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Quitting For The Foreseeable Future.


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I cant bring myself to farm anything more in this game.... I need T4Sab for Nova Parts, I do interception when I feel like it.

I need Prime Parts for ducats, I stay away from Void missions.

I need Rep... I get only 2k~4K a day.


Rep is hard to obtain now ? :l

Look Cerberus 4 games fastest (meaning cap all 4), you get 8k reputation.

And with the removal of T4 keys, it is the only fastest way to get keys since everyone else and their mom is too interested in Stephano and Draco.

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See you around Hiryu, hope that your future gaming endeavours bring many a happy smile to your face. I'll probably be joining the same path you've taken, even though I've spent a helluva lot lesser on this game, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much. 


thanks man, you two in w/e game you come to call your main

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I've not logged on to WF seriously for awhile now.  I'm saddened by all the things DE has put up, all I know is that everything that is hyped will come with bitter disappointment.  I'm not talking about the bugs, I'm talking about the flaws the game has that should have been fixed ages ago.  With all the new shiny stuff that comes in, twice to three times that amount of new bugs and/or flaws come with it.


I wish you the best Hiryu, I find most who see the flaws are on the road you take, like me.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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This game is quickly turning to freemium.


Let me know what you all think be it agree with me, dissagree with me, or flame me. I'll watch this thread for a while and glance at the forums occasionally. As it stands though I will not grace warframe with the space on my near death hard drive.


Welcome to F2P. How did you like it? Would you do it again? What made you have faith with DE? What sets them apart?

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I knew YOU were joking, I meant posts in general.


Besides your post was not funny. Plus you're being rude now, only furthering how unnecessary your post was.

Nope, this isn't derailment.  


I've been playing for a year and I'm starting to feel the burn of all the grinding.  For the most part, I only log in to play with friends that bug me IRL.  It'd be nice if DE followed through with their comment about reducing the grind.

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Rep is hard to obtain now ? :l

Look Cerberus 4 games fastest (meaning cap all 4), you get 8k reputation.

And with the removal of T4 keys, it is the only fastest way to get keys since everyone else and their mom is too interested in Stephano and Draco.

No, its not that, I CANT bring myself to FARM Rep. I CANT bring myself to go to any of the FARMING places. Everytime I think about it, I get out of the game and start petting Catherine.... she is thankful for that.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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 you ignored the entire post then, i presented what i found to be an ongoing issue and at the end of my post asked for peoples oppinions on it. If you dont think thats a disscussion then you may find another thread




Truthfully, I know what you mean. Its sad to see you go, you might not remember me (we traded before and I recognize you from your posts on the forums), but if you leave add me on steam.


Hope to play with you again soon. Happy Hunting Tenno.

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The worst part is to watch as the Hope in the game fades aways day after day...


When I joined warframe my first thought was "this game has an immense potential", now I wonder if this potential will ever be explored.

I brought myself many people into the game, all were excited at first, then bored with the grind and repetition, then just left, I kept my faith in the Devs, I believed in the constant improvement, that as it started it would evolve amazingly... but its pace just forces me to take breaks, the new contents they add do not please me at all, superficial content, kubrows, lisets, it feels like they believe the main game is already done so they can add all kind of other things, many times I defended the game: "this boss sucks but its a placeholder soon they're giving us a real boss", " this mission is boring and silly but its another placeholder, they will make fun missions", but when you watch the Devstreams you're filled with hope, they say they will reduce the RNG, that they understand the grind problems and all, but then the updates bring more RNG, annoying walls, it's hard to keep the faith really.

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I agree with some points of the OP, but I have to touch on the last part. I feel that 5k rep for 5 T4 keys was way too cheap considering the amount of affinity and rep gain, not to mention the items, you can get from those missions. The price needed a little bump, just to stop players from building up a ridiculous amount of keys.


Anyway, I don't really have much to say. I'm sorry for your continued frustration, and I hope to see DE win you back somehow. I love this game, I know all of you guys do too. For now, I'll remain optimistic that change is near. Hope to see you back in the future. Take it easy :F

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thanks man, you two in w/e game you come to call your main

I do hope you find some fun (and hopefully less tedious , grindy , RNG based) games to enjoy. For me it looks like it may be time for another break. I will still check in on things in the hopes that something improves. I enjoy my tenno and weapons but I do not approve of the directions taken by the developers as of the past few months. I've spent my fair share on Warframe rushing some things and buying both Mesa and Valkyr when they were the main release frames. My track record on this game is no where near as long as yours (Started  in February 2014) but I too see the issues here and see a majority of suggestions and ideas from the community shot down. Only to be replaced with something that further upsets the veterans or a majority of the community. I want to see whats up ahead on this road but if it's more negativity I believe its time to take a turn.

