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Why 'too Much Damage' Is The Ultimate Bane Of Warframe


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I'm not gonna get in the middle of this argument but I just wanna point something out.


Challenge ≠ Difficulty


It is possible to provider a deeper challenge without it necessarily being difficult. It's also possible to make a shallow challenge ridiculously difficult.


Challenge guys want deeper challenges because they want to be engaged. It's the driving factor behind why a lot of these people enjoy games to begin with.


Power guys want to feel OP because it helps to fufill the "Badass ninja god" fantasy that the game is pushing across. Usually people mention a "power fantasy" in a negative way but it is also a driving factor behind why people enjoy certain games.


Most importantly, these two desires don't have to be exclusive to one another. There are games out there that do both pretty well. All it takes is for the dev to design towards it .

i agree with all of this. I actually wish there were more ninja skills etc in the game, more ways to do things. however, i enjoy fighting hordes of enemies and getting rewards, i enjoy trying to get to wave 30 in T4D (because currently my clan and i leave at 25 due to not being confident in our ability to take on the next 5 waves. Thats enjoyable to me, the journey to get further. I would love to have things like obstacle courses on maps and objectives you need to fight through hordes of strong enemies to get to, or you can go down this ninja, obstacle course, hacking route with some enemies on it, and be rewarded equally (or as nearly as possible) with affinity in the end. Currently there is no system for it and creating one would (in my head at least) take tons of work. I would love to go down the wall run, jump, slide flip around and hack path, i love the run rooms, but right now my challenge is getting to wave 30.

Damage should have a tradeoff. 



With great power comes great skill. (Fullmetal alchemist quote i know i am a nerd) To gain you must give something of equal or greater value. 



If a gun shot bullets that did 1 million damage i would be fine with it if the gun had 1 bullet in a clip and had a 30 second reload and a huge AOE that can hurt teammates.


^ that is equivalent exchange for 1 million damage a shot base. This would make it terrible for people who are bad, but excellent for people who are very good.

we need this weapon in game... i want to troll my clan hardcore.

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i agree with all of this. I actually wish there were more ninja skills etc in the game, more ways to do things. however, i enjoy fighting hordes of enemies and getting rewards, i enjoy trying to get to wave 30 in T4D (because currently my clan and i leave at 25 due to not being confident in our ability to take on the next 5 waves. Thats enjoyable to me, the journey to get further. I would love to have things like obstacle courses on maps and objectives you need to fight through hordes of strong enemies to get to, or you can go down this ninja, obstacle course, hacking route with some enemies on it, and be rewarded equally (or as nearly as possible) with affinity in the end. Currently there is no system for it and creating one would (in my head at least) take tons of work. I would love to go down the wall run, jump, slide flip around and hack path, i love the run rooms, but right now my challenge is getting to wave 30.

we need this weapon in game... i want to troll my clan hardcore.



..... i am happy your not in my clan. XD



Though i agree, i would troll my clan too. ;)

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With great power comes great skill. (Fullmetal alchemist quote i know i am a nerd) To gain you must give something of equal or greater value. 

Wouldn't use anime as a good example. One could just as easily quote from DBZ or Bleach. 


*DE gives nikanas Bankai, and tenno begin doing pushups on Jupiter so that they become muscled enough to deflect bullets with their flesh*


*The game ends.*


Oh hey, I'm in hot-topics. 

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Personally I do not think they should nerf anything at all, if a weapon or frame is "OP" then the player can choose to nerf it themselves via removing mods, why do they need to dictate what others do?


The idea that people who have maxed and multipotatoed their kit to be saying nerf it for other people because mine is too OP now is one of the worst things in WF, that and those who do not have the item saying break it in jeolousy.


I spend time and resources maxing a weapon because it has potential only for someone else to say if I can enjoy the benefit of my work, there were a lot of good guns and kit that got trashed because a vocal percentage of the players didnt want others having the same fun they had before it was nerfed.


Take all the nerfs off all of the kit and let the individual decide what they want rather than have the big mouths make levelling pointless, lots of people took pride in their weapons but now all items have a short life expectancy and the game has become a race to enjoy something before it is taken away.


