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It's Too Hard ..... Draco Inter.


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the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...


i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...


why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..


i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 


and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...

why make a game that only cheaters can play ???


DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!



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-Continues rep/key farming on Draco and just laughs at you-


4444444 22222

I cant even hold all this oro cells


now ONTOPIC: Draco and Ceres in general isnt hard, you cant expect to rush in the enemy fire like you do in mercury and be able to survive, you have to change your tactics and make the best of your arsenal and frame's powers to survive (specially against enemies that use hitscan weapons with slash procs)

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the game is too hard ... just tried to get some T4 keys from draco on ceres ... the thing is beyond hard to the point where you have to have tanks .. like rhino /zepher/mirage/ect. to get it done ...
i think thats bull .. you should beable to walk in there with any 4 warframes and beable to get a T4 key .. frames like ember and banshee dont stand a chance ...
why make it so hard that you have to have a cheat to play it ??? cause you know half these players in the forum yelling its too easy have a hack .... i have played warframe and nothing else for the last year and have spent a good bit of money doing it .. its fun .. but things like this draco makes me wanna play something else ..
i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 
and to think nightmare mode is offered right now for draco ...
why make a game that only cheaters can play ???
DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!



Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, but please refrain from insulting others just to vent you frustrations.


All the frames have abilities that support varying playstyles and roles. Same goes for weapons and team composition. If you aren't succeeding then it;s time to either adapt your tactics and loadout, find people for better team composition or both.


Try to evaluate why you are having such troubles, and try to think of ways to mitigate or eliminate those weaknesses. A lot of people are succeeding at Draco in a myriad of ways. Perhaps try to learn from practical experience while joining Public games from observing and talking with the others.


Good Luck

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--but on a constructive note, NOTHING in this game is impossible.  ANY frame can do ANY thing.  If someone's playing a frame in a place they probably shouldn't be and they aren't playing it well, it becomes everyone's problem.  For missions like Draco, Viver, anything in the Void, etc., it is HIGHLY recommended to form a squad of experienced players as you see fit.  Shouldn't have any problem.  Good luck out there, Tenno.

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Go to berehynia on sedna, I always solo that with my excal, my radial javelin covers 3 of the 4 towers with just a max stretch.

t4 keys almost always drop at round 4, been getting alot of t4 sabotage from it as of late.


Do what this guy says.  If you're going to farm keys, do it on an easier planet that can reward you the elusive T4 Sabotage.  If you're not looking for T4 Sabotage, I'll trade you 2 of any other T4 keys for yours.


Should you ever be looking to rep farm, you will be eating your words you posted here today, OP.

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@OP Instead of ranting like some high school teen noob, why not say, "hey I'm getting killed on Draco, I'm using X Warframe with X-build what am I doing wrong?" I think that would probably lessen all the snickering and laughing at you and you might even get some help. I've done Draco with Excalibur and he is not a tanky frame. What is your Warframe, what is your build?

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i challenge you (DE)  to grab 3 other players and play draco .. 
DE you need to grab 4 guys stick them in a room and make them play this  !!!!



There are groups of 3 or 4 guys playing this node almost constantly, no need to force anyone. Besides even when the G3 spawned during our rep farming we did not even move and continued with our business. It should not be as hard as you make it out to unless you have some very strange builds.


So as some of the other guys have suggested post your warframe, build, weapons, and you can get some friendly tips to help you along the way. You also don't need all points to win. Capturing 2 and keeping one neutral is enough to win the round.

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Yup ,git gud . Most of us can solo Drako up to 8 rounds, even more but it becomes  risky.


And lately , with the nullifier addition, Grineer missions are easier for me...can freely use slow firing guns.




Idk about Banshee, but Ember seems to me the worst choice in a tight Grineer tileset.

Edited by Mr.Cristian
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My easy way of doing Draco:

- get Saryn with max efficiency, max Intensify, rank 2 Blind Rage and preferably max Transient Fortitude (my is rank 8 and it works just fine), add Stretch

- pick one reliable weapon. Lately I'm using either Orthos Prime or Dragon Nikana and it gets the job done. Orthos is better for mobility and reach.

- when you see a large group use Miasma, copter or use directional melee to get in range

- pick priority targets - Energy Leech eximi, you need to kill them asap

- keep moving or you'll get shredder. Again, copter and directional melee.


That's about it. This way I have both damage and mobility. And mobility is key to survival on Draco.

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and this is why i dont post on forums any more


nobody (honest player) solo's what i played today


maybe it was glitched because there was a nightmare mode on top of it .. i dunno

i remember a time when a good player could solo draco .. but that was not today


draco was more like a T4 inter. at wave 12+

^^ is that normal ????.. it didnt use to be




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Now certain frames are sub par yes

And certain frames are meant for certain things

However, any frame can do anything assuming you have the right gear.

As for Draco:

2 at B (in that elevated area)

1 at D (sniping into B most of the time)

1 roaming between D, A, and C.

Easiest interception I've played.

Edit: I've literally put no cash into this game. Would if I could, but, regardless, to trade chat!

Editedit: You tried to solo it, seriously? Why solo anything high profile?

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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  I can solo a minimum of 15 waves on Draco with Banshee. To be fair I have well over 1000 conclave on that frame, but she is perfectly viable. My sound quake stun locks everything within 55 meters, though it does take longer to kill non Corpus. With an Entropy enable weapon I can sound quake indefinitely, almost. 


  If you run with a crew, Banshee can stun lock everything and the crew can mop up. Especially, with a Loki. Have a Trinity around to help with energy if you haven't got the efficiency down, or any Entropy weapons. Nova, Vaubens also help, a lot.

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