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[Warframe Concept] Vanagan - Werewolf/hunter Frame


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Here's a concept I've been toying with in the back of my mind. Sorry in advance for the lack of pictures.

Name Origin

Vanagan is a more readable version of Vánagandr, or "Monster of Van River", an alternative name of Fenris. Fenris was one of Loki's Three children, who would all be key in the events leading to Ragnarok. He was imprisoned by the Gods, who feared his rapid growth and his nature as a son of Loki. During Ragnarok, Fenris's two sons will swallow the Sun and Moon, Fenris himself will be freed and he will attack the Gods, successfully killing Odin before he himself is slain.

New Status effect: Anxiety

Anxiety is a debuff limited only to Vanagan's skill set. While Tenno in and of themselves are horrific monsters slaughtering hundreds with little effort, Vanagan takes it to another level, gruesomely tearing off limbs or mauling to death enemies, a Monster among the monsters. Anxiety causes affected enemies to have lowered accuracy, and causes their actions to have a chance at failing (IE: Reloading, but due to shaky hands, dropping the clip, trying to use a control module but failing due to nervousness about leaving themselves exposed, ect.). Enemies affected by anxiety have lowered awareness, allowing you to sneak behind them even if they are alerted. This does not affect bosses or Corpus proxies (ex: MOAs)

Polarities: 1 V, 1 D
Aura: D

Skill 1: Prowl/Pounce
Cost: 5 Energy/20 Energy

Activating the skill once engages Prowl, causing Vanagan to move on all-fours, increasing running speed and reducing the stamina cost. Using Melee is this position causes him to convert his melee damage to Slash, otherwise dealing the same damage as his equipped Melee weapon. He remains in this form until he Uses pounce, or the duration is over.

Activating the ability mid-prowl causes him to Pounce, leaping in the direction of his Reticule. If he collides into an enemy, he will pin them to the ground and begin assaulting them with his claws. These attacks deal the damage of Vanagan's melee weapon, converted to Slash

Pouncing on enemy applies Anxiety to it.
If Vanagan kills the enemy he pounced on, Nearby enemies are afflicted with Anxiety.
Prowl duration scales with Duration.
# of attacks on a pinned enemy, and Speed bonus scale with Strength

Skill 2: Hunter's Call
Cost: 75

Vanagan lets out a invigorating howl, summoning two hunting hounds. These hounds last until they are killed. The hounds consume fallen corpses in order to regain health, destroying them in the process. The hounds may loot fallen corpses, having a 45% chance of having the enemy reroll their drop table. Hounds apply Anxiety to nearby enemies when they kill or consume a corpse.

The hound prioritize actions in the following order
1: Attack
2: Consume corpses
3: Loot corpses

The hounds prioritize enemies in the following order
1: Enemies pounced on by Vanagan
2: Enemies afflicted by Rend
3: Enemies afflicted by Anxiety
4: Enemy that last attacked them
5: Closest enemy

Hounds gain strength from Power Strength
Hounds gain durability from Power Duration.
The amount of health gained for consuming corpses scales with Duration and Strength.

Skill 3: Feral
Cost: 15 Energy at cast, 5 energy per second afterwards.

-Light Grineer, except Shield Lancers, have broken bones. They have reduced damage output and are afflicted with Anxiety
-Shield Lancers have broken bones as well, forcing them to hold their shields awkwardly and afflicting them with Anxiety
-Medium Grineer have giant chunks of armor busted up, reducing armor and applying anxiety.
-Heavy Grineer, except Drahk Masters, have their faceplates smashed, drastically reducing accuracy and applying anxiety
-Drahk Masters have their Neural link busted, converting their Drahks to Vanagan's side, and applying Anxiety to the Master.

-Corpus Crewmen, except Nullifiers and John Prodman, have the shield generators busted, removing their shield and preventing it from recovering. Anxiety is applied.
-Nullifiers, assuming they didn't pop on contact, lose their bubble thingy.
-John Prodman, on hit, gets supercharged, Allowing him to 1-Shot the upcoming J-3 and Baphomet simultaneously, permanently applying Anxiety on every infested unit hit with a Prova.
-Corpus Proxies have their Ascaris units torn off, ramping up their damage but causing them to attack everyone.

-Infested Units with unique traits (Lobber Crawler, Disrupting Ancient, Boiler, Broodmother), have these features shut off.
-Chargers and other "plain" units have slash procs applied instead.

Vanagan enters a feral trance, Applying an armor boost and forces him into Melee. Vanagan's melee attacks gain a considerable boost in speed and have a chance of crippling enemies on hit based on type.

