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Should Endgame Move Away From The Void?


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I'm not the most experienced player. I only started doing Void missions recently and have done a few dozens of runs by now. I'm already getting a bit tired of it. While the Void tileset is among the better ones, being there almost all the time is quite monotonous.


While I was working on my remaining star chart completion, I ended up soloing a Survival mission on Ceres, because as always no team mates were available. While doing it, I realized something: it's pretty cool. Ceres has a nice, unique tile set and probably the largest enemy variety in WF. The enemies are also nasty. They're better-balanced than Void enemies, where it's just Nullifier Overlords + Invisible Rockets + OH %$ A HOOK + random mooks. Overall, it seemed like a fun experience, but there wasn't much of a point in doing it. It made me wonder...


What if normal planets had rewards comparable to the Void? Not monetarily, of course, but what if they had their Prime equivalents? The Void drop tables are infamously inflated nowadays, so outside of introducing new types of Void missions, adding to them doesn't seem like a good idea. The planets wouldn't drop Prime parts, of course. They could, however, drop new mods, Vandal/Wraith/%INFESTED_PRIME% parts for new weapons or even (controversy!) old event weapons. To make all planets worth visiting, these rewards would have to be planet-specific, just like Prime parts are specific to certain types of Void missions.


The current star chart reward system is terribly outdated and nonsensical. The highest tier of rewards is lvl 20+, but beyond that there's nothing. Technically, mobs on Ceres drop Vay Hek key parts, but that's only relevant if you want Hydroid and are willing to grind for him. Adding unique parts could liven it up a bit. DE seems to be heading this way with weapon parts in Archwing, but the regular game needs it, too, in my opinion.


There are many ways in which this could be implemented. The rewards could be simply added to drop tables. They could also come from invasions, Nightmare missions (would need a Nightmare revamp first), alerts or a daily rotation of missions. Not the typical MMO dailies, but repeatable missions that offer special rewards on that day. This could help bring players together, offer some direction to where the rewards are and help newbies unlock the star chart.



Right now, it feels like a huge part of WF's assets is wasted. DE is talking about adding new tile sets like the underwater one, but I can't help but wonder what for. They won't see continuous use. The Ice Planet tile set was introduced recently and is barely used. It's nice for newbies who are completing planets for the first time, but that's about it. I think many newbies don't even get to the far-away planets.



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There is only one place where endgame can truly stand: PvP. Nothing spells CHALLENGE more than a human opponent. 

Unfortunately, the game mechanics and Dark Sector mechanics in particularly are way off the mark, I can't say anything good  about  it. 


Dark Sectors needs a total reboot/deeply reworked mechanics with e-sports rules as the backbone to become meaningful, then we'd have 'endgame'. 

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There is only one place where endgame can truly stand: PvP. Nothing spells CHALLENGE more than a human opponent. 

Unfortunately, the game mechanics and Dark Sector mechanics in particularly are way off the mark, I can't say anything good  about  it. 


Dark Sectors needs a total reboot/deeply reworked mechanics with e-sports rules as the backbone to become meaningful, then we'd have 'endgame'. 


I'm afraid I have to disagree with this notion. While AI can never be as neccesarily unpredictable as a human player, they can still be more then difficult enough to constitue as 'endgame' content. There's also the fact that many of us don't like dealing with the competitive mindset that many PVP players have of winning at any cost, glitch, imbalance, or general exploit. Even if AI can be cheap, at least it can be corrected easily enough through code so long as the developers realize the mistake, but even with balances and rules put in place there is no 'correcting' general bad human behavior.


And speaking of human behavior, I'd rather not have to deal with whiny poor sported brats or elitist pricks either. Sure they exist in co-op play as well, but not in nearly as great in numbers as they do in the competitive scene.


I'm not saying that PVP has no place in Warframe, but it should not solely fill such a vital part of it such as the endgame content.

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There is only one place where endgame can truly stand: PvP. Nothing spells CHALLENGE more than a human opponent. 

Unfortunately, the game mechanics and Dark Sector mechanics in particularly are way off the mark, I can't say anything good  about  it. 


Dark Sectors needs a total reboot/deeply reworked mechanics with e-sports rules as the backbone to become meaningful, then we'd have 'endgame'. 

It will be a long way before PvP will be balanced in this game(maybe 1,5 year).

Just take a look at current weapon/warframe balance, basically on PvP viable is only magnetic/ radiation and toxic dmg. Warframe abilities dont fit PvP fighting style, There is a huge gap between warframes in terms of dmg and survability. Just imagine how you want to defeat mirage when she cast prism ball with banshee or ember, Its almost imposible, Excal radial javelin ? whole map dead ?

Its possible to make PvE challenging just take a look at arma 2/3, Path of exile, Mass effect 3 in coop mode for example.

After 6 months of playing warframe i decided to play me3 for a while and i couldnt do even gold challeng without dying. (before i started my adventure with warframe i could do gold difficulty without any problem). And there was a platinium challenge which i managed to complete once. That was challenging, Dynamic gameplay, different enemy classes, You entered on proper difficulty lvl without enemy scalling. It is  way easier to balance than current system in warframe. But DE prefer to force player in one place an defend something which is very boring. how many times you can to interception/def. Nothing changes there. Void is always the same map. Doing it over and over again isnt challenging. + the new void music you are so sleepy and tired that you cant even notice what killed you...

The highest difficulty now in warframe is T4 void.

Its quite easy to 25/30 min mark.

And after 40 min mark basically everything can one shot you (Nullifers with theirs lanka, Heavy grinier, Orokind drones from moas).

They arent challenging, they just tear warframes apart in matter of 2 sec. It doesnt matter how strong, agile or speed you are, even in Dark souls it is easier to avoid dead that is now on T4 surv after 45 min mark.

We dont need endless content, which after some lvl is almost imposiible to play.

Just give us missions with higher lvls, strong enemies with reasonable Dmg output.

Endgame should be something more than Void with higher lvl.

There should be some kind of place where we can enter with our best gear and dont wait till the enemies lvl will go higher and then just quit because everything kills you with one shot. Place where we could farm something more than credits/fusion cores etc. Some bosses with a chance to drop legendary cores, artefacts which we could  fuse with our warframes to make them stronger. For player who has almost all possible mods warframe is very boring. Basically you help other players or farm for cores/credits and hope that maybe there will be a mod worth fusing those 3k cores..


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