for each of our frames. Synergy between their powers, ugh, it would be a dream come true.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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Oh I believe they still can. They will most likely be in PUBs, and paired with people around their level, it is doable. Having people higher leveled could help them too.


Enemies like the Eximi and others are there to counter us, but they also scale with the levels of the planets, and even go down to the nodes. I myself had to grind E-Gate in my earlier months to level all my gear. This was before the introduction of the Eximi and Nullifiers of course. Through grinding through the lower levels they can achieve their goals. I myself went for months grinding out lower levels to try and make myself powerful. Ultimately I succeeded and continued to clear the star chart and sail the Void.


Of course, the case isn't the same across the board, but the task is doable, albeit with some more interesting encounters along the way.


Though we do have the introduction of Eximi and Nullifiers, we still have the capabilities to defeat them. We have our guns, after all. Even without our powers. It will take them time to build up their strength, grow their power, but we all had to go through that. It may be a bit more difficult now, but the game was a breeze before for some, and challenging for others, the introduction of the new enemy types do make it harder, when they're higher leveled than the players, but that isn't really gonna happen unless they're in Endless or the end-tier planets.


We also have to see what new mods and how DE changes up the rewards system as well, along with all the other changes coming in this, the year of hopeful 2.0's to see how else the new players, and even us old timers, get to experience the game.

4 usable abilities, all of which have use outside of damage, that's all I ask for for each of our frames. Synergy between their powers, ugh, it would be a dream come true.

Hopefully they can find a way to balance all of these things out and still make things fun for us all. I have still yet to hear a proposal though that allows both spam players and non spam players to both obtain equal enjoyment alongside each other in the same mission though and that is what I really am looking forward to.


I am tired of this whole idea that we should have to segregate ourselves to avoid something that limits our individual enjoyment of a mission.

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We don't hurt guns (which none of us here asked for), and we don't hurt abilities (which I don't want happening, I think Taiiat as well). If you wish to argue that our enemies are still unable to withstand anything we throw at them, be it guns or powers, then I think the best solution is to have more enemies like the Eximi, the Nullifiers, Infested Healers, more enemy mechanics that can withstand our damage output. I proposed a bigger shield version of what Alad V throws out in his Mutalist Boss fight, one that, once deployed is stationary, where an entire squad of Corpus could hide behind it and be safe from our powers and the CC/utility they provide. Enemy laser projectiles going outward receive a damage buff, and we have to either shoot the shield down to get to the squad behind, or run around and shoot them or use our powers to actually have our powers work on them.


Better ways to counter our tools is what we should be looking at doing, not nerfing ourselves to make things more challenging.

You realize that if they do this, eventually power-centric builds won't be viable at all, right? They may release as many power-nullifying enemies as they want, but at the same time they'll release stronger weapons and frames to compensate, and to compensate for their newly released powerful items, they'll release even more powerful ability-nullifying enemies, which in turn makes them release another powerful item or frame to deal with them.


This is an evil circle of power-creep and I cannot see in any way how it'd work out, you will be driving your game further into the corner than it already is. 

It doesn't matter if you attempt to release enemies to deal with our frames unless every enemy you release has nullifier powers, because at the press of one button they will be dead and they won't even have had a chance to work their magic on you. 

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40k on a single target?


So overkilling one enemy VS killing/stunning everything makes them equal?


With a single cast its not difficult to pass 40k damage with powers spread out among targets


Actually you dont even have to try to do it


Just hit 4


Youre literally comparing a single target or direct line killer to a wide area killer that uses far less skill with less risk


If guns trivialize enemies as much as powers then why dont we see people spamming their boltor primes on cerberus or draco for EXP?


If guns trivialize enemies as much as powers then where are the "Need boltor prime users" on the recruit chat


If guns trivialize enemies as much as powers then why werent they restricted or even mentioned during viver?


Your argument is entirely ridiculous and youll probably defend it as if youve got a good thing running


Youre only kidding yourself with this

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You realize that if they do this, eventually power-centric builds won't be viable at all, right? They may release as many power-nullifying enemies as they want, but at the same time they'll release stronger weapons and frames to compensate, and to compensate for their newly released powerful items, they'll release even more powerful ability-nullifying enemies, which in turn makes them release another powerful item or frame to deal with them.


This is an evil circle of power-creep and I cannot see in any way how it'd work out, you will be driving your game further into the corner than it already is. 

It doesn't matter if you attempt to release enemies to deal with our frames unless every enemy you release has nullifier powers, because at the press of one button they will be dead and they won't even have had a chance to work their magic on you. 

This is already occurring in a way.


Below is our current situation and it's cause. DE even stated previously that the enemies most recently released were designed as mitigation for our powers and AlphaHorseman himself has admitted this is the case.


This is all true.Let me however broach a subject here and lets see how it is received.


Currently the impetus for all these new enemies has been to mitigate or making farming more difficult for players that can spam abilities.

That is good and well that they implement a way to reduce said efficiency of well geared players if it is a concern.


Let's take a look at the other side of the coin and see how that is fair and equitable though to all players(not just well geared ones).


The implementation of various enemies to combat spam and farming all generally have something aimed at either reducing our capability of using powers or high enough damage to be  large enough threat to make them priority enemies. Newer players or even players that are just not spec'd for efficiency are already under a handicap of having no mods and relatively little energy to use to begin with. Add to that the number of enemies designed to remove energy from players or ignore abilities outright AND shield their allies from said abilities and we see an alarming trend form regarding said new players and non spam build players.