Cripple effects are permanent.

Skill 4: Ragnarok
Cost: 100

During the duration, the following effects are applied to Vanagan's skills
-If a target is sucessfully pounced upon, Vanagan strikes twice as many times
-If Vanagan's hounds successfully loot a corpse, they have a chance to loot the corpse a second time
-If Vanagan's hounds consume a corpse, the corpse has a chance to be preserved.
-If an enemy afflicted by Feral's cripple effect is killed, Vanagan is refunded some energy
-If any skill from Vanagan would apply anxiety, Enemies that would be affected freeze in terror for two seconds

Allies gain the following effects during the duration
-Killing an enemy causes nearby enemies freeze in terror for 2 seconds
-Stealth attacks may be performed so long as you are behind the enemy, regardless if they are alerted or not.

Vanagan releases a loud howl, causing all lights to shut down for the next 60 seconds. During this duration, Vanagan gains vision similar to that of the Codex scanner, (seeing enemies throgh walls and stuff, like Heat vision). All enemies within a large range of Vanagan are afflicted with Anxiety (Similar to an aura).

(Did you think it was a "Press 4, Everything dies." skill? :P)

Ability Augments:

Stalking Prowl/Surprise Pounce:

Augments Prowl/Pounce. Prowl now causes Vanagan to become less noticeable when not running.
Pounce now strips away armor each hit if the target was not alerted prior to being pounced on.


Augments Feral. Enemies within a range of a foe afflicted with a cripple debuff are afflicted with Anxiety; Applies Lifestrike on Melee hit during Feral.


2-16-15: Reworked Rend, now named Feral.
-It is now a Discount Hysteria, except he cripples his opponents instead of going God Mode.
-Reworked Ragnarok slightly to reflect this, and now the synergy makes sense.
-Reworked Ability Augment to apply Lifestrike on hit.
-Slash procs only apply on the Vanilla infested units
Reworked Anxiety to balance it out a bit
Added a Corpus Crewman survivor telling his buddies about his encounter with Vanagan.

Changed Aura Polarity to D 

1/12/15: Reworked skills;
-Anxiety now makes it easy to sneak past foes, in addition to prior effects.
-Vanagan now has hounds to fight alongside him.
-Rend now applies Slash alongside it's effect.
-Ragnarok now interacts with other skills, but no longer scales with mods.
- Allies now gain effects during the duration.
-Aura Polarity changed from Dash to V.

"Tenno 2spooky4me"- Grineer Lancer, 2015-2015
"It was horrifying. The Betrayer was like a wild beast, killing us by the dozens. No, this one was different, It had an unnatural look, like a humanoid Kubrow, as it tore through my fellow Crewmen with it's claws. We could only watch in horror as it's hounds feasted upon the corpses of the Nullifier Crewmen we dispatched to contain it, and we could only pray silently as it's howl shut out all light sources aboard the ship, with the sounds of my Allies and their dying screams echoing through the halls. I hope, my brothers, you do not encounter the Betrayer they call Vanagan."-Corpus Crewman, 2015

Edited by (XB1)PompousNinja156
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They have flashlights built into the Helmets of their frames. It's easily forgotten because we rarely use it.

yea but total darkness would still be bad as the light has such a small cone. it would make teamwork a premium when in missions. which is something im ok with as a player who finds no fun in solo. 

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yea but total darkness would still be bad as the light has such a small cone. it would make teamwork a premium when in missions. which is something im ok with as a player who finds no fun in solo. 

I can see how this can cause an insue given that a player can troll his teamate using their Warframe skill, in this instance, denying vision. No different from Nova who deny Nekros corpses to desecrate, or Limbo banishing allies to deny drops/damage.

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I can see how this can cause an insue given that a player can troll his teamate using their Warframe skill, in this instance, denying vision. No different from Nova who deny Nekros corpses to desecrate, or Limbo banishing allies to deny drops/damage.

agree agree agree. im not saying to change the ability, i love it. but it would be a problem for people who aren't that great with co-op. 

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This is one of the more original concepts of a Warframe I've seen, I really like the idea of running on all fours to make the distinction in his abilities.  The abilities proposed themselves also have interesting dynamic but I'd like to see either a more pronounced solo or team aspect to this Warframe, how would he contribute by using these skills in high end content?

In addition, understanding if he's a utility, support, defense, melee, ranged, or other focus of fighter would help us to see what sort of base stats he should be running around with.  This is the sort of Warframe I should hope the community would say, POTENTIAL...hmm, and from there contribute possible artwork and other ideas for DE to consider in going about creating such a unique Warframe.