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I find myself getting ever so close to walking the same path as the OP. Mesa was probably one of the most disheartening grind-fests that I've come across in some time. DE seems like they are finding newer and more creative ways to make the grinding problem even more of a problem as time goes on. I'm getting to the point that I cannot bring myself to farm for anything anymore. Even parts for certain weapons are becoming grind-fests. I want to love this game, but I find myself becoming bored with it the more I play it. In situations such as these, it's better to just go on a hiatus of sorts and hope things improve.

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Nope, this isn't derailment.  


I've been playing for a year and I'm starting to feel the burn of all the grinding.  For the most part, I only log in to play with friends that bug me IRL.  It'd be nice if DE followed through with their comment about reducing the grind.

How ironic considering my original comment was to PREVENT derailment but whatever keep being inflammatory for no reason, typical forum behavior.

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You're doing the right thing. Right now there's nothing keeping anyone here unless they're really blind to the many flaws this game has.

"if you like the game, have faith it will go down a better path, or simply do not take things so seriously as to get your panties in a twist over even the most mundane problem, you are blind and wrong".


The WF forums are so depressing.

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First off, I have paid almost 300 bucks here so I am not some free kid. Second I don't mind paying the money to save some time. And third, I am tired of all the gouging going on here; it's disgusting.


The death/afk thing is almost the final straw b/c it's clear this was done not to benefit players but instead to try to up their money take in. ie. this change was most likely done to force people to pay for revives.


Anyways, it's also apparent that player numbers are dropping off thus their answer to that is to increase grind to the point that it makes korean grinders look tame, increase CS prices to capitalize on frustrate players not wanting to grind the same repetitious content we been doing for years, and try to leech whatever cash they can off the few (and loyal) customers remaining. It's kinda of lame if you really ask me and I wish they would actually treat us like valued customers rather than just chumps.


This game is more and more ending up exactly like the usual F2P garbage dumps: cost 10x more than a b2p/sub game for less service.


I used to think WF was the fairest F2P out there and now it's really not. /sad

Edited by fizbit
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EEEEEEh People developing rage for a total free game!

I'd just like to have those money to spend on the EPIC great master Founder Prime!!!

Maybe it's time for me to go back home and asking them to mommy and poppy!

So I would enrage too because a small (and yet great) video game agency doesn't develope the game as big as my Ego wants!

And then I would menace everyone of quitting the game and opening meaningless threads on the forum!

Really people, show some smartness and maturity.

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So when founders go extinct will they release Excalibur prime in game? Lol sorry had to

yes but you will have to grind out a key that needs 3 parts and each part needs 3 parts and each of the 3 parts that make up a part drops from M alad V





Truthfully, I know what you mean. Its sad to see you go, you might not remember me (we traded before and I recognize you from your posts on the forums), but if you leave add me on steam.


Hope to play with you again soon. Happy Hunting Tenno.


added you, To anyone that wants to add me and hit me up for any other game my steam is Dr Hopper http://steamcommunity.com/id/ragondicon

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Yes, bye. This doesn't help anyone's situation or contributes anything to Warframe. People come and go, stop making threads about it.


try reading the main post again then make a reply


"if you like the game, have faith it will go down a better path, or simply do not take things so seriously as to get your panties in a twist over even the most mundane problem, you are blind and wrong".


The WF forums are so depressing.



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First off, I have paid almost 300 bucks here so I am not some free kid. Second I don't mind paying the money to save some time. And third, I am tired of all the gouging going on here; it's disgusting.


The death/afk thing is almost the final straw b/c it's clear this was done not to benefit players but instead to try to up their money take in. ie. this change was most likely done to force people to pay for revives.



Not even close.

I'm sick of explaining why none of that makes any sense though.

Not to mention the 1 min rule only applies on non-endless missions which are typically the ones where you are least likely to die and not be rezzed.

Unless you cheesed it away from your team or did in fact leech, in which case: Don't do that.

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