What is occurring is that everyone is being punished for the actions of our farmers and that is not equitable in any way nor is it balanced considering said detrimental factors damage gameplay choices more for players that do not p42w than players that do. 


If development continues on this path to countering players it will eventually be necessary that they change energy mechanics period to even make it viable for newer players to get into the game at all.

Thus we come to the point where DE either further compounds this issue by making it even more convoluted(thus magnifying problems later) or they correct the mistake and bring us back in line with a balanced energy system that is useful but not game trivializing otherwise what I have shown here gets worse and worse on those that have not garnered the OPness we have. My clan has already lost members due to this problem of the enemies, power spam making things un-enjoyable for them in pugs, and the grind(grind was the least of their concerns considering they could not even progress unless myself or our other Warlords helped them,see ability spam problems in pugs).

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You realize that if they do this, eventually power-centric builds won't be viable at all, right? They may release as many power-nullifying enemies as they want, but at the same time they'll release stronger weapons and frames to compensate, and to compensate for their newly released powerful items, they'll release even more powerful ability-nullifying enemies, which in turn makes them release another powerful item or frame to deal with them.


This is an evil circle of power-creep and I cannot see in any way how it'd work out, you will be driving your game further into the corner than it already is. 

It doesn't matter if you attempt to release enemies to deal with our frames unless every enemy you release has nullifier powers, because at the press of one button they will be dead and they won't even have had a chance to work their magic on you. 

Not necessarily. Powers will still work. All you have to do is eliminate the threat that limits them. In essence with the shield thing I proposed, shoot down the shield, or run around/parkour around and attack from the sides/behind. You can still achieve your goal, but it isn't as easy as mashing one button. Or you can just blast apart the shield with whatever gun you've got and send a volley of powers or bullets at the Corpus behind it. The shield itself isn't a direct buff to enemy stats, but it's a tool they can deploy to make them more interesting to fight outside of just aim and shoot or press a power key to kill.


I'm hoping that it's something like that. Sure, we have the eximi units, but they can be overcome with guns and powers. The Nullifiers as well, shoot the sucker down and you're going to be able to use your powers on those who were previously protected by the field. Healers/Disrupters as well, you kill them, and the enemies around them lose their buff. For the shield thing, you stop them from deploying it/shoot down the shield and your powers still work again on those enemies that stayed behind it.


I believe the Healers actually do mitigate damage from guns too, if I'm not mistaken. The shield proposal doesn't nullify all powers, just protects that Corpus squad behind it from the affects of powers. Shoot down the shield, and they'll be just as vulnerable as the rest. I can see what you mean though, casters who primarily utilize their powers, not just he p42w group, but some of the rest as well, will come to the Forums asking why these enemy units were added in to hamper their play style.


But, I'm hoping, just as the nullifiers, players can see that it isn't difficult to kill off the enemy, all you have to do is be a bit more creative or just gun ho it and smash the shield. Either way, both ways are viable, and you can still achieve your goal.


At the same time, I think what could be helpful is if each power had a function outside of damage. Something like CC/Utility to make it a tool not just for killing things, but opening up opportunities to deal with threats. I'm referring to all powers throughout a WarFrames kit, to make it more appealing to players to utilize everything in their WarFrames arsenal, not just the mindless smashing of one button. It would give players the opportunity to diversify their play style if they wish, even though you'll always have those few who decide to just stick to their one power. Giving powers functions not just for damage could help to buff them without actually giving them more direct killing potential.



Hopefully they can find a way to balance all of these things out and still make things fun for us all. I have still yet to hear a proposal though that allows both spam players and non spam players to both obtain equal enjoyment alongside each other in the same mission though and that is what I really am looking forward to.


I am tired of this whole idea that we should have to segregate ourselves to avoid something that limits our individual enjoyment of a mission.

Yep yep.



-whatever this is-


In essense "I'm going to be mad and say you're wrong". Dude, whatever you want to think is whatever you want to think. Guns are good for single target DPS, they rule outright. Powers are good for area damage, that's the point of an AoE. You wanted to compare guns and powers, so we did. I gave you examples of guns that slow 75% or even freeze enemies. You get CC/Utility from procs and punch through, not as much as powers, but it's still something.


They're both good at what they do. One makes sure whatever you're aiming is overkilled to the extreme at can't aim back, and the other whacks a whole area to kill or stunlock your targets.


This is already occurring in a way.


Below is our current situation and it's cause. DE even stated previously that the enemies most recently released were designed as mitigation for our powers and AlphaHorseman himself has admitted this is the case.


Thus we come to the point where DE either further compounds this issue by making it even more convoluted(thus magnifying problems later) or they correct the mistake and bring us back in line with a balanced energy system that is useful but not game trivializing otherwise what I have shown here gets worse and worse on those that have not garnered the OPness we have. My clan has already lost members due to this problem of the enemies, power spam making things un-enjoyable for them in pugs, and the grind(grind was the least of their concerns considering they could not even progress unless myself or our other Warlords helped them,see ability spam problems in pugs).


Yeah, they're adding in content that helps to combat someone from just throwing out one power all the time. It's an interesting way to combat it, as it isn't entirely whacking anyone who wants to go Caster, it's a viable play style that still functions fine on the battlefield. How they will continue, we won't know yet until they give the word. It'll be an interesting year to see how things change and progress.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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