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New Menace, Possible New Faction?


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During Devstream 44 I along will many other people, picked up on some hinting at a new menace and or new faction about to come crashing into the world of warframe.


I am looking forward to this more then anything that has happened in warframe so far, so much so that I thought it would be fun to suggest ways to hint the introduction of the new menace and/or faction before the are actually properly introduced. What I mean by this is implementing mysterious "Sightings" and/or "strange activity" that occurs randomly during missions that doesn't usually happen.


Examples of this would be something like:


- Having Lotus randomly say stuff like "How strange...Tenno, I detected a mysterious signal frequency just now, it didn't last long and the origin is unknown. How strange indeed"




- During missions where the extraction point is on a ledge with a drop at the end having a shadowy figure standing on the extraction point as the players come into sight of is at which point the figure runs off the edge of the point and disappears followed by Lotus saying something like "Tenno, did you see that? I don't think that was a (enemy faction) E.g if you are fighting grineer she says "I don't think that was a Grineer"  




- Something a bit more eerie and creepy, would be something like having lotus randomly say, after the mission objective has been completed "Tenno, listen very carefully, something is watching you, I don't know what, but there is something there, with you, and it is neither Grineer, Corpus or Infested, you have to leave, now!" and then during the rest of the mission have strange sounds randomly as the players make their way to the extraction point.


This is just something I thought would be a bit of fun to do to add a sense of build up, but I am also aware the the devs are very busy, which I understand, I just thought it would be an idea to run by them



Edited by TMAN6539
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I was hoping for an end-of-stream transmission from at least Tyl. I was sad.


But yeah, there's definitely a new faction on the horizon - what it is and how it'll change things is currently unknown (yeahyeah, Sentients and all that - honestly, it IS pretty likely, but I like being contradictory and so I say that seems a little TOO obvious, for the time being).

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Devstream 55? Oh my god, you guys, we've found a time traveler!!


Too easy...



Alright, now onto the actual post.


If we're going to have these kinds of "sightings" to hint at the new faction coming, I think the Lotus saying anything at all ruins it. Especially if it's your suggestions (sorry, but it's true). If you want this kind of stuff to work, it has to be subtle. Like the "entity at extraction" one there. Have nothing in the game actually acknowledge that that was there, just let the player wonder if he really did see that or if it was just his imagination or something. If the Lotus said anything, that'd be the devs just going "No, yeah, you definitely saw that. That's definitely something that exists and we put there." Any kind of acknowledgement from the game concerning the sightings would be the developers acknowledging they put it there, and would take the mystery out of it.


And, if the Lotus were to say some of the lines you suggest, that would basically be equated to the game rubbing on our faces, "Look guys! There's this thing coming that is most absolutely definitely not Grineer, Corpus, Infested, or anything else that has been in the game up until this point! But what could it beeeeee??? Spoooooooky...." and you can imagine that this would also be kind of a buzz-kill.


Finicky, tangentially-related post-writing nitpicking aside, I had not caught these hints of a new faction on the latest Devstream. Still, I'm just as hype as everyone else for a new faction, especially if it's the much-awaited Sentients of lore, and some (subtle) weird sightings and occurrences would definitely help the Hype Train take off when the time came.


Also, post n#1111. lel

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
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In Devstream 37 they showed a little office-picture and revealed some (not a lot...) information about the new faction:



Okay... they only revealed the space this section needs on the big black wall... yeaaaaa <.<


As far as I remember the new faction will be kinda creepy and weird (not infested weird, but still really fked up o.o)


Oh, and: I like some of your ideas^^

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Yeah, it's probably the Sentients. We know they're kinda animal-like because they are described as "swarming" (Mirage Quest).

That seems like a stretch. Any sort of horde could swarm. Even if they're crystalline or something.


The only thing we KNOW about their physical features is that apparently they'll be the least humanoid faction, comparably. While this COULD be some sort of animal-based faction, I feel like the other theories people have - that these are some sort of crystalline entities or a hive mind of angry AIs/robots - are a bit more accurate.


The AI/Robot thing would explain very well why they could turn the Orokin tech against its wielders. Classic robot apocalypse scenario: the robots take over, everything becomes...wait.

Everything would become SENTIENT.


Hence zero-tech suits and bioweapons - the Infestation and the Tenno both apply to the latter category. We bring in the non-tech to fight our enemies and tear them apart, whether we're ripping apart machinery or some sort of crystalline enemies (I think crystalline forms would be cool, personally, but that's irrelevant).

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