I have kept all the weapons and frames that I enjoyed making and paying for slots to be able to do it, I am wondering if the people who scream "NERF IT" are intentionally breaking the game because they are too cheap to buy slots.

Edited by LeMoog
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Personally I do not think they should nerf anything at all, if a weapon or frame is "OP" then the player can choose to nerf it themselves via removing mods, why do they need to dictate what others do?


The idea that people who have maxed and multipotatoed their kit to be saying nerf it for other people because mine is too OP now is one of the worst things in WF, that and those who do not have the item saying break it in jeolousy.


I spend time and resources maxing a weapon because it has potential only for someone else to say if I can enjoy the benefit of my work, there were a lot of good guns and kit that got trashed because a vocal percentage of the players didnt want others having the same fun they had before it was nerfed.


Take all the nerfs off all of the kit and let the individual decide what they want rather than have the big mouths make levelling pointless, lots of people took pride in their weapons but now all items have a short life expectancy and the game has become a race to enjoy something before it is taken away.


I have kept all the weapons and frames that I enjoyed making and paying for slots to be able to do it, I am wondering if the people who scream "NERF IT" are intentionally breaking the game because they are too cheap to buy slots.

1- that's essentialy the "don't like it, Don't use it" argument. Never has it been valid in the context of balance or a beta test.


2- I'm the OP, I have a mastery rank of 16, 300 confirmed taliban kills. I graduated at the top of my class in the SAS...

Really I am mastery rank 16 and I've been playing since u11, I have all the best things. I don't think being 'too cheap to buy slots' or that I'm one of those who 'have big mouths make leveling pointless' really comes into my point of view. 

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1- that's essentialy the "don't like it, Don't use it" argument. Never has it been valid in the context of balance or a beta test.


2- I'm the OP, I have a mastery rank of 16, 300 confirmed taliban kills. I graduated at the top of my class in the SAS...

Really I am mastery rank 16 and I've been playing since u11, I have all the best things. I don't think being 'too cheap to buy slots' or that I'm one of those who 'have big mouths make leveling pointless' really comes into my point of view. 


1, First I prefixed with "personally" i.e. in my opinion but that very much is the problem here my opinion means nothing even though I have paid cash into the game and proberbly put in more hours than you, you want to change the game that I have invested in. You want to devalue my investment and remove the benefit of my work. Also do not talk about beta testing as though it is applicable, DE have their own definition of "beta" and given that you said you have played since U11 you should know this already


2, You have mastery level 16, good for you assuming, that is, that you are the same player who started the game at U11. Given that there are plenty of websites selling WF accounts based upon MR and founder status then you could be someone who only started playing last week and hopes to sell your account to recover your money and want to make certain that the game is broken a little more on your way out.


My personal pleasure is finding a weapon not yet broken and applying potatos to it, levelling it repeatedly until it is optimised, imagine then what I feel everytime someone else comes along a nerfs the item so all my work was for nothing. Why don't you leave things alone and let people play WF how they want to, if it is too easy for you then maybe you are too pro and should be being paid to play computer games professionally or against other players. WF is about players versus AI and you already have the tools to nerf yourself why must you nerf me too?

Edited by LeMoog
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2, You have mastery level 16, good for you assuming, that is, that you are the same player who started the game at U11. Given that there are plenty of websites selling WF accounts based upon MR and founder status then you could be someone who only started playing last week and hopes to sell your account to recover your money and want to make certain that the game is broken a little more on your way out.

That has to be the worst attept at dismissing someone's opinion I've seen so far. "Well, maybe you bought that account, who knows".

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I just think at one point in time you should be able to make the game follow conclave. So if you are in a group with 4 1500+ conclave rating players, the game will produce difficulty following that on all levels. Then there is no waiting on 25 to 55 crap. But this also works if you wanna make the game easier, just play with a lower conclave.