+1 up for this.

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This is one of the more original concepts of a Warframe I've seen, I really like the idea of running on all fours to make the distinction in his abilities.  The abilities proposed themselves also have interesting dynamic but I'd like to see either a more pronounced solo or team aspect to this Warframe, how would he contribute by using these skills in high end content?

In addition, understanding if he's a utility, support, defense, melee, ranged, or other focus of fighter would help us to see what sort of base stats he should be running around with.  This is the sort of Warframe I should hope the community would say, POTENTIAL...hmm, and from there contribute possible artwork and other ideas for DE to consider in going about creating such a unique Warframe.

+1 up for this.

I would agree that the skills are a bit off, but that's why it's a concept eh?


As for stats, I see it mirroring or at least close to Valkyr in terms of defenses. Lower sprint speed than average, but the diferrence covered by Prowl's boost, and a low energy pool as I don't want spamming of Rend a possibility.


As for art, I have zero talent. If anyone graces this concept with their ability to create, that'd be nice.

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I want it.

I may or not have a werewolf bias. 

I like prowl/pounce best, sounds pretty fun pouncing on things. Plus the fact he's sort of stealth oriented but not just a "go invisible" frame.

I always hated that. "Go invisible" is the laziest way to claim a frame has Stealth capabilities.


I wanted to go the Horror Movie route with it; You're aware of the monster, but you can never be sure when it's going to strike. In this case, you're the monster, and because your prey are so focused on when you're going to pounce, they become unaware of the more important bit, Where they'll get pounced from.

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I can't seem to find it, but I thought Warframe targets had positional damage too.  If this is the case, creating a Warframe like this that can take advantage of it would be terrific.  I like the new twist on stealth.  While I don't think we should play down those frames that go into stealth by the invisibility skill, this gives it a whole new meaning and one that the team can readily use to their advantage.  In a way though, it's much like Excaliber's radial blind.

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I can't seem to find it, but I thought Warframe targets had positional damage too.  If this is the case, creating a Warframe like this that can take advantage of it would be terrific.  I like the new twist on stealth.  While I don't think we should play down those frames that go into stealth by the invisibility skill, this gives it a whole new meaning and one that the team can readily use to their advantage.  In a way though, it's much like Excaliber's radial blind.

Let me put it this way then. I find the whole "Invisible = Stealth" thing lazy because it really has a single use in practice, To run away after you've been seen and are getting pelleted with bullets. While I won't say Vanagan's sneaking skills are any better, it at least has an offensive aspect you actually want to use, unlike Mr. Stun-n-Run or Loki's "Now you see me, now you don't" routine.


To be fair though, Stealth 2.0 needs to arrive to remedy that, so stealth is an actual option.

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well,ive been summoned to assist with a concept...can any of you give me a basic description of how this is spost to look?cause all the art of fenris,or vanagan etc. is of a really large wolf


and considering that kubrows arent warframes...and there are many examples of humanoid combat werewolfes and what have you,i need someone to go pick one of these examples from a movie and direct me to it,then i can begin

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ah,i think i got it...


i was thinking back to an old anime episode i watched on tv back in the late 90's (yeah im 25)


there was a scene where this modest looking guy entered this dark room that had a giant monster in it...then the guy took his shirt off (yay for me :D),he then looked at the monster for afew seconds and said "i should only need to increase my power by 30%",then the guy started increasing is musculature and size in general,and then a very impressive beat down of said giant monster ensued


i was thinking of that memory just now and thought "that would look cool with claws and a little bit of fur",then i got my idea for vanagan here...just need to work out the head to complete the idea and then we're all set...


but ill work on the body first,as logic dictates that given a parameter of a task with more than one part,i must tackle the larger less complicated part first

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;) its coming along nicely,i think you guys will be in for a real treat



update 1: wow,head is complete,i certainly didnt anticipate that,but this is looking vastly better than i anticipated,btw i started at 9 p.m. and its 3:39 a.m. now


update 2: 4:35 a.m. finished Pavor Mataris(latin) a.k.a Skripi Spjót (norse) weapon for vanagan

Edited by GunDownGrace
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;) its coming along nicely,i think you guys will be in for a real treat



update 1: wow,head is complete,i certainly didnt anticipate that,but this is looking vastly better than i anticipated,btw i started at 9 p.m. and its 3:39 a.m. now


update 2: 4:35 a.m. finished Pavor Mataris(latin) a.k.a Skripi Spjót (norse) weapon for vanagan

Go get some sleep.

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