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[Warframe Concept] Vanagan - Werewolf/hunter Frame


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Go get some sleep.

 that norse part was abit of flavor text,though i myself cant fathom how to pronounce that




Update 3: 9:22 p.m. Finished 75% of vanagan so far,testing out some fur embellishments,having a problem making the left hand,speculating about leg configuration,


is there anything specific you want,like symbols or the like, before i finish and post?


update 4: 12:33 a.m. completed most of the lower body..still need to complete lower legs,right hand,fixed problem with left hand,still need to add fur embellishments

Edited by GunDownGrace
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 that norse part was abit of flavor text,though i myself cant fathom how to pronounce that




Update 3: 9:22 p.m. Finished 75% of vanagan so far,testing out some fur embellishments,having a problem making the left hand,speculating about leg configuration,


is there anything specific you want,like symbols or the like, before i finish and post?


update 4: 12:33 a.m. completed most of the lower body..still need to complete lower legs,right hand,fixed problem with left hand,still need to add fur embellishments

Not really. I don't have much in the way of my vision for Vanagan, and I'm open to any artistic interpretation. All I'd suggest is to keep an eye on the functions of Vanagan's skills, such as running on all fours when using Prowl, thus requiring a body structure to support Quadrupedal and Bipedal movement, Vanagan requiring claws of some sort for Rend, and so on.    

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Not really. I don't have much in the way of my vision for Vanagan, and I'm open to any artistic interpretation. All I'd suggest is to keep an eye on the functions of Vanagan's skills, such as running on all fours when using Prowl, thus requiring a body structure to support Quadrupedal and Bipedal movement, Vanagan requiring claws of some sort for Rend, and so on.    

ah good then :) ill take a gander after i get my coffee. ive done quite well i think in using a sort of multiplexing math to give vanagan a more european style of armor.i know some might say its abit of a drift from the "eastern" oriented themes ingame


but quite honestly,not that much..if you wanna go into technicalitys,there is an "eastern" location where oriental themes havent gained much traction


(interesting thing though,just need some minor tweaks atm as vanagan is technicaly 100% now.ive made two stipulations,vanagan`s claws penetrate his armor on his hands when he gets ready for some enemy dispatchery..and sometimes his fur grows past his armor abit,as for a generally bipedal creature moving on all fours with a large speed,ive seen enough zombie movies to know how to implement that)

Edited by GunDownGrace
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Reworked the skills.


Vanagan now summons Hounds, His 4th skill now allows allies to Ragnarok you like a hurricane, and Enemies are too busy soiling themselves to notice the other three Tenno right next to them.


'Clever girl...'


I may or may not doodle a few things for this concept, since it's caught my attention. No promises, though; my tablet is still on a strike.


EDIT: I see that someone has already offered to draw the design, so nevermind xD though the idea is so genial, I'll likely still pitch in some doodles.

Edited by Hyenasaurus
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Here's a concept I've been toying with in the back of my mind. Sorry in advance for the lack of pictures. Name Origin

Vanagan is a more readable version of Vánagandr, or "Monster of Van River", an alternative name of Fenris. Fenris was one of Loki's Three children, who would all be key in the events leading to Ragnarok. He was imprisoned by the Gods, who feared his rapid growth and his nature as a son of Loki. During Ragnarok, Fenris's two sons will swallow the Sun and Moon, Fenris himself will be freed and he will attack the Gods, successfully killing Odin before he himself is slain.


New Status effect: Anxiety

Anxiety is a debuff limited only to Vanagan's skill set. While Tenno in and of themselves are horrific monsters slaughtering hundreds with little effort, Vanagan takes it to another level, gruesomely tearing off limbs or mauling to death enemies, a Monster among the monsters. Anxiety causes affected enemies to have lowered accuracy, and reduces the speed of actions such as reloading or deploying drones/summoming Drahks, or Melee attacks ect. Enemies affected by anxiety have lowered awareness, allowing you to sneak behind them even if they are alerted. If they are alerted, Stealth kills may not be performed. This does not affect bosses or Corpus proxies (ex: MOAs)


Polarities: 1 V, 1 D Aura: V


Skill 1: Prowl/Pounce

Cost: 5 Energy/20 Energy


Activating the skill once engages Prowl, causing Vanagan to move on all-fours, increasing running speed and reducing the stamina cost. Using Melee is this position causes him to convert his melee damage to Slash, otherwise dealing the same damage as his equipped Melee weapon. He remains in this form until he Uses pounce, or the duration is over.


Activating the ability mid-prowl causes him to Pounce, leaping in the direction of his Reticule. If he collides into an enemy, he will pin them to the ground and begin assaulting them with his claws. These attacks deal the damage of Vanagan's melee weapon, converted to Slash


Pouncing on enemy applies Anxiety to it.

If Vanagan kills the enemy he pounced on, Nearby enemies are afflicted with Anxiety.

Prowl duration scales with Duration.

# of attacks on a pinned enemy, and Speed bonus scale with Strength


Skill 2: Hunter's Call

Cost: 75


Vanagan lets out a invigorating howl, summoning two hunting hounds. These hounds last until they are killed. The hounds consume fallen corpses in order to regain health, destroying them in the process. The hounds may loot fallen corpses, having a 45% chance of having the enemy reroll their drop table. Hounds apply Anxiety to nearby enemies when they kill or consume a corpse.


The hound prioritize actions in the following order

1: Attack

2: Consume corpses

3: Loot corpses


The hounds prioritize enemies in the following order

1: Enemies pounced on by Vanagan

2: Enemies afflicted by Rend

3: Enemies afflicted by Anxiety

4: Enemy that last attacked them

5: Closest enemy

Hounds gain strength from Power Strength

Hounds gain durability from Power Duration.

The amount of health gained for consuming corpses scales with Duration and Strength.


Skill 3: Rend

Cost: 75


Vanagan brutally tears/'bites' off a body part from an opponent, permanently crippling them.


-Grineer Butchers, Flameblades, Guardsmen, Powerfists, and Scorpions have an arm torn off, forcing them to off-hand or drop their weapon.

-Grineer Shield Lancers have their shields crushed

-Medium Grineer have a leg torn, leaving them incapable of running, and instead move by hobbling.

-Heavy Grineer, except Drahk Masters, have their eyes clawed off, causing them to fire wildly at anything that moves near them.

-Drahk Masters have their Armguard-thing torn off.


-Corpus Crewmen suffer them same fate as Medium Grineer

-MOAs have their guns torn off, forcing them to Melee.

-Ospreys have a wing torn off, causing them to flit about pitifully.


-Infested Chargers, Leapers, Runners, Crawlers, Brood Mothers and Boilers simply take damage.

-Infested Mutalists suffer the same fate as their counterparts

-Infested Ancients have an 'organ' yanked out of them, rendering them incapable of their primary effects (Healing, Poisonous attacks, Disruption)


-Corrupted enemies suffer the fates of the originals -Bosses simply take damage.


Damage dealt scales with Power Strength

Cost is unaffected by Power Efficiency.

The enemy targeted, as well as nearby enemies, are afflicted with Anxiety.

Has a 100% chance of proccing Slash


Skill 4: Ragnarok

Cost: 100

Vanagan releases a loud howl, causing all lights to shut down for the next 60 seconds. During this duration, Vanagan gains vision similar to that of the Codex scanner, (seeing enemies throgh walls and stuff, like Heat vision). All enemies within a large range of Vanagan are afflicted with Anxiety (Similar to an aura).


During the duration, the following effects are applied to Vanagan's skills

-If a target is sucessfully pounced upon, Vanagan strikes twice as many times

-If Vanagan's hounds successfully loot a corpse, they have a chance to loot the corpse a second time

-If Vanagan's hounds consume a corpse, the corpse has a chance to be preserved.

-If an enemy afflicted by Rend is killed, Vanagan is refunded some energy

-If any skill from Vanagan would apply anxiety, Enemies that would be affected freeze in terror for two seconds


Allies gain the following effects during the duration

-Killing an enemy causes nearby enemies freeze in terror for 2 seconds

-Stealth attacks may be performed so long as you are behind the enemy, regardless if they are alerted or not.


(Did you think it was a "Press 4, Everything dies." skill? :P)




1/12/14: Reworked skills;

-Anxiety now makes it easy to sneak past foes, in addition to prior effects.

-Vanagan now has hounds to fight alongside him.

-Rend now applies Slash alongside  it's effect.

-Ragnarok now interacts with other skills, but no longer scales with mods.

- Allies now gain effects during the duration.

-Aura Polarity changed from Dash to V.


"Tenno 2spooky4me"- Grineer Lancer, 2015-2015

Nice idea, i really want to see some real nordic mythology in this game :D deserves a +1

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Nice idea, i really want to see some real nordic mythology in this game :D deserves a +1



This is your Empire,this is your state of mind,this is the place,where legions ascend into the sky.


(took me almost a week to make,as i have never made a warframe concept before,much less drawn a humanoid figure,so it was a learning experience for me,also,the picture is quite large,click on it for a full view))



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This is your Empire,this is your state of mind,this is the place,where legions ascend into the sky.


(took me almost a week to make,as i have never made a warframe concept before,much less drawn a humanoid figure,so it was a learning experience for me,also,the picture is quite large,click on it for a full view))



+1 for you.

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I was thinking it could look WAY more bestial; obsidian styled ankles and feet along with the same for hands and wrists? Along with chains wrapped around the wrists and ankles? Along with having a more wolf-esque' appearnce to it, more wolf motifs in the helm, sort of like artorias from Dark Souls.


Still an AWESOME concept though

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I was thinking it could look WAY more bestial; obsidian styled ankles and feet along with the same for hands and wrists? Along with chains wrapped around the wrists and ankles? Along with having a more wolf-esque' appearnce to it, more wolf motifs in the helm, sort of like artorias from Dark Souls.


Still an AWESOME concept though

Like I said earlier, I'm open to artistic interpretations, asking only that it somehow supports Vanagan's skillset and it's animations. 

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I was thinking it could look WAY more bestial; obsidian styled ankles and feet along with the same for hands and wrists? Along with chains wrapped around the wrists and ankles? Along with having a more wolf-esque' appearnce to it, more wolf motifs in the helm, sort of like artorias from Dark Souls.


Still an AWESOME concept though

thats about as close to a wolf as youll realistically get to be honest with warframe`s current art style...there has to be a suit covering everything,which means no snouts

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I love werewolves and I've been scraping my brain trying to figure out a skillset that didn't feel like Valkyr's, so this inspired me to give the werewolf visual theme a shot for Warframe after all. Thanks!




Tried to give it an organic, psuedo-furry, feral feel. Tried to get the head wolflike, but something more abstract seemed to suit the style better.

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Love this but I think Rend is a bit unrealistic. I like it but I don't think DE is going to want to program a new animation for grineer to hop around on one foot and stuff like that. It would be a bit of a pain to program ripping off an arm too I'd imagine and then they'd have to program new melee animations for those people.


I really love Prowl/Pounce though. Don't ever change that.

Edited by jmforeman02
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This has all my yes, but the anxiety proc does seem kind of OP, and I don't think DE would do the animations for rend, what about changing rend's effects to a cripple debuff with the bleeding animation, but that's just my suggestion, either way, my favorite concept i've seen in a long itme.


edit* for the head concept, or an alt helm, i'd suggest concept of the old Egyptian god Anubis, or from The Zone of the Enders, Anubis from that game, both rather doglike.

Edited by Vidaren
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I love werewolves and I've been scraping my brain trying to figure out a skillset that didn't feel like Valkyr's, so this inspired me to give the werewolf visual theme a shot for Warframe after all. Thanks!




Tried to give it an organic, psuedo-furry, feral feel. Tried to get the head wolflike, but something more abstract seemed to suit the style better.

Aw heck YEAH

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I love werewolves and I've been scraping my brain trying to figure out a skillset that didn't feel like Valkyr's, so this inspired me to give the werewolf visual theme a shot for Warframe after all. Thanks!




Tried to give it an organic, psuedo-furry, feral feel. Tried to get the head wolflike, but something more abstract seemed to suit the style better.

never thought about it like that..admittedly the fur growth would be abit hard to explain with the suit and all,but good nevertheless,+!

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never thought about it like that..admittedly the fur growth would be abit hard to explain with the suit and all,but good nevertheless,+!

Thank you! It wouldn't be actual fur- it's more like... spiked chunks protruding from the suit to resemble fur, like the suit growths Saryn has that make it look so organic. The doodle probably doesn't get the texture I intended across too well.

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Thank you! It wouldn't be actual fur- it's more like... spiked chunks protruding from the suit to resemble fur, like the suit growths Saryn has that make it look so organic. The doodle probably doesn't get the texture I intended across too well.

actually it does...my eyes are quite bad at picking out shade and contrast unless i engage in face +tv screen

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Love this but I think Rend is a bit unrealistic. I like it but I don't think DE is going to want to program a new animation for grineer to hop around on one foot and stuff like that. It would be a bit of a pain to program ripping off an arm too I'd imagine and then they'd have to program new melee animations for those people.


I really love Prowl/Pounce though. Don't ever change that.


This has all my yes, but the anxiety proc does seem kind of OP, and I don't think DE would do the animations for rend, what about changing rend's effects to a cripple debuff with the bleeding animation, but that's just my suggestion, either way, my favorite concept i've seen in a long itme.


edit* for the head concept, or an alt helm, i'd suggest concept of the old Egyptian god Anubis, or from The Zone of the Enders, Anubis from that game, both rather doglike.


Yeah, Rends seems to be the weak-link to the skillset, Perhaps I should rework it to function differently or replace it altogether with another skill. I'm more partial to the replacement idea.


Prowl/Pounce is my favorite as well. It just feels like it's the most fun skill to use, especially in Capture Missions where you can pin the VIP and brutally assault them.


Anxiety is in need of a few tweaks as well. I'm thinking having it lead to actions undertaken by enemies having a % chance to fail a la Mesa's Shooting Gallery.


Thanks for the feedback.

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I love werewolves and I've been scraping my brain trying to figure out a skillset that didn't feel like Valkyr's, so this inspired me to give the werewolf visual theme a shot for Warframe after all. Thanks!




Tried to give it an organic, psuedo-furry, feral feel. Tried to get the head wolflike, but something more abstract seemed to suit the style better.


I r8 8/8 m8

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I absolutely adore this concept. Though I may be just a tad bias, as I love werewolves lol. Even disregarding that, your concept not only introduces a much needed new status proc, but the powers have great synergy.

Possibly my favorite aspect of this warframe is the fact that it's 4 ability is not a "clean sweep" power that just insta-kills everything in the room. I like that it is instead treated as a means of supporting the other 3 powers. Warframes like this are a very viable answer to the "press 4 to win" dilemma, because the 4 further enhances and supplements his other powers. 4 actually promotes the usage of the other 3, something that needs to be a more common occurrence in this game. Very well done!

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I absolutely adore this concept. Though I may be just a tad bias, as I love werewolves lol. Even disregarding that, your concept not only introduces a much needed new status proc, but the powers have great synergy.

Possibly my favorite aspect of this warframe is the fact that it's 4 ability is not a "clean sweep" power that just insta-kills everything in the room. I like that it is instead treated as a means of supporting the other 3 powers. Warframes like this are a very viable answer to the "press 4 to win" dilemma, because the 4 further enhances and supplements his other powers. 4 actually promotes the usage of the other 3, something that needs to be a more common occurrence in this game. Very well done!

I was intending on keeping that proc limited to Vanagan's skillset, but perhaps a weapon or two down the line giving the proc would give other frames access to it without taking away the fact that it's supposed to be Vanagan's thing, may be an option.


As for the skills, I was reading the lore behind Fenris and I thought that eating the sun and moon and havings jaws larger than the world itself sounded pretty metal, so I based the 4 skill on the concept that like in the inspiration, the total blackness would signal the endtimes just before the wolf monster goes on a rampage.


Rend was inspired by the fact Fenris tore off Tyr's hand in revenge for the gods tricking him.


Hunter's Call summons two hounds, as that was number of sons Fenris had, both being wolves like their father.


Prowl/Pounce because I watch B-list horror movie werewolves as a guilty pleasure.

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