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That has to be the worst attept at dismissing someone's opinion I've seen so far. "Well, maybe you bought that account, who knows".


really? what was Innocent flowers opinion that I dissed? you notice I followed his numbering scheme

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really? what was Innocent flowers opinion that I dissed? 

His "#2" was referring to your assumption that we who want nerfs (and buffs for other stuff) were jealous or too cheap to buy slots. It's a wrong assumption, and you replied "well maybe you bought your account" to his argument as to why it was wrong.

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You're looking it as a nerf. It's neither a nerf not buff; It is change. 


I am looking at all the other items that have been nerfed because people are dissatisfied with the game after playing for a long time. There is a real answer and it isnt that we devalue other player's investments remember melee 2.0 and all the heavy weapons that I threw away once they became useless?


The real answer to your dissatisfaction is to involve you in more than just the game, historically the games which are played for more than a year have more social interaction and friendmaking than wf. They rarely remake themselves other than via Modding, sadly WF is locked down and Modding isnt an option so that leaves us with either removing the lock down or breaking what I worked to create.


Now maybe you can understand why I resent your attempts to make wf less pleasureable for me simply because you are bored

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I'll enjoy waiting 30 minutes warming up in a t4s while enemies start getting harder, then have lots of fun for 30-40 more minutes while I kill mobs with my powerful weapons and turn high level heavies into pudding.


there is never "too much damage" in warframe when we have infinite game modes. 


if they normalised the DPS of all weapons into tiers and made mobs get harder to fight with higher accuracy/smarter AI instead of making them eat a magazine from a rifle without even blinking, then there can be too much damage.

Edited by VYR3
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His "#2" was referring to your assumption that we who want nerfs (and buffs for other stuff) were jealous or too cheap to buy slots. It's a wrong assumption, and you replied "well maybe you bought your account" to his argument as to why it was wrong.

No I actually posted that because I checked his profile and he seemed to be missing a number of "the best things", i.e. he wasnt around to get them

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Too much damage, you say? Do you know how to fix that?

If you said:




2.) You know we could [iNSERT SPECIFIC FIX HERE]




Then you missed the answer by a pinch. The real answer is:




Because working towards dealing tons of damage damage will be at the heart of every shoot and loot. What makes playing in a squad being carried by a six forma Soma Prime bearable is the fact that by the end you all get to move one step closer to making your faceless avatar a bit more bedazzled than the next guy's. Or, more than likely, everyone gets closer to building that new gun which either allows you to rank up in a numerically based superiority system, or wait, that's right, lets you deal more damage.



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Too much damage, you say? Do you know how to fix that?

If you said:




2.) You know we could [iNSERT SPECIFIC FIX HERE]




Then you missed the answer by a pinch. The real answer is:




Because working towards dealing tons of damage damage will be at the heart of every shoot and loot. What makes playing in a squad being carried by a six forma Soma Prime bearable is the fact that by the end you all get to move one step closer to making your faceless avatar a bit more bedazzled than the next guy's. Or, more than likely, everyone gets closer to building that new gun which either allows you to rank up in a numerically based superiority system, or wait, that's right, lets you deal more damage.




I know you are kidding but as a matter of fact I left tf2 because of Hats and cosmetic only items. MvM is similar to wf with the difference that I sold my virtual items for cash via the community market and made back my money for MvM tickets and buying tf2 in the first place

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I'll enjoy waiting 30 minutes warming up in a t4s while enemies start getting harder, then have lots of fun for 30-40 more minutes while I kill mobs with my powerful weapons and turn high level heavies into pudding.

If you ask me, this is a problem. We have 14 planets (16 if counting derelicts and void) and I still have to waste half an hour in endless game modes to get to good part. I would enjoy skipping this warming up period and jump to chalenging content right from the gate.


if they normalised the DPS of all weapons into tiers and made mobs get harder to fight with higher accuracy/smarter AI instead of making them eat a magazine from a rifle without even blinking, then there can be too much damage.

Mobs already have high accuracy. Aimbot has been discussed to no end so I'm surprised you mentioned it. As for better AI, since we can practically waporize everything in sight in split second it would be waste of development time and resources